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Tears of Eternity

Page 15

by Blake Arthur Peel

  When Razja and the others drew near, Draxxes turned its horned head toward them, red eyes flaring angrily. He sucked in a breath, throat filling like some grisly bellows in a fiery furnace.

  "Stop!" she cried, holding her hands high in the air. Camdyn and Jasper pulled up beside her, their eyes wide with fright as they looked up at the creature above them. She spoke the words of power and silently prayed that they would be enough.

  Fire brighter and hotter than anything on Thel'Varden spewed forth from the dragon's mouth. It completely enveloped them, swirling around them like an inferno and turning the whole world an orange red. Radiant light bloomed from Razja's fingers just in time, creating a bubble of energy that surrounded them just as the dragonfire came down.

  Camdyn and Jasper huddled beneath the dome of magic, squeezing their eyes shut against the blaze. Razja, though, stared at the scene around them in wonder, transfixed by the twisting patterns of flame.

  The shield functioned well. It kept the fire off of them and prevented them from being burned. It did not, however, block out all of the heat, and even after a few seconds, Razja felt like she was drenched in sweat.

  The firestorm ended as soon as it began, and she allowed the shield to fade to nothingness.

  Heat made the air around them shimmer, and tendrils of smoke rose from the smoldering stone, creating a ghostly effect. They stood and looked up at the great dragon, who seemed equally confused that they were still alive.

  Then, they began running again.

  We're almost there! Razja thought, lifting up her hand and reaching for the hammer.

  Draxxes made as if to swipe at them with his great claws, but they were just out of reach. He could not attack them with his legs. He roared and instead focused on pulling his hind leg free from the last remaining chain. The leviathan struggled and yanked, rending at the stones beneath him.

  The remaining cultists scattered in the face of such ferocity, and the way to the hammer became clear.

  Razja leaped forward and grabbed at the weapon. It was much lighter than she expected, made from a silvery metal she did not recognized. The haft was worked with delicate runes of gold leaf, and the head was a flat mallet on the front with a single spike on the back. It was an elegant weapon, with the Tears of Eternity fastened to the left, top, and right sides of the hammer's head.

  "Got it!" she shouted, turning to regard her companions.

  Jasper turned to look at the dragon, who seemed to have forgotten about them. "Now what do we do?"

  It was a good question. Razja had not thought about that part yet. "Hit it?" she suggested.

  Jasper cursed and shook his head. "You first."

  The ground shook as Draxxes let out another thunderous roar. The chain binding him groaned, indicating that it would not hold much longer.

  "Give me that," Camdyn said, sheathing his sword and taking the hammer from Razja. "Follow me. If the lizard attacks, conjure up another one of your shields."

  She nodded. "Okay."

  With that, the warrior took off running toward the dragon, the hammer held firmly in both of his hands. Jasper sputtered a long string of curse words and followed, and Razja took up the rear, praying intently for the gods to help them.

  They strafed right, going away from the dragon's claws and toward the spot where his tail was curled up against the chasm in the middle of the hippodrome. It looked like a giant snake resting on the ground, writhing with every movement Draxxes made as he struggled against his chain.

  In his fury, the beast did not notice the three humans drawing close. In fact, his red eyes were closed in strain and his long, serpentine neck whipped back and forth like a pendulum.

  Camdyn reached the midsection of the tail first, his face red and streaked with sweat. He looked around to make sure that his companions were close by, then he set his jaw in determination. "Let's see if this works. Here goes nothing." He lifted the hammer high over his head and set his feet shoulder-width apart, preparing to bring the weapon with full force down onto the dragon.

  But before he could strike, there was a loud screech as the chain finally broke, allowing Draxxes to climb free from the chasm.

  The tail shifted unexpectedly to the side, knocking Camdyn down and forcing Jasper and Razja to step back to avoid being crushed.

  A harsh voice filled all of their minds. The age of man is over. The dawn of the dragon has come again! Like a ship's sails, Draxxes unfurled his wings, the span of which seemed to stretch on forever and blot out the light of the sun. He gave the huge wings a test, kicking up dust and ash and causing the wind to swirl violently around the hippodrome.

  Camdyn picked himself up and tucked the hammer under his arm. He had a daring look in his eye. "Remember the basilisk?"

  Both of them nodded their heads uncertainly.

  "Well, it was a big lizard, just like this one. We're going to kill it the same way."

  Razja felt herself grow pale. He... he's not actually going to climb on the dragon's back, is he?

  Without another word, the warrior jumped up on the tail, using the bumpy scales as footholds and pulling himself up to the top. Jasper followed suit, shaking his head in bewilderment and no doubt wondering where his sense had gone.

  Ignoring the sick feeling in her stomach, Razja went too, doing her best to climb like the men. She was clumsier, but somehow managed to hold on as the tail began to move.

  Draxxes beat his wings again, this time more vigorously, then again and again, creating a dust storm all around him. His body lifted up of the ground, and soon, they were levitating above the crater, the chasm appearing like a crack splitting a small stone coin.

  Razja felt her fingers start to slip and she cried out, terrified that she was about to plummet to her death. Two strong pairs of hands reached down and grabbed her, hauling her up to sit astride the base of the dragon's tail.

  Tears streaked down her face, but whether they were from fear or exhilaration she did not know. Jasper looked like he was about to vomit, and Camdyn, strangely enough, had a big smile splitting his face.

  She opened her mouth to speak with them, then cut off as Draxxes took flight, taking them up into the clouds and away from the world they were trying to save.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The world looked so different from above.

  Razja clung to one of the massive spines sprouting from the back of the dragon's tail, her hair and robes whipping violently around her from the wind. Her hands ached from the strain of holding on, knuckles white and fingernails digging into the rough surface of the spine, but she could not resist looking down.

  Draxxes continued to rise many hundreds of feet into the air before finally leveling off, giving them all a grand view of the land below.

  The crater they had come from, as well as the surrounding hills, now seemed inconsequential, whereas before they had been so large and grand. She could see the Eternal Plains in the distance, a golden sheet of parchment that gradually turned to mold where they encountered the Deadlands, and beyond that, she could even make out the Cascadian Mountains, the great range that divided east and west. They seemed to by flying toward the mountains. Judging by their speed, Razja thought they would arrive quickly, perhaps even within the hour.

  Camdyn and Jasper were close by, holding on for dear life just as she was. Jasper had gone as white as a ghost, but Camdyn was grinning like a fool, his gleaming teeth catching the light of the sun.

  "This is the strangest thing I have ever done!" the big warrior called, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

  Razja reluctantly released her grip on the dragon's spine and brought a finger up to her lips. She did not think that Draxxes could hear them, but she did not want to risk it. All the beast would have to do is twist slightly and he could send all of them tumbling down to their deaths.

  Fortunately, Camdyn nodded and fell silent, looking down over the side of the tail to enjoy the view.

  The air grew cold as they soared over the plains, and soo
n Razja felt her fingers growing numb. She pressed her face against the dragon and held on with her legs, utilizing all her strength to keep from falling off. The world continued to pass beneath them in a blur, vast distances that would have taken them days to cross melting away in a matter of minutes.

  As they flew, Razja racked her brain for ideas about how they could kill Draxxes when they finally landed. My magic seems to be effective against his fire. Could I potentially use my spell to harm him, too? The stones can hurt him, but to what extent? How can Camdyn get close enough to deal any meaningful damage?

  The thoughts troubled her, but they occupied her mind and kept her from thinking about her newfound fear of heights.

  Soon, the mountains loomed before them like silent guardians barring their way. They were massive and snow-capped, but from the sky, they appeared less daunting than they had before. It would not be long before the peaks were passing just beneath them.

  Now might be our only chance, Razja realized, looking back to get the attention of her companions. If we don't stop him here, he may fly to a city and lay waste to it.

  Jasper had adopted a look of cold stoicism, and even Camdyn's smile had faded. She could tell that both of them had the same concerns that she did.

  The time to strike was now.

  Razja pointed to the hammer and nodded her head. Camdyn looked over the side than back at her, nodding as well. The first of the mountains were now directly beneath them. A fall from this height might not kill them. In fact, if the dragon landed on top of one of them, they might walk away injury-free.

  It was the best they could hope for in this situation.

  Pulling the hammer free from where it was tucked beneath his arm, Camdyn began climbing up the dragon's back, moving slowly from spine to spine. His hair blew wildly in the wind, but his stubbly face was grim as he moved forward toward his goal.

  Jasper caught sight of the warrior as he passed and quirked an eyebrow at him, then rolled his eyes when he realized what he was doing.

  They were in the heart of the Cascadians when Camdyn finally reached the middle of Draxxes' back, and the dragon seemed to have not noticed his presence at all. They were like flies buzzing on the back of an elephant. Why should he know that they were there?

  Straddling the beast's spine between the joints of his enormous wings, Camdyn brought the hammer up to make a two-handed strike. He then brought the weapon down hard, cracking the dragon like a mason quarrying rock. There was a bright flash of light as the Tears seemed to ignite, and Draxxes bucked in mid-air, letting out a loud, pained shriek.

  Camdyn struck again, and they were all nearly thrown off as their scaly mount arched his back in agony.

  Before the sellsword could strike a third time, however, Draxxes dove, making straight for a mountain top covered in a thick blanket of snow. Roaring, he plunged himself onto the peak with reckless abandon.

  The force of the impact sent all three of them flying, tossed from off the dragon's back and tumbling head over heels into the powdery snow.

  Razja grunted as she rolled, trying to make herself as limber as possible to avoid breaking any bones. The landing was surprisingly gentle, though, and she manged to pick herself up without any serious damage done. She was dizzy and bruised, but otherwise was ready for whatever came next.

  Nearby, Jasper emerged from the snow as well, both blades in his hands like extensions of himself. Camdyn was a little farther down the slope and seemed the most rattled from the fall. His leather armor was torn and he stood unsteadily on his feet. Still, he managed to shake himself and draw his sword from its sheath, blood dripping from what looked to be a broken nose.

  Draxxes seemed to be in the worst shape of all. The dragon was crumpled mass of spines, scales and wings half-buried in a massive drift of snow. His limbs were bent in odd directions, and when he finally moved, he let out an immense groan that rang out through the mountains, indicating that Camdyn's blows had actually done some damage. Draxxes shifted slowly, sending torrents of powder cascading off his body and tumbling over the side of the cliff, but when he turned his blazing eyes on them, Razja could feel the heat of his anger.

  "I think we only made him angry!" Jasper shouted, his body tense like a coiled spring.

  "Get ready!" Camdyn bellowed loudly.

  "Where's the hammer?" Razja called, looking around in concern.

  Camdyn gestured on the snowy expanse before them. "I dropped it. I think it's still on the mountain, though."

  Razja opened her mouth to tell him that they needed to find the Tears, but was interrupted by the dragon's voice in her mind.

  Bold, foolish humans, Draxxes growled, snorting an angry plume of smoke. You think to stop me with your trinkets? I am a god. I cannot be stopped.

  "Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?" Jasper asked, coming to stand next to Razja.

  Draxxes snarled, then opened his mouth to breathe fire.

  Razja embraced her magic and quickly cast her shield, covering the two of them with a bubble of energy. Camdyn, on the other hand, dove to get as far away from them as possible, burying himself in the white powder.

  The fire came a second later, washing over them in flames so hot they instantly melted the snow. Boiling water gushed down the side of the mountain, flowing down the sloping ground and rushing over the cliff to plummet to the ground far below. When the fire finally stopped, a vast swathe of the mountaintop had become bare stone, the remaining water quickly evaporating.

  Draxxes snorted again. Magic, he said derisively. You are like children, playing a game you don't understand. I used magic before the world was even created. Your spells will not save you now.

  Jasper turned to her. She still had her shield up, so they were safe for the time being. "What now, sorceress?" he asked, motioning at the great wyrm.

  Razja racked her brain. "We need the hammer to do any real damage. Perhaps we can provide a distraction so Camdyn can find it?"

  To the side, the big warrior was pulling himself out of the half-melted snow. The dragonfire had missed him, but just barely. He looked to the dragon, then to them, then began searching frantically for the hammer.

  Razja spoked directly to Draxxes. "I am a magi of Kaarna. I have trained beneath the tutelage of some of the best magic users in the world and wear the Vambraces of the Aether. I do not fear you or your wrath!"

  Again, the dragon snorted derisively. Your words are meaningless, mortal. With that, he began chanting in a harsh, grating language that Razja had never heard before. The timbre of his voice seemed to rattle the bones of the mountains, and she could feel the pull of the aether circulating in the air around him.

  “He’s casting a spell!” she cried, willing more energy through her bracers to strengthen her shield.

  Shafts of red light appeared in the air like giant spears, materializing out of nowhere and hanging over their heads. At a nod from Draxxes, the shafts descended, falling down with incredible speed and crashing into the shield and stones around them. Razja screamed as she felt and immense pressure pressing down on her, the shield buckling under the intense weight of the assault. Still, she maintained the spell, throwing everything she had into the magical barrier. Pain shot up her arms, radiating from her bracers, and the ground beneath them began to crack, sending up rock chips and broken stones flying as dozens of the glowing spears fell upon them.

  Fortunately, the barrage stopped before it could puncture her shield, and Razja sank to her knees, shaking from the effort she had exerted. Her spell dissipated, and the dragon let out a booming chuckle.

  Impressive, for a mortal, he said at length, bobbing his great head in approval. Futile, but impressive nonetheless. Perhaps I will–

  Draxxes cut off suddenly and wailed in pain as a flash of light emanated from one of his rear legs. Razja looked up to see Camdyn standing behind the dragon, the gem-studded hammer held firmly in both hands.

  Jasper took off running a second later, siezing upon the momentary distraction a
nd racing toward the dragon’s exposed belly.

  Draxxes reared his head around to snap at Camdyn, but his jaw clamped down on empty air, the warrior rolling away to avoid the attack. Jumping to his feet, Camdyn struck out again, this time hitting the dragon in his flank.

  There was another flash of light and a roar of pain, and Draxxes inhaled as if to breath fire.

  Before he could unleash his flames, however, Jasper began stabbing with his twin blades, going for weak points hidden beneath the beast’s scales.

  Need to... help them... she thought weakly, pushing herself up and crossing her bracers in front of her. I have to... strike while he is weak...

  Draxxes swiped with an enormous claw, the blunt edge taking Jasper full in the chest and sending him tumbling away. Then, he lashed out with his tail, hitting Camdyn in the legs and knocking him on the ground. The hammer flew from his grasp, skidding across the stone ground and throwing up sparks.

  Bellowing another spell, Draxxes looked to the hammer and picked it up using some sort of telekinesis. It rose into the air and hovered right in front of his reptilian eyes.

  Razja sent magic missiles crashing into his chest, but the dragon ignored the spell as if he could not feel it. His attention was focused fully on the hammer, his toothy mouth opening in something that resembled a wicked grin.

  Three little jewels, he said, sounding almost amused. Such small things... and yet, they are what kept me imprisoned for all these years. Aeo was a fool to think that such trifles could keep me from my vengeance.

  Camdyn and Jasper staggered to their feet and made their way over to where Razja stood. Both of them were bruised and bloody, but neither seemed to be seriously hurt.

  “What do we do now?” Jasper asked. “He’s got the bloody hammer!”

  “This is bad,” Camdyn agreed, turning to look worriedly at Razja. “What do we do now?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly. She felt like she could not breathe. “He’s too strong.”


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