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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 10

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  “Artoo, can you look after Rinn for a while?” she asked him.

  Artoo gave a series of hoots and beeps explaining he must be back to the hangar in an hour.

  Thea nodded, “I’ll be back by that time, if not, bring Rinn to the East Music Hall.” she said to him.

  Artoo beeped an acknowledgement.

  “Thank you Artoo. Now you be a good boy, Rinn.” Thea leaned to kiss her son and left.

  “I’m always a good boy.” Rinn muttered then when his mother was out of sight he turn to the droid.

  “Hey Artoo, I heard they have a Wookie band playing for the coronation feast, I have never seen a Wookie before, have you?” Rinn asked.

  Artoo beeped a negative.

  “Let’s go see them! They’re over there on that blue tent!” Rinn exclaimed and before Artoo could react the boy was already running off.

  Artoo moaned.

  If anyone nearby understood it they would have heard:

  I got a bad feeling about this.

  Chapter 10: Courtesy Calls and the Coronation

  Queen Amidala was led to the Throne Room for the formal courtesy call of a number of important guests of honor for her coronation.

  Governor Sio Bibble and the Advisory Council sat on the Queen’s right side slantingly facing the visitors, opposite them sat Captain Magneta, Lieutenant Panaka and the Royal Handmaidens.

  Palace Guards and Security Officers were evenly spaced along the walls of the Throne Room in constant alertness. The tall, regal and imposing Republic Sentinels marched in and arrange themselves in a circular cordon in front of the Palace Guards and Security Officers to serve as a second ring of protection for the Queen, and for the visitors who will be making their formal greetings to the Queen of Naboo.

  Lieutenant Panaka was tasked to make the introductions. Holding a datapad, he began announcing their honored guests.

  “His Excellency, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum of the Galactic Republic along with his administrative aides Sei Taria and Mas Amedda.”

  “You Highness, I am honored to finally meet you in person.” Valorum bowed at Queen Amidala.

  “The honor is mine Supreme Chancellor. Welcome to our humble world.” Queen Amidala nodded respectfully.

  The Supreme Chancellor and his aides moved to the left where chairs were set up for them.

  “His Excellency, Senator Palpatine of the Chommell Sector with his advisors Sate Pestage and Kinman Doriana.”

  “Your Majesty, we finally met.” Palpatine smiled and bowed.

  “I look forward in working with you Senator.” Queen Amidala nodded back.

  “The High Council of the Jedi Order headed by Grand Master Yoda. Masters Mace Windu, Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Sifo-Dyas, Plo Koon, Depa Billaba, Eeth Koth, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Adi Gallia, Even Piell, Yaddle, Oppo Rancisis, Saesee Tiin and Yarael Poof.” Panaka included Masters Jinn, Poof and Piel although they were not yet member of the Jedi Council.

  The crowd on the Throne Room marveled at the sight of the group of powerful and wise Jedi Council, their presence was overwhelming, such sight has never been seen since Naboo joined the Republic seven hundred and sixty eight years ago.

  “To bear witness of your coronation, honored we are.” Master Yoda humbly bowed at her. Despite his diminutive physiology, his presence held a serene yet firm authority that was palpable to everyone inside the Throne Room.

  “I am most honored Master Yoda. The Jedi Council’s presence on this very important event makes me feel eternally indebted to the Jedi Order. Thank you all for coming. May the Force be with you.” Queen Amidala answered, deep inside she was awed at the breathtaking aura of the gathered Jedi Masters.

  Master Yoda went to join the Supreme Chancellor and Senator while the rest of the Jedi Council individually gave their greetings to the new ruler of Naboo.

  Lieutenant Panaka introduced thirty five more planetary leaders from the entire Chommell Sector who was under the governance of Senator Palpatine. The others sent only representatives and some only appeared via holo transmission.

  Several groups of delegates also came from the nearby Sectors who had close ties and allegiance to Naboo throughout their almost eight hundred years in the Galactic Republic.

  “The Countess, Kree Feena of Jaguada.” Panaka announced.

  Queen Amidala straightened in her seat. The Countess is the owner and president of Feena Group of Companies, the largest trade partner of Naboo in the past five hundred years. Amidala have met the old Count Karim Feena when the man visited Naboo to host their graduation in the Apprentice Legislature three years ago. She knew from her studies that the Count has only one heir and daughter, but no one has ever seen the Countess, not even the local people of Jaguada.

  That mystery was enhanced by her physical presence here on her coronation. There was something powerful in her charisma, even the Jedi looked at her observantly, as if her very existence were something none of them could ignore.

  Queen Amidala was gazing intently at the Countess that she failed to see the slightly puzzled look Masters Yoda, Windu and Dooku gave at each other.

  “You Majesty, I congratulate you for your success. May your rule be remembered by all for eternity, as is our continuing trade partnership despite this growing conflict against the profit monger Trade Federation.” the voice of Countess Feena were hypnotic and alluring, her beauty was incomparable except that her eyes were covered by a strange type of thin black object with a dark visor that spans from her left temple to her right.

  “Thank you Countess Feena, I am deeply honored to be graced by your presence. May I ask you a question or two?” Queen Amidala said.

  “But of course, Your Highness, I am at your command.” Countess Feena bowed low.

  “I am curious, all these years not a soul has ever seen you, and how is that so? And what is it that you wear covering your eyes?” Amidala asked.

  “Since birth I was afflicted by this strange and very rare disease. My skin rejects the touch of air and sunlight. For fifteen years I grew up in a hidden orbital facility in a room without air with only a breathing mask to keep me alive with not even any form of light. This eyewear was invented by the best scientists my father could find. It allowed me to see in the darkness and also in the light without my eyes having to suffer the effects of my inborn decease. Five years ago my father met a Jedi, Master Thinus Lyj who was said to be one of the most powerful healers in the Jedi Order…”

  Master Yoda frowned at the mention of Master Lyj and Master Windu and Jinn leaned forward to look intently at the Countess. Only they and the other Jedi were aware that the two masters are actually probing the Countess through the Force.

  “…I was a great challenge to him. He meditated in front of me for a full week, trying to feel his way through the Force into my weak body, into my blood, into everything. He labored for a full year to remove a certain type of unnatural cells continuously growing within me. Once he understood that those were the one causing my skin and health to react fatally from air and light contact, he began a costly task of removing it on my system. It took him two years to reduce my abnormality into a bearable illness. I can now allow air touch my skin, but my eyes remained sensitive.” She explained.

  “What of Master Lyj? We were not aware he went to Jaguada, in fact, we haven’t heard of him for almost four years now.” Mace Windu asked.

  “He died saving my life. I owe everything to him now. I will always be indebted to the Jedi Order.” the Countess said to the Korun Master.

  “I am sorry to hear that Countess. I know you are all tired from your flight. My coronation will start within the hour, I shall see all on the Royal Great Hall.” Queen Amidala stood up and bowed at her guests. Captain Magneta and Lieutenant Panaka flanked her while the rest of the Royal Handmaidens flocked around her and they all left the Throne Room and was escorted by Palace Guards back up to the Queen’s Upper Residence.

  Governor Sio Bibble and the Advisory Council proceeded on attending to the Supreme Chance
llor, Senator Palpatine, the Jedi Council and the rest of the guests and made their way to the next hall where finger foods and beverages were served as they wait to the coronation ceremony to begin.

  Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Sifo-Dyas went to look for the Countess to talk to her but through the thick crowd and even through the Force the two could not find her or even sense her presence, much to their confusion.

  * * *

  Artoo Detoo made his way through the milling people until he reached the blue tent where Rinn had gone. On his way in he bumped onto a tall hammerhead that Artoo identified as an Ithorian. The huge alien stared down at him with his widely separated eyes and made a noise that the astromech could only assume as the species’ version of a disgusted snort.

  Artoo moaned an apology and went inside. Rinn was already in conversation with the band members consisting mainly of Wookies and two humans. One of the humans, a somewhat oddly familiar looking pale blue skinned woman was translating for Rinn.

  “Oh there you are Artoo, this is Ahna Dren and she’s a freelance dancer! What’s freelance again?” Rinn frowned at Ahna.

  “It means I don’t stick on a single employer any longer than the gig itself.” Ahna smiled.

  “Oh yes, that.” Rinn stopped as if thinking then turn to her again, “What’s gig again?” he asked.

  “It means a job, a contract, which in my case means a dance.” The woman answered cheerfully.

  One of the Wookies barked a question at Rinn, Artoo and Rinn looked at her and Ahna placed her cup down on a crate before translating.

  “Thambanucc is asking if that is your astromech droid.” Ahna said.

  “Oh no, Artoo is just my friend, he works for the Queen.” Rinn explained.

  Artoo caught the slight stiffening on Ahna and the other human’s body but she quickly covered her almost imperceptible reaction by picking up her cup and drinking the remainder of her tea.

  Ahna’s comlink beeped, “Yes? Alright, we’ll start setting up the stage then.” then she addressed everyone in the tent, “Alright everyone, get your instruments we’re setting up on the stage now, the coronation is about to start.”

  Thambanucc muttered something cocking his head on the boy and the droid and Ahna said, “He says you two should be heading off to the Royal Hall because it’s starting to fill up and you must be there if you are to get a perfect viewing spot.”

  “Momma reserved me a spot near the stage and I bet Artoo here will have a better vantage.” Rinn smiled and shook hands with the band, “Thank you and it is nice meeting you all, let’s go Artoo.”

  After the kid and the astromech left, Ahna and the human began cleaning their stuff on the tent as the Wookies made their way to the stage. The huge Ithorian returned carrying a large instrument box and closed the tent behind him.

  “Remember Alle will handle the diversion, I’ll be the decoy and make sure you don’t miss at all.” Ahna said to the Ithorian.

  “Youssa don’t tell me what to do Sheeana.” The Ithorian snapped in his double stereo voice

  “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ahna while we’re undercover?” Ahna/Sheeana scowled.

  “Whatever.” Gantu left the box to Alle and took the other’s concealable tight beam blaster and pocketed it in his massive cloak and left.

  “If we pull this off, each of us will be five hundred thousand credits richer!” Ahna kissed Alle before the two left the tent and resume their cover and help the Wookies finish setting up the stage.

  From the palace on the side where the Royal Hall was, the trumpets began signaling the beginning of the coronation.

  People milling by the garden began clapping and cheering, most of them could no longer fit in the Royal Hall and were left to watch the ceremony through the live holofeed the Palace techs have set up on the stage.

  * * *

  The Countess sat among the rest of the off-world dignitaries at the side of the Royal Hall opposite to the officials and political leaders of Naboo.

  The Jedi were at the foot of the erected platform in two groups facing the crowd and the red carpet at the center of the Hall leading from the entrance blastdoor to the throne up on the platform.

  Captain Magneta and Lieutenant Panaka was the first to march in on the carpet halfway to the platform the Princesses of Theed marched in, they were a group of girls in their early teens, all graduates from the Youth Legislative program like the Queen herself, followed by the little ones who has just started their schooling at the YLP. Some of them were daughters of well known Naboo citizens like Selle and Senna Marrie, Jamila and many others.

  Next came the Royal Handmaidens in their regal orange hooded gowns, each of them were a beauty to behold and a fighter not to be messed with. Then the hushed intakes of the crowd began as the newly elected Queen of Naboo came in on a slow processional march.

  A couple of meters behind the Queen strode the lead Royal Handmaiden Aluva D’asima looking as regal as the Queen as well but her eyes and sense was at its peak of alertness. Lastly was a retinue of Palace Guards.

  Once everyone has seated, Governor Sio Bibble went to the platform, a probe droid flew overhead with an audio pick-up so the voice of the governor would be amplified and transmitted to the live holofeed.

  Amidala was kneeling and looking straight ahead. Her grace and beauty was a beacon of focus for every audience inside the Royal Hall and even from those in the garden outside.

  “We are all gathered here to witness this milestone in our history. I am empowered by our law to perform the honor of officially crowning the newly elected Queen of Naboo.” Sio Bibble announced and began the one hour ceremony.

  Lufta Sift, Education Advisor and of the Advisory Council steps forward carrying the Royal Crown and handed it to Governor Sio Bibble who in turn placed the Royal Crown on Amidala’s head.

  “Do you solemnly swear to uphold the law, protect the people and rule wisely over Naboo and our people with fairness, justice and zeal?”

  “I swear.” Amidala said in her low and soft but firm voice.

  “Rise, Queen Amidala of Naboo! May the Force be with you always!”

  Queen Amidala gracefully rose as the clamor and applause of the crowd filled the Royal Hall.

  Outside six Naboo N1 Starfighters flew past Theed Palace trailing colored smokes representing the six noble clan leaders that help King Jafan end the Time of Suffering. Fireworks were lit in sync with the aerial exhibition. At the ships’ second pass, an explosion mixes in the noise and one of the Starfighters began to crash, thick black smoke billowing from its exploded left radial engine. A second starfighter exploded in the air, this one was not fortunate enough to have a chance to crash land as it was ripped apart in a mighty explosion.

  The crowd screamed in panic. The Jedi moved with battle honed precision. Half of them automatically flanked the Queen protectively while the rest darted out of the Royal Hall to the wide plaza outside the Palace searching for the perpetrator.

  Aluva was already shoulder to shoulder with the Queen as Magneta led the other guards to secure the palace. Panaka went to herd the rest of the crowd to safety as his nephew Typho moved in to escort the Queen and her protectors back to the safer and more secure Royal Residence Floor above.

  Master Sifo-Dyas was the first to spot the figure up on one of the tallest building carrying a portable anti-craft missile launcher.

  Master Qui-Gon Jinn rushed after Sifo-Dyas as the perpetrator dropped the launcher and began running.

  The Countess was forced to be herded along with the rest of the dignitaries away from the fleeing Queen. The Lady Sarc clenched her fist for missing the opportunity.

  Shortly afterwards, another explosion detonated, this time closer to them. The entire stage erupted into flames and people panicked and ran in every direction.

  The Wookie Thambanucc was thrown in the air because of the explosion and landed heavily on one of the buffet table. Soups, cuisines and cakes spilled all over the Wookie’s brown and gray fur. S
haking his head, he tried to get up and ignored the pain that shot through his back and spotted Ahna holding a blaster and running.

  His suspicions were confirmed, abandoning his cover as a musician, Jedi Master Thambanucc took out his lightsaber under his cloak and ignited it. The golden blade thrummed with power as he gave chase on the fleeing Ahna.

  Chapter 11: Multiple Encounters

  After Artoo Detoo accompanied Rinn Olié back to Thea Olié, the droid went back to the hangar where Lieutenant Hoff Siege was already preparing his ship along with the other five pilots. The shiny yellow and silver N1 Starfighters were fresh out from the Northern Paleasé Shipyard an extension of the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps which are currently under renovation after the Chommell Patriot sabotage before the voting for the successor of the late King Veruna a month ago.

  “Oh there you are Artoo, right in time, come on, we have an aerial stunt to make for the Queen’s coronation.” Siege said to him.

  Artoo went to under the docked N1 Starfighter and Siege activated the lift claws and Artoo was sucked into the astromech slot. Powering the engines, he and Artoo began making the preflight checks.

  “Raid Lead ready, everyone check in.” Hoff said to the comm.

  The others gave their affirmatives and held their ships on stand-by mode as Hoff waited for Captain Magneta’s clearance.

  Artoo moaned a question, Hoff smiled apologetically at the droid after reading the translation on his console.

  “I understand Artoo, I myself wanted to watch the coronation as much as the rest of us here but what we are going to do is a symbolic tribute for our new Queen. How about this, after our stunt I’ll ask for a copy and we can watch the coronation on my house.” Hoff offered.

  After a few minutes Hoff got the orders and the six Starfighters launched and made a wide turn to make their first pass over Theed Palace.

  “This is the fun part. On the first pass we’ll release colored smoke, streaks of blue, red, white, green, yellow and brown…” Hoff started to explain to Artoo.

  Artoo beeped a question that Hoff anticipated, “You see Artoo, prior to the Great Time of Peace and the reign of the Jafan Dynasty about eight hundred years ago six noble clan leaders loyal to Jafan aided him in defeating the warlords of Naboo. Each of those six clan leaders bears a family emblem whose colors where since then used by the Jafan Dynasty to symbolize the Victory over the Time of Suffering. Anyways, I’ll share you the whole story later, we’re going in for the second pass…”


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