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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 13

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Guards ran in every direction firing randomly on the forest around them. Those below the ziggurats ran in terror as their ships began to rain down on them crashing and some exploding.

  When all of the ships were either crashed on the ground or has been disabled by Master Jinn, Thambanucc ignited his lightsaber and let out a ferocious beastly roar and made some of the nearby guards jump in sheer terror.

  The Wookie charged with golden lightsaber blazing from the northern side of the ruined city. Master Sifo-Dyas ignited his lightsaber and ran above the fallen logs and leaped into the guards on the eastern side. All the while Master Qui-Gon Jinn leaped from the top of the small ziggurat to the central temple and began fighting his way in.

  * * *

  Lieutenant Hoff Siege and Raid Squadron made the first pass over the Negotta and did not saw the ruined city of Jafanara.

  “It’s impossible! The Negotta could not have closed in on the city.” Raid Two said.

  “Let’s make another pass.” Hoff said.

  “Copy that Raid Lead.” Raid Two responded.

  Artoo let out a few beeps and whistles to Hoff, “Arm your lasers and torpedoes. My astromech is detecting a huge source of energy from below.

  As Raid Squadron was making the second pass the entire expanse of trees under them suddenly disappeared and the Jafanara was revealed.

  “Are those lightsabers?” Raid Six exclaimed.

  “Looks like the Jedi are already clearing the way for us. Let’s go team.” Hoff said and swoop low and began firing lasers on the immobile ships.

  The ships disabled by Qui-Gon Jinn erupted into flames from the barrage of the entire Raid Squadron.

  Gungans from the main ziggurat came out carrying STA portable cannons and began firing at them.

  Two N1 Starfighters were instantly down. Hoff avoided a missile and made a steep climb to make another pass.

  Back-up power generator kicked-in from the rebel base and the automatic laser turrets thrummed to power and began spewing turbolasers on Raid Squadron.

  “Watch out for those turrets!” Hoff shouted.

  Artoo beeped informing Hoff of an incoming call. Hoff activated the speakers and a Wookie roared through the comlink.

  Artoo translated saying that it was Master Thambanucc informing them that he will pop a green smoke once he got the kid hostage out to safety.

  “Copy that Master Jedi.” Hoff replied and swung the ship in time to avoid another missile and a turbolaser.

  “Air is getting thick, everyone move back and use long range projectile rounds!” Hoff ordered.

  Artoo screamed as a turbolaser clipped their tail. Hoff fought for the controls as the starfighter began to swing around in circles and fall.

  “Oh no, not again!” Hoff grunted.

  Artoo tried to stabilize the controls to no avail until Hoff finally declared, “Raid Squadron, this is Raid Lead, we’re crippled and we lost maneuverability. Prepare to eject Artoo!”

  Artoo rocked in frustration from his perch and informed Hoff that their ejector has been damaged from the burnt circuits.

  “It’s been an honor serving with you Raid Squadron. It’s been an honor flying with you Artoo.” Hoff said and braced himself for his imminent death.

  A full minute passed and he was still alive, Hoff opened his eyes and saw that they were slowly descending on the forest a hundred meters from the open ground of Jafanara.

  “What on the Core’s going on?” Hoff frowned.

  Artoo whistled. Hoff look out at the canopy and spotted a human Jedi arms raised standing on one of the smaller ziggurats.

  Their ship landed on a swamp, Hoff unstrapped himself, helped Artoo out and readied his blaster.

  “Artoo, try to locate the kid.” Hoff said as they made their way to Jafanara.

  * * *

  Thambanucc knocked down one of Gantu’s commando and took his STA portable cannon and fired it at the sealed blast door repeatedly until it gave out and his cannon was out of missiles.

  The Wookie charged into the smoking blastdoor and ignored the pain as his fur and skin were scorched by the intense heat of molten metal.

  Thambanucc was expecting guards but when he finally found the child from one of the vacant rooms he was surprised the kid was alone and there was not even a door on the room he was in.

  Rinn Olié recognized the Wookie and ran to him. Master Thambanucc lifted the boy and carefully seeks a different way out.

  He was climbing down from a window when he was hailed from below by a droid and the Wookie saw a Naboo pilot accompanied by an astromech droid.

  Several soldiers of the Chommell Patriots came out from the other side and opened fire at them. The Wookie jumped off and landed beside the Naboo pilot, he took the kid and handed it over to the human and ignited his weapon and growled at them to leave.

  Hoff did not need any translation at all and he along with the kid and Artoo Detoo hurried back into the jungle to their downed ship.

  * * *

  Sifo-Dyas sliced his way to rejoin his friend Qui-Gon and the two battled their way up to the main ziggurat’s top floor. They both heard a loud Wookie roar and when they look down they saw a green smoke billowing from the burning smaller ziggurat.

  Above them the surviving Raid Squadron saw the green smoke too and began the bombardment of Jafanara.

  Alle Vomm and Sheeana Fley were on their way to escape when the two human Jedi blocked their way out.

  “In the name of the Galactic Republic we are taking you under arrest.” Sifo-Dyas raised his lightsaber as Alle tried to reach for his blaster.

  “Pick your price Jedi, the human terrorist or the beautiful lady?” Lady Sarc Crimos appeared from the other side of the hallway, her blue and red lightsabers thrumming in each of her hands. The blades’ glow reflected on her heterochromic eyes.

  “Crimos, are the Chommell Patriots the highest bidder now?” Sifo-Dyas slowly moved to the left as Qui-Gon casually walked to the right.

  Alle and Sheeana wasted no time and ran off on the other hallway.

  “Your weapons please Masters. Surely neither of you wanted to be slaughtered unarmed by a mere drop out Jedi like me.” Sarc smiled. The stunning grin she was sending was accompanied by waves of Force-induced suggestion of fantasy.

  “It’s a cheap trick Crimos, it won’t work on us. I was expecting more than that from you. I guess the stories told about you were just exaggerations.” Qui-Gon scoffed and raised his green blade.

  “Really now, try this one.” Sarc laughed and before their eyes she slowly faded like smoke.

  “What on…” Sifo-Dyas gasped but Qui-Gon instantly whirled around as his emerald blade clashed at the Lady Crimos’ pair of lightsabers.

  Sifo-Dyas moved and engaged her in Ataru. Qui-Gon was also a practitioner of Form IV and the two Jedi Masters slowly drove her out of the room and into the slopping walls of the ziggurat outside.

  The Lady Sarc easily countered their attacks with her complex and self-improvised Vaapad. She lashed out at them with several deadly combinations that even Master Windu has never thought of using.

  “I must say that your skill in swordplay has grown considerably.” Qui-Gon said as he gave a faint swing to the left then made an ultra-fast back hand strike to the right simultaneous to Sifo-Dyas erratic jabs and slices. The combined efforts of the two Masters left no room for Sarc to employ her own tricks and forced her to just keep blocking them.

  All around them the N1 Starfighters kept dropping proton torpedoes. Explosions shook the entire ziggurat and constantly making them change their footing further affecting the precision of their respective attacks at each other.

  From below Jedi Master Thambanucc made his way to join them. Sarc saw the Wookie and knew if these three found a way to gang in on her she would be killed.

  Sarc Force-leaped into the next ziggurat and when the two humans tried to leap after her she Force-choked them in mid-air.

  Qui-Gon and Sifo-Dyas was caught off guarded and
they dropped their lightsabers in the process. The Wookie rebounded and leaped towards her as she threw Sifo-Dyas at him and gave Qui-Gon a blast of Force-lightning as he started to fall down on the burning ship below.

  Another bomb fell and detonated near her and she was hurled down to the pile of logs nearby.

  Sifo-Dyas went to help Qui-Gon out of the burning freighter as Master Thambanucc dashed to where the Lady Sarc Crimos has fallen. The Raid Squadron ended their bombardment and started to circle the forest scanning for human and Gungan life signature.

  Thambanucc saw Crimos moving and starting to get up. He ignited his golden lightsaber and jumps at the log. She was already up and ignited her blade just in time to block the Wookie’s strike at her but the force and the strength of the Wookie drove her several steps backward.

  The Wookie was also using the Juyo or Vaapad and he being of a stronger and larger species gave him an edge in terms of brute force but the Lady Crimos has agility that even the Wookie could not match.

  Her two blades moved like a blur and she used the Force to dull the Wookie’s senses. The sudden changed in Master Thambanucc’s senses made him falter and the fast swinging blades of Crimos slipped past the defenses of the Wookie and severed his arms off.

  The Wookie howled in pain as both of his arms fell down on the dirt. Sifo-Dyas was half-carrying, half-dragging Qui-Gon away from the ship when he saw the Wookie’s demise.

  “No!” Sifo-Dyas shouted, he lay Qui-Gon down and started towards them when the burning ship exploded throwing the Jedi Master hard on the wall of the next ziggurat.

  “Give my regards to my old master when you join him.” The Lady Sarc deactivated her lightsaber. The Wookie was now on his knees and for a second he thought she was going to spare him. Then Crimos lashed out her hand and the Wookie felt the invisible vise gripping his beating heart.

  The Wookie howled as the Lady Crimos crushed the Jedi Master’s heart.

  By the time a Naboo freighter arrived to retrieve the Jedi Masters, the Lady Sarc Crimos along with the leaders of the Chommell Patriots was long gone.

  Qui-Gon Jinn and Sifo-Dyas staggered to sit beside their fallen friend. Sifo-Dyas picked up Master Thambanucc’s lightsaber and respectfully placed it on the Wookie’s chest.

  From the edge of the forest, Lieutenant Siege, the kid Rinn Olié and Artoo Detoo emerged and saw the grieving Jedi.

  Rinn rushed to the dead Jedi Wookie and wept. Artoo and Hoff stood beside the kid, unable to offer any words of comfort but their silent grief.

  Chapter 14: The Countess and the Handmaiden

  Queen Amidala was startled when her blastdoor slid open and Aluva rushed in followed shortly by Jedi Master Dooku.

  “Pardon our abrupt intrusion Your Majesty; may I inquire if anyone has been here lately?” Dooku asked the Queen.

  “Eirtaé was the last one to have come here. Why? Is there another threat?” she asked the Count of Serenno but her gaze was locked on Aluva. The warrior from Emberlene made a series of barely perceptible facial movements. Slight twitching of facial muscles that even Dooku didn’t noticed Aluva was doing. The Queen’s eyes were translating the handmaiden’s message through her head and understood.

  The person who introduced herself as the Countess Feena is an assassin. The Jedi identified her as a certain Lady Sarc Crimos. A rogue Jedi turned bounty hunter.

  Amidala signaled that she understood and turn to regard the Jedi.

  “For the meantime Your Majesty, I will be here to watch over you until relieved by another Jedi.” Dooku said to her and strode out of her room. Aluva nodded at the old Jedi before closing the blastdoor behind her.

  Queen Amidala slept the whole afternoon by nightfall, Aluva and Dooku returned. The Jedi stayed outside the room and kept watch as Aluva went in to ready the Queen for the night’s festivities. While waiting for the other Royal Handmaidens to arrive Amidala and Aluva chatted.

  “What of the incident earlier?” Amidala asked.

  “The Jedi have followed the rebel Gantu to Negotta, the entire Raid Squadron discovered and bombed the rebel base on the ruins of Jafanara. The Lady Crimos was there, along with the leaders of the Chommell Patriots but they all managed to escape. Most of the base has been destroyed, several rebels were captured but we lost five pilots and one Jedi Master.” Aluva relayed what she has learned from her friend Panaka.

  “They found no link to the Trade Federation?” Amidala’s brows creased.

  “So far there has not been any sign of Trade Federation involvement since the incident on Rori. They are beginning to believe that perhaps the Trade Federation is not at all involved in these recent acts of terrorism. They were now contemplating that maybe it just a coincidence that the Trade Federation are imposing a new trade treaty down on us at the same time the Chommell Patriots are wrecking havoc in our peaceful world.” Aluva sighed.

  “How are our people, how many were wounded, or killed?” Amidala inquired.

  “Two musicians and seven stage crew were dead from the explosion in the garden, almost a hundred for the wounded and bruised. We lost one pilot on the coronation attack plus a few more from the Jafanara raid.” Aluva answered, the blastdoor opened and the other Royal Handmaidens strode in. Dooku has first requested the handmaidens to remove their hoods in front of him before allowing them to enter.

  None of them was Crimos.

  “Poor Nagé, I hope she’s still alive.” Amidala said to no one in particular.

  “We joined the search for her all afternoon Your Highness, we still haven’t found her, but we’re not losing hope.” Eirtaé said.

  “Is everything alright now out there?” Amidala asked worriedly.

  “Your Majesty, the Jedi, the Republic Sentinels and our own security personnel has tripled the security for the entire city itself. The four Elite Squadrons of the Supreme Chancellor have volunteered to circle Theed for the entire duration of the festivities. If such an attempt is made once again tonight, it will be easily dealt with.” Rabé replied.

  “As long as my people are safe, I have nothing worry about.” Amidala said.

  * * *

  The Evening Festivities began.

  Marvelous colorful fireworks marked the start of the celebration and it was displayed beautifully upon the moonlit sky of Naboo. People slowly eased up from their early shock and began to feel better until they were all cheering, clapping and smiling and laughing.

  Twenty Republic Sentinels circled the Royal Garden. The Jedi were evenly divided on the Palace and on the surrounding area near the Royal Garden. The rest of the entire Naboo Palace Guards, Security Officers and Security Guards divided themselves on roof sentry, speeder and foot patrols all over the City of Theed.

  Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, Galactic Senator Palpatine and Jedi Master Yoda sat among the special guests in front of the stage watching the musicians and dancers and singers perform for their new Queen who sat on a throne at the right side of the stage flanked by her retinue of Royal Handmaidens. Captain Magneta was holed up on the communications center relaying orders and monitoring the entire security set up. Lieutenant Panaka stood below the stage near the Queen keeping watch on the audience.

  The celebration went on without any trouble and the people of Theed left happy and relieved. Delegates are escorted back to their hotels and were later escorted out to Theed Spaceport below the cliffs on the side of Theed Palace. Reporters and newscasters gathered on garden finalizing their recorded coverage of the coronation and the celebration, and of course, their footages on the incidents earlier.

  Senator Palpatine and Supreme Chancellor Valorum bade farewell to the Queen leaving the rest of the Jedi to finally have the chance to converse openly with Queen Amidala.

  “Let’s go upstairs it’s safer to talk there.” Aluva suggested and led the way. The Queen, her Handmaidens and the Jedi followed her. Governor Sio Bibble, the Advisory Council, Captain Magneta and Lieutenant Panaka was already there waiting along with Artoo Detoo and Lieutenant
Hoff Siege.

  “Due to the recent series of attacks aimed at the ruler of Naboo, first on the late King Veruna and now on Her Majesty Queen Amidala, the Advisory Council has all agreed to revise the existing laws in regard for the security of Naboo, its people and to Her Highness, the Queen.” Sio Bibble started.

  “Amendments are in order, but first I believe Captain Magneta has something to say before we proceed.” the Governor nodded at the head of the Queen’s security.

  “My Queen, as the Head of Security for the Royal Monarch of Naboo, the failure to protect and save the late King Veruna was entirely my fault. The continuous penetration of the rebels through our security falls also under my responsibility. I hereby tender my resignation and chose Captain Panaka as my successor. I believe in his tenacity and ingenuity and I am most at peace to know that he will be handling your safety. He is more than capable and more than once proven his competence and effectiveness in this service.” Magneta announced.

  “I assume that you have already given much thought of this Captain Magneta. Will you accept an appointment to the Advisory Council?” Queen Amidala asked.

  “I am deeply honored at your offer, my Queen. But I respectfully decline the offer.” Magneta bowed.

  “Very well, let it be known as of this day Retired Captain Magneta is to receive the Crest of Naboo for his exemplary service.” the Queen declared and the Governor sealed the Queen’s decree on a flimsy and scanned it to his datapad. The certificate was now sent to the Naboo Archives as a legal and binding document.

  “Captain Panaka, do you have anything to say?” Governor Bibble beckoned Panaka to step forward.

  “I am profoundly grateful at the trust given to me by Captain Magneta. I have given thought of some methods to further tighten our security and once I have completed my proposal I would wish to discuss it with Her Majesty.” Panaka said hesitantly.

  “Master Yoda?” Sio Bibble acknowledged the Jedi.

  “Disturbs greatly in learning Sarc Crimos’ presence, we all are. Assigned by the Council to investigate this matter, Master Sifo-Dyas has been.” Master Yoda informed Queen Amidala.

  “The Council will convene back to the capital and attempt to get the Trade Federation speak to us of this matter before we settle the conflict on Anzat. The Jedi ambassadors we dispatch to Cato Neimoidia never made contact. The Viceroy insists that no envoy arrived on their homeworld. Such is unlikely and I am sending Master Dooku to confront Viceroy Nute Gunray and discover what happened to the Jedi we have sent there. The Jedi will closely watch the development of this crisis and keep a constant communication with you and to Senator Palpatine.” Master Mace Windu said to her.


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