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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 32

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Through the scouring winds he could barely see his new attackers and he could not focus enough to retaliate through the Force. He was already too strained from keeping himself from getting swept by the powerful sandstorm.

  Cursing and snarling, Darth Maul allowed himself to be taken by the strong winds away from the blaster fires and away from the starship.

  In mid-air, Darth Maul’s transmitter located his Bloodfin and when he spotted it through the swirling haze he used the Force to summon it to him. The Sith’s speederbike flew from its secured position straight to its master.

  Maul gripped its handle and mounted it as he and his bike were spinning in the air. He started the engine and with the help of the Force steered off from the spinning wind and arduously made his way back to the plateau where his Scimitar and the Lady Crimos was waiting.

  * * *

  Obi-Wan and the others returned inside the starship. They were informed about the attack inside the ship, the spy and Captain Olié getting hit.

  Captain Panaka and Obi-Wan rushed to the sick bay and saw Ric Olié smiling at them.

  “Thank the Force it’s nothing fatal.” Olié said to them after the Handmaidens Saché and Yané told the two of what happened in detail.

  Obi-Wan took a look at his wound and nodded at Panaka. “It’ll heal quickly, it’s not deep. By the time Master Qui-Gon returns with the parts we need, Captain Olié would be as good as new.”

  “You’re one lucky old man, Ric.” Panaka smiled and clasped hands with his old friend.

  “Luck has nothing to do with it; it’s the will of the Force.” Obi-Wan said.

  Panaka and Ric looked at each other, shrug and laughed lightly, “Whatever works my friend.” Panaka said to Obi-Wan.

  “You’ll be fine in no time. I’ll make my report to the Queen and call my Master.” Obi-Wan said to them and left.

  “Jace Muga, I trained him in the camp, signed his commendation to Captain Magneta and… how could he turn against us?” Panaka slumped on the seat vacated by the handmaidens.

  “We can never really tell. We must also take into consideration that the Trade Federation is a very wealthy business empire. I guess Jace fell for their money. So who’s going to interrogate him?” Olié speculated.

  “I’d better be the one to do it.” Panaka sighed.

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself Captain.” Ric commented.

  Obi-Wan Kenobi headed down the main hold after giving his report to the Queen. He took a seat by the comm console and called his Master.

  “Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon’s voice crackled.

  “Master, there has been an attack, an attempt to abduct the Queen.” Obi-Wan began.

  “So the Trade Federation finally tracked us. What happened? Is the Queen safe?” Qui-Gon inquired.

  “The Queen is safe Master. There were four of them plus it turns out there was one spy among us and almost killed Captain Olié. The first two crippled our engines but Captains Panaka and Siege and two Handmaidens took care of them. Another sneaked in through the hatch but he too was disarmed by the rest of the Handmaidens. Captain was shot by the spy when they were throwing off the bounty hunter outside the ship.” Obi-Wan summarized.

  “And what of the fourth one?” Qui-Gon frowned, sensing there’s more to be said about it.

  “A Zabrak, with face tattoos. Master, he wields a red lightsaber and he is very skilled in combat… and in the Force.” Obi-Wan said.

  “I see, and Crimos? She wasn’t there?” Qui-Gon asked.

  “She wasn’t, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she is involved with them.” Obi-Wan shook his head.

  “Your Zabrak attacker is most troubling. We must be more cautious then.” Qui-Gon was in deep thought then decided to change to subject.

  “We met this boy, a slave of the junk dealer who has the parts we need. He said he would help us and I believe he could. There will be a big race the day after tomorrow, a Podrace. The boy will enter to get us the money we need.” Qui-Gon explained.

  “A boy joining the Podrace and you believe he would win?” Obi-Wan gasped.

  “There’s something about this boy but I need to be sure first.” Qui-Gon mused.

  “There is one more thing Master.” Obi-Wan said.

  “Yes, go on.”

  “We received a transmission from Naboo. It was from Governor Sio Bibble. He is urging the Queen to make contact. I told her not to send any form of reply.” Obi-Wan related.

  “Good call my young padawan. Although by the looks of it, it doesn’t matter anymore. They do know where we are now. Just keep everyone in the ship and keep a tight watch.” Qui-Gon answered.

  “Yes Master.” Obi-Wan acknowledged as his master ended the transmission.

  Chapter 37: The Eve of Boonta Eve

  The sandstorm has finally ceased before the twin suns Tatoo I and Tatoo II rose up in the horizon. Mos Espa was covered in sand, about two feet thick. Stalls, speederbikes, landspeeders and other objects left exposed during the onslaught was either buried or destroyed.

  Rontos, dewbacks, eopies and banthas were left wandering off across the town, their tethers and stables broken. Jawas scuttled out of their hiding places and started to rummage on the streets, some of them attempts to herd the wandering beasts but their owners came out firing their blasters or hurling stones at the furry robed scavengers.

  People started to get out through the windows and began to labor on clearing the sands from their doorways. Sandtrucks started to disperse and clear the sands off the streets.

  Anakin and Shmi were up early before any of Mos Espa was awake. They were already halfway clearing off the sands from their own doorway when Qui-Gon, Jar-jar and Padmé woke up.

  Padmé took Artoo Detoo with her and started cleaning the backyard while the Jedi and the Gungan went down to help their hosts.

  It was four hours past sunrise when Mos Espa finally returned to its normal bustling self. Shmi served breakfast late, after that her son and the Jedi went to speak to Watto about their plan.

  Before Qui-Gon left, Padmé confronted him out of earshot of the others. “Are you sure about this? Trusting our faith of a boy we hardly know? The Queen will not approve.”

  Qui-Gon looked at her bemused and winked, “The Queen doesn’t need to know.”

  “Well, I don’t approve.” Padmé muttered.

  Qui-Gon gave her a quizzical look then called Anakin and they left the hovel.

  Shmi led Padmé, Jar-jar and Artoo Detoo to the back of Slaves’ Row and showed them were Anakin’s podracer was safely secured. Shmi left them and headed for work on Watto’s shop.

  Jar-jar, Padmé and Artoo then started to clear off the sands that almost buried Anakin’s podracer.

  * * *

  Qui-Gon let Anakin get inside first to give him time to condition his master for the topic of Podracing.

  The Jedi heard Watto scolding in Huttese asking why the boy was late. Anakin told about the sands and the two conversed more about other things.

  When he heard Anakin already engaged in a topic about the Boonta Eve, Qui-Gon innocently strode in and the Toydarian quickly flew towards him.

  “The boy tells me you want to sponsor him in the race tomorrow?” Watto demanded an answer, “You can’t afford the parts. How can you even afford the sponsorship?”

  “My ship will be the entry fee.” Qui-Gon showed him a holographic representation of the Naboo Royal Starship.

  Watto’s eyes widened and looked at the outlander closely, “Not bad, not bad, a Nubian!”

  “It’s in good order, except for the parts we need.” Qui-Gon said.

  “Be that as it may, but what will the boy ride? He smashed up my Pod the last time he raced. He won’t be able to get it fixed for tomorrow!” Watto rubbed the stubble in his chin.

  Anakin interjected at once, “It wasn’t my fault! Sebulba flashed me with his port vents. I actually saved the podracer… mostly.”

  Watto chuckled, “That he did! The boy is good, no doubts there
, but still…”

  “I have acquired a Pod in a game of chance. The fastest ever built.” Qui-Gon countered.

  Watto narrowed his eyes at him, “I hope you didn’t kill anyone I know for it!” then he burst into laughter and said excitedly, “So, you supply the Pod and the entry fee, I supply the boy, we split the winnings fifty-fifty, I think.”

  “Fifty-fifty? If it’s going to be that way then you must front the cost for the entry. If we win, you keep all the winnings minus the parts we need. If we lose, you keep the ship. Either way, you win.” Qui-Gon implied.

  Watto looked at the outlander and then at Anakin and groaned, “Deal!”

  Anakin and Shmi were dismissed at once by Watto, excited by the concept of gaining his winnings. Qui-Gon and the two Skywalkers got back home. Anakin quickly led the Jedi at the back where his Podracer was being cleaned by Padmé and Artoo Detoo.

  Jar-jar was crouching under the control pod already making the repairs.

  “There’s my Podracer!” Anakin said proudly to Qui-Gon.

  “Impressive. Radon-Ulzer engines, very fast.” the Jedi nodded in approval as he joined the others.

  “I’m going to get Threepio…” Anakin left and Padmé looked at Qui-Gon.

  “How did it go?” she asked him.

  “As well as should be, all we need now is to finish fixing this before noon, have the boy test it, some paint job and we’re all set for tomorrow.” Qui-Gon said casually.

  “Youssa seemed on high spirits.” Jar-jar commented as he reaches for the hydrospanner on the tool box.

  “On the contrary I am seriously worried.” Qui-Gon said flatly. His tone hinted something that made the Gungan stop with what he was doing and sat up to regard him. Padmé and Artoo moved closer.

  “There has been an attack, last night, during the sandstorm, three bounty hunters and a Dark Jedi.” Qui-Gon whispered looking around if there’s anyone other than them was listening.

  “What happened?” Padmé gasped.

  “There was a traitor among the crew but your fellow handmaidens have dealt with him. The Queen was safe, the ship was damaged though and Captain Olié was hit, but Obi-Wan said he’ll be fine.” Qui-Gon answered.

  “Is it Crimos?” Padmé inquired.

  “No. But I strongly suspect she’s somehow behind this. She and the Trade Federation.” the Jedi concluded.

  Anakin returned with his skeletal protocol droid. They spent the next couple of hours doing repairs. Kitster his best friend came and helped, he took Jar-jar to the junkyard and scavenged some parts, careful not to be spotted by Watto.

  Shmi called them all for lunch and Kitster joined them as well. After that they all got back to work. Qui-Gon and Shmi sat by the veranda watching them, the two adult discussed about Anakin, how he displayed inhuman reflexes. Qui-Gon also learned that Anakin was no father and was even more shocked and interested to find out that Shmi conceived the boy without a partner.

  Qui-Gon’s interest in the boy grew and the more he listens to Shmi’s stories about her so, the more convinced he became that Anakin is truly something special.

  Jar-jar helped Anakin rig a remote viewer on his Podracer to Artoo Detoo’s interface so they could monitor every system, every power fluctuations and all that once they start the test run.

  Artoo tested the receiver and projected a miniature image of the entire Podracer before them. A magnetized probe droid was linked on the pod, hovering three meters above Anakin’s cockpit. It will stay in that position for the duration of the test run and will not be separated. Its job was to scan all activities of the Podracer, external and internal and transmit the readouts via live feed on Artoo’s receiver which in turn he would project in real time including the system and power statistics.

  Qui-Gon, Jar-jar and Padmé cleared the area and ushered Anakin’s friends, Kitster, Wald, Amee, Seek and Melee out of the way.

  Anakin started the engines and the thrusters fired up and roared.

  “It’s working! It’s working!” Anakin cheered and lurched out of the backyard and into the vast desert.

  Artoo Detoo intently monitored his progress as the others leaned over behind him watching the projection and the stats.

  “That ussa very, very fast!” Jar-jar exclaimed.

  Padmé gripped Kitster’s hand and Jar-jar’s arm as she watches in horrifying suspense the astounding speed of the Podracer. No wonder no human could fly that thing! Padmé thought.

  Qui-Gon whispered something to Jar-jar and the Gungan nodded once and went inside the hovel and out into the streets on the other side.

  Padmé looked at the Jedi, “What was that about?”

  “I just sent him off to an errand.” Qui-Gon said innocently. The Handmaiden was unconvinced but she kept her silence.

  Two hours later Anakin returned and they well went to check on him and his Podracer.

  “You’re hurt!” Padmé said in concern looking at the small gash on the boy’s arm.

  “It’s nothing. I just startled a herd of banthas out on the messa.” Anakin said but winced when Padmé touched his arm.

  “I’ll take care of that. You go help the droids clean and paint the Podracer. Let’s go Anakin.” Qui-Gon fetched the boy back up the house.

  Kitster and Wald stayed to help clean the Podracer while Threepio and Artoo Detoo left home to purchase some paint. Padmé and the kids started on the control pod first and waited for the engines to cool off before cleaning it.

  At sundown, Kitster and Wald went home. Padmé left the painting job to the two droids while she went inside to help Shmi cook their dinner.

  “You have a very wonderful son, Shmi.” Padmé said as she chopped the kejon vegetables.

  “Yes he is. Sometimes he’s so ahead of himself.” Shmi nodded as she started adding ingredients on the soup she’s cooking.

  “When I first saw him in the shop he asked me if I was an angel. He also said that he will marry me.” Padmé chuckled lightly.

  Shmi paused and look sideways at her and smiled, “You are the most beautiful human woman I have ever seen. I can’t blame him for that.”

  “Now you’re making my head big!” Padmé laughed aloud and Shmi was infected by her mirth.

  Qui-Gon took Anakin on the veranda at the back and tended his wound, “Sit still, Annie.”

  Anakin looked up the starry night sky, “They are so many! Do they all have a system of planets?”

  “Most of them.” Qui-Gon answered as he gently wipes the blood off on the boy’s arm.

  “Has anyone been to all of them?” Anakin asked.

  “Not likely.” Qui-Gon glanced up briefly then took out something from his pouch.

  “I’ll be the first one to see them all… ouch!” Anakin croaked as Qui-Gon touched the object in his hand on the boy’s wound then put a bandage on it.

  “There. Good as new!” Qui-Gon smiled.

  “Anakin, dinner’s ready.” Shmi called them.

  * * *

  Darth Maul sat on the pilot’s seat in the cockpit of his Sith Infiltrator. Standing by his side was the Lady Crimos obliviously cleaning one of her lightsaber hilt.

  Seated on the passenger chairs facing them were the three bounty hunters.

  “What now?” Aurra Sing asked, looking back and forth on the Zabrak and the hybrid Crimos.

  “We wait until they are about to leave.” Darth Maul hissed.

  “You mean we will attack when there is two Jedi out there?” Cradossk snarled. “You barely got out yourself against one!”

  “They will be more encumbered and vulnerable.” Crimos countered.

  “And how do you propose we do this?” Jango asked.

  “We attack while the other Jedi and his company are about to board the ship. You two take your ships and shoot down theirs the moment they took off. Crimos and I will keep the two Jedi grounded on the desert.

  “Shoot it down, how about the Queen?” Cradossk frowned.

  “Aurra Sing will take care of that, she’s goin
g inside the starship.” Crimos clipped her lightsaber back on her belt and took out the other to clean it in turn.

  “And how am I supposed to get inside there? You know what happened to Jango, there’s a cadre of deadly Handmaidens in there!” Aurra Sing snorted, Jango glared at her.

  “Divide and conquer. My probe droids overheard that an outlander has entered a human boy to a Podrace. The Outlander’s description matches that of the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn.” Darth Maul said.

  “Tomorrow, during the race, we will draw out the Handmaidens from their precious Starship. We will start with the one they were traveling with.” Crimos said.

  “Crimos and Aurra Sing will attack the handmaidens on the starship. You two will abduct the handmaiden traveling with the Jedi and the Gungan. Aurra is to be captured but you must kill at least one or two of them before you allow yourself to be caught.” Maul explained.

  “Jango, Cradossk, kill that handmaiden but not after you got the older Jedi on your tail.” Crimos said.

  “And him? What will he do?” Cradossk indicated Darth Maul.

  “I will lead the attack after she was captured.” Maul hissed.

  Chapter 38: Race to the Death

  Watto rented a dewback and handed it over to Qui-Gon to tow the Podracer to the huge Podracer Hangar at the Mos Espa Grand Arena.

  Artoo Detoo went to check the systems readouts of the Podracer and triple scanned the engines and everything else to make sure that every single piece of the vehicle is exactly where it should be and would function smoothly without any surprises.

  Qui-Gon secured the tethers of the Podracer to the straps of the dewback and flicked on the repulsors. He nodded at Anakin and mounted the beast and started to shamble it out of the Slaves’ Row into the bustling streets of Mos Espa.

  “Artoo, can you download the list of rules and guidelines from the information console at the Arena? Also, please don’t forget to get an uplink for mom’s hand-held viewscreen, acquire a viewing platform near the North Stands and download a complete list of all the other competitors and their Podracers. I want to have a quick study of them before the race starts.” Anakin told Artoo Detoo.

  Artoo Detoo beeped an affirmative and started to leave but Threepio called out to him. “Wait, Artoo! I’m coming with you! You may need me for translations!”


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