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Star Wars - Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 1)

Page 44

by Mark A.J. Cristobal

  Artoo swiveled his dome and chirped an acceptance and rolled out to his errand.

  “Are all R2 units like him?” Lady Crystaé asked Aluva after Artoo left.

  “I’m not sure. Although I must admit that among our R2 units… and other droids of make and model that I’ve encountered, he does seemed a bit more… intelligent than the others.” Aluva smiled.

  “It seems so. Odd isn’t it.” Lady Crystaé mused then returns her focus on the holo map they were studying.

  * * *

  Artoo Detoo saw Siege crouching on one of the starfighters in the hangar fixing it. Some of the pilots spotted him and waved. Artoo whistled in greeting and went to open the newly repaired control panel for the massive blastdoor.

  The droid entered the vast and abyssal Plasma Refinery Complex. His sensors went instantly crazy as the residual effects of slightly static charged interior of the massive chamber began messing with the droid’s sensors both navigational and scanners. He was forced to rely on direct visual scanning so he ran the copy of Obi-Wan’s detailed report the Jedi Knight has composed on Artoo’s recording storage in regard to their lightsaber battle against the confirmed Sith Lord, Darth Maul who slew the older Jedi Master Jinn.

  Artoo moaned sadly at the mention of the deceased Jedi and remembered how kind the Jedi was to him despite him being just a typical astromechanic droid.

  He rounded up the ramps up to the chamber’s platform where Qui-Gon Jinn has died. There he recovered only a pair of lightsabers that looked like has been cut from the connecting hilts. It was Darth Maul’s lightsabers. He was internally debating on himself if he should take a bio scan or if he should check if the fallen Zabrak has indeed perished.

  Artoo was about to take a look on the bottom of the cylindrical shaft when someone startled the droid from behind. Artoo whirled around to face the newcomer and recognized at once as Rinn Olié with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi waiting patiently by the blastdoor entrance.

  “Artoo, let’s go, we’re going out with the Queen to greet the delegates from the Galactic Senate and of the Jedi Order.” Anakin said.

  * * *

  Artoo Detoo stood by Obi-Wan and Anakin with General Binks and Captain Tarpals holding Viceroy Nute Gunray, behind them waiting for the guests was Queen Amidala with Captain Panaka, Governor Sio Bibble, Lady Crystaé, Aluva D’asima and the rest of the Royal Handmaidens. Standing at the next row were the Royal Advisory Council, several security officers and the City Representatives from Keren to Moenia to the smaller towns and villages.

  Supreme Chancellor Palpatine led the newly arrived group down the ramp walking along side him were his aides Mas Amedda, Sly Moore and his original aides Sate Pestage and Kinman Doriana. Flanking the entire delegates were the tall imposing blue robed and helmeted Republic Sentinels.

  Palpatine first stop before Obi-Wan and look at their Neimoidian prisoner, “Jedi Kenobi, I congratulate you for your victory over the… Sith, and allow me to offer you my deepest condolences for the loss of your Master. Master Jinn is a great Jedi and an even greater man.” The Supreme Chancellor said to Obi-Wan as the Jedi slightly bowed at him.

  Palpatine then turn his gaze at the young boy beside the Jedi Knight. “And you my boy, I heard you were quite the hero in this entire debacle, the Galactic Republic gives you our gratitude. I am sure after a feat like that you will undoubtedly be accepted in the Jedi Order as the later Master Jinn has intended in the first place. Anakin Skywalker, right? We will watch your career with great interest.”

  Anakin smiled as the Chancellor patted him on the shoulder and moved ahead to formally greet the Queen of Naboo. From behind Palpatine, another group of Republic Sentinels stepped forward and took the Trade Federation Viceroy from Jar-jar and Roos and brought Nute Gunray back up into the ship.

  Jedi Master Yoda with Masters Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi came and greeted Obi-Wan and Anakin.

  “Congratulations for defeating the Sith, Obi-Wan, and I am deeply saddened to hear your report about the demise of Qui-Gon.” Mace Windu said then look down at the boy, “Anakin, the Jedi Order is greatly thankful for your invaluable contribution to this crisis.”

  “Indebted to you, the Republic and the Order is, young Skywalker.” Yoda nodded and regarded the droid beside Anakin, “As to you too, my dear astromech droid, forgotten not your part in this crisis, we haven’t.” the old Jedi winked at Artoo Detoo.

  Artoo beeped in thanks and told Anakin that if he had cheeks he would have blushed, Anakin and Obi-Wan chuckled.

  The rest of the Jedi Council and Senate delegates greeted Obi-Wan and Anakin then move on to meet the Queen.

  After that, they all headed back to the palace where Queen Amidala held a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor and the other Senators on the throne room in regards to the legal actions that they would enforce against the Trade Federation. Anakin and Artoo Detoo returned to the Theed Hangar to help Siege on the repairs while Obi-Wan rejoined the council to discuss the future of what the late Qui-Gon claims to be the Chosen One.

  * * *

  Darth Sidious’ holo hovered in full size on an abandoned warehouse complex in the Industrial District of Coruscant. The setting sun cast a great shadow across the sea of pipes and various mechanical gears and constructs before the ancient rows of thick duracrete walled buildings that comprises the long forgotten and derelict ore and metal processing plants.

  Kneeling before the image was a tall, old bearded man with graying hair and beard, his bearing and countenance radiates conviction and submission.

  “Lord Tyranus, have you finally located a template worthy to our cause?” Sidious hissed.

  “Yes, my Master. A bounty hunter named Jango Fett. He is the survivor of the Jedi raid on Galidran. He slew six Jedi with his bare hands. I have already taken him to Lama Su.” Lord Tyranus bowed.

  “See to it personally Lord Tyranus, we cannot afford another mistake like this failed blockade. We have to improvise and accelerate our plans.” Sidious nodded.

  “I will not fail you my Master.” Tyranus assured him.

  Darth Sidious image flickered for a few moments then finally stabilized. The Sith Lord raised an eyebrow and let out a low cackle of laughter at him, “I assume you will be more strategic and concise in executing these series of events that we have carefully plotted for the following years, than your predecessor Lord Maul.”

  “I am far more civilized than that animal, Lord Sidious.” Darth Tyranus muttered in disgust at the fallen Zabrak.

  “We shall see.” Darth Sidious’ projection winked out.

  Lord Tyranus stood up and turn around to face several figures standing just outside the range of the holo transmitter. He could feel the dark side crawling in his skin, his veins. This time it is for real, his true service to the Order of the Sith is about to begin, first he must make his public display of condemning the Republic and the Jedi Order for their failure to take the warning of his former apprentice Master Jinn about the re-emergence of the Sith and his announcement of leaving the Jedi Order. The machinations that would lead to the rise of the Confederation of Independent Systems are about to begin.

  “Aurra Sing, Cradossk, gather the Guild, I have a new task for all of you.” Tyranus said.

  “As you command, Count Dooku,” Aurra Sing grinned.

  * * *

  The sunset on Naboo is one of the most beautiful sights to behold on the planet. The yellow-orange hue of the setting sun across the thick clouds and the panoramic horizon casts a certain tranquility and contentment to anyone who observes it. But the peaceful vista was hardly noticed by the sullen and grieving ambience emanated by the Jedi guests and the others.

  Inside one of the many rooms within the Theed palace, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Grand Master Yoda stood face to face alone with each other.

  “Master Yoda, I made a promise to Master Qui-Gon, I will train Anakin, without the approval of the council, if I must.” Obi-Wan were insisting.

  Yoda paced back
and forth before the kneeling Jedi with his gimmer-stick and stopped to glare at Kenobi.

  “Qui-Gon’s defiance I sense in you.” Yoda grunted and closed his eyes and took a slow deep breath. “Very well,”

  Obi-Wan looked up expectantly.

  “Agree with you the council does. Young Skywalker, your apprentice, will be.” Yoda finally nodded.

  Yoda dismissed Obi-Wan and went to the Ceremonial Chamber jutting out of the cliff side of the palace where the rest of the Jedi Council and the Naboo and Senate delegates are gathering.

  General Binks and Captain Tarpals respectfully lifted the body of Qui-Gon Jinn from the hover capsule and gently placed him on the stone table filled with firewood.

  Obi-Wan Kenobi came in last with Anakin Skywalker in tow and took a seat on the curving ante-chamber facing the fallen Jedi Master.

  Queen Amidala, Captains Panaka, Olié, Siege and Kiel, Governor Sio Bibble, Boss Nass, General Binks, Major Fassa, Captain Tarpals, Lady Crystaé, Aluva D’asima, Gregar Typho, Maris Magneta, Clynt Resnon, Nym, Borvo, Reti, Vana Sage, Rhys Dallows, Senators Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma, Fang Zar and the newly instated Senator Bail Organa, the Supreme Chancellor, his four aides, the Royal Advisory Council, the Royal Handmaidens, the entire Bravo and Vengeance Squadron and a handful of Naboo and Militiagung Officers, Max Entarrie, Thea and Rinn Olié and Artoo Detoo gathered around the ante chamber.

  Governor Sio Bibble stepped forward and began the funeral service and everyone fell silent in respect to their beloved Jedi. After that Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi stepped forward carrying torches and lit the edges of Qui-Gon’s funeral table.

  They all watched in silence as the fire began to burn the corpse of Qui-Gon. Anakin sobbed and looked at Obi-Wan with sorrow and loss, “What will happen to me now?”

  The hooded Obi-Wan looked at the young boy that his master has put his faith on, “The council has granted me permission to train you, you will be a Jedi, Anakin, I promise.”

  Up on the upper seats as the last embers of the funeral pyre began to fade, Master Yoda and Mace Windu spoke in hush conversation.

  “One life ends and a new one begin in the Jedi Order.” Mace Windu commented.

  Yoda sighed in resignation, “Not so sure of this one as of Qui-Gon, do I feel. Troubled, he is, wrapped in shadows and difficult choices.”

  Master Windu nodded, “Obi-Wan will do a good job training him. Qui-Gon is right, he is ready.”

  “As a Knight, ready this time he was. Ready to train the boy, he may not yet are.” Yoda shook his head.

  “Defeating a Sith Lord in combat is the strongest test of his readiness for everything, not every in the Order have had that opportunity in the last thousand years. There is now no doubt that what they have fought against was a Dark Lord of the Sith.” Mace Windu mused.

  Yoda nodded gravely, “Always two there are, a master and an apprentice.”

  Mace Windu folded his arms around him and nodded as he stare blankly at the dwindling fire and the ashen remains of his old friend, “But which one was destroyed, the master or the apprentice?”

  The Queen bowed at the remains of Qui-Gon and bade them all good night as she was escorted by her entourage out of the ante-chamber and back within the palace walls.

  Supreme Chancellor Palpatine approached Masters Yoda and Windu, “Master Jedi, again my condolences, I shall see you again tomorrow for the celebration.” After a nod from the two Jedi, Palpatine rejoined his aides and alone with the rest of the gathered people that attended the funeral pyre, they all piled out of the ante-chamber to return to their respective guest suits within the Theed Palace.

  Yoda and Windu started down the chamber and the rest of the Jedi Council followed them out. Yoda halted and looked back and through the dying fire he thought he saw the face of his friend Qui-Gon, but the flickering fire blurred the seats behind and Yoda saw it no more.

  * * *

  A grand parade took place in the morning as Boss Rugor Nass rode his ceremonial Fambaa and at his sides were General Binks and Captain Tarpals riding their narglatch. Behind them came Major Fassa on the sturdy saddle of a cerrabore leading the Gungan Band playing their trumpets, flutes, cymbals and drums followed shortly by the militiagungs waving happily to the cheering crowd.

  The same figureheads gathered above the stairs with Queen Amidala at the center, along with her captains, Royal Advisory Council, Royal Handmaidens, the Governor and the rest of the Heroes of the Great Battle of Naboo. The surviving men of Nym, Borvo and Resnon stood below by the crowd cheering and enjoying the parade, some of them have their family flown over to join the celebration, representatives from the various worlds within the Chommell Sector also gathered by the crowd expressing their support and joy at the victory of Naboo over the Trade Federation.

  Artoo Detoo rejoined Obi-Wan and Anakin on the upper platform of the stairs leading to the main entrance to the Theed Palace. Earlier that morning under the instructions of Obi-Wan, Artoo gave Anakin a haircut, fashioning the boy’s hair to that of the standard Padawan pattern and braid.

  Governor Sio Bibble handed Queen Amidala the Sphere of Harmony and she ceremoniously turned it over to Boss Rugor Nass as a symbol of the unity of the Naboo and of the Gungan.

  Boss Nass turned to face the thunderous crowd and raised the Sphere of Harmony above his head and in a booming voice that reverberated across the people before them he shouted, “Peace!”

  The citizens of Theed erupted in a thunderous roar of cheers and applause, above them the Bravo Squadron flew leaving colorful trails symbolizing that of the six noble clan houses during the beginning of the Time of Peace.

  Epilogue: Malfunctions

  The conveyors thrummed with power, a myriad of mechanical parts began to drop from a series of containers, dumping them all on a wide rotating platform. Foundry Droids detached themselves from their individual storage capsules and activated their repulsorlifts. They began to converge on the rotating platform and proceeded on a seemingly chaotic task of picking up their respective assigned objects to collect from the pile of metal scraps.

  Once the container attached to them is full they hover onto their designated conveyors and unload the mechanical parts and will then again resume their picking on the platform. The various parts in turn will be taken along a maze of assembly machines with different functions.

  It was like a large lake splitting into a number of rivers passing through almost endless caves and emerging and merging until there are only three conveyors left bearing segregated types of metals to be melted down and reshaped.

  This is a new site in the secretly reconstructed Plasma Mines and Droid Foundry of Kardara within the Chommell Sector.

  It is a joint business venture of the Lethe Merchandising, InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Techno Union with the Government of Serenno and Kardara. Heading the management and overseeing the production lines were Senator Passel Argente and a certain Lord Tyranus.

  It was bought and was reconstructed a few weeks after the late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas destroyed it. When the Trade Federation started their blockade on Naboo, the first batch of the Super Battle Droids was finally completed, all one million of them.

  Unfortunately in the past months since the first batch came out, there were a number of technical problems kept popping in on the facility. Machines kept breaking down no matter how relentless the maintenance droids try to fix them. Finished products sometimes won’t even function at all, and for those who do, ended up overloading their circuits or becoming violently uncontrollable.

  The Techno Union sent their best technicians and programmers to find out what is wrong with the Kardaran Foundry and when Lord Tyranus personally came to demand result, he received a report that there was someone sabotaging their operations.

  Lord Tyranus ordered a lockdown and dispatched Qymaen jai Sheelal, the best warlord under the employ of Sarn Hill to hunt down the saboteur.

  Soon enough Qymaen returned to him dragg
ing his captive, a young man, barely in his twenties. What shocked Lord Tyranus, were the strangely familiar reverberations in the Force the boy was generating. That odd sense of familiarity provided him a name when he saw the heterochromic eyes of the saboteur, one blue and one red.

  “Who are you?” Lord Tyranus demanded.

  The boy glared defiantly at him and struggled against the grip of the Kaleesh.

  Qymaen jai Sheelal shook him and snarled, “Answer the question!”

  “I am Max Entarrie, Head of the Naboo Royal Engineering Division. I can help you fix your malfunctions.” the young man said.

  “You dare sabotage our operations and now you have the gall to offer to fix it? What’s in it for you?” Tyranus glowered, ignited his lightsaber and pointed the tip a few inches from the forehead of Max Entarrie.

  The boy didn’t answer, instead, a pair of eerily recognizable lightsabers floated out of Max’ cloak, both were ignited and the blue one hovered its blade on the neck of Lord Tyranus while the red one moved and poised to severe the head of Qymaen.

  “I see your point Max Entarrie… or should I call you, Lady Sarc Crimos.” Lord Tyranus finally nodded in understanding.

  Max Entarrie merely grinned.


  The Adventures of Artoo Detoo will continue on:

  Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 2)

  A Quick Preview from Artoo Detoo: Droid of a Kind (Volume 2)

  Part Three: Maker’s Son - Epilogue: Maintenance

  Reepek was no longer his old Recon-PK droid self, he received a full memory wipe and an overall reprogramming from his basic reconnaissance functionality to his ever skeptical personality.

  His mechanical brain was transferred to an entirely new and larger, more humanoid metallic body frame made from a very rare and overly expensive quantum alloy complete with chrome finish.

  Physically, he now resembles a lithe Twi’lek male but internally he was something else entirely. His new maker made him an advance droid mechanic and bodyguard for the Queen of Naboo who were now facing a lot of stress due to her coming end of term and the seemingly endless rallies of several factions that has been protesting against the continuous trade franchise obtained by the Raltosan Enterprise and the on-going joint military exercise in the moon of Rori between the Royal Naboo Security Forces, Gungan Grand Army and the Moviana Patriots.


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