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Culmination (Clandestine Affairs, #3)

Page 12

by Tessa Teevan

  Tears glisten in her eyes and she’s quick to wipe one away before it can spill onto her cheek. “See? Emotional.” She laughs. “Thank you, Mr. Wentworth. Your words mean a lot.”’

  He rises from the table. “Take as much time as you need. The box is yours, so if you want to go through it here or at a later time, somewhere else, that’s fine as well. When you’re ready to leave, just hit the buzzer by the door, and I’ll come back and fetch you.”

  I nod. “Thank you.”

  Silence fills the room, continuing long after Wentworth has left us alone.

  “Baby?” I prod gently.

  I’m conflicted. Possibly more than I’ve ever been in my life. I want to give Brie all the time in the world until she’s ready to leave. Yet, at the same time, I want this over with as soon as possible. To get out of this place because who knows if anyone’s on the edge of our heels or not.

  Her wide eyes search mine. “This is it, Rafe. What we’ve been searching for. What may put an end to all of this,” she whispers, her fingers trailing the edges of the box. “What if I’m not strong enough to do this?”

  I take her free hand in mine. “Brie, I want to give you platitudes. To say it doesn’t matter. That I’ll be strong for both of us. But the truth is you are strong. More than you give yourself credit for.”

  She half scoffs, half laughs as if she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. “How can you think that? I haven’t been strong since my parents were killed. I’m only strong now because I have you.”

  “While I appreciate the sentiment, babe, that’s simply not true. Yours is a strong built in silence, but that doesn’t make it any less fierce.”

  “God, I love you,” she whispers.

  My hand comes up to grip her cheek and I bring our foreheads together, our gazes locked. “And I love you. More than I ever thought I could ever possibly love another human being. We’re in this together, Brie. We’ll be strong together. Always.”

  RAFE’S WORDS ECHO IN my head. He’s wrong, even though I know he desperately wants to be right. I’m not strong. At least, not on my own. If I’ve found any strength, it’s because of him.

  Though, in retrospect, maybe that’s not true. Perhaps if he hadn’t swooped in like some knight in shining armor, this damsel in distress would’ve been able to save herself. I mean, I planned on leaving Adrian. Rafe just happened to help a bit.

  Either way, I’m a stronger woman than I was two months ago. Hell, much stronger than two years ago, and if it’s because of Rafe, I don’t mind. I’m not one of those girls who needs to stand on her own two feet, gung-ho and kick-ass enough to take care of herself. I know that about myself. And something about that makes me realize that maybe Rafe is right. I am strong enough to know it’s okay to lean on the person you love. For their strength to become yours. Instead of forcing it, Rafe gives me that choice. I can lean on him or I can go it alone.

  To me, that’s no choice at all.

  “Babe,” Rafe calls softly, breaking me from my thoughts.

  I take a moment to study the man sitting before me. Dark-blue eyes, calm for once, watch me with gentle ease.

  “It’s time to end this, Rafe.”

  His chin dips in a nod, and my trembling hands punch in the numbers Dad left in his letter. I hold my breath until it clicks to accept the code, and then I lift the lid, silently sending up a prayer to my father. One by one, I use caution to pull each of the contents out of their hiding place, my eyes rounding with awe at every clue we uncover.

  It’s not as simple as a ledger for money-laundering schemes. Sure, there’s a ledger in here full of account numbers and dollar amounts, but I’m almost positive it’s subterfuge. The other items in the box are exactly what Theo’s been looking for. And now that we have them in our possession, terror washes over me.

  A simple piece of paper and a nondescript notebook are all that stand between me and grave danger.

  Adrian’s mother wasn’t lying. While I flip through what must be the diary she kept before and shortly after she left Theo, phrases jump out at me.

  Then something falls out from between the pages.

  Rafe’s face pales at the sight of the ultrasound. With delicate fingers, I pick it up, studying the scan.

  “The date,” he says. “It matches.”

  “You believe her?”

  “I didn’t want to. God, I don’t want to. But I can’t argue with the truth. If you’d seen her, you’d know. Why else would she be so protective of you? Of the baby?” His large hands run up and down his face as if he’s trying to wipe the stress away.

  I grasp his wrist, pulling it down to the table, where I cover his fingers with mine. “We know now what Theo wants. More than that, we have it in our possession. We control this now, Rafe. He won’t win. We won’t let him. We finish this now, and then we’ll deal with the aftermath. What’s important is that we do it together. I’ll be by your side through it all, no matter what.”

  For the first time in what feels like ages, the corners of Rafe’s lips compress into a smile, those gorgeous dimples of his making an appearance. He tilts his head sideways, leaning a bit forward, his soft, cerulean eyes relaxing as they gaze into mine. “I love you, Brie.”

  I take the opportunity to brush my lips against his. “And I love you, Rafe. Always.”

  When I pull back, his previous expression has been replaced with one of sheer determination. He stands, gathering up the contents of the box.

  “We need to take this in now,” Rafe insists, but I shake my head. “All of it.”

  “No, Rafe. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I feel it. I need to read every single page before turning this over.”

  He sighs, but I persist.

  “It’s the last thing I’ll ever have from my father. He trusted me with this. I can’t just skim it and then give it away. Please, tell me you understand.”

  He releases a low curse. Then dark eyes meet mine. “Put it in your bag. We’re going straight back to the hotel, and you can read it all. But first thing tomorrow morning, that book is going straight to the Feds.”

  I want to push him, but the anguish in his eyes stops me in my tracks. Everything he’s ever known has been a lie, and as soon as we read what’s between the pages, Rafe can never go back.

  But until he does, I don’t know if we can move forward.

  RAFE DOESN’T GET HIS wish. It’s taking longer to scour the book than I anticipated, and after nearly dozing off a dozen times, I place it inside the hotel safe and drag Rafe out of the room. He doesn’t question me until the cab’s dropping us off in front of one of my favorite places in the world.

  “What are we doing here, Brie?” Rafe asks, his voice laced with amusement as he stares up at the giant ballpark before us.

  “I need a break, Rafe. From the sleuthing and the ex-boyfriends showing up and the craziness that is suddenly my life. Right now, I just want to eat a hot dog, gorge on peanuts, and watch a baseball game with my handsome boyfriend.”

  He raises an eyebrow, a smile forming on his lips. “Handsome?”

  I shoulder-check him. “You know you are.” I sober and gaze into his piercing blues. “Is that okay? Just one afternoon to forget it all. Then, tomorrow, we’ll figure this out.”

  “Okay, baby. Today’s yours. Tomorrow, we’ll settle this once and for all.”

  I just really hope these aren’t famous last words.

  After the game, even though I ate a ton, I’m ravenous and able to talk Rafe into taking me to my favorite Italian restaurant on the Magnificent Mile. The dim candlelight and dark brick walls make for a romantic setting, but halfway through my gnocchi I can’t stop yawning.

  Rafe asks for a to-go box and we make our way back the hotel, where I wander into the bathroom to wash off the day.

  “I’m exhausted,” I say, unable to withhold another yawn, as Rafe’s hands slide around my belly. My head rests back against his bare chest, and I want to stay in this place, in this moment, for eternity.

  His eyes meet mine in the mirror. “Too exhausted for a bath?”

  It seems that’s all I do these days. Not that I’m complaining.

  “That depends. Are you bathing with me?”

  He smirks. “Is that a serious question?”

  I grin, loving that even during a tumultuous time, we can still laugh together. I turn, rising onto my tiptoes to press a kiss to Rafe’s lips. “Then no, Rafe. Definitely not too exhausted for a bath.”

  He places a soft kiss on my forehead. “Draw the bath while I give Howard a call.”

  I nod, and he moves towards our room.

  His hands catch on the doorframe, and when he looks back at me, desire radiates in his eyes. “Don’t get too clean without me.”

  “Phillips,” Howard says, letting me know he’s not alone by using my agency name. “Now’s not a good time. Make it quick. What’ve you got for me?”

  “What we’ve been looking for.”

  There’s a short pause. “Confirmed?”

  “Eyes on and confirmed.”

  I don’t bother telling him that what we’ve been looking for has nothing on what we actually found.

  “Good. Tomorrow?”


  Agent Howard hangs up without a response. It’s not unusual, especially if he’s around civilians. I’m desperate to get the book out of my hands, see Theo behind bars, and take Brie far away from this place, far away from anyone who wishes to do her harm. One more day. One more day and it’s all over. One more day and I can tell Brie it’s all over. I can’t fucking wait.

  I walk to the mini-bar and grab a bottle of Scotch. Then I head across the room. The sooner this is over, the better.

  That is, until I walk into the bathroom and stop in my tracks. In the short time we’ve been together, it’s been no secret that my girl’s a big fan of bathtubs. And hell am I grateful for it.

  She’s a damn sight to behold.

  Brie’s damp skin glistens in the soft light of the bathroom. Her head leans against the porcelain, her hair up in a messy bun on the top of her head. Beads of condensation trickle down the curve of her neck, and all I want in this moment is to lick each one. Her supple breasts, already swelling thanks to her pregnancy, rest just above the water line, each pink nipple hardened and waiting for me. My growing arousal strains against my jeans, desperate for freedom.

  A groan escapes my tormented lips. Warm, mahogany eyes meet mine from across the room. My excruciatingly rigid shaft throbs as those same eyes become mischievous. I don’t want to break our gaze, but once her hands trace her collarbone, I follow her journey. I’m riveted. Unable to move. Soft, delicate hands cup glistening, sweetly curved mounds before gently kneading and stroking rose-tipped nipples.

  Another groan comes from my lips. Amiable laughter echoes around me, but it’s as if I’m in a trance. And when Brie’s fingers slide down her belly and dip beneath the water towards the apex of her thighs, I’m a goner.

  It’s more than I can take.

  With one swift gulp, I down my Scotch and set the bottle on the counter. My clothes become a pile on the floor, my aching shaft pulsating with need for her. I move forward, to the edge of the tub, before bending over and capturing an exquisite peaked rosebud with my mouth. Brie, whose eyes were closed, jumps with surprise then moans as I suck, lick, and devour each breast.

  Her hand comes to the top of my head, and when I lift away her, she frowns.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Someone’s getting greedy,” I tease.

  “Someone’s hormonal and horny,” she retorts.

  I rise to my feet. “Since I’m responsible for at least one of those, I suppose it’s my duty to remedy the other.”

  Brie’s eyes darken, her irises transforming into luscious pools of molten chocolate as she takes in the sight of my arousal. The way she sucks in her plump bottom limp elicits yet another groan from me, and as much as I’d like to play with her, to take my time, I really want her.


  When she sits up, I step into the tub and slide in behind her, my legs tangling with hers. My hands fall to her belly, where I swear I can already feel a small bump. Brie settles back on my damp chest and I want to revel in the sensation of her wet, bare skin on mine.

  “When this is over, when we’re finally settled, I want a giant tub,” she says with a sigh as she trails graceful fingertips along my thigh.

  I scoop up the bar of soap and lather it up in my palm. Then I take my time covering every inch of her that I can reach without moving either of us. My lips press against the back of her hair as I lazily caress her breasts. “Baby, as far as I’m concerned, when this is over, you can have whatever you want.”

  Just as I’m about to slide the soap down, she grabs my hand and brings it to the base of her neck. “Show me what you’ll do, Rafe, when we’re settled.”

  As if I’d argue with that.

  “All right, baby, but you’ve gotta stay still,” I tell her.

  My hand traces the curve of her neck, back and forth over her collarbone, until I slide them down to knead each breast, one at a time. Brie squirms when I tease her nipples. I pinch slightly, just enough to get the message across. She stills in an instant, but her movements have placed her ass right on my dick, which is so fucking hard that all I want to do is slide into her pussy and take her here and now.

  Her breathing turns heavy as my hand travels down to rest between her thighs. When my thumb presses against her clit, she tilts her head to the side, revealing the damp curve of her neck. As much as I want to bite, lick, and suck on her skin, I resist, instead bringing my lips to her ear.

  “If I get you a giant tub, I don’t know that I’ll ever want to get out of it,” I growl, and fuck me, the thought has me rock hard.

  A shiver runs through her as she pushes back against me. Her arms come up and hook around the back of my head. The movement causes her head to arch back, giving me full access to her throat.

  “As if I’d ever complain about that,” she whispers.

  Chuckling, I store those words away for future use.

  My hand slips between delicate softness, petal-like folds embracing my touch like the most luxurious velvet. I take pleasure in perusing every inch of the warmth between her smooth legs, rubbing up and down while circling her pulsating core. My fingers move faster, working to bring her right to the edge as my other hand covers one breast. She moans when I pinch her nipple a little less gently than usual. She’s practically bucking as my fingers thrust into and out of her.

  Water sloshes up and over the edge of the tub with each wild, frenzied arch of her hips. She’s too focused on my hands to even notice. The moment I feel her tighten around my fingers, I gently pull them out. I slide my hand up to her stomach and tenderly press against it, pushing her back against my dick, letting her feel how hard she’s making me right now. Because I am. So fucking hard. And I’m desperate to be inside her, but I’m enjoying the fuck out of this torture and I wonder if I can get her to beg.

  “You feel that, sweetheart? Do you feel how much I want you?” I ask, and she nods as she brings her hands down from behind my head.

  “Rafe, I want you, too. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life. Please, don’t leave me like this,” she begs, bringing her own hand between her thighs.

  I remove it and grasp her wrist. “I’ve never been a possessive man, Brie. At least, not until you. You’ve changed everything. You’ve changed me.”

  And it’s true. I’ve never felt this possessive over a woman, but then again, I haven’t had one I actually cared about until now. I want to be the only man in her life. The only one to give her everything she deserves: love, pleasure, safety. She’s mine and there’s nothing I won’t do to keep it that way.

  “Rafe,” she pants. “I want to come. Please,” she begs.

  I revel at both the words and the way she’s squirming and squeezing her thighs together as if she’s trying to find her own relief.

  And fuck, as
much as I want to fuck her, I’m just not ready. Not when she’s here, in my arms, pliant and begging. I want just a little bit more. I want to—no, I have to—show her there’s so much more to be than making love. I want to play. I want to fuck. I want to fight.

  Most of all, I want to forget all the turmoil. I want her to forget it all, too.

  “Baby, you know I’m all about watching you make yourself come, but not tonight. Tonight, I’m the one giving you pleasure. The more you try and take care of yourself, the longer I’m going to draw it out.”

  Brie stills instantly.

  “Good girl.”

  And what do you know? She’s compliant throughout my torturous trails along her skin—and wickedly karma finds that the tortured one turns from her to me. I barely make it from the bath to the bed before I sink inside her, animalistic pride swelling in my chest when she breathes a sigh of relief and she tightens around my cock.

  We make love for what feels like hours, to the point that my girl can barely keep her eyes open. Which is precisely what I was hoping for.

  I press a kiss to her shoulder, biting down gently before raining kisses up her skin until my mouth settles on her. The moment our lips meet, I slowly slide out of her. When I retreat, Brie’s watching me with hooded eyes, exhausted from the pleasure. I make quick work of cleaning us both. Then I haul my girl into my arms and carry her out of the bathroom. She shivers when I place her on the bed, and when I climb in beside her, I draw her in close before tucking the blanket around us both. Brie’s arm slides across my bare stomach as she cuddles up against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

  “What are we going to do?” she asks, her voice soft. “When we get home, I mean. Hell, I don’t even know where home is anymore.”

  I place a hand on her cheek and brush away a lock of hair. “Home can be anywhere for us. For the three of us.”


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