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What Happens at a Wedding: A Short Story Anthology

Page 13

by Lucy Gage

His bombshell revelation had me bracing my hand on the wall while I stared at him, dumbfounded. He used my momentary stupor to his advantage, his hand cupping my face and turning it up so his lips could brush mine.

  A bolt of electricity shot its way up my spine and I nearly came again.

  “Rebecca, I want to slip deep inside you and feel you wrapped around my cock.”

  “Oh God.” I trembled as his lips met mine again. This time there was more insistence behind his kiss. His tongue coaxing my mouth open for him.

  I pulled back, breathless and beyond aroused.

  “We can’t do this.” I grabbed my pile of clothes and bolted for the door to the bathroom.

  “Rebecca,” his voice came muffled through the wood.

  “Go away, William. This never should have happened. I’m going to kill Suzie for convincing me to come here.” The realization he had made my friend come like a freight train—multiple times—had me pausing in my attempt to put my pants on. I opened the door and glared at him. “Do you fuck all your clients?”

  “Not a one.”

  “Thank God.” I shut the door in his face and resumed the task of making myself presentable.

  He tapped on the door and spoke again. “You do realize we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other over the next few days.”

  “Yes, but we’re going to pretend nothing happened.”

  “We are?”

  “Yes. And for the love of God, please don’t say anything to Simon.” My son would be horrified if he knew about this and I did not want his big day ruined.

  “I’d never.” He crowded me against the wall beside the door when I stepped from the bathroom—clothes askew but mercifully on. “Fair warning, we have unfinished business and I intend to see it through.”

  With that he left the room and my head spinning.

  “Okay, so let me get this straight,” Suzie semi-whispered as she helped me put out the pictures of Simon and his bride-to-be Ruby. “Dylan is actually William, Simon’s best man?”

  “Yes,” I practically hissed. She had been pestering me about the incident at the spa since the moment she walked into the restaurant.

  It was the night after my encounter with William and I was trying my best to not think about his hands on my body—something that was near impossible to do with my best friend continually making me relive it.

  As it was, I practically ran from the church when he tried approaching me after the rehearsal, using the excuse that I had to finish setting up at the restaurant as the reason I turned tail.

  “How did we not catch this?”

  “You tell me! I’ve never been to that spa before. Nor would I have gone there yesterday if not for you.”

  “You could stand to go there again with how uptight you are right now. Rebecca, it was an orgasm, not the end of the world.”

  “An orgasm from someone young enough to be my son because he’s friends with my son,” I reminded her.

  “Whatever. He’s sexy and hot and knows how to please a woman. Age doesn’t factor into that. Besides, you got what you were looking for when you went there. Before the reveal, did you not feel feminine and wanted?”

  Heat crept up my neck and over my face as I remembered just how wanted he had made me feel.

  I’ve never wanted to fuck a client the way I wanted to fuck you just now.

  His words had been on repeat in my mind for the last twenty-four hours. It was those words that sent me headfirst into an intense orgasm when I fucked myself with my vibrator while picturing his face.

  “Look.” Suzie grasped my hands. “If you don’t want to tangle with him again, don’t. I think you’re crazy not to—,” I tried to interject but she squeezed my hand and continued, “But I’m not you.”

  “He keeps trying to talk to me,” I all but whined. Butterflies danced in my stomach at the prospect of that conversation.

  “Just be firm with him. Tell him you aren’t interested. He’s young and hot. I’m sure there are tons of girls lined up waiting to take your place.”

  I frowned and chose not to look into why the thought of him with someone else made me feel murderous. I hadn’t even felt that visceral of a reaction when I caught my husband balls deep inside his nurse. Surely it had to be envy that they get to experience what I couldn’t.

  “You’re right,” I assured her though inside I didn’t feel so confident. “I’ll just tell him no.”

  “Good. Now let’s finish decorating before they get here.”

  With a deep breath, I followed her lead. The room was brimming with white and peach roses, accented by picture after picture of the happy couple, both growing up separately and then together as adults, when a group of voices filtered through the doorway.

  I stiffened my spine as my ex-husband’s girlfriend Morgan’s nasally voice hit me. With her platinum blonde hair and her ginormous boobs, she was my nemesis. My ex, Ted, even had the audacity to point out she was a younger and more stacked version of me.

  Plastering a smile on my face, I turned to face the group and welcome everyone. It may have been Ted’s money paying for the shindig, but it was my hard work that had made it possible. Then again, that seemed to be a recurring theme throughout my entire marriage with the man.

  “The place looks beautiful, Mom,” Simon greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. “Ruby is practically beside herself with how perfectly you brought her dream to life.”

  I glanced at my future daughter-in-law as she hugged her grandmother, and I beamed with pride. My son had chosen well—she was beautiful with her red hair, blue eyes and heart of gold—and I was thrilled she was happy.

  “Thank you. I’m very proud of you, Simon.” I straightened his tie and tried not to cry. “You’ve grown into an amazing man.”

  “He is quite a man.” William’s voice sent a shiver down my spine and straight between my legs.

  His emphasis on the word “man” was not lost on me. I turned my head to greet him, keeping my body strategically pointed towards my son. “William.”

  “Great to see you, Rebecca.”

  “Since when do you call my mom by her first name?” William took a beer from Simon and I watched his throat muscles work as he swallowed. I imagined what those muscles would look like as he buried his face in my pussy and swallowed everything I had for him.

  “Since we ran into each other the other day and she insisted I not call her Mrs. Robertson.” He winked and I fought the urge to kick him into submission. He promised he wouldn’t say anything.

  “Where’d you two see each other?” Simon asked, oblivious to the tension between us.

  William raised his eyebrow and I scrambled for a lie. “I had to bring my car into the dealership to get serviced and we happened to run into each other.”

  “You don’t drive a Cadillac,” Simon noted to William. My boy was far too smart. Just as I was about to start stuttering nonsense, William thankfully saved me from embarrassment.

  “I was considering buying one. The best way to decide is to test drive one,” he replied with a nonchalant shrug.

  The restaurant manager chose then to steal me away for a few last minute questions, so I wasn’t able to hear the rest of the conversation. I could only assume that since my son didn’t freak out on me that he was none the wiser about my recent sex-capades with his friend.

  “You okay?” Suzie asked as I downed a glass of champagne. The bubbles warmed the pit of my stomach and loosened some of the tension I was holding.

  “Barely holding on by a thread,” I admitted with a tight smile in the direction of my ex and his girlfriend as they held court, not even caring they were taking attention away from Simon and Ruby. With his dark hair and regal looks, Ted reminded me of Pierce Brosnan. It was one of the things that drew me to him. Sometimes I still had a pang in my chest thinking about how blind I was for all those years.

  Suzie followed my gaze and let out a knowing sigh. “I can’t believe they a
nnounced their engagement tonight.”

  “They’re both a piece of work. The only good thing to come of my marriage to that bastard is Simon. And now he’s leaving me.” Tears pricked the back of my eyes and I blew out a breath as my chin trembled.

  “He’s not leaving you. If anything, you’re gaining a daughter,” Suzie lovingly scolded me.

  “Right,” I whispered as my chin quivered a little more.

  She wrapped me up in a tight hug and whispered in my ear. “Go to the bathroom and take a second to mourn your baby growing up. Then get your ass out here so we can eat.”

  I pulled away laughing. Leave it to Suzie to make me smile.

  In the bathroom, I grabbed a tissue from the box on the counter and dabbed at my eyes in an attempt to pull myself together. Taking several deep breaths, I studied myself in the mirror. I supposed I didn’t look so bad for being “middle aged.” My boobs were still rather firm and my ass looked okay. Maybe I could see the allure William claimed.

  I shook my head and chastised myself. There was no use in thinking about it when I wasn’t going to act on my attraction to him.

  Feeling composed, I tossed the tissue in the garbage and opened the door. When I did, I was met with the sight of William. He stood with his hands braced on either side of the door. He was chewing his bottom lip and he was practically melting me with the heated look in his eyes.

  “Wil—” I barely got the word out when he closed the distance between us. His hands tangled in my hair and his mouth crashed down on mine. Completely caught off guard, I could do nothing more than go along for the ride as his tongue plunged inside my mouth, his exceptionally hard body herded me further into the room, and his foot kicked the door shut.

  His hand moved to cup my breast, his fingers plucking at my already hardened nipples. I groaned in his mouth and allowed him to deepen the kiss. My head swam with arousal, making my body practically tremble in his arms.

  Never stopping his assault on my mouth, his hands ventured down to the hem of my blue shift dress and pulled it up over my head, right before he grabbed my ass and set me on the countertop.

  Reason should have dictated right then that I stop this madness, but I was too far gone. Too far into wanting him. Needing him. The ache building inside me was threatening to consume me and I knew without a doubt he was the only one who could satisfy it.

  “Fuck,” he bit out when my hand skated down the front of his body, mapping each ridge and plane beneath his dress shirt, only stopping once my fingers wrapped around the hardness bulging from his pants.

  “Yes,” I concurred when his finger slipped beneath my thong and plunged inside me.

  “You’re so wet,” he murmured against my mouth. “Please God tell me you don’t want to stop.”

  “No. Don’t stop,” I all but begged as he added another finger into the mix.

  Needing to feel the weight of him in my palm, I made quick work of his belt and zipper. Slipping my hand inside his black slacks, I nearly came from the discovery he had gone commando. His skin was hot and silky and ready for the taking.

  “Such a naughty boy.”

  His eyes closed and his breath sped up as I stroked him, twisting my hand on each upward glide. It made me feel powerful and even more turned on that I could affect him like this.

  “I’m going to come if I don’t get inside you, Rebecca.” His words were urgent, but he made no attempt to stop me from continuing my ministrations, his hips still thrusting into my fist. I secretly loved that he was lost in the pleasure I was giving him, at the same time I adored that he was letting me lead this dance.

  Letting go of him, I shimmied out of my underwear with the little space that existed between our bodies. Guiding him to my opening, I looked him in the eyes and whispered, “Fuck me.”

  The words were barely out of my mouth when he was slamming into me. My breath left my body in a whoosh as he filled me completely. He was so big and hard, and it had been so long. I gripped his shoulders and wrapped my legs around him to hold his body to mine.

  “You okay?” His breath against my neck made me shiver.

  “Yes.” I could barely think past the throbbing of his cock inside me.

  “Can I move?” He asked after another moment.

  “God, yes.”

  He pulled out and then slid back in slowly. My head fell back and I braced myself on my arms as he set a steady pace that had me going out of my mind.

  With one hand on my hip, his other pulled my bra cup down, exposing my breast to him. He bent over and wrapped his lips around the taut peak, his tongue flicking my nipple as he sucked.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed. My right hand gripping his hair tightly and holding him to me. “Don’t stop.”

  Each lash of his tongue sent a shockwave straight to my clit. My core tightened. My breath halted. My toes curled.

  Has sex ever been this amazing?

  His hand snaked between us. His finger honing in on that tight bundle of nerves and just like that I was soaring. But I wasn’t alone. William was right there with me. His hips thrust brutally inside me. His groan echoing throughout the room. His cock twitched and I gripped him to me once more as he came deep inside me.

  We stayed connected as our hearts beat like drums and our breathing began regulating. When he pulled back and smiled down at me, embarrassment began creeping in. I turned my head to the side and pushed on his chest slightly.

  “Don’t,” he warned. His hands seizing mine and holding them to his chest. “That was arguably the best sex I’ve ever had and I won’t let you hide from me.”

  “We never should have done that. God, I can’t believe we did that,” my voice began rising and he shushed me with his finger to my lips.

  He was about to speak again when the door shook as someone attempted to open it. At least one of us had had a mind to lock it. If anyone had caught us, I would have been humiliated.

  Neither of us said anything as he pulled out of me and we both hurried to get dressed. After another attempt to open the door, the person on the other side retreated and I knew we didn’t have long before they came back.

  William was finished quicker than me at looking presentable. He placed a quick peck on my lips and murmured, “This isn’t over.”

  Not leaving me any time to argue, he turned the lock on the door and stuck his head out. Coast clear, he left me to stare in the mirror at my just-fucked hair and flushed face, and wonder what the hell I had just gotten myself into.

  “Yes,” I screamed when William hit my G-spot and my second orgasm threatened to wash over me.

  It was the day of the wedding and instead of getting ready, I was face down, bent over the arm of a couch in the bridal suite. And William? He was fucking the ever loving shit out of me. Even though the girls were due back at any time so they could begin preparations for the wedding, he was taking his time and I was far from complaining about it.

  After leaving the bathroom the night before, I learned it had been Suzie who interrupted our post-coital argument when she came looking to see if I was okay. While she was thrilled I had finally gotten myself some, I had made every attempt to avoid William at all costs.

  It made me feel like a coward, but we were on a slippery slope and I was not prepared in the least for it.

  William apparently was very ready for it, though.

  He sought me out at the hotel everyone was getting ready at for the wedding, knowing from Ruby’s published itinerary that I was to get my hair and makeup done last. When he found me in the bridal suite, Ruby’s mom having just left for her own appointment, he cornered me.

  I was ashamed to admit that with barely a touch he had me right where he wanted me. Any argument I may have had for him died on my lips when he dropped to his knees, parted my satin robe and his tongue honed in on my clit. Good lord he had amazing oral skills. And when his hands came into play, I was putty.

  It was official, I was weak.

“Such a sweet pussy,” he praised. His hands gripped my hips tighter and I hoped they left marks so I could remember this moment… because it was going to have to be the last one.

  “William,” I moaned his name as my release hit.

  “That’s it. Give it all to me.” He stilled as I did just that. My orgasm cresting and waning.

  When he began moving inside me again, I took a moment to focus on each glide—the way he stretched and filled me so completely. I pictured him behind me, his teeth digging into his lower lip, his focus on where we were joined, his hips moving with each thrust.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered in disbelief when a third orgasm slayed me. This one quick and hard and no less delicious than the other two.

  This time William followed. His body covering mine as he came, my name like a prayer crossing his lips.

  I smiled when his lips trailed down my spine. So thoroughly sated, my limbs felt heavy and my eyes drifted shut. My only thought was that I could totally get used to this feeling.

  “Have you always had multiple orgasms?” His words made me a little self-conscious so I buried my face in the plush cushion.

  “No.” My response was muffled but I knew by his chuckle that he understood it. His cock slid half-way out and then glided back in. My pussy tightened again with aftershocks and I gasped.

  “Lucky me,” he murmured against my back before pulling all the way out.

  He helped me up and turned me toward him. I caught a glimpse of his softening erection and I felt heat blooming inside me again. It was such a beautiful appendage and I really wanted to see what he tasted like.

  “Let me recover first,” he semi-joked when he saw the hunger in my gaze.

  “Sorry,” I muttered and took a step back.

  Distance. We need distance.

  “Hey.” He reached for me, but I stepped to the side and grabbed my robe off the floor. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” I made quick work of tying the sash around my waist and heading in the direction of the bathroom. I was stopped short by his hand on my arm.

  “Don’t shut me out. If something is bothering you, we should talk about it.”


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