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Craved By Her Wolf (Silverwood Island Shifters)

Page 8

by Maia Starr

  The girl winced again, reeling and curling from the pain, until her eyelids flickered shut and her breathing became steadier. Sitting back, Sam realized the girl had passed out due to the pain...if only she had more of her regular doctor’s supplies, she’d be able to help this poor girl.

  But no, she couldn’t keep blaming her lacking ability to give her help on a lack of supplies. Think, Samantha, think! It’s your job to find ways to treat your patients, isn’t it? Sam thought to herself. While she thought, she stood and paced slightly, chewing on her finger for inspiration to hit. When something did spark in her mind, Sam immediately made for the door, but found it already swinging open; she had to dodge out of the way to prevent herself from being booped on the nose.

  Megan stepped inside moments later, eyeing Sam oddly. “I wanted to check up on you,” her assistant said casually.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Sam said, stepping forward. “What about the father? How is he doing?”

  Megan glanced at the daughter, her lingers falling slightly. Her gripped on the door tightened, and she sighed. “He’s doing as well as she is...I think. I’m maybe not the best for diagnosing whether someone is doing well or not.”

  “Is he breathing steadily?” Sam rephrased. “Bleeding at all? Swollen anywhere?”

  Megan paused a moment to think, and then shook her head. “Not that I know of…”

  Sam breathed out. “I’ll check on him soon, but I need you to do a favor for me, Megan. Run to the nearest pharmacy or store and find either capsaicin or ginger...or both, and bring them back here. They could help with the pain for both of our patients right now.”

  Megan’s brows rose in shock, but she firmly nodded with a small smile moments later. Jokingly saluting Sam once again, lifting the mood, Megan turned to leave, wandering into the front and opening the door to walk out. Sam listened as Megan left and then strolled into her kitchen, where the man still lay on her wooden table. Dried blood stained the wood, glistening under the light of a small chandelier. She made a note to herself to look for a new kitchen table, but for the moment, she moved forward to inspect the father’s wounds, pulling on fresh gloves and a mask. Studying the man, she saw his rest was steadier than the girl’s, though the long gashes across his chest appeared to darken his skin. Sam guessed an infection had found its way inside his skin, maybe something from out in the forest. She checked his pulse, which also remained steady for the time being, and then stepped back to pull her doctor’s mask down.

  Sam’s head pounded, making her body sway slightly; she shot out a hand to catch herself on the counter and breathed in the musty air inside her kitchen. A few not-so-friendly smells lingered around the man, causing her to want to pinch her nose.

  In any case, Sam needed fresh air, and she needed to clear her head. Maybe she’d call Megan to pick up some pills as well.

  As the pressure sank in, making Sam’s heartbeat go crazy and veins race with blood, she wished Brendan would show up, help diffuse the tormenting emotions coursing through her. Her body trembled from fatigue, her head thumped with overuse, and the heavy bags under her eyes told her that sleep hadn’t been very nice to her these past few days...except for when she’d slept with Brendan. That had been a nice change of pace, though she hoped he hadn’t noticed the way she held back.

  Finding her way into the living room, Sam sat down to slip off her home slippers and throw on her walking shoes. As she did, the sun broke out from the gray clouds outside, shining through her windows and pouring over her. At the same time, slick footsteps resounded in the damp earth outside, coming straight to her door. A shadow draped over the door, outlining a bulky figure, raising its hand to knock at the door. Sam blinked ,wondering if Brendan had come back, and stood as the fist pounded on the door.

  The knocking was so hard Sam nearly jerked backward, the sounds pulling out old memories from the recesses of her mind. Hesitantly, she strode forward, wondering who could have been at her door this time of day, especially if it wasn’t Brendan.

  “I’m sorry,” Sam said, as she turned the knob and opened the door to peer out. “But we’re closed today, and—”

  Sam’s heart flipped inside her chest as she stared upon a familiar face. The face that stared back was hard and round, containing two snake-like eyes and a growing grin. “This can’t be real,” Dean said, his voice icing her veins over. Unable to move from shock, Sam simply remained staring up at her towering ex-boyfriend, her fingers turning bone-white while she gripped the doorknob. Every instinct within her told her to shut the door instantly, to lock Dean out, but she found that not only could she not move to help herself, but she realized that Dean would probably just break down her door.

  “Sam!” Dean said, clearly happy with this new revelation. “I can’t believe you’re the new doctor on the island! Is this real? Have my dreams come true?” Suddenly, his grin faded to a more serious expression, one that sent shivers down her spine. “Did you happen to regret abandoning me, and followed me here?”

  “Dean…” Sam said cautiously, still trying to wrap her mind around how the monster she’d fled from now stood directly in front of her. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t follow you…”

  “Because I sure did track you, at least,” the shifter continued, cocking his head. “I looked for you for a while, until I finally gave up and decided to come back home. Who knew you’d fall right into my hands! Ha!”

  Sam began to step back, her hand slowly closing the door. Seeing this, Dean shot out his arm, his meaty muscles bulging bigger than her head. “Now, isn’t that kind of rude, Sam? I thought I taught you better than to shut the door in your boyfriend’s face...what, is something wrong? Don’t you want to see me again?”

  Frightened, Sam tried to shut the door, quick and hard, grunting as she did so, but Dean simply sighed and shoved her from the door with his free hand, allowing her to crash to the floor and wince when she hit her tailbone. She scrambled to her feet, eyeing Dean, ready to defend herself if the need arose, but Dean quickly wagged his finger and clicked his tongue. “No, this won’t do at all. Sam, the game’s over. I found you out...coincidentally, but I guess that’s just thanks to my luck.”

  “Just leave me alone!” Sam shouted, forgetting about her two patients for the moment, losing herself in her fear. Survival instincts came into play, weaving their way into Sam’s thought process. Dean stood rigid in her doorway, almost unable to fully fit inside. “How the hell did this happen?”

  “It happened because you left, Sam,” Dean said, his dark eyes gazing towards the hallway. “And because you chose to open a clinic on this backwater island. You must be unlucky because I really came here for those other two shifters in your care. I’m here to finish them off, so if you’d be so kind as to lead me to them, I’d be in your debt.”

  Sam froze again, her mind racing to pick up everything Dean had just said to her. Shifters in her care? The two people that Brendan and Connor had brought in were shifters? How did Dean know that? She was unlucky? Sam shook her head, more at her disbelief at Dean’s revelation than to contest his demand.

  Seeing her unresponsiveness, Dean grunted and strolled forward, making towards the hallway. Flashes of the teen girl inside her office sped through her mind, and Sam did the unthinkable; she stepped into Dean’s way, blocking his seemingly immovable body. Dean stopped to appraise Sam’s stoic expression as she stared up at him. “Still as pretty as the first day I laid eyes on you,” Dean cooed. A moment later, he backhanded her, sending her sprawling into one of the couches at the other end of the room. Sam cried out, tried to stand up, but Dean vanished from sight.

  Suddenly another figure appeared in the doorway, one she recognized immediately. The figure spoke with hatred in his voice. “Dean Mondego!”

  “Brendan,” Sam whispered happily, standing up to rush over to his side. Brendan spared her a concerned look, but immediately his gaze went back to Dean, who now stood rooted just outside her office door. The doo
r was closed, though Dean’s hand gripped the handle. His eyes were wide and dangerous as he glared back at Brendan, and then confused as he watched Sam cling to Brendan’s side.

  Slowly, he turned, jerking slightly, his eyes twitching. “Wait, wait, wait...don’t tell me. Do you two know each other?”

  “Stay back,” Brendan said to Sam as he stepped forward, leaving Sam to huddle by the door.

  “Answer me, Brendan, rival alpha, leader of the most pathetic pack on Silverwood Island,” Dean said, his smile gone for a sneer. His evil gaze changed to lock onto Sam. “Don’t tell me, my dear. Have you been cheating on me?”

  Brendan paused at the suggestion, but he continued towards Dean, puffing out his chest. “Enough of your insane talk, Mondego. Get out of Samantha’s home, now, before I tear you limb from limb.”

  “You don’t seem to understand, Brendan,” Dean said, unblinking. He began to open the door. “I’m here to finish the job, kill the two in Sam’s care. I’m not leaving until I see the life drain from their eyes.”

  Everything happened in a blur after that, and Sam could barely keep up. What she did see was the destruction left in their wake as they began to battle. Brendan darted forward, colliding with a braced Dean, both men tumbling onto the floor and punching and kicking each other in the narrow hallway. Sam tried to shout at Brendan, to tell him it wouldn’t be possible to stop Dean. Dean was an actual monster; the thought hadn’t occurred to Sam yet that Brendan could be a shifter himself, though that revelation threatened to boil to surface while she watched this fight ensue.

  To her surprise, Brendan managed to keep up with Dean, even turning him around and forcing him into the living room. A myriad of furniture collapsed beneath the two, blood flying everywhere, and their fists and feet caved in a number of holes all over her walls. Sam had to sprint out into the rain to prevent herself from being flattened as Brendan grabbed hold of Dean and chucked him towards the door. Instead of bouncing off the door frame, Dean crashed straight through it, causing wood chips to fly everywhere.

  Growling, Dean scrambled to his feet as a panting Brendan trudged out, eyeing Dean.

  “He’s a monster!” Sam yelled at Brendan. “A literal monster! He can turn into a wolf. I know it sounds crazy, but you need to be careful!”

  Brendan grimaced but otherwise didn’t make any notion that he’d heard her. Dean, angry and pouting, pounded the ground in rage with his fist. “I’m going to kill you, Brendan! It’s over, for all of you!” Moments later, Sam’s worst fears came true as she watched a black wolf emerge from Dean’s body, ripping apart his clothes and howling out. To her further shock, she looked back at Brendan to spy the same process, seeing a light brown wolf grow out of his body. She covered her mouth, the idea that Brendan was a shifter finally clicking in her mind, and unconsciously stepped back as the two wolves circled each other. This wouldn’t end well.↡¶

  Chapter Twelve


  Brendan bristled with fury as he and Dean circled the area just outside of Sam’s clinic. Rage overcame most of his senses, seeing that he’d almost been outplayed once again. For Dean to not only attack two of his packmates but to also then go after Sam and try to take her out as well as the others, it was mind-blowing. Brendan could end the insanity right here and now since he and Dean were alone. Neither’s pack would interfere, and while Brendan’s scars still lingered, the pain was mostly gone.

  Dean had the advantage for the moment, not having to protect Sam or the others in the house, but Brendan’s back was pushing up against a wall, and nothing was more dangerous than a cornered animal.

  But then there was the recognition between Sam and Dean. They did know each other, didn’t they? Dean had mentioned cheating...was Sam Dean’s mate at one point? Maybe she had been under his thumb out on the mainland, just like many of Mondego’s pack were now. He was the reason she came here, he realized: to get away from Dean. That only made his rage worse, and Brendan found himself charging Dean first, barreling towards the other alpha shifter in a cry of pure adrenaline and anger. Dean cackled and dodged nimbly, allowing Brendan to skirt and slide on the wet earth while he tried to change directions mid-run.

  Seizing the moment, Dean chomped down on Brendan’s neck, earning a gasp from Sam and a howl of pain from himself. Dean’s sharp teeth bit the side of his thick neck, tearing at the tissue, but thankfully it didn’t go deep enough to be fatal. Swinging himself around, Brendan let one of his paws out to smash Dean’s eye. Letting go of Brendan’s neck, Dean stumbled backward, but ducked under another of Brendan’s hits. Crawling back, Dean let Brendan chase him around, darting through the trees of the surrounding area and letting Brendan crash and hurt himself.

  At one point, Brendan nearly trapped himself in a thin area between trees; Dean saw, swirling around to take another crack at Brendan’s neck. But Brendan’s entrapment was an act, and when Dean drew near, he slipped through and under the massive black furred wolf, chomping down on his leg and kicking out to make the wolf tumble and fall on his back to roll around. A sickening crunch and crackle pierced the air as Brendan stretched out Dean’s foreleg, causing the beast to cry out in pain. Brendan let go moments later to prevent Dean from doing the same with his own hind leg.

  Panting, Brendan circled back into the clearing, his gaze never leaving Dean. Dean cried out as he struggled to stand, howling angrily at Brendan. He shifted back a minute later, Dean rolling around in his birthday suit in the mud. The rain dampened his hair, and he pointed a finger at Brendan.

  “This isn’t over!” he shouted, rising steadily to his feet. “I’ll come back with an army to crush you all and take back what’s mine. Silverwood Island is mine, dammit, and you can’t stop me!”

  Brendan howled his response, flashing his canines and prodding forward, but once Brendan got to the treeline, Dean bolted, vanishing quickly in the rain and forest. Brendan made to go after him but heard something crash into the earth. He turned to gaze at Sam, who watched him unsteadily. Her eyes were wide, and Brendan knew the exact reason why. On her knees, Sam breathed heavily.

  By the time he turned back around to the forest, Dean had disappeared entirely, and with the rain, his scent would wash away. Brendan stowed his wrath and frustration for the moment, turning to scamper back to Sam. The doctor recoiled at his approach, hugging herself as he came with a dozen feet of her. She trembled, her breath fogging in the cold air. Brendan half expected Sam to get up and run away from him, considering her words from before.

  He’s a monster! A literal monster!

  Those words echoed in Brendan’s mind while he trudged forward, sticking his nose up to Sam. He sniffed her, smelling for the musky scent of blood. When he didn’t find anything of the sort, he relaxed; if Dean had hurt Sam, Brendan might have gone into a blind tear through the forest after the villain...though that may not have helped Sam’s new image of him.

  But Sam didn’t budge. Instead she stared at him wide-eyed, opening herself up while he remained still. He shuffled a bit to give her a better look, and to his surprise she didn’t jerk away. Instead she reached forward, touching his snout and stroking it. She closed her eyes while she did so, bringing a hand up to cover her eyes as if she couldn’t believe there could be anyone else like Dean in the world.

  Brendan shifted back, taking hold of Sam’s hand as he kneeled, naked, before her.

  “Surprise,” he said, with the hint of a smile. “I take it you know about shifters?”

  Sam remained quiet, her green eyes regarding him cautiously. She nodded, lacing her fingers into his almost forcibly. Gently, he held her hand, watching the tears spring into her eyes. She began to cry, trying to wipe at her eyes, and Brendan’s chest thumped and sunk. His vision narrowed, and all he wanted at the moment was to hold her, to comfort her.

  So he did, tugging her to him, allowing her to collapse in his arms. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered in her ear. “Not all shifters are like him. There are many that are good, like Connor and me.”
When she didn’t respond, he smiled. “Have faith, yeah?”

  “Yeah…” she finally said, letting go of Brendan and trying to rise to her feet. Brendan jumped up to help, allowing her to grip onto his arms. The dirt became slicker and slicker under their feet, and so they held onto each other as they walked back to her ruined front doorway.

  “I have Connor bringing others to help guard this place and protect you and the others,” Brendan said, trying to lift her spirits. It seemed to work, as Sam breathed in and out and nodded, trying to ignore the water pooling into her home from the outside. As they were both drenched, they tracked all sorts of dirt and mud into the front, water dripping all over. Sam tried to avoid looking at Brendan’s manhood, though he wouldn’t have cared either way. Helping her to sit down on the only seat not broken in half, Brendan grabbed a blanket from a rack nearby and draped it around his waist. Leaning forward, Brendan locked eyes with Sam, gazing at the damp locks of her platinum hair.

  “I need to know the whole story, Sam,” he said, getting straight to the point. “About you and Dean, about your reason for coming here.” When she appeared hesitant, he added quickly. “I’ll explain my side too, but for us to trust each other more, we need to learn about each other...I’ve been very curious about you ever since I awoke to your gorgeous eyes.”


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