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Truth or Lies?

Page 3

by A. Gomez

  Samson’s ears perked up and he trotted to the basement door. He was growling softly. Oh no. Please don’t let it be another mouse.

  I followed him, saying, “Good boy.” I was petting his head. I opened the door and turned on the light. He ran down the stairs. I gulped and walked down slowly with a broom in hand. I hated killing mice. Maybe I should have woken Josh and had him do it. But if I did, I might come across as being too girly and I really didn’t want that. Be tough, Isabel, you can do this. Samson was growling louder and it sounded like he had something in his mouth. Oh god! I hope he hasn’t killed it. It’s such a bloody mess when he does that. My stomach was beginning to feel queasy. I caught up to Samson when something jumped out from behind me. “Gah!” I let out a soft cry. It was a flying squirrel. Samson jumped and caught it like a Frisbee, killing it. Ew!

  “Samson, drop it,” I commanded. He let it fall to the floor. Gross! It was bleeding. I opened the basement door to the outside and swept it out. I did not want to pick that thing up. As I was closing the door, I noticed a figure in the distance. He or she looked like they were staring at me. Chills ran down my spine. Samson barked a few times, making me jump. I quickly shut and locked the door.

  The game was over and the Cowboys had won by three. Josh was still asleep. I wasn’t sleepy so I decided to watch the post-game. I noticed Josh did drink his beer after all. I supposed he couldn’t help himself. I hoped he wouldn’t get reprimanded; it would be my fault, entirely, if he did.

  I woke up to Samson breathing in my face. Blah! He had the worst breath. I pushed him away and rolled over, only to hit something with my forehead. “Ouch!” My eyes flew open, wondering what I just hit. It was Josh’s armpit. Why was he so hard? I rubbed my forehead, popped up and saw we were both covered with the quilt that had been lying over the sofa last night. “I don’t remember falling asleep,” I whispered to myself. And the television was off—did he turn it off or did I? Did he cover us with the quilt or did I? Samson was starting to do his throaty whine and stared at me. This was his way of letting me know he was ready for his walk. I didn’t want him to wake Josh so I got up. I went to use the bathroom, brushed my teeth, got my warm-ups on and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I sent Jill a short text before coming out of my room. Josh was still asleep. I thought with all the bathroom noise and Samson whining he would wake up. Nope. He was clearly a hard sleeper. Some babysitter he was. I put my tennis shoes on and grabbed my winter jacket. Samson had his leash in his mouth so I took it and out the back door we went.

  It was early on a Friday morning; the sun was barely coming up so I didn’t bother to put the leash on him. It looked like my neighbors were still asleep and I didn’t see the usual joggers so I wasn’t worried. It was pretty cold out for me—November weather in Chicago was more like our Texas winters. However, I did love the snow and playing with Samson in the snow. He was a Huskie with a lot of thick fur so when the cold weather comes, he gets friskier and more playful. I was walking briskly to keep warm and to keep up with Samson. The joggers started to surface so I put him on his leash. It was just going to be a short walk today so we didn’t take our usual route. I could see one of my neighbors out on her porch, enjoying the cold air and drinking her coffee. She was watching people go by. It was Mrs. Martin, a very well-to-do, sixty-four-year-old widow with two little dogs that hated Samson and barked incessantly. If dogs could get the Napoleon complex then these dogs had it! They were the meanest things on four legs and I almost thought it was because of their small size.

  She was the sweetest lady I’d ever had the good fortune to meet and get to know. We talked about everything from politics to God. I loved her and loved being around her. Her two dogs, on the other hand, were a different story.

  “Good morning Mrs. Martin! Where are those feisty dogs of yours? I didn’t hear them this morning,” I said, secretly thankful they were MIA.

  “They are at the vet this morning, getting their teeth cleaned. What are you doing up so early this morning, Miss Isabel?” She liked putting the Miss in front of my name a lot. She thought that’s how we talked in Texas so she adopted it since she liked it so much. I hadn’t the heart to tell her she sounded like the elementary kids I worked with.

  I walked up to her porch. “Samson woke me with his heavy breathing. I suppose he was ready earlier for his walk today.”

  Mrs. Martin let out a big laugh. “Don’t you just love how they’re so much like children?” She was still laughing; her laugh was contagious.

  I looked in the direction of my house and squinted, trying to see through a window. I lived right next door to Mrs. Martin so I felt like I should possibly apprise her of my situation. I didn’t want her getting the wrong idea. I saw some movement in my house; it looked like Josh was finally waking up.

  “Are you looking to see if your gentleman friend is still there?” She had a soft smile on her face. “Is that the young doctor you were telling me about? The one that works at Cook County Hospital with you?”

  “No, no,” I said with a sigh. “That was Dr. Summers, Dr. David Summers. He didn’t want to be with me in the same way I wanted to be with him. I liked him; I thought he liked me enough to get to know me and I him. I wanted a relationship and he just, not that.” My voice got quiet with disappointment and I looked at my feet unthinkingly. “When I told him I couldn’t give him what he wanted, he quickly lost interest in me, turning to a nurse at the hospital who was more than willing to give him whatever he wanted. I shook my head. “Plus, I’m a better golfer,” I offered, “and I think he couldn’t get past that either.”

  “Yes, beating a man at golf does put a damper on things,” she said teasingly. I giggled. “My dear girl, don’t ever let anyone make you feel less than what you are…especially a man. That guy didn’t respect you and is a selfish individual, but you were strong and held on to what you believe is right, so be proud of yourself. I know your mother would be!” She had taken my hands in hers and gave me a loving smile.

  “ISABEL!” Josh’s deep voice boomed so loud it jolted us both, causing us to jump. “Where have you been?” Josh sounded heated. I squeezed my eyes shut, oh snaps! What did I do now?

  I turned to look at him and saw he was barefoot, sleeves still rolled up, and with major bed head. I snickered at the sight. Mrs. Martin was frowning. “Is this young man any better?” she wondered aloud. “I don’t think anyone should be yelling at you like that, dear.”

  “It’s not what you think,” I answered. “He’s not with me… I mean we’re not together… I mean we’re not a couple.” I let out an exasperated sigh; I was trying not to get flustered. Why does Josh make me so nervous? “He’s an FBI agent,” I said in a hurry. “I’ll call you once I get to work and explain everything. But please don’t mention this to anyone, okay?”

  Her eyes were wide as saucers; I could see she was thoroughly confused and her brow furrowed with concern. I hurried back with Samson, my mind racing with questions. What did I do wrong this time? Why was he so angry? His eyes were scanning the street and the other brownstones. He was talking about rules last night; I suppose I should’ve listened. Oops. We walked in the house; he closed the door and locked it. I went into the kitchen for water and to feed Samson; Josh followed.

  “Isabel,” he said as he ran both his hands through his hair. “I thought we went over the rules last night. You said you understood so why would you go off and break them like a damn teenager?!” His tone was very condescending. I don’t respond well to condescending.

  “I guess my give-a-shit meter is broken,” I spit back at him.

  He glared at me. “Very nice. Are you always this sarcastic with people who are trying to protect you?”

  “No, just stupid ones that don’t know how to set an alarm to make sure they are awake before the person they are trying to protect is awake so they can actually protect her!” I replied with cynicism.

  “Wonderful!” he exclaimed. “I’m dealing with a sixteen-year-old girl.�

  “I think we’re done here.” I made sure Samson had water, fed him and left the kitchen to get ready for work.

  “Hey! Hold on!” He took hold of my arm at the elbow as I was walking away from him.

  “Samson! Go!” As soon as those words crossed my lips I covered my mouth. What was I doing? I was not thinking, I was just reacting! He was right. I was an adolescent.

  Samson came running and lunged for Josh. I jumped in between them and caught my dog. I stumbled backwards with him and gave the command to stop. Josh stepped back and fell into a chair. He was cursing like a sailor, a look of shock on his face. He didn’t take his eyes off of Samson.

  “Was he going for my…”

  “Testicles?” I finished the question for him. “Yes, he was. I took Samson to a few dog classes when I got him and this was one of the commands he was taught there.” I was praising Samson for obeying and gave him one of his doggie cookies. My brow was furrowed, shaking my head, asking myself how could I react without thinking.

  “Er... Isabel…” Josh was trying to process what just happened and I think that’s all he could manage to say. He started pacing the kitchen floor.

  “Josh…I. Am. So. Very. Sorry.” I felt terrible for what I had done. I was watching him pace. I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed my forehead. What had gotten into me as of late? Why did I feel so much anger? I sat down on a chair. “Josh, why are you here? What I mean is, why are you staying in my house with me? I texted Jill earlier this morning and Stevens is not staying in her apartment with her. He did take her home and he did go inside with her but he left. He didn’t stay the night. He’s there now, bright and early to pick her up but that was it. I don’t understand why I have to be guarded like this? I just don’t like it,” I said, annoyed.

  He stopped pacing, looking at me with a concerned expression. “Isabel, if anything were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself. And no, you don’t have to be watched so closely like this but I can’t bear the thought of leaving you here alone, defenseless.”

  “I’m hardly defenseless.” I felt insulted. “I slowed you down enough in the courthouse to where if you were after me, I would’ve gotten a good head start on you. Plus, I have this amazing, awe-inspiring dog!” A loving smile spread across my face as I gazed at Samson. “You should be in awe of Samson. This will be a piece-a-cake assignment for you.” I snapped my fingers and grinned from ear to ear.

  He let his head hang and half smiled, saying, “You definitely are a prepared female.”

  “Thank you,” I chimed, happy with myself. “So, we’re good? You’re not upset with me?” I asked.

  “Oh, I didn’t say that.” This was spoken with eyes dark and intense. “I don’t think you realize just how out of my mind with worry I was when I couldn’t find you. You’re a handful and someone has to put you in your place.” His voice was deep and sultry. He inched his way toward me, taking me by the shoulders, pulling me out of my chair. “What am I going to do with you, Isabel?” he breathed, moving my hair off my shoulders and away from my neck. My gut spasmed with nerves as I felt myself stiffen.

  “What exactly do you mean?” My voice caught in my throat.

  “Just this,” he whispered as he leaned down, kissing my neck.

  My heart started racing and I could hear my jagged breath. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my nerves. I felt his hot breath on my ear as he started telling me how naughty I had been. He let go of my shoulders and cupped my face with both of his palms as he moved to my other ear, again telling me how much of a handful I was. His hot breath was like a zing of electricity going through my body. My pulse quickened. He started kissing me just under my earlobe, then moved to my jaw line and then slowly on to the corner of my mouth. My breath caught in my chest and I inadvertently placed my hands on his hips. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He truly was magnificent.

  “Josh, I…” I couldn’t finish my thought as he moved down my neck to my collarbone. He pulled my sweatshirt off and started kissing my shoulder.

  “Mmm.” His deep throaty moan was so sexy. “You are so beautiful, Isabel.” He swept me up in his arms and moved to the sofa where he started grazing my collarbone with his lips. He laid me down on the sofa. “Christ, Isabel,” he whispered. “You are a goddess. I could worship you all day.” He took his shirt off and unfastened my bra, practically tearing it off, and put his mouth on my nipple, gently biting and sucking, then moved to my other nipple as he groped my breasts with his hands, causing me to moan.

  “Joshua, wait,” I said breathlessly. “There’s something you should know.”

  “Shhhh, tell me later.” He trailed kisses down to my navel, licking and nibbling. He removed my sweatpants and panties with one fluid movement and started kissing and lightly nipping my inner thigh. He flipped me over to my stomach and started to kiss my back and shoulders. He moved to my buttocks and gently bit. It took me by surprise. I gasped softly, whipping my head up. I heard him unzip his pants. He flipped me again onto my back, cupping my breasts and kissing the apex of my thigh…nibbling and licking. His pants and boxers were still on, but the bulge that was inside them seemed as if it was ready to tear through.

  I moaned louder and gently tugged on his hair. “Josh,” I said, my voice catching in my throat. “Joshua,” I moaned his name. His tongue and lips were on my clit now and I couldn’t bring myself to stop him. His sinful mouth…his beautiful mouth…I couldn’t help but moan. I didn’t want him to stop…I wanted him inside me. I tugged harder on his hair, trying to get his attention but it just excited him more and I heard his throaty groan.

  His hot breath on me sent waves of electricity through my already heated body. My head was a jumble of thoughts and emotions I was having a hard time sorting through. He came up to kiss me. My will was starting to crumble. I tasted myself all over his lips and tongue. He moved down my neck, kissing and nibbling while trying to remove his pants, his breathing harsh. He grabbed my hips, positioning me so I could be ready for him. I didn’t know if I wanted to stop him. I grabbed his face and pulled him towards me, kissing him harder, invading his mouth with my tongue. He took control of the kiss, deepening the kiss, becoming rougher. He broke away from the kiss and bit both my nipples, slipping two fingers inside me. I pushed my hips up to meet his invasion and moaned louder.

  “Baby, you are so ready for me!” He pushed his pants and boxers down to his knees.

  “Joshua…wait!” I groaned.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I have protection,” he said with jagged breath. I heard the crinkling of foil. I looked up at him and then down to his hands. He was trying to put the condom on but was struggling with it. His impressive erection amazed me; he was thick and long. It made me more wet. I quickly lost my will to stop him. I needed him inside of me.

  “Joshua!” I breathed.

  “I don’t have it on yet, baby, be patient with me.” He leaned down, putting my breast in his mouth. “Say my name again, baby,” he said impatiently through a mouth full of my breast.

  “Joshua, you have to stop because I don’t think I’m strong enough to stop.”

  He slowly moved to my lips and started to lightly bite my lower lip. “Mmmm,” he was moaning louder. My legs were spread eagled. He slipped two fingers inside me again. I groaned louder and pushed my hips up to meet his fingers.

  “Joshua…please!” I begged in between moans, my back arching.

  “What, baby?” he asked while kissing me.

  “I’ve never done this… I mean, I’ve never gone all the way… this would be my first time.” My breath was harsh and jagged.

  He froze and gaped at me. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, very serious.” I said panting and a little embarrassed.

  He didn’t get off of me; he just stayed there for what seemed like an eternity, looking intently into my eyes.

  “Are you saying I would be the first one to, uh, to…” he trailed off.

  “Yes, you would, but I just can’t. I�
��m sorry,” I answered his unspoken question. I propped myself up with my elbows to look at him as he started to move, pulling his pants and boxers up over his hips. He left his pants unzipped, his erection too large to zip them.

  “Isabel, do you realize how much more this turns me on?” He lightly brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers. “You are perfect,” he offered so quietly I wondered if he was talking to himself. We sat up, he picking the quilt up off the floor and covering me.

  “Thank you,” I said, relieved. “It was getting very difficult for me to stop. I don’t know if I could’ve said no to you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I would never do anything to hurt you or let anyone else hurt you.” His tone was gentle but there was a ring of authority in it. He kissed me on the lips and leaned back on the sofa to catch his breath. He looked pensive. I wished I could read minds. He was making me nervous again. Ugh! Maybe I should just give in and get it over with. It’s not like I didn’t want to but I just couldn’t bring myself to say yes if it was just going to be a one-time affair.

  “I can’t tell if you’re angry or hate me,” I said shyly.

  He whipped his head around to look at me. “Really? I can’t tell if you’re upset or angry with me.”

  “How could I be? I could’ve stopped you but I didn’t. I should’ve told you but how does one bring something like that up in polite conversation?”


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