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Truth or Lies?

Page 9

by A. Gomez

  Josh walked in, looking enticing in his sweat pants and fitted, long-sleeved t-shirt. I rested my head in my hands, tired of racking my brain, looking for I didn’t know what in all my notes, files and documents. I exhaled loudly and started rubbing my head with my fingertips. Josh was at my side, moving my hair off my shoulder and away from my neck. He leaned over and kissed me on my neck and under my earlobe. My breath caught in my chest and I looked up at him. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I parted my lips, waiting for him. He kissed me passionately, making my head swim. He swiveled my chair so that I was facing him and knelt down in front of me. He spread my legs and positioned himself in between my thighs. I ran my fingers though his hair and he let out a soft groan. He stopped kissing me and pulled away to look at me.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  He held me, laying his head on my chest. “Did you know your Texas twang comes out more prominently when you’re around your family?”

  I giggled and buried my face in his soft, blond locks. We sat still for an immeasurable moment. “Josh, I want to go to the hospital. I’d like to see Jill and I also want to get a few files from my office,” I said.

  He was still holding me with his head on my chest. “Of course. I was just about to ask you if you wanted to see Jill.”

  “Perfect! Then I’d like to go to the shooting range to get some practice in.”

  He let go of me, sat back on his knees and stared at me in dismay. “Shooting range?” He was practically yelling.

  “Yes, I need the practice. I haven’t fired a gun since deer season last year in Texas.”

  “Isabel, I know you’re from Texas and getting a gun for your birthday is commonplace down there, but I just don’t know how comfortable I am with you handling a firearm. I mean there really is no need for you to do this. I’m here with you and I won’t leave your side. I would take a bullet for you!” He furrowed his brow and was on his feet.

  I pursed my lips. “Josh,” I began, “I love the thought of you taking care of me, and Heaven forbid, taking a bullet for me, but must we play these tug-of-war games every time before I get my way?” It was a rhetorical question. “I’m an avid supporter of our second amendment rights so I’m going to the shooting range with or without you,” I exclaimed. “I’ve been hunting with my father and brothers since I was in elementary school. Those were some of the best times of my life. Being outdoors in nature, the smell of the trees, dirt and at times jasmine growing wild, depending on where we went hunting. We bonded as a family and we were taught to respect guns. Furthermore, we eat every animal we hunt.”

  He eyed me with arms crossed on his chest. “Isabel Grace, you are positively a handful. All right, fine,” he exclaimed. “I don’t know what I’m thinking. It’s only fair you should practice. This is who you are and this is how you were raised. It would be wrong of me to try and stop that or even change it. I would never want to do that to you.”

  “Whew! I was afraid we were going to have a problem there for a minute. Especially because I wasn’t asking your permission.” I smiled and batted my eyes at him. He smiled a crooked smile, taking me by the shoulders and standing me up.

  “Does everyone in Texas carry a gun and ride horses?” he asked.

  “No, we carry huntin’ rifles and ride tractors,” I said sarcastically.


  “No,” I giggled, shaking my head.

  As Josh headed to the shower, I decided to take my laptop to my bed to look through some more documents and wait for him there. I stacked four pillows and reclined with my laptop on my lap. Josh’s phone was on one of the pillows, so I place it on my nightstand. I was trying to read but Josh’s phone kept buzzing. I tried to ignore it and return to my reading. The phone buzzed again and again and again and again. My goodness! It went off more than a teenage girl’s phone. Ugh! I decided to silence it. I picked it up and saw that he had about a dozen texts and some sort of social media notifications app and all from two girls. One named Janis and the other named Jennifer. Surprisingly, he didn’t have it locked and I was able to open his phone. I read the texts from Janis. She was begging him to come see her and they could have so much fun together. There were also a few pictures on the same app of her blowing kisses, to Josh, I would presume. Jennifer’s texts were similar but I didn’t bother scrolling through the app again to look at her antics. My heart sank to my stomach. Isabel Grace Langley, you’re such a stupid fool, I told myself. Josh was just another David Summers with only one goal in mind. How could I have been so blind? I squeezed my eyes shut and put his phone back down. My head was throbbing and my body felt like it weighed a ton. I got up and headed for the door. I moved at a glacial speed. Everything around me didn’t seem palpable. How could I have been so stupid? I put on my boots and winter jacket; grabbed my purse and got in my car.

  I was headed to the hospital but decided to drive around a bit to try and clear my head. This was agony. I couldn’t move past the feeling of foolishness, stupidity or even fear. Fear of getting hurt again, fear of staying a virgin for the rest of my life, fear of committing to someone only to discover it was purely sexual for the other person. This couldn’t possibly be happening to me again. I looked up at the sky and a cottony layer of clouds cloaked the sky. It looked like snow was coming. I loved snow and being out in it with my dog. I wanted to share that experience with Josh…

  I tried not to focus on Josh, but rather on the case and the Triads versus the Hongmen. My mind wouldn’t cooperate. It was swimming with all the texts and photos. I decided to go through a drive-through and get a drink. I got to the window to pay and the male attendant that took my money wouldn’t stop smiling at me and staring at me.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Isabel.” I tried to be polite but I was not in the mood.

  “Smile, Isabel, someone with beautiful eyes like yours shouldn’t look so sad,” he said. Good grief! This young punk did not need to start flirting with me because I was really not in the mood. He handed me my drink but didn’t let go right away. I looked up at him, read his nametag and forced a half smile.

  “Kevin. It is Kevin, isn’t it?” I asked dryly.

  “Yes, gorgeous it is.”

  “Well, Kevin, it looks like you’re one of those and I’m not interested in one of those. Don’t misunderstand me. You look to be about nineteen, twenty, and I’m sure a lot of young, stupid girls that frequent this establishment would swoon at the sight of you in that uniform, with your name tag and your oh so charming conversation. As for me, I’m not as young as I look or as stupid as you look so let go of my fucking drink so I can be on my way.”

  “Whatever,” he said, giving me my drink. I rolled up my window and looked at him one last time. He was frowning. I mouthed a goodbye to him and left.

  I headed for the hospital feeling a bit less agitated and more levelheaded. I parked in my spot and headed for the ER so David could let me in the ICU. I found David and he escorted me to the ICU. Jill was awake and seemed alert. She was propped up on two pillows watching the television. Relief washed through me. She was also alone. Stevens was gone but I noticed another agent by her door. David was reading her chart and started to check the machines.

  “Dr. Annie Rodriguez is her doctor but I think she’s already come and gone.” David walked around to Jill’s bedside and started taking her vitals.

  “Can I hug her?” I asked enthusiastically.

  “Yes, of course just be careful…and gentle.”

  “Oh, Jill! I was so worried! You look great! How do you feel?”

  “Like I’ve been shot even though I was stabbed.” She was barely moving but she seemed comfortable.

  “Are you in a lot of pain?”

  “Surprisingly no. They have me on a lot of morphine so I feel okay.”

  “Ladies, please excuse me. I’m getting a 911 page so I have to run but I’ll be back. Isabel, please don’t leave without talking to me first.” David gently moved me out of h
is way and kissed me on the cheek before he exited. Huh. That was unexpected.

  “Are you and Doctor Summers back together?” she asked, surprised.

  “No, no, we’re not. I suppose he’s just trying to be a better friend?” I looked at her confused as well. “So where is Stevens? He was here yesterday by your bedside in a bloody shirt, his arm in a sling and looking like something the cat dragged in. I think you gave him a good scare. Who knew someone as intimidating as he could get scared by a tiny thing like you.”

  She snickered lightly, her face puckering from the pain. “I was told he had to get checked by a doctor again. Something about his shoulder getting an infection and it spreading to his arm.”

  “So, that explains the new agent sitting outside. Do you know his name?” I asked.

  “No, not yet. Today is my first day being able to speak without problems. When they took the tube out, my throat was sore and it hurt to swallow or say anything.” She exhaled softly.

  “Do you know if you’re staying on this case or will the DA pass it to someone else?” I asked.

  “Well.” She paused to think. “I think I should be able to keep it. I mean I have plenty of time to recover and even if I’m moving slow it’s not like I have to run a marathon. I’ll be sitting at the table in court, not running around. Plus, my paralegal can do all the leg work,” she added.

  I was about to talk about the case when nurse Ginger walked in. I decided to get out of her way and sit down while she checked Jill and changed her saline bag. I stayed quiet while she worked and just watched. She took out a syringe with medicine in it and pushed the contents of it through Jill’s IV… at least I hoped it was medicine. She glared at me and didn’t crack a smile. The tension between us was palpable and I honestly didn’t understand why. I really didn’t know her or she me. She was an attractive woman with long blonde hair; she always had it in a bun or a ponytail. She had attractive blue eyes and red lips. She was very petite. In fact, I felt like a giant next to her with my five-foot, seven-inch stature. I would venture to say she was probably five foot two at the most but attractive nonetheless. She had no reason to feel insecure about David or me. He chose her. I looked at Jill and she had her eyes closed. Maybe that medicine was to help her sleep. Ginger finished and walked toward me, hands on her hips, giving me a death stare.

  Here we go…I took a deep breath, “Can I help you, Ginger?”

  “You can help by staying the fuck away from David! You’re playing games with his emotions and it’s affecting him. He chose me because you’re too much of a prude to deal with. You’re really just another stuck-up bitch!”

  “Charming,” I replied with a sardonic grin. “Do you kiss your pimp with that mouth?”

  She was about to yank me out of my chair when David walked in and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Perfect timing, David,” I said with censure in my voice. “You can tell the help to leave now. She’s all done here.”

  “FUCKING BITCH!” Ginger’s voice was a little too loud and the other nurses outside looked in our direction. I glanced at Jill and she was wearing a smirk with her eyes still closed. Sneaky girl, so she is feeling better. David took Ginger outside and I saw him talking to her, his lips moving rapidly, too fast for me to read. I walked to Jill’s bedside and kissed her forehead. I whispered that I’d come back when Ginger’s shift was over. She gave me a thumbs up. I headed to the elevators, trying to make a quick getaway. David saw me and caught me at the elevators.

  “Isabel, I’m sorry for what just happened. I don’t know why Ginger is so insecure.”

  “Spare me the platitudes, David. She’s insecure because you make her insecure, with whatever it is you told her or continue to tell her about me or us…” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “I told her I’m still in love with you and I can’t be with her because of my feelings for you.” He twirled me around so I was facing him, looking for my reaction. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of any kind of reaction.

  “David, this isn’t fair. I can’t deal with this right now, I have too many things on my plate at the moment and one of them is to get to my office and look up a few documents. We can talk at a later time.”

  He agreed and let me go. I was sure I’d be hearing from him sooner rather than later since he thought Josh and I were an item.


  I got to my office, not bothering to turn on the lights. It was a clear and sunny day; the sun was shining in nicely, warming up the room. I decided to type up an explanation of the Chinese Triads for Pam and email it to her so she’d be abreast of everything. As I was typing, I could hear voices coming from another office, more like laughter and what sounded like moans? I got up to go investigate. As I was walking in the direction of the voices, I assumed it was Patti, the newest psychologist we had just brought on. She was always with a new man and fooling around in her office. It was almost as if it were an aphrodisiac for her. Ew, I wasn’t sure if I should go investigate the sounds now.

  I was passing Pam’s office when I heard a man’s voice from inside. I heard Pam moaning…I heard a man call her “baby”…I heard kissing? The door was cracked so I peeked inside. “Oh shit!” I covered my mouth, nearly giving myself away. It was FBI SAC Tim Conny and Pam! When did that happen? How long had that been going on? Was this why Pam was always at work? I couldn’t say that I blamed her. Her husband was always missing, lost somewhere in Chicago at a bar because he was too drunk to remember how to get home or even tell her his location. Why didn’t she just divorce him? I watched for a few more seconds and then flushed when I saw Conny start to undress her. Isabel, give them their privacy, I told myself. I hurried back to my office and closed the door. Whew, that was close.

  I finished my document on the Chinese Triads and emailed it to her. I then pulled all the files I needed to catch up on and checked to see if we had any new patients coming Monday. Zero new patients. Hmm, slow Monday, thank my lucky stars. I decided to make sure our administrative assistant reserved the group therapy room for Monday and ordered snacks for the kids. I noticed she ordered triple the snacks and water than usual. Odd, we’ve never had that many kids come on any given day. I logged on to her computer and checked the RSVP list for Monday’s therapy. Yup, twenty kids coming, how very odd. And they were all girls, not one boy…all girls. That’s it! That was Tori’s intention. She was going to come to therapy, a safe haven, a place where she could talk and ask for help without the outside world knowing where she was at or what she was doing. She wanted to come to a place where no one knew her or of her. Away from the predators, pimps and pedophiles that were buying and selling her for money. She was going to come to me, to this hospital and ask for my help and divulge everything she knew about the Triads because my victim invited her. Tori must have told some other girls in her situation about the group therapy. I wouldn’t know for certain until group, but my gut was telling me that was the reason she might have gotten murdered.

  I was so excited I got up and headed to my office to get my cell phone and call Josh but as I was hurrying, I realized I didn’t have his number nor he mine. I stopped in my tracks, looked in the direction of Pam’s office and let my head hang, closing my eyes. I shoved my hands in the back pockets of my jeans, feeling pathetic. I sauntered slowly back to my office. What was it with the women working on this case, anyway? Was there something in the water that we all had to be involved with an FBI agent? I got to my office and Josh was there on his phone, looking frantic. He hung up on whomever he was talking to, rushed over to me and took me in his arms.

  “Baby, I’ve been out of my mind looking for you. When I saw that you had left, I came straight here but you weren’t here or with Jill. Stevens said he hadn’t seen you either. Thank goodness for Davis. He said he thought he saw you walk in here.” He let out a loud exhale. “I know why you left, baby. I know you saw those texts and pictures and there’s a perfectly logical explanation for all of that.”

  I pushed him away and shut m
y door. “Okay, explain,” I said dryly.

  He paused, his eyes fixed on mine, trying to find the right words. “Baby, all I can say is that it is work related.”

  I sat at my desk and chuckled to myself. He’s kidding himself if he really thinks I’m going to believe that. How convenient for him that his profession gives him permission to say “it’s work related” and give no further explanations. I said nothing and just glowered at him. He was a good liar at the courthouse when he was bleeding and he was a good liar now. My phone rang. It was David.

  “Yes, David,” I answered with a hint of irritation in my voice.

  “Come down and have a coffee with me. I can get away for about twenty minutes.”

  Josh was kneeling in front of me, saying nothing, just looking intently into my eyes.

  “Now is not a good time, David.” I was exasperated.

  “Please, Isabel. We really need to talk.”

  I sighed loudly and said, “Okay, give me ten minutes and I’ll be there. Oh, and David, if Ginger is anywhere in sight, I turn around and head back.” I hung up the phone and got up to head down to the ER. Josh blocked my exit and grabbed me by the shoulders. I pushed him out of my way and kept walking.

  “Isabel, baby, don’t leave. I love you,” he shouted.

  I whirled, scowling him, “Joshua Rockwall, you lie like a rug. You should be ashamed of yourself!” My twang was more prominent than I’d have liked. “You don’t love me. You love the thought that I’m a virgin and you could possibly be the one to pop my cherry. In fact, this is the perfect scenario for you. You’re able to keep me close, all the while safeguarding the prize you’re hungry for. The same prize David wanted and still wants. Those other girls are just like nurse Ginger. You have them on the back burner waiting for you, feeding them lies, giving them just enough attention in the event what you’re after doesn’t pan out. And by the way, those girls on your phone are just that…girls. They look extremely young for the likes of you. What are they, college age?”


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