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Truth or Lies?

Page 14

by A. Gomez

  “Mother, this was your idea, wasn’t it?” I was annoyed.

  “Honey, I promise you, I suggested no such thing to Ben. The only thing I said, and it was really just me thinking out loud, was if we were back home we would see those thugs coming a mile away, since there are no thugs that look like these men in our area at all.”

  “Your mother is telling the truth. When I heard her say that, it was the perfect solution.” Ben was back to his calm and composed self. His arms crossed on his chest while he was talking to me. “You’re going to tell David, very inconspicuously of course, that you’re taking time off and going home to Texas. Our people will be watching him here and everyone around him. Hopefully, we get some sort of lead this way.”

  I let out a defeated sigh. “I suppose me saying no wouldn’t help, would it?”

  “No, not really. We’d get you there somehow,” he answered.

  “I’m not leaving until after group therapy on Friday. That’s in twelve days and since my father has a company jet at his disposal, and he owns the company, we have the luxury of leaving whenever we want. And this is what I want.” I made sure to sound unyielding.

  “Why not let one of the other doctors handle therapy this time?” Ben asked.

  “Ben, I have to be there. It has to be me. While I was at the office, before those hit men showed up, I saw the RSVP list for therapy and it was full. All thirty slots were full and ninety-nine percent of those names were girls. I have a feeling that however Tori got out of her situation, these girls did too and Tori told them about me. So, I have to be the one there. You do understand, don’t you? This could also be a lead.”

  He stared at me for a moment. Was he thinking I was too weak to go or he didn’t want to chance it? It didn’t matter. I was going.

  “Fine, you can go but I insist on being with you at all times.” He too sounded unyielding.

  I laughed awkwardly, “Ben, Ben, Ben…I wasn’t asking but I’m glad you’re fine with it. It’ll make life easier. And since your background is medicine then yes, I will let you be in the same room as my underage patients.” My mother scoffed lightly and was shaking her head. Probably remembering our battle of the wills when I was a teen.

  Ben pursed his lips, stating, “It looks like you’re doing a lot better, Isabel. I’m going to go find the doctor and see if he can release you.”

  “No need, I’m right here.” A tall, striking man with salt and pepper hair walked in wearing a big smile. He was handsome for an older man. He shook Ben’s hand. They exchanged a heartfelt pat on the shoulder with each other as if they’d known one another for years. He then gazed at my mother and walked over to her, extending his hand. She shook his hand but he took her hand with both of his. “Doctor Langley, are you enjoying the book I gave you?” he asked.

  “I love it,” my mother answered. “I was almost hoping Isabel Grace would take her time in waking up so I could finish it.” She winked at him and grinned.

  He laughed and didn’t let go of her hand. “I can see where your daughter gets her beautiful green eyes from.” He looked absolutely smitten by her. What the heck?


  “I’m joking, darling. But it is a good book.”

  Ben was snickering with them. He saw me scowling so he decided to introduce the doctor. “Isabel, this is Doctor Greg Kinney. He was one of my professors when I was in my last year of medical school. I trust him with my life and therefore I trusted him with yours.”

  My mother didn’t let me speak. She took over as if I were four years old again. “Thank you so much for taking such good care of my baby, Doctor Kinney. She looks very well and she said she feels well too. You don’t know how relieved I am to hear her say that.”

  “Please, call me Greg, and yes, I’m glad she’s coming out of this nicely. Those are very powerful drugs and taking them in combination with one another can be very deadly.”

  My mother smiled at him and placed her other hand on his, murmuring, “Call me Cate, Greg.” Was she flirting? “Do you happen to have her blood work results?”

  He let go of her hands. “Yes, I have them right here.” He took some papers out of his lab coat pocket and started to read it. “Her labs look good. The drugs are still in her system but we’ve been flushing them out since she arrived. I see no serious or lasting damage to her. I was very impressed with her when she first got here. She was responding to the paramedic on the ride here, she was able to tell me what was hurting, she was trying to open her eyes and I heard she pulled out her IV in the ambulance. She is very impressive.”

  “I know,” my mother said unapologetically and kissed the top of my head.

  “So, when do you think we can take her home, Greg?” Ben asked.

  “As soon as she’s finished with this drip. Normally, I would keep the patient overnight for observation but I know she’ll be in good hands with Ben, so I’m not the slightest bit worried,” he said, glancing at the IV bag. “It looks like you’re almost finished here so I’ll get the paperwork started and…” he stopped mid-sentence and turned to Ben, saying, “But you said no paperwork. The FBI would take care of everything.”

  “Yes, that’s correct, thanks for remembering, Greg. I appreciate your discretion.” Ben and Doctor Kinney shook hands.

  “And Cate,” he turned to my mother to say, “take your time finishing that book, Ben can get it back to me.” He took her hand to shake it and added, “Or you can bring it back here to me personally.”

  My mother kissed him on both cheeks and thanked him. “I may just do that,” she offered. He left the room smiling like a fool.

  “Mother! What’s gotten into you? He’s obviously flirting with you and you’re encouraging him. You’re a married woman!”

  “Honey, I may be a married woman but I’m not a dead woman. Hush now, and just rest.” She picked up her book, sat down and began reading. Ben chuckled. My goodness, my mother was a flirt. When did that happen? I elevated the head of the bed a bit more, not really wanting to rest anymore. I was ready to leave. I think I’d seen enough hospital rooms and ERs and IVs to last me a lifetime. I was anxious for tomorrow to come. I was curious to see if my suspicions were right.

  Ben could see my impatience. “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “I could eat,” I replied.

  “Good, your mother made a lot of food and I have to say it smelled and looked wonderful.”

  “Thank you, Ben,” my mom chimed in. “I hope it tastes as good as it looks.”

  I gazed up at my drip, hoping it was finished. Ben walked over to it and gently flicked it, saying, “I think this is good enough.” He pushed the button on the wall to call the nurse.

  “Yes, Dr. Davis, I’m on my way,” said the female voice on the other end.

  “Dr. Davis?” I asked, surprised. “I know you said you left a life in medicine to join the Bureau but I suppose it was never real for me until now.”

  He smiled shyly. “Some of the nurses that I used to work with are still here and I suppose they will always know me as Dr. Davis.”

  A young nurse came in like a whirlwind, taking my IV out and removing everything I was attached to. Just like that, she was in and out faster than you could shake a stick. I sat in bed for a second, getting my bearings and wondered if I should continue on with this case. It nearly got me killed and Josh was in the hospital fighting to recover. I could be putting the rest of my family in danger. It would be easier and safer to just pretend I didn’t know anything. But could I live with myself?


  We arrived at home without incident. No one was shooting at us or trying to kill me by way of overdose. I never in my life would have ever thought that not being shot at or poisoned would be a good day. My arm was starting to ache but I didn’t want to say anything or act as if I were in pain for the mere fact that I didn’t want any more drugs in my system. My body still felt slow and heavy, and having gone through this ordeal had scared me away from any kind of pain medication. I’m sure Ben
wouldn’t let that happen again but I was just not willing to take that chance. Ben took my jacket and my mother’s and hung them. I looked around for Charlie, Belín and Samson but no one was home.

  My mother and I headed for the kitchen and she quickly started getting a plate ready for me. Usually, she would tell us we’re strong and healthy enough to help ourselves, but since I’d been nearly killed twice, I was assuming she knew I was not strong enough yet to help myself. Normally, I would be milking it for all it was worth, being waited on by her, but I was kind of sick and tired of feeling so weak and helpless. I couldn’t stand it. She placed a plate full of food in front of me with milk and orange juice to go with it. It brought back memories from when I would stay home sick, from school and I would get the same kind of treatment. I smiled a thank you at her. She placed another plate of food across from me. By the size of the portions that were on it, I quickly concluded it was for Ben. She didn’t know what he liked to drink so she placed an empty glass with a coffee mug by his plate for him. She brought over the coffee pot and carton of orange juice and set it on the table. My mother sat down next to me, coffee in hand with a small plate of eggs and bacon. She usually couldn’t eat when she was upset or nervous and clearly, she must have been still upset over today’s ordeal. Ben joined us after a few minutes.

  “Is this for me?” he asked, pleasantly surprised.

  “Of course, Ben. How could I forget about you? Dig in,” my mother answered sweetly.

  “Thank you, Dr. Langley. My mouth started watering the moment we walked in.” He eagerly sat down and obeyed my mother, digging in as if this were the first time he’d seen food in months. My mother snickered to herself. I ate slowly, trying to take my time so I wouldn’t have to move my arm as much and cause it to hurt further.

  My mother picked up on my snail’s pace, “Honey, are you sure you’re all right?”

  Ben’s gaze turned from his food to me. “It’s your arm, isn’t it? You’re starting to feel it hurt.”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to take any more pills.” I looked at him with pleading eyes. “I’d rather just feel the pain, Ben.”

  “Well, I do have to insist you take the antibiotic Greg gave you. And, yes, I stayed there the entire time and I did watch the pharmacist. Once she finished, I opened the bottle to look at the pills and it was in fact penicillin. As far as the pain goes…why don’t we try going with an over-the-counter ibuprofen? We can increase the milligrams for now. That should help a little and I’m sure you already have some here.”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “All right, but if I die, beware, my mother may shoot you.”

  He and my mother laughed. My mother got up to get the ibuprofen while Ben pulled the penicillin out of his pocket. He handed the bottle to me and told me to take everything now with my food. I took out one pill from the bottle while Ben told my mother to hand me three ibuprofen pills.

  I picked up my juice and said, “Here goes nothing,” taking the antibiotic first and then the ibuprofen.

  “Isabel, we should talk about Dr. David Summers and his role in all of this,” he said as he poured himself some coffee and juice. “He thinks the shooters at the hospital were just intruders looking for drugs and they stumbled onto the wrong floor. We’re going to let him think that for now. We can’t have this case compromised. Also, he seems to think that there may be a reconciliation between the two of you. Is that accurate?”

  “Perhaps a few months ago that may have been possible but not anymore.” My gaze turned to my food and I shoved a few bites into my mouth. I didn’t want to give my feelings away regarding David.

  “Well, we need for you to let him think that may be possible. We cleared David of any wrongdoing with the meds you ingested but we are certain there is a Triad member or someone loyal to the Triads that works around him or is in daily contact with him. By you being his love interest, you may be able to help us get to this person.”

  “What about you?” I asked. “Who does he think you are since you’re here all the time?”

  “I’m just the FBI agent that took over Josh’s case and therefore am now working closely with you.”

  I looked down at my plate, moving my food around, and asked, “How is Josh?”

  Ben regarded me for a moment before saying, “He’s doing well. He’s…recovering. He’s still in ICU. From what I hear, they may move him to a regular room soon.”

  A lump caught in my throat. I was both angry and hurt, hearing about Josh but, yet, relieved he was recovering with no issues. “That’s great to hear,” I said with censure in my voice. “He’ll be back to his old playboy ways in no time.”

  Ben just looked at me while chewing his food, giving nothing away. My mother offered him more sausage and biscuits. He thanked her and took several. She got up to get the rest of the food and placed it on the table. She kissed my temple and gave me a gentle hug.

  Belín and Charlie finally made it home with Samson. Everyone came straight for the kitchen where the smell of food was coming from, including the dog. Belín went around the table kissing everyone on both cheeks, including Ben. I didn’t think Ben was any closer to being used to her kisses, since he always looked surprised when she went in for the kiss. I snickered to myself.

  “Isabel,” Belín chimed, “you look good. You look like nothing happened to you this morning.” She was looking at me intently, trying to see if she could find anything wrong.

  “She’s right, sis. You look pretty good. Glad to see you home safe and sound.” Charlie gave me a hug and a kiss on top of my head. Something he never did, not even with our mother. She usually forced that kind of affection on him.

  “Wow! A hug and a kiss from Charles Andrew. I should almost die more often, Charlie, if I’m going to get this much affection from you,” I said teasingly.

  He puckered his face, saying, “Ooo, not a good joke, sis.”

  “How do you feel, Isabel?” Belín wondered.

  “I feel better now that I’ve eaten. Mind you, I don’t think I’m up to walking the dog or even driving right now but I feel well enough to do some work on my laptop or just walk around the house.”

  “I hope you feel well enough for a visitor, Isabel,” Ben interjected, looking up from his phone. “I just got word that David is on his way here to pay you a visit.”

  “How does he know I’m home? This is very unexpected!”

  “He’s probably just guessing. He decided to go into work since this morning’s brunch didn’t go as planned. His shift must be over and I’d wager he’s on his way home but decided to take a detour and come here first.” Ben put his shoulder holster on and secured his gun in it. He asked Charlie if he could borrow his zip-up hoodie so the gun wouldn’t be so visible. Charlie took it off and handed it to him. “Remember what we talked about,” he added.

  No one moved from his or her spot in the kitchen. They all stayed put, waiting for the show to start. In fact, Charlie and Belín made themselves a plate of food from the brunch they never ate this morning. Ugh. I felt like I was being put on display and I’d better make sure I performed to their expectations. The doorbell rang and Ben asked my mother if she wouldn’t mind getting it. She headed for the door slowly while Ben fetched my laptop from my office, to give the ruse of working on “the case.” Uncertain of what to do, I served myself more fruit and continued eating. David walked in, saying, “hello,” to everyone in the kitchen. Ben just nodded his head. The tension in the room felt almost tangible, even from the general direction of Belín and Charlie. They must still blame him for what happened to me…or they didn’t trust him.

  “Isabel!” David sounded excited. “Sweet Isabel! You’re all right. I wasn’t expecting to see you home. I was actually just coming to ask your mother or brother if they had any news regarding you. I would’ve called but I don’t have your new home number or your mother or brother’s number. I’m glad I took the chance and came by.”

  “Hi David.” I glanced at Ben, stood up and kissed David on the
cheek. “I’m okay. Do you want to sit and join us?”

  “Actually, do you mind if we talk in private?”

  “Oh, of course not.” I turned to push my chair in and inconspicuously made eye contact with Ben. “Let’s go to the living room.” We headed to the sofa and I took his jacket from him and laid it on one of the chairs. I sat down first, with crisscrossed legs in front of me, facing David. He sat next to me with his knee on the sofa so he could face me.

  “So, what do you want to talk about?” I asked.

  “You look good, Isabel. You sound good too. I’m surprised at your recovery; I was pretty scared there for a minute.”

  “Scared for yourself or scared for me?” I asked categorically.

  “For you, Isabel! No question about it! For you! I would never and could never hurt you. You have to know…what happened…it wasn’t me, but I take full responsibility for not checking the medication before giving it to you. I’m so sorry. I could’ve lost you forever.” He let his head hang. He looked remorseful and in anguish. How could I not forgive him?

  I regarded him for a moment, remembering what Ben said. I took both his hands in mine. “I believe you. I know you’re not capable of something like this. I’m fine, David. It’s okay, you did nothing wrong. Ben took good care of me and I’m here now with you and my family.”

  “They must absolutely hate me. I don’t know how I could ever get back in their good graces again…especially your mother.” His gaze moved in the direction of the kitchen where everyone was congregated.

  “Don’t worry about them, they’ll forgive you eventually.”

  David took his hands out of mine and put mine in between his. “Isabel, I’m sorry for every shitty thing I did in the past. Give me another chance?” he asked, regret etched on his face. “Let me prove myself to you; let me show you how much you mean to me. I regret ever letting you slip out of my hands. I regret treating you the way I did. I regret the time I lost not being with you. I told you before I still love you and want you back. Almost losing you today has solidified that for me. Please give me a second chance and let me show you how much I care about you and love you.”


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