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My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1)

Page 22

by KC Kean

  I don’t wait for her answer as I find her clit, pinching, as I thrust into her faster and harder. One of her hands cups her boob as the other lifts back gripping me on the back of my neck.

  Holy shit.

  That is a show. Fuck I’d love to see this played back.

  I’m close, and the second her pussy clamps tightly around my dick I’m pushed over the edge, coming for what feels like forever, making sounds I’ve never made before.

  Best fuck ever.

  I slowly pull out and take care of the condom, she lays down beside me and I use one of the towels to clean her up.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, looking at me strangely.

  “I honestly have no idea. You make me do crazy things my goddess.”

  “Goddess huh?”


  I lower myself over her meeting her lips.

  “You’re addicting Luna Steele,” I murmur.

  “Right back at you,” she replies, “Now feed me so we can go again.”

  Yes please.

  Marry me?



  That was the best weekend I’ve had in a long time. We ended up spending the night at the beach house, having sex everywhere possible. We couldn’t get enough of each other.

  We’re heading back to the Academy early on, I needed to figure out where I stood after everything with Wren, and Oscar wanted to head into the lab whilst it was empty. He pulled into a small diner near campus and I followed in behind him. I’m glad I packed a pair of yoga pants in my bag yesterday with my oversized tee, as a just in case, because I definitely needed them now. I wouldn’t be able to walk in here with just a bikini on, and I’d opted to pack my leathers away too.

  Following his lead inside I was starving and ready for something with actual substance. He held the door open for me thinking he was a gentleman, bowing and shit, and I should have realized then that there was a reason for it.

  “Oscar I’m about to knock you out just get over here,” rumbles Roman from the corner booth.

  I raise my eyebrow at Oscar who looks sheepish.

  “I was worried if I’d told you this was Sunday tradition you wouldn’t have come.”

  “You would be right.”

  I wouldn’t have, but I’m here now and I’m not mad.

  “But I’m starving Oscar so I can deal for now.”

  Worried I might change my mind he places his hand on the bottom of my back and guides me towards the others.

  As we near the table they stand, motioning me to sit in the middle of the booth with Kai and Parker on either side, and Roman and Oscar taking the ends.

  “We haven’t ordered yet,” Kai says breaking the silence, and hands me a menu.

  “What’s good here?” I ask, not raising my head from the pages.

  “You,” they all say in sync.

  Oh my god. I’m actually fucking blushing. I do not blush. I lift the menu to cover my face.

  “I meant to eat.”

  “Still you,” calls Oscar, making the others chuckle.

  Even Roman isn’t clipping him round the ear.


  I don’t think it’s possible to sink any further into my seat. I can actually feel the heat in my face. Parker peeks his head around the menu, taking me in.

  “Luna Steele are you blushing?” he asks with a chuckle.

  The glare I send his way has him back pedaling. He lifts his head looking around the table.

  “Nope, no blushing around here guys,” he says with a shit eating grin on his face.

  I’m starting to think he’s the worst of the group. I go to pinch his leg, but he catches my hand before I even get close. Threading his fingers through mine and raising my hand to place a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

  How does he always get away with so much PDA? I don’t usually like it, but his innocent face has me unable to reject him. It should feel strange holding his hand after I spent the night with Oscar, but it really doesn’t. A hand on my thigh also gains my attention, and I look to the source meeting Kai’s eyes already on me.

  “They do the best pancakes here Sakura,” he says, then plants a kiss on my cheek.

  “I feel left out,” grumbles Roman, and I can’t help but chuckle.

  I arrived with Oscar and now have physical contact with both Parker and Kai. The other guys chuckle, which seems to make it worse. I lean forward over the table, and hint for him to move closer too. Which he does in an instant. Without needing to do or say anymore, he’s forcing his tongue into my mouth, branding me in front of everyone. Fuck, it’s even hotter with Kai and Parker touching me, even though it’s light petting. Turning it up a notch and adding Oscar to the mix would be a dream.

  God, I need to calm down.

  My stomach grumbles in that moment, and Roman leans back growling at Oscar.

  “Have you not fucking fed her?”

  Guilt takes over his face, looking between me and Roman, I just roll my eyes, and look at Kai.

  “What pancakes do you get?”

  “Always the chocolate chip,” he responds, not missing a beat.

  “Then I’ll have some of them, and a coffee.”

  As if hearing my words, the waitress approaches to take our order. All her attention is focused on Roman and the glare I get tells me she saw him kiss me, and she is far from happy about it. Roman reels off what everyone wants.

  “And you’d do well to remember your place and who we are. She’s an Ace.”

  The color drains a little from her face and she scurries off.

  Always drama wherever I turn.

  Parker squeezes my hand, gaining my attention.

  “So, we wanted to talk to you about something.”

  He looks nervous, so I just nod for him to continue. He hums and stutters a moment trying to figure out how to say whatever’s on his mind, when Kai takes over.

  “We want you to try a relationship, with all of us.”

  As serene as ever he calmly drops that in my lap.

  I look at each of them and they’re all staring back with some level of unease in their eyes. As if sensing a rejection coming Roman jumps in too.

  “I know after the time in the ring you said no commitment, but that was to just me. We’re asking you to explore this with all of us. That’s four dicks, plenty more than one, like you said.”

  He thinks he’s so clever with his thought process. I still don’t know how to answer. I’m enjoying what there is between us individually, and how relaxed we can feel as a group still. I’m just worried I don’t know enough about everything going on around me still and this could be a huge distraction.

  “We’re just asking you to give it a chance Luna. It’d be just like this, the rest we can figure out along the way. We just want it to be the five of us, nobody else,” Parker adds.

  Always Parker getting involved playing with my soul and making me agree to whatever he says.

  Before I came here, I was adamant I didn’t want any commitment at all, but I didn’t have a best friend then either. My life is up in the air, death knowingly waiting round the corner, yet these guys make me forget all that.

  “Okay, I’ll try,” I sigh out, not sure if I already regret saying it.

  “You won’t regret it Sakura,” whispers Kai as he kisses my neck.

  Damn I could get used to this level of attention.


  Heading back to Ace, we each go our separate ways, which earns me a quick but passionate kiss from Kai, Parker and Oscar when we get to their floor. Leaving me and Roman to ride to the top floor alone. The second the elevator shuts he has me pinned in the corner.

  “So, how was your day at the beach?” he huffs.

  “It was exactly what I needed.” He stares me down searching for something.

  “Did he take good care of you Princess?”

  Err, am I supposed to answer that? I guess if we are being open about this I should.

ah he did,” I answer honestly, and for some reason his shoulders relax like he’s pleased with that answer.

  “I want this to work between us all Luna, if you start feeling yourself backing away you need to tell me what the issues are so we can try and fix it okay?”

  The determination on his face tells me he’s serious, and I nod in response.

  Stepping out of the elevator, I stop in surprise when I see West sitting outside my door. Roman looks between us.

  “You want me to get rid of him?”

  “No, I’ll be fine.”

  Before I can make for my door Roman wraps me in his arms tightly, and brings his lips to mine, devouring me. It feels so good I can’t even bring myself to care that someone is watching.

  “If you need me you know where I am, or hit the group chat,” he says, as we step back.

  I nod in response, it was weird that we hadn’t traded numbers until today, and now we have a freaking group chat. My head needs a minute, but instead I get West.

  Stepping around him I open the door, leaving it open for him to follow.

  “You can put the coffee machine on whilst I take a quick shower,” I say, looking over my shoulder at him, and he nods in response.

  His silence tells me he knows I’ve had enough.

  Jumping out of the shower I slip into a fresh pair of leggings and a knotted crop top. Deciding to let my hair dry naturally, I leave it loose down my back. Walking into the kitchen there’s a coffee waiting for me, so I take the seat opposite him. I don’t know what he wants me to say, so I wait for him to go first.

  “Dietrichson tried taking what happened to The Ring. Told them you were feral and not fit for this Academy, and she wanted authorization to kill you, after your attack on Wren.”

  He leaves that hanging in the air. I knew this place was fucking crazy but the fact that the Head actually wants permission to kill me, sets like rock in my stomach. I have no words right now, so I nod for him to continue.

  “Do you know who the members of The Ring are?”

  “No, I know the names in Ace represent the names in The Ring, but actual names seem to be on your ‘I’ll tell you another time list’ of things to do.” I’m being snarky but I just can’t help it. He doesn’t take me on, he just nods, still not divulging the information.

  “Well, Barbette’s father is one of them. He stands for the Dietrichson name in The Ring, and lucky for us when he heard the actual story from an eyewitness, he was disgusted to hear that his granddaughter was attacking someone over a boy to begin with. Said she deserved whatever she got, for playing playground games in a big man's world.”


  My words exactly.

  “That being said, he does not like his bloodline to seem weak, and agreed that he wanted to push for authorization.”

  Asshole, I was starting to consider the Dietrichson’s weren’t all fucking idiots, but never mind I take it back.

  “So, what’s the verdict?” I ask, he’s weaving a story and it’s getting on my nerves.

  “The verdict stands at 6 v 2 in your favor. It was agreed that something like this, in a lower block, wouldn’t have even reached their ears, and would have been left to be resolved between the main parties, not bloodlines as a whole.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  I can see it in his eyes. I know him and Rafe said there was a lot I didn’t know, and they agreed no more secrets, but it seems I’m still the bottom of the barrel when it comes to being in the know.

  “A lot, and for right now it’s for your own safety,” he responds, so casually it grates on me.

  “Okay then. Well if I’m not being targeted and you feel no need to tell me anymore, you can leave.”

  I can’t keep the emotion out of my voice, but I’m frustrated with all this shit. I rise from the table encouraging him to leave.

  “Luna, there is a lot you do not know because it is safer for you. You may not believe or care to hear it, but everything we are doing is for you. Can I be honest with you?” He sighs and I nod in response.

  “If we aren’t telling you something for your safety, we aren’t telling you because we believe it’ll trigger you about your past. It seems you still aren’t ready to open your mind back up to it yet.”

  My brain kicks into overdrive.

  “West, what would you know about my past?” I can’t keep the ice out of my words. He realizes he’s said more than he probably should have, because he clearly knows things about me. Things I refuse to visit, things I just lock away from even myself.

  “I remember all of it,” he whispers.


  What the fuck does that mean.

  “What the hell do you mean West?”

  He just shakes his head like he knows it’s pointless having this conversation with me, and it likely is. He goes to walk around me, but I push against his chest.

  “I said what the hell do you mean?” I growl.

  I’m shaking, I don’t know whether it’s with fear of what he is going to say, or because he simply isn’t saying anything at all.

  “Were you in my past West?” I scream, needing something, anything from him.

  He looks down to his feet still giving me nothing.

  “You’re a fucking coward West, get out. Get the fuck out I’m done.” I scream as I swing the door open.

  He looks pained as he walks towards me. I can see his hands itching to reach out and touch me, and his brain working overtime to try and say the right thing.

  “You were my moon,” barely a whisper, and with that he raced out of the door.

  I was too stunned to chase him. My moon he’d said. Like when I felt that sense of déjà vu when I was injured. The place it took me ... was real. He’d really said that. Why?

  My fear of having to open my mind to my history was right at the surface and the shake to my hands told me I wasn’t ready for this. Shit, I needed to get myself under control. I needed to channel my emotions. I needed to hit something.

  Prepared to head to the gym I stare out of my open door and a better idea comes to mind. Barefoot I step out and knock on Romans door, he instantly sees the struggle on my face.

  “Where the fuck is he? I’ll kill him,” he growls, venom laced into every word.

  I just shake my head frantically.

  “I need you to spar with me.”

  Fuck even my voice is jittery.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod, not wanting to hear my voice like that again.

  “Let’s go,” he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the stairs.

  It isn’t until we’re halfway down that I realize we are both barefoot, and somehow that seems to settle me slightly. Knowing that I went to him when I needed him, and he dropped everything that quickly that grabbing his shoes didn’t enter his mind. Just wanting to give me what I needed. He doesn’t even realize it's these small things I need most.

  It frightens me, how much he gets me, but I crave it.



  The next two weeks go by quickly, with no further drama from Wren or her mother, but if glares could kill, I’d be dead and buried by now. Everything with the guys is no different than it was before. They’re more than happy to give me the space I need, yet shower me with affection at the same time.

  It’s weird how they each have found a role in my routine. Kai is my car bestie, his eyes always holding me captive as his fingers graze mine. He’s also helping me focus on my assignments, so I can get it done as seamlessly as possible.

  Roman is training with me every day, no questions asked. He jumps in that ring with me and spars like I need him to. He doesn’t go soft because I’m a girl, he pushes me. Knowing the world we are in but not actually knowing what is coming up next, it’s exactly what I need.

  Oscar is my motorcycle guy. Eager to get on his Susie like I am to get on Dot. He knows some good roads around here and I’m actually happy to let him lead me. It’s
not something I would have done before, but after the beach I trust he’ll take me somewhere fun.

  Parker, he’s my movie fix. He wants to just hide inside from the shit storm around us, and get lost in another world and I can’t help but join him. Our souls are familiar and that’s what holds us so close.

  I didn’t think it would be possible for us to relax into this, but we have. Surprisingly, I have. I don’t feel pushed or pulled, it feels like they’re just right for all my crazy sides. While Red makes me want to be a kinder, gentler person. Well to her at least.

  Now I’m getting ready to go to the Fall Ball and I told them all to get fucked, because Red’s my date tonight. Of course they’ll be there, but I don’t want her lost to this crowd under the influence, it has also made sure she’s sat at my table.

  “Okay Luna, I’ve narrowed down these dresses to the top three for you. Now choose so I can do your hair and make-up,” she calls, bossy as ever.

  Walking in I notice she’s hung three dresses near the floor length mirror for me to try. All floor length, there’s a green, deep blue and dusty pink option.

  “I’m not wearing green this bright,” I say, sounding like a bitch but please, that’s not me.

  Red just chuckles like she did it just to wind me up.

  “You can do my hair and make-up first then I’ll try the dresses,” I say, which makes her clap with glee. She’s already done her own, sexy smoky eyes and her shoulder length hair half pinned back. I don’t know how she has the effort for this stuff, but she looks gorgeous.

  “Fabulous, sit. Are you sure you don’t want me to go a little crazy with this?”

  “I’m sure. If you give me an over the top look I won’t go,” I warn, but she just rolls her eyes.

  She turns me away from the mirror and gets to it. I relax back whilst she tugs my hair around doing whatever she pleases. As she pulls the make-up out I give her a warning glare, which has her raising her hands in surrender.

  When she finally steps back from me, I’m nervous to find out what she’s done.

  “If I do say so myself Captain, you look stunning, now choose a dress we’ve got about half an hour until the guys get here,” she says, before sauntering off to get herself ready.


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