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Loving Liv

Page 3

by Stacey Kennedy

  Miles smiled and dropped his head back on his lounger, staring out at the dark, open waters, the moon glistening down on the ocean. He felt torn between his life at Club Sin, and this empty feeling in his chest that had come after his night with Liv. As he chugged back the cold, hoppy lager, and the laugher drifted up from the deck below, that emptiness eased slightly. Liv was close, and even though she hadn’t sent that email, someone who loved her had. Even Miles sensed there was magic still between them. He wasn’t ready to walk away from that just yet. The good thing was, he had six days to test the waters and find out why someone wanted them on this cruise ship together.


  Liv had never understood insomnia, until this morning. Everything felt tired, from her heavy eyelids to her feet dragging against the wood floors as she strode across the pool deck. Miles was somewhere on this ship, and every part of her wanted to go and find him. Except her heart. And last night, her heart won. There were a hundred reasons why she and Miles couldn’t work out. Exactly why she’d turned him down every time he called with an offer to visit or fly her out to him. At first, turning him down was easy, but even she’d gotten bored of her excuses. And the very worst part was when he’d stopped calling. When that happened, she couldn’t help but talk about him to her friends. Obviously, those conversations had been enough reasoning for whoever arranged to have him come on this cruise. Deep down, Liv knew why one of her friends had done this. She hadn’t been herself after Miles. She felt lonelier now than she had after Gavin, and that made no sense. She’d spent years with Gavin and a single night with Miles. But Miles reminded her what a man felt like. How being wanted and desired made her feel, and lately, she realized, she felt like she’d been asleep. Miles woke her up. And maybe she’d been a little too vocal about that fact, and this intervention was a well-meaning friend trying to fix a wrong.

  Liv moved across the deck that had been full of partygoers last night. At eight o’clock this morning, the place was empty, and for this one second, Liv took it all in, trying to piece together this odd twist in her vacation.


  He’d come all this way, spent all this money, just because of one email from her. Of course, she felt flattered. But she’d already played out this scenario, and as much as she wanted Miles, the thought of it strangled her. With Gavin, she’d known loving him would cost her from day one. He was the playboy, the charmer, the guy every girl wanted. And regardless of the risk, she’d dove in headfirst, believing that she had just been the lucky one. It shouldn’t have surprised her that a man good with the ladies, with enough confidence to make him stand out, would cheat, and yet it had shaken her entire world. He’d crushed her and then left her. She’d promised herself that, in order to date anyone again, everything had to make sense. And living in two different states most definitely didn’t make sense.

  Besides, Miles was also not the nice, respectable, polite man she should take home to her parents. Hell, no, he was the guy who ripped your clothes off then asked for your name later. Trouble, with a capital T, looking for a woman to play out all his erotic sexual fantasies. Liv was not that woman. Not even close to that woman. There was reason after reason to not let anything happen between them. She couldn’t ignore those reasons; the pain sitting raw in the center of her chest wouldn’t let her.

  She finally made it to the balcony and she realized she could no longer see the horizon, only the gorgeous sun glistening against water.

  “You better have a good reason for getting us up so early,” Benjamin said behind her.

  Liv whirled around to her so-called friends. Even with her anger, warmth touched her. These had been her people through college. Real friends that had been there every day, and each and every one of them brought something special to Liv’s life. She’d missed them all, and being near them brought happy memories.

  Liv noticed Kendall seemed put back together. “You’re looking far better than you did the last time I saw you,” Liv pointed out.

  Kendall waved her off and yawned behind her hand. “Sleep can do amazing things.”

  Yeah, right. Only two things made Kendall have that calm, in control look, and those were having a plan of action and sex. Considering she was the reason for the singles’ cruise debacle, Liv wondered if Kendall had gotten the latter last night.

  She immediately shook the thought from her mind. Who or what Kendall did was not the current problem.

  Before Liv could get to murdering someone, Grace dropped down onto the patio chair, stretched out her legs, and wiggled her pencil skirt down as low as possible to her knees. “Can I just point out that while everyone is always harping on me for working too much, I’m not the one who made us get up early.”

  Liv blinked in surprise at Grace’s bare legs. She always wore pants. “You’re wearing a skirt,” she commented before she could stop herself.

  “Yes.” Grace glared. “I know.”

  Aubrey flicked her long blond hair over her shoulder and smiled. “And look at those fine legs. Gorgeous!”

  Grace sighed, tugging on the hem of the skirt again. “Please, let’s talk about anything other than my legs.”

  Right. Liv drew in a sharp breath, getting them back to the reason she’d called them here this morning. “I know it’s early, and I’m sorry, but it’s important,” she explained to her current frenemies with a glare. “Which one of you brought Miles here?”

  Every set of eyebrows shot up.

  It came as no surprise that Aubrey spoke first. “What are you talking about?” she asked, her brown eyes narrowed as she folded her arms.

  Through college, Liv was close to Benjamin, Grace and Kendall, but she and Aubrey were just a little closer since they’d been roommates. Liv widened her stance and placed her hands on her hips. “One of you sent an email to Miles, pretending to be me, and told him that I wanted him to come on the cruise. So, fess up, who did it?”

  “Wait,” Grace said slowly, sliding her legs off the chair and pulling on the skirt again. “That guy you were taking to yesterday on the pool deck…that was Miles? Like, the Miles who rocked your world apart?”

  Liv gave a firm nod. “Yes, that Miles.”

  Benjamin whistled, shaking his head slowly. “Well, now I see what the fuss is all about. That man is a gorgeous specimen.”

  “Him being gorgeous is beside the point,” Liv argued, feeling the burn in her cheeks. Sure, Miles was hot. So damn hot that the world had drifted away when his eyes caught hers, but still… “Which one of you did it? Tell me now, and if you’ve got a good enough reason, then I’ll forgive you.” Not before she got violent, of course.

  “Wasn’t me,” they said in unison.

  “How can I believe that?” Liv demanded. “Who else would do this?”

  Every single person shrugged.

  Liv scanned their faces, one by one, looking for any signs they were lying. They all had one tell that Liv had learned through the years of friendship. Aubrey usually smiled. Benjamin avoided eye contact. Grace nibbled her lip. And Kendall could never stand still. But there was none of that now, every expression resembled sheer confusion, probably looking much like Liv had when she realized Miles wasn’t a figment of her imagination. “This is so, so bad,” Liv finally grumbled, plopping onto the chair closest to her and cupping her hands over her face.

  “Oh, please,” Aubrey clipped. “The guy who gave you the best sex of your life is here and probably wants to give you more sex. How is this bad?”

  Liv slowly lowered her head. “You know why. For me…” She hesitated, not even wanting to say it.

  Grace said softly, “You’re tending to that battered heart, and he’s a risk.”

  Grace always seemed to understand. “Exactly,” Liv said with a nod. “I already told you all. I came here to forget him. To get past this…moment…and like some sick joke he’s actually here.”

  Benjamin cocked his head. “Well, it’s obviously clear that someone thinks he should be. Who else have you told ab
out him?”

  Liv racked her brain. “Just Allie at home,” she eventually said. “But she would never do this to me.” Though she planned to ask Allie, of course, but Allie was beyond loyal, and she knew how messed up Liv had been over Miles.

  Grace asked, “Well, did you tell him to leave?”

  Liv knew the reaction she was going to get. “No.”

  Slow smiles greeted her.

  “Stop it. Seriously, this is terrible. I’m not supposed to want him, remember? He’s all wrong for me.”

  Aubrey gave Liv a knowing look. “I’m not seeing how this is a bad thing? You told us that you’ve been feeling all messed up about him, and that you wish you lived closer to make a go out of it. Why don’t you use this as your chance to actually see if there’s something more between you than sex?”

  Grace agreed with a nod. “It makes sense. Maybe you’ve just hyped him up in your mind or something, but spend six days with him, and maybe this magical man you’ve created won’t be so magical in the end.”

  “Maybe,” Liv agreed.

  Benjamin smiled. “And if things don’t work out, at least you spent six days having amazing sex.”

  Liv laughed. “I suppose that is true.”

  Aubrey smiled. “Regardless of what you do or what happens, babe, we’re here for you.”

  “Thanks,” Liv said, feeling a whole lot better. “Before I even figure out what to do, I still have to accept this is all happening.”

  A couple walked by, hand-in-hand. Kendall followed them with her gaze then glanced back, crossing her arms. “Oh shit, what if he’s a stalker? We can’t leave her with a stalker. What kind of friends would we be?”

  The thought had crossed Liv’s mind too. “Okay, let’s consider that, though. Why would he pay money to come on a cruise? I mean, if he was going to stalk me, wouldn’t he just do that in San Fran for the price of a cheap hotel?”

  “Haven’t you seen the news lately,” Kendall countered. “People kill people on cruise ships all the time. I heard about this husband who killed his wife, and all of his family was on the cruise, children included.”

  “Kendall,” Grace said, rolling her eyes. “I doubt he’s come to kill Liv.”

  “I’m just saying, you never know.” Kendall shrugged.

  Liv considered it for a good few seconds and then shook her head. “I really don’t get the killer vibe from him.”

  “Um, hello, have you seen Ted Bundy?” Kendall pointed out.

  “Stop scaring her,” Aubrey said with a frown at Kendall. “Let’s come back to reality. Obviously, he’s got these same feelings you have. You said it yourself that he’s been calling for like three months trying to come out to see you. There’s something between you two. Maybe you should explore that.”

  “I agree completely. Let’s explore that.”

  Liv expelled a breath at Miles’s low, smooth voice. She kept her attention on her friends, who all smiled at Miles. Benjamin was giving him a very thorough once over with appreciation in his eyes. He had a taste for the bad boys too. That was one thing they always had in common.

  “I take it you’re the college friends,” Miles said to her group.

  “We are, but none of us are the ones who sent the email,” Benjamin said. He offered his hand. “I’m Benjamin. This is Grace, Kendall, and Aubrey.”

  Miles returned Benjamin’s handshake then smiled at the others. “Nice to meet you.”

  Kendall took Grace’s hand, yanking her up from her chair. “Likewise, and we’re also the friends who are leaving.”

  “Wait—” Liv called, as they all booked it toward the door.

  Except for Aubrey. Her fiery, blonde spitfire of a friend closed the distance between her and Miles and narrowed her eyes. “Are you here to hurt Liv?” she asked, in a strong voice that didn’t match her warm appearance.

  Miles didn’t even hesitate. He grinned, devilishly. “Only if she asks me too.” He paused to wink. “And even then, I suspect she’d like it.”

  Aubrey’s eyes went huge and her mouth fell open before she collected herself, pointing at Miles like her finger was a knife. “Let’s be perfectly clear. I know who you are, and if you’re here because you’re stalking her, I suggest you go home at the next port, or you’ll regret it.” She stomped over to Liv and kissed her cheek. “We’ll see you at breakfast in a few?”

  Liv nodded. “You will.”

  “And don’t forget our group massages and poolside piña coladas later,” she added, marching her way over to the others.

  Miles’s low chuckle broke the silence. “I do not want to cross her.”

  “You really don’t,” Liv said, and slowly rose. “Aubrey is a force of nature.”

  He watched every single move she made until she stood in front of him, beneath his powerful stare. “They love you.”

  She nodded and smiled. “They do, and I love them.”

  He watched her for a long moment with questions simmering in his eyes. “Did you find out who the culprit of email fraud was?”

  “Sadly, no,” she said with a sigh. “You?”

  “Not yet,” he said. “But I’ve got a friend investigating it for me.”

  “Good,” she replied.

  A beat.

  Miles stepped closer, and Liv, reflexively, stepped back, only realizing she did so when her back bumped against the railing. He placed his hands on either side of her, leaving no space between them, and leaned in, infusing the air with his warm, leathery aroma. “Let’s get everything out in the open, all right?”

  “Get what out in the open?” Dear God, where had the air gone?

  He stared at her mouth, licking his lips before looking into her eyes again. “The fact that someone set this up to get us together again, leads me to believe you’ve been thinking about me. Have you?” he asked.

  No. That should have been her answer, and yet that’s not what came out of her mouth. “I…it’s…complicated.”

  “It cannot be that complicated.” The strength of his body right there, the heat, engulfed her.

  For the first time in three months, she didn’t feel uneasy. She felt like she was right back in that moment when he’d taken her outside in the alleyway, where she felt alive. “But it is,” she rasped, wanting those sizzling lips back on hers like they had been that night.

  She forced her attention back to his eyes when he said, “Then let me uncomplicate it. Tell me to go, Liv. Tell me you haven’t been thinking about me. Tell me you don’t want me here to explore this insane chemistry we’ve got, and I’ll go home at the next port. It’s that simple.”

  Why was her mouth not opening and saying the words? Yes, go! We cannot make this work. I don’t want complicated. And you’re complicated.

  She parted her lips and then shut them before she forced the words from her mouth. “What if I don’t tell you to go, but staying would be a really bad idea?”

  A slow, dangerous smile stretched across his face. He dropped his mouth so close to hers, only a hairsbreadth away, teasing her with the spectacular kiss he could give her. “I suppose I would say I hope you enjoy your morning, Liv,” he finally said. “And I’ll be seeing you again soon.”

  With that hot promise back in his eyes, he strode off, and the air returned. Liv collapsed back onto a chair, her body in flames. She wanted him. Naked. Now.

  “Miss, can I get you something?”

  Liv looked up, shielding her eyes from the sun, finding a waiter. “Tequila.”

  His brows went up. It was only eight-thirty in the morning.

  “Tequila,” she repeated, dropping her hand onto her stomach full of butterflies. “The biggest shot you can find.”


  Later that afternoon, Miles waited by the bar. The day had been long and irritating and he’d spent the majority of his morning in the gym burning off adrenaline. He’d chased Liv onto this cruise, but that’s where his chasing stopped. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off, especially since her friends
already suspected him of being a stalker. He’d spent an hour on the treadmill running off his ego. So far, he’d been made to look like an idiot and a fool. And yet, he knew Liv would come find him, just as much he knew he’d stay on this cruise no matter how many shots were thrown his way. Some unknown force pulled them together. Something that had him take her in the alleyway at his friend’s wedding like some horny teenager who couldn’t control himself.

  Miles practiced control. He never lost it. Until her.

  That had to mean something. But it was pretty damn clear that Liv was running from her past. Someone had carelessly handled her and her emotions, and nothing irritated Miles more. He wanted her heart open, free to explore, not to shut down every time he got close. Their night had proven to him that one thing could get past those guards she’d erected. His touch.

  He took a swig of his crisp, cold larger, when suddenly the noise from the partygoers went silent. The crowd faded away as the gorgeous, guarded woman walked onto the deck of the ship. At the wedding, Liv had been dressed in a sexy red dress and high heels that had made her legs nearly delectable. When he saw her yesterday, she’d dressed for comfort, wearing capri leggings and a tank top. Now she wore ripped jean shorts and a white lacy tank top. Her hair was straight and down, and he liked this look best on her. Well, that was partly true. He suspected he’d like her naked best, but seeing her being herself was nice too. She scanned the crowd, stopping when her big brown eyes found him. The soft smile curving her mouth had him smiling back. Nothing made him happier than knowing his instincts were right. It cemented his plan.

  He noted her long, deep inhale before she beelined for the bar. He chuckled, not minding her nerves. In fact, he loved that shy innocence. It tempted him to play with it a little. He pondered his next move, took in the area, and found a crowd around the tiki hut off to the side of the pool. A quick listen to the announcer on the microphone and the hooting and hollering made his smile widen. One touch…that’s all he needed to get her to see this thing between them was greater than lust, and heat built in his groin at the anticipation of feeling her soft skin beneath his hands.


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