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The Russian Unleashed

Page 3

by Red Phoenix

  That minor victory builds his confidence to dangerous levels, making him vulnerable.

  I duck down suddenly to confuse my opponent, and then immediately follow it up with two solid hits to the face with my left, a jab from my right, and then a hard hook with my left again.

  He never saw it coming…

  The kid immediately goes into defensive mode, blocking his face with his arms. No longer the aggressor, he’s become the mouse.

  Even though the fight is over, the kid refuses to back down. I hit him with a punch meant to stun. His hands fall to his sides as he struggles to stay on his feet.

  I look to the referee to call it.

  When nothing happens, I give the kid the final mercy blow.

  The kid stands there looking like a wet noodle before collapsing to the floor.

  The referee finally calls the fight and I watch as the kid slowly crawls back to his side of the ring, not knowing what hit him.

  I can tell I’ve shaken his world. Not by the blows he’s just received, but by the fact he just lost.

  Once the kid finally gets back on his feet, the referee calls us to the center of the ring to announce the winner.

  I stand proudly as he takes both of our wrists, and I glance over at Thane who shakes his head in disbelief.

  In less than a minute, the previously undefeated Barbarian found himself on the floor—it is my gift to him.

  The referee raises my arm. “The Silencer takes the win with a first-round knockout.”

  I am humbled by the cheers and adulation. It has been a long time since I’ve heard it.

  I look to my opponent, knowing what it feels like to lose.

  Going over to him, I shake his hand in respect and pull him in for a hug. This fight isn’t personal—it is a competition of strength and will. “I wish good health to your family and close ones.”

  He nods, handing back my cufflinks. “To yours, as well.”

  Before I leave the ring, Grigor walks over to me, announcing to the crowd, “I’m a bit afraid to stand next to the guy.”

  I laugh as I look up at the giant. The truth is, I could take him down if I wanted to, and we both know it.

  “You showed us all a technical and disciplined fight. You were collected and accurate.” He puts his large hand on my sweaty back. “Tell us your thoughts right now.”

  “First, I want to thank my opponent. He is a talented fighter.”

  I look over at the kid with respect. I know that after tonight, he will become a much stronger fighter. Learning humility is the first step toward dominance in the ring.

  I call out to him. “Respect to you and your team.”

  Turning back to Grigor, I say, “Thank you for letting me fight tonight.”

  Grigor breaks out in a huge grin. “We are pleased you came to fight. It has been far too long.” Slapping me on the back with his large paw, he tells me, “It’s good to have you back. Your skill has always been impressive to watch. It was a great fight. Respect.”

  I smile as I grab the giant in a hug.

  “The Silencer, ladies and gentlemen!” Grigor calls out. “Truly, one of a kind!”

  “It is good to be back!” I shout to the crowd, and they cheer in answer.

  Leaving the ring, I slap the hands of the people holding their arms out, then head over to Thane, who is still holding my jacket.

  I’m riding the endorphin high of a fair fight.

  “Impressive,” Thane states when I reach him.

  I wipe the sweat from my brow. “What can I say? I learned a lot by watching the greats who fought here when I was young.”

  He looks at me with respect. “You completely owned the ring and everyone here tonight.”

  I glance around, seeing many familiar and welcoming faces in the crowd. Where before they glared at me in hostility and distrust, I see only acceptance and admiration.

  “It feels good, brother.”

  Thane chuckles lightly. “I now have a better appreciation for how dangerous you are.”

  I grin. “It is good to know I haven’t lost my fighting instincts.”

  “No, they definitely remain intact.”

  Thane is looking at me as if he’s seeing me for the first time.

  I like that.

  “You want to fight?”

  He laughs. “I’d never be foolish enough to get in the ring with you.”

  I smack him on the back. “Interesting thing, moy droog—although I may throw a deadlier punch, I think you and I would be equals in sizing each other up.”

  Smirking, I add, “Maybe we should test that out sometime.”

  He laughs. “I’d much rather challenge you to a game of chess.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “I’ll take you up on that challenge, comrade.”

  “It amazes me that you could step in the ring after being away for so long, yet still dominate the fight.”

  “I told you, comrade. I have been training for weeks. Because you are right, jumping back into the ring is not something to be done on a whim.” I point to my temple. “Even though most of the fight is here, and that doesn’t change.”

  I notice a young woman swaying her hips seductively as she makes her way to me.

  I look her over as she approaches. The woman looks to be in her mid-twenties. Although a natural brunette, she has styled her bleached-blonde hair with an abundance of curls and is wearing an outfit that exposes her midriff in an enticing way.

  She twists a lock of her hair around a finger and tells me, “I’ve never seen you around here before, but everyone seems to know you.”

  Still riding high on the endorphins, I find myself exceedingly attracted to her.

  I raise an eyebrow. “And, you are?”

  “Someone who is offering herself as the Silencer’s victory prize…”

  I chuckle, certain she wouldn’t be able to handle the intensity of my need. “You look too delicate. I tend to be rough.”

  “Oh, I prefer it dirty and quick.” She pulls away her skirt, showing her naked pussy to me. “I’d really like to see if you can silence me.”

  “Right here?” I snort.

  When she nods, my cock instantly hardens.

  I glance at Thane, feeling hornier than a rutting bull—the adrenaline from the fight is enhancing my sexual arousal.

  He seems to understand and offers to hold my jacket for a bit longer.

  I look at the girl with a wicked smile and growl lustfully, “Turn around and get on all fours.”

  Her eyes widen and she bites her bottom lip as she turns away and lowers herself to the floor.

  Flipping up her skirt, I expose her shapely ass to the crowd.

  Pulling my hard cock out from my boxing shorts, I slap her right buttock hard and the sound of it echoes through the large room. My actions have drawn a crowd around us, and everyone seems eager to watch me fuck the girl.

  But no one is as eager as the girl herself. She turns her head, looking back at me with a seductive smile on her lips.

  I get down on my knees and reach under her half-shirt, pulling down her bra to free her tits from their cage.

  Pinching her nipples between my fingers, her cries turn me on even more. I feel like a beast ready to devour my prey.

  Grasping her waist, I plow into her without mercy and the room fills with the sound of her passionate screams.

  The deeper I thrust, the more she begs for it. I lose myself in the moment, forgetting everyone watching us as I dominate her body, taking her rough and deep as I claim my victory prize.

  My grunts are low and guttural as I release the pent-up energy of the fight. I watch in satisfaction as the flesh of her ass ripples with each powerful thrust.

  Her cries grow louder and more desperate as I give her exactly what she wants.

  It doesn’t take long before the vast factory room echoes with my passionate roar as I come. Afterward, I pull out and slap her ass hard, reveling in the sound of her surprised squeal.

  Slipping my shorts b
ack up, I stand and hold my hand out to help her up. Wrapping my arm around her, I raise my other hand in victory as everyone shouts my name.

  I look the crowd over, the sadistic side of me enjoying the knowledge that every man here is now desperate for their own release.

  Kissing the girl, I thank her before taking my jacket from Thane and put it on over my bare chest.

  I am one of only a few who can live in both worlds.

  Alexei runs up to me to hand me my duffle bag. “Will you be back, Silencer?”

  Glancing at the crowd, I nod. In a world of pressure and uncertainty, this place provides a unique sanctuary for my restless soul.

  Excusing myself, I head to the restroom to clean up and change back into my suit. I am still flying high when we leave the building.

  I notice Thane is looking at me differently now.

  “Are you all right, comrade?”

  He smirks. “To be honest, I’m still getting used to this new side of you.”

  I chuckle. “Am I too much for you to handle?”

  “No. But I never want to get on your bad side.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “That would be best for both of us.”

  I tell Igor to drive us to the mansion. As we close in on it, I can feel my excitement growing.

  Tomorrow, my life is going to change.

  Glancing at Thane, I grin. The only way I have any hope of getting sleep tonight is with my old friend—vodka.


  My eyes pop open the moment the first rays of dawn peak over the horizon, announcing December 31—the end of another year.

  My heart starts racing. Today, I find out my worth.

  I jump out of bed to take a shower. I chuckle to myself as I generously spread the soapy lather over my wet skin.

  It is going to be a good day.

  Rinsing off the soap, I step out of the shower and grab a towel to dry off before wrapping it around my waist.

  I smile as I stare at the mirror. This is how I start every morning now.

  I begin by rubbing oil over my scalp to protect the skin before I shave. I follow it up with foaming gel and wash my hands off before I pick up the razor.

  My movements are slow and methodical as I drag the blade with the grain of my hair, rinsing the razor constantly to make certain not one hair is left behind.

  This has become the cherished ritual that cements our profound connection to each other.


  As I stare into the mirror, I see her vision gazing back at me, along with those flirtatiously arched eyebrows and playful smile.

  I tell her in a somber voice as I continue shaving, “The reading of the will happens today.”

  She nods in understanding.

  “It is a responsibility I did not choose, but I accept it because my grandfather entrusted it to me.”

  Tatianna smiles at me in encouragement. She understands the great burden that is about to be thrust upon my shoulders.

  “Naturally, I plan to have a little fun first…” I tell her with a wicked smirk. “Which is why I brought Thane to join me.”

  Her soft laughter is like a ray of sunshine to my soul.

  I grin at her as I put down the razor and run my hands over my head to ensure it is completely smooth to the touch.

  I do it in honor of her.

  Once satisfied, I rinse off my head with ice-cold water before picking up a tube of lotion. Squeezing a generous amount into my hands, I cover my scalp to protect the bare skin from the elements.

  After wiping my hands clean, I wink at her. “You know you are my reason, vorobyshek.”

  Kissing two fingers, I reach out to touch the mirror. “I love you. I always will.”

  I stand up from the breakfast table to greet my comrade as he enters the dining room.

  “This is an historic day, moy droog!”

  He smiles as he walks up. I pull him in for a hug, patting his back with gusto. “I am certain this going to be a day neither of us will forget.”

  “I’m certain it will be, but I’m afraid this inheritance will complicate your life in ways you can’t imagine.”

  I shake my head slowly, wagging my finger at him. “Don’t you start with me…” I look up at the heavens with my arms wide. “As my mamulya used to say, today is a glorious day.”

  I sit back down and point to the seat beside me. Cutting off a generous piece of Medovik, I slide the plate to him.

  He stares at the huge slice of honey cake. “Durov, you know I don’t eat breakfast.”

  “Come on—try it,” I encourage him, pushing the plate closer. He has no idea of the significance this cake has for me.

  Thane sighs. “In all the years we were together in college, when did you ever see me eat breakfast?”

  “You’ll like it,” I assure him.

  He shakes his head, stating firmly, “I’d rather not.”

  “Your loss, comrade,” I declare, pulling the plate back and picking up the cake with my bare hand. “It just means more Medovik for me.” I open my mouth wide and take a huge bite.

  As I chew, I smile at him.

  There is nothing in the world like honey cake. Although this one came from the top bakery in Moscow, it cannot compare to my mother’s, and I am left sadly disappointed. I feel a tinge of pain.

  I miss you, Mamulya.

  While I lick the icing from my fingers, Thane asks me, “How much do you think the estate is worth?”

  I shrug. “No one in my family knows. My grandfather kept it a secret. Only the family lawyer and accountant know for sure.”

  “What’s your best guess?”

  “I’m certain it’s an impressive sum. Why else would my grandfather hide the amount from us?” I slide the cake away from me, grab a slice of rye bread, and butter it. Slapping on a thick slice of kolbasa, I take a bite and chew on it slowly while I think.

  “The fact that he bypassed my father and older brothers must mean it’s a dangerous sum of money. If that is the case, I’m thinking it’s close to fifty million. That seems like an obscene amount of money, but the Durovs have been wealthy for generations and are prudent with their money—until my father, of course.” I spit in disgust. “The fucking bastard.”

  “That’s a lot of money to be in charge of,” Thane states, shaking his head in disbelief.

  I nod, already feeling the weight of its burden on my shoulders.

  Thane looks at me with concern. “Regardless of what the amount ends up being, this is going to cause a deeper rift with your family.”

  I snort. “Even though my brothers and I have been receiving equal amounts in monthly stipends from the estate since my grandfather passed, their resentment toward me has been growing.”

  “Do you have any idea what you are going to do with that much money if it turns out you’re right?”

  I look him in the eye. “I plan to protect it, moy droog. After I have some fun with it, of course.”

  Thane chuckles. “I hate to think about how much money can be blown in one night.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”

  “Definitely not,” he answers, laughing harder.

  I glance at the antique clock on the far wall. “It is almost time, moy droog.”

  I get up from my seat and tell him, “Excuse me for a moment.”

  I leave Thane and walk through the hallways to the kitchen to get to the back entrance.

  Anger washes over me as I walk outside and head to the pole.

  This is where I received my punishments as a boy, at the hands of my father.

  I can still hear the lash of the whip as it struck my back, and feel the explosion of pain that followed every impact. After all of these years, it remains fresh in my mind.

  I see my brothers, standing at attention, no sympathy on their faces as I face the brutality of my father for the crimes they committed.

  Unwelcomed tears prick my eyes.

  The feeling of injustice and degradation I
experienced scarred my soul.

  That, and my mother’s tears…

  Her cries of anguish as I took each beating hurt me as much as the beatings themselves. It is the reason I have insisted that the pole remain where it is.

  I refuse to bury those memories and pretend it never happened.

  That pole reminds me of where I came from.

  I am a survivor.

  I endured years of my father’s ruthless cruelty because I am strong.

  My father may have destroyed my childhood, but I plan to channel those scars as I build a better future—a future that begins today.

  I return to Thane, my spirit strengthened. “Come, brother. I’m ready to meet my destiny.”

  We sit down in the office that once belonged to my father and wait for Yurlov, the family lawyer.

  I have purged every single item that belonged to my father and had it unceremoniously burned. The only piece of original furniture that remains is the chair I now sit in.

  It was a gift to my great, great grandfather from the tsar, Alexander II. The tsar was a Russian leader that the Durov family was proud to serve under. As an heirloom that I highly value, I am unwilling to part with it despite my father’s taint.

  I sit back in it now and smile, feeling at home for the first time in years.

  “You look like you belong here,” Thane comments.

  I nod. “I feel ready, comrade.”

  One of the servants knocks on the door before opening it. “Yurlov is here.”

  “Send him in,” I command.

  When he leaves, I turn to Thane. “Do you want to make a bet on how much I’m worth?”

  “As a person? A ruble,” he answers drolly.

  I’m still laughing when Yurlov enters the office, carrying a heavy satchel.

  Nodding to the empty chair waiting for him, I watch with satisfaction as he nervously wipes the sweat from his brow before taking a seat.

  He may suspect I had a hand in my father’s demise and fears for his own life. I like that he is nervous around me.

  He should be…

  “So, the time has finally come to read the will,” I state in a grave voice.

  “It has, gospodin.”


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