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The Russian Unleashed

Page 14

by Red Phoenix

  Titov nods with emotional tears in his eyes.

  I leave him to carry out his job and tell Anderson, “Follow me.”

  We climb the stairs and hurry to the east wing where we find the rooms in disarray, still in the midst of conversion.

  I walk into the first room I see and command, “Take everything out but the bed and nightstands and put them in the hallway. We want to maintain a clean and simple environment.”

  “Aye, aye, captain,” Anderson answers.

  The rooms are full of antiques and heavy furniture. Even with of my staff, it is a long and arduous task to clear them out.

  I glance at Anderson. “I appreciate your help.”

  “Nothing like hard work after a hangover,” he laughs, wiping the sweat from his brow.

  I immediately stop what I am doing when Lada enters the room.

  Looking around apprehensively, she asks, “What’s going on?”

  I walk over to her. “More girls are coming.”

  She nods, a look of hope in her eyes. Her gaze drifts from me to Anderson.

  Lada is naturally distrusting of the men on my staff, so I am surprised when she smiles shyly and waves.

  The girl is still painfully underweight, and her arms are covered in yellowing bruises and old track marks, but Anderson acts as if he doesn’t notice. Taking off his hat, he grins. “I’m Brad. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  She blushes and looks at me.

  “Lada doesn’t know English,” I explain.

  I translate for her when she asks, “Is he a real cowboy?”

  I ask Brad her question and he nods, putting his hat back on. “I even have my own horse. Want to know what her name is?”

  I explain what he said, and she nods her head vigorously.

  “Hot Chocolate.”

  When I tell her, she giggles.

  I’m impressed with the way Anderson instantly puts Lada at ease. He’s a natural with her, and I suspect having three younger sisters probably has something to do with it.

  The nurse runs into the room. “Lada, I’ve been looking for you. Please don’t run off like that.”

  The instant the nurse sees Anderson, she becomes mute and a blush rises to her cheeks.

  Anderson immediately takes off his hat again. “Ma’am.”

  I chuckle to myself, remembering his joke last night about meeting nurses.

  But we have no time to waste, so I inform the nurse about the three girls who will be arriving.

  The excitement in her eyes matches my own.

  Knowing these three girls are safe and will get the care they need is incredibly empowering.

  After the two leave, Anderson and I get back to it. As he works, I notice Anderson keeps wiping his eyes.

  Now he understands…

  By the time Michail Volkov arrives with the rest of the medical staff, the three rooms have been cleared out. I tell Anderson to explore the mansion while the doctor speaks to Titov and I.

  Even though it’s been a mad rush to get the rooms ready, every other aspect of the facility is in order thanks to weeks of preparation by Dr. Michail Volkov. He is confident we have everything in place to give the girls the quality care they require.

  Remembering how Lada’s parents reacted, I am grateful these young women will have a safe place and a certified, compassionate staff who are trained to provide the care they need.

  No girl under this roof will ever feel unwelcome or suffer needlessly during her recovery. It is the guiding principle of this place and is something the medical staff is committed to.

  While we are finishing still the meeting, Andrev shows up unannounced, dragging Anderson with him.

  “I found this American wandering the halls. Do you want me to personally see him out?”

  “He’s a friend, Andrev.”

  My brother lets go of Anderson but warns me, “You can’t be too careful, Anton.”

  Anderson stares at the two of us and tells me, “I can’t get over the resemblance. Heck, you could be twins. I would have mistaken him for you if it weren’t for the hair.”

  Having Andrev here puts me on edge even though we struck an uneasy truce. I bark out an introduction, “Anderson, this is my brother Andrev. Andrev, this is my good friend, Anderson. Treat him as such.”

  Anderson holds out his hand to my brother, stating, “It’s a pleasure to meet one of the Durovs.”

  Andrev takes his hand but looks at me as he shakes it.

  He is making it painfully obvious he doesn’t trust Anderson.

  What my brother fails to appreciate is that between the two of them, Anderson is the one I do trust.

  “Why didn’t you call me, Anton?” Andrev demands. “You know I want to help.”

  “I only just found out about the girls and have been scrambling along with the staff to get things in order. How did you find out? Did Titov call you?”

  “No, I heard about the police raid on the news and they mentioned your new facility. You really should give it a name now that you’re officially opening it.”

  I growl in frustration. “We have no time to worry about a name right now. If you’re serious about helping, start by carrying anything left in the hallways to the storage room.”

  “Do you want me to take the American with me?”

  “His name is Anderson, and yes.”

  “Fine.” Andrev turns to leave. “Come on, Anderson.”

  I’m actually surprised my brother isn’t complaining.

  “I’ll join you in a few minutes,” I assure Anderson, not trusting Andrev to be civil. “I have a few things I need to discuss with Dr. Volkov.”

  As we finalize the remaining details, the doctor mentions pets. “I have found working with patients recovering from trauma that having a pet aids in healing. In caring for something else, they learn to care for themselves.”

  “While I can appreciate that, I am not a lover of animals and don’t care for the complications they would bring to this environment.”

  “It’s simply a suggestion,” he states. “Certainly not something we need to worry about at this point, but I wanted you to be aware of it.”

  “Noted.” I look down at my watch. “We only have an hour before the girls are scheduled to arrive. I must return to my duties.”

  “About that…it would be best if we keep their exposure to people at a minimum and limit it to the medical staff.”

  “Agreed.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “May God bless the work you and your staff do here.”

  “I appreciate you entrusting me with this responsibility. I will not let you or the patients we work with down.”

  “I have complete confidence in you, Dr. Volkov.”

  I join Anderson and am surprised to see Andrev chatting nonstop with him. If I didn’t know better, I would think they were longtime friends. I have to hand it to Anderson. His gregarious nature is something I admire.

  “We don’t have much time and we’ll have to be out of the place before they arrive.”

  “Why?” Andrev asks, stopping his work. “I thought you would make a grand speech to the media.”

  I glare at him. “These girls need to be protected, not exploited.”

  “Well, tell that to the press who are gathering outside.”

  I head to a window and see a large collection of reporters milling about just outside the gate. I let out a frustrated growl. “We’ll have to lead them away before they arrive.”

  Anderson grins. “Seems like old times. Eh, Durov?”

  “What do you mean?” Andrev asks him.

  “Our buddy Thane had issues with the press in college. I enjoyed having a little fun with them.”

  The nurse walks up to us during our exchange and beckons to talk privately with me.

  “Lada would like you to be with her when she meets the girls.”

  “Have you spoken to Dr. Volkov about it?”

  “Yes. He feels it’s important you join her as support but would prefer it if you remain
in the back of the room.”


  I turn to Anderson. “Lada needs me. Can you make sure the reporters are nowhere near the gate when the girls arrive?”

  He grins. “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  Lada insists on holding my hand while we wait.

  Dr. Volkov escorts the young women into the room and starts introducing them to each member of the staff. Although the three girls have showered and been clothed, they are emaciated, and they look terrified.

  Lada suddenly cries, “Pyat’!”

  One of the girls turns her head and bursts out crying when she sees Lada.

  Lada immediately lets go of my hand and runs to her. I choke on my tears as I watch the young ladies hug each other in silence. Not one of us in this room truly understands what they have been through.

  I’m happy they have found each other again. Maybe it will help them both to heal.

  The other two look forlorn watching the girls hug.

  I feel overwhelming compassion for them and wish I could do something to bring them comfort.

  Standing there in the silence of the room, I suddenly know what it is.

  Once I’m certain Lada no longer requires my presence, I leave and ask Titov to find Anderson.

  “He’s wandering the grounds, gospodin. He wanted me to tell you the mission was a success, but Andrev had to be sacrificed.”

  I chuckle.

  Heading outside, I find Anderson staring at the whipping pole and feel a momentary check in my spirit.

  He turns toward me, grinning. “I had no idea you had a pole for practice.”

  It is an innocent remark. Anderson has no idea the truth behind the pole, and I feel no need to tell him.

  Instead, I ask, “Would you like to join me on an errand?”

  Anderson doesn’t even hesitate. “Lead the way, Durov.”

  On the drive, I say with amusement, “So, you sacrificed my brother?”

  Anderson chuckles. “That brother of yours is quite the talker.”

  “Did he say anything of interest?”

  “He just kept peppering me with questions.” Anderson smirks. “I don’t think he trusts me.”

  I laugh. “I got that impression myself. How did you get rid of him?”

  Anderson grins. “I convinced Andrev to wear a hat and stuffed all his hair under the brim. He looks just like you, so all I had to do was follow him out and tell them you had something important to say and would give an exclusive interview to the first camera team to meet you in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square.”

  His grin grows wider. “You should have seen them scrambling. It was a hoot! Best part? Your driver Igor told me he planned to have a little fun on the trip there.”

  I nod my approval. “That was clever, cattleman.”

  Anderson’s smile suddenly disappears. “Hey, how are those kids doing?”

  I sigh. “Not well. But I believe there is something I can do to change that.”

  When we arrive, I instruct my men to be especially vigilant as they guard the door of the brick building. With my name all over the news in connection with the raid, I want to be prepared should the Bratva choose to strike.

  Anderson follows me into the building and lets out a pleased whistle when he realizes it’s a pet shop. “I’ve got to hand it to you, Durov. This is a brilliant idea. Animals are the best remedy for a hurting soul.”

  “So I have been told.”

  “What’s it going to be—a puppy or a kitten?”


  The shopkeeper’s eyes light up as soon as he sees me, and he comes running over. “How can I help you, Rytsar Durov?”

  “I require a pet that needs minimal maintenance.”

  “I know just the thing.” He leads us through the shop to the back and stops at a row of fish tanks. “Nothing’s more soothing than watching fish.”

  Anderson nods in approval. “They are the epitome of easy to care for.”

  I look the fish over, wanting to give each girl one that is beautiful and unique. I’m transfixed by a vibrantly colored fish in a small bowl. Its fins move like fluid angel wings. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  “What is this?”

  “A Beta male. They make a perfect addition to any household.”

  “Great. I’ll take four of them.”

  The shopkeeper stammers for a moment before explaining, “I’m sorry, but they cannot be placed in the same tank. Otherwise, they will fight to the death.”

  I stoop down to get a better look at the fish. “That’s perfect!”

  I wonder why the shopkeeper glances at Anderson with a worried expression, then realize he’s afraid I want to watch them die.

  “They are gifts for separate people,” I assure him.

  His eyes light up. “Of course.”

  “Make sure each of them is a different color.”

  “Certainly. Will you need anything else?”

  “Da. I’ll need the various sundries required to care for them.”

  “Of course, Rytsar Durov.” He answers, running off to get them.

  I look at Anderson and find him smiling at me.


  “I like seeing this soft side of you.”

  I punch him in the shoulder hard enough to make it hurt and leave a bruise.

  He just laughs as he rubs his arm.

  When the shopkeeper tries to put the fish in a shopping bag, I stop him. “We will carry them.” I hand the yellow and purple ones to Anderson. After I pay, I carry the red and blue ones myself and head out the door.

  On the ride back, I stare at the two fish, mesmerized as I watch them glide gracefully through the water.

  “You look like you’ve never seen a fish before.”

  I snort. “Only on my dinner plate.”

  Once we arrive at the mansion, I tell my men to bring everything I’ve bought into my study. Getting out my stationery, I pen a similar note to each girl. I hope the message will resonate with them.

  I instruct the staff to distribute the fish, but I insist on delivering Lada’s personally.

  Walking into her room, I hand her the bowl with the red Beta.

  “He is yours to keep.”

  She smiles as she holds the bowl up and stares at the fish through the glass. “Thank you, Rytsar. He’s so beautiful…” She looks up at me. “I’ve never had a fish before.”

  “This isn’t any fish, Lada. This is a Beta. It’s a fierce fighter—like you.”


  I can’t let Anderson return to the States without letting him experience a taste of a traditional Russian dungeon. However, I must instruct him before we go. There is nothing laid-back about the place I plan to take him.

  “Your bullwhip skills will be well appreciated by the Doms at this dungeon,” I assure him.

  Anderson grins. “Hopefully, the subs will enjoy them as well.”

  “Understand that my sadist friends are exceedingly strict. They will be as quick to punish you as they will a sub, should you break protocol.”

  He chuckles nervously. “Why are you bringing me, then?”

  “I would be doing you a great disservice if I did not.”

  Anderson raises an eyebrow. “Are you counting on me slipping up?”

  I laugh. “Although it would be entertaining, I want you to succeed.”

  “I’m trusting you, Russki,” he says with a grin. “Give me the rundown.”

  “First, everyone at this dungeon is a sadist.”

  “Well, that’s not intimidating at all,” he jokes.

  “Second, subs are considered property. You do not speak to them, and they are not allowed to make eye contact at any point. In this circle, eye contact from a sub is a grave sign of disrespect and is brutally punished.”

  Anderson grimaces. “It sounds archaic.”

  “It is.” I grin. “And, each person there enjoys the dynamic. I have several subs there you can choose from when we go.”
  Anderson combs his hand through his hair, smiling. I can tell that he is already warming to the idea.

  “What else should I know?”

  “You may observe any scene, but you must stand far back and remain silent. You are not allowed to clap or make a sound of any kind, even if you enjoy the scene.”

  “Got ya.”

  “Also, there is no such thing as aftercare.”

  He frowns. “Really?”

  “Let me remind you that the subs are thought of as property. They are there solely to bring pleasure to their Masters.”

  “What about safewords?” he asks in concern.

  This time, I frown. “Of course, we have safewords. We are not animals.”

  He holds up his hands. “Look, I was making sure.”

  “These Doms may be ruthless in their play, but consent is key. I would never frequent a place without it.”

  “Of course.” He looks at me apologetically. “You know better than anyone how important it is.”

  Thinking back on Samantha, I confess, “I never fully appreciated how the dynamics can change in the blink of an eye during a scene. Honoring a safeword is the only guarantee both parties have of walking out of it unscathed.”

  “Especially when you’re talking about a dungeon full of sadists,” he banters, trying to lighten the mood he’s created.

  Knowing Anderson meant no offense, I nod. “Yes, particularly with sadists.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Good, because we’ll be leaving in a few hours. I have something I want to show you first.”

  It’s a long drive to the remote dungeon. In fact, it’s far enough away to make it inconvenient, but I have come up with a solution to that problem.

  Igor takes us down a winding path in a dense forest. After he parks, I get out and walk to the middle of a large field surrounded by trees. “I just purchased these eight hundred acres of woods.”

  Anderson rubs his hands together vigorously, shivering as he adjusts to the freezing temperature. Looking around the clearing, he says, “Mighty fine land you have here. What do you plan to do with it?”

  I shrug. “I was thinking of building a luxury vacation home with every convenience known to man.”

  “Hmm…” He walks the perimeter of the clearing. “If I were you, I’d build a rustic cabin big enough for your guests, of course, but something in harmony with nature. Imagine yourself pulling up to this huge wood cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Smoke billowing from the chimney, inviting you and your guests to come in and stay awhile.”


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