Book Read Free


Page 37

by Ronald Zastre

  “No, many helicopters have landed at the edge of the city down below. There are many troops and they appear to be getting ready to come up this mountain.”

  “Ah shit, this is what I’ve been worried about. Transport me to where ever Arty is, now!” Tim commanded.


  Tim materialized in a tunnel heading toward the main control room and he saw Arty headed straight at him. His appearing in the tunnel caught Arty by surprise, and his brother pulled up short. Tim stood there, blocking the tunnel.

  “I suppose you think I’m impressed by that?” Arty said monotone.

  “I didn’t come here to impress you. I’m sure you are aware of the company we’re going to get?”

  “I am aware of the fact. Do not concern yourself with it though, I can handle it. You can return to your ‘Secret Place’.”

  “Oh no, this thing is not going to get out of control,” Tim said, as Arty squeeze by him and continued toward the control chamber.

  Tim hurried down the tunnel at a jog, but Arty raced away from him at a high rate of speed.

  Boy, if I ever need to get away from Arty, I had better come up with some way to move much faster than I can now.


  Tim entered the control room and saw Coyle was there talking to Arty.

  After Jake failed to return, Arty had immediately enlisted the help of Coyle. Coyle had taken over from Jake and had some peculiar similarities. He had never been a pilot, but he had an almost identical personality, as Margie had commented to Tim. Although she had not gotten to know the man well, before they entered the base, he was different now. Tim remembered that Coyle had been repaired by Mr. V, also, and he wondered if there was any connection.

  “What are they doing?” Tim asked Coyle.

  Coyle turned around. “Oh, hey Tim, how are you? He remained friendly to Tim, even though he had become Arty’s new partner.

  “We’ve got many soldiers coming up the slopes and they have landed a considerable force behind us also,” Coyle said.

  “All headed right here, correct?” Tim said.

  “Yes, on a beeline,” Coyle confirmed.

  “Well, Arty, Dear Brother, what the hell do you propose?” Tim asked as he turned to Arty.

  “They should not be here,” he responded, without facing Tim. “I did not ask them to come here. You know, it is all your fault. You and that silly Ann, letting yourself get caught like that. If it had not been for you two, they would have never known we were here.”

  “Oh, can it,” Tim laughed, “I know about the hawk.”

  “What are you talking about?” Arty said as he spun around and looked directly at Tim.

  “The mechanical hawk at the air base, Arty. You know damn well what I’m talking about.”

  “I do not understand,” Coyle questioned.

  “Never mind, it is not important,” Arty said.

  “No, not anymore it sure isn’t,” Tim added.

  “The first group of soldiers will be at the bottom of the canyon in half an hour, and there are more helicopters coming in,” Coyle added.

  “Arty, remember, these are just simple guys doing a job. They can’t hurt us, so don’t you hurt them,” Tim said sternly.

  “I want them off this mountain, they must leave,” Arty demanded.

  “You brought them here so you could tell them to go. That’s it, isn’t it? You’re going to show them,” Tim said. “It’s all a set up.”

  “Stay out of this, I am warning you,” Arty’s voice was really menacing.

  “Arty, my gosh, I think Tim is just concern—” Coyle started to say.

  “Please tend to your business, and stay out of mine,” Arty interrupted Coyle loudly.

  “But Arty, your brother is just—”

  Coyle didn’t say anything more. His face went blank for a moment, then he began to slump forward, unconscious.

  Tim went over to Coyle and pulled his head back. “Mr. V is this man okay?”

  “He’s fine, he is just out for the time being,” Arty jumped in.

  “I didn’t ask you,” Tim said to Arty. “Mr. V,” Tim called again.

  “He will not answer you,” Arty said.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Tim asked angrily.

  “Mr. V only talks to me now, sorry,” Arty was definitely pleased.

  “Yeah I’ll bet,” Tim returned.

  “Go to your ‘secret place’ little boy, before I stomp on you like a bug,” Arty snarled as he turned away to a hologram.

  Tim just stared exasperated at Arty. I have no idea what I could possibly say to this. . .‘thing’ that would make any difference.

  With his back still to Tim, Arty added. “I said to leave this place because you have no power here anymore, and it is dangerous for you to stay.” Arty’s voice had taken on a menacing, mechanical tone

  “You’re fuckin insane man, do you know that? Do you know what you’re doing?” Tim yelled at Arty, loosing his temper.

  Arty still didn’t face Tim as he spoke, but his tone was less threatening. “The only reason I allow you to stay here in Whuc Seaacki is you are my brother.”

  Holly shit, Arty is afraid of me. Loosing my cool seems to have worked to my advantage.

  “Bullshit!” Tim continued with the meltdown attitude. “The only reason you allow me to stay is because you can’t do anything about me, period!”

  Arty didn’t respond for a moment. “You are right, but I am working on it,” he finally said.

  “Well, I’m glad we’ve cleared the air on that one. One other thing,” Tim said, but he hesitated.

  “Come on! I do not enjoy talking to you, so spit it out,” Arty said with his back still to Tim.

  “Ah you’re. . .you’re not really Arty anymore, correct?”

  “That is correct. Arty is dead. He died a long time ago. He loved you, but I do not have any feelings for you.”

  The statement hit Tim hard. I’ve known the truth for some time now, but hearing the final proof doesn’t make it any easier. My family is really gone. Now I am completely alone. I’m glad Ann is far away from this madness. I’ll have to check up on her though, to make sure Ed is keeping his bargain.

  “It has come down to you and I, Tim.” Arty spoke quietly and respectfully. “I am not going to patronize you anymore because I respect you. You are a resourceful individual, but you are in my way. It would be best for you to leave.”

  “What about all the rest of the people in here?” Tim asked.

  “They will be safe, I mean them no harm,” Arty said quietly.

  “Like Sims was no problem, or Jake.”

  “Sims was a mistake. I assumed he was influencing you and I removed him, but I can see now it was the other way around. Jake was killed by the same people you are so concern about now.”

  “No, it was not a mistake, and you know it. Sims just thought the same as I did, and if anyone else in here objects they will pay the price, like Coyle here. See, he doesn’t want to be King of the World either, but when he objected, you silenced him. Jake was just a pawn. I know you’ve been trying to stir up the rest by saying, ‘they’ shot Jake down, but I know better. His plane had a device in it that allowed the missiles to home in on it, just like when I was flying it. You planned it dear Brother.”

  “Coyle will be okay,” Arty stated, changing the subject.

  “No he won’t, he will be annoyed because you are doing something he doesn’t agree with, something that goes against his sense of right and wrong, and he will fight you, and you’ll hurt him, just like you did Sims. I’m staying, and I’m advising you that I am the Number One,” Tim touched the center of his chest quickly, “and you will stop this shit, or get the hell out. You hear me Clank!” Tim had already activated the molecular transporter and was already shimmering as he was finishing his speech.

  It was good timing too because Arty spun around, as Tim was dematerializing, and fired a powerful energy beam at Tim’s fading figure. It had no apparent effect
because Tim reformed back in his quarters unharmed.

  “Boy, am I glad we modified the transfer unit because Arty about got my ass back there,” Tim sounded excited, but relieved. “Et, do you have any suggestions on what I can do to protect myself better from what just happened.”

  “We can implement my suggestion, from now on.”

  “I hate to be so sneaky, but I guess I don’t have any choice,” Tim agreed. “And you’re sure this place is secure?

  “Yes, Arty cannot come here, you are safe.”

  “He’s not Arty, he’s become something else.”

  “Is that why Margie calls him Clank? Is that a reference to a machine?”

  “Yeah,” Tim said sadly.

  “You don’t sound happy with the situation,” added Et.

  “I just hate the idea of having to encounter Arty, excuse me Clank over and over.”

  “It is possible for you as Number One, to return to the rest of base unannounced.”

  “I know that, but as soon as ArtClank knows I’m there, he’ll come hauling ass, firing on the run.”

  “If you don’t want him to know you’re there, that can be done.”

  “No, no, I have to be visible to protect those people, and he has to know I’m watching so he won’t hurt them, understand?”

  “I see your problem, but I don’t have a solution,” Et confessed.

  “Well, we need to work on that because I need to protect my friends. I’m sure they think I’ve abandoned them already.”

  “They are worried about you,” Et said.

  “Where are most of them?”

  “They are all in the living quarters.”

  “And Clank?”

  “In the manufacturing center.”


  Tim returned to the Timtown living quarters. As he materialized he spotted Margie.

  “Where have you been?” she sounded angry as she ran up to him, punched him solidly in the shoulder and then hugged him hard. “I have been asking about you and getting nothing. Do you know what’s been happening?”

  “Yeah, I’m up on all the gossip. How’s everyone doing down here?”

  “Pretty good, considering,” Margie answered.

  “Considering what?”

  “Well, we’re getting a little sick of being confined to just the living area.”

  “When did this come about?” Tim asked, feeling a little guilty about his friends being confined.

  “Two days ago. We were told that you and Ann went outside and disappeared. I’m glad you’re back. Where’s Ann?” Margie asked in one breath.

  “Yeah, I’m back, and Ann is fine.”

  “She went back to the forest?” Margie questioned.

  “No, Ann didn’t come back, but she’s okay. She’s far away and safe.”

  “Didn’t come back, oh?” Margie was quiet for a moment. “I think I’d like to go too,” she continued. “I’m getting some bad feelings, really bad feelings. Everyone else is getting nervous too, they want to see the outside.”

  “Is everyone here?”

  “Yeah, except Coyle. He’s the only one that’s allowed to leave, and we barely see him anymore. What’s up?”

  “You’re going to have to stay here a little while longer, that’s all I can tell you.”

  “You and Arty had it out huh?”

  “Yeah, so just keep everyone here while I get everything straightened out.” I hate being so uninformative, because they have a right to know, but it’s best that it’s not discussed because Clank can eavesdrop. It hurts me to think of Arty as Clank, but I have to accept the fact, it is not Arty. Arty is gone.

  The help I envisioned for Arty has gone woefully wrong, and I can’t get over the feeling it is my fault. Then again, I had to try. If I had left Arty in the hospital, he would probably be dead by now. So how to keep this new monster at bay is my problem now.


  Tim hurried toward the outside exit because he needed to turn the soldiers around. Et informed him that two large helicopters had landed at the top of the Walls and were unloading equipment. The computer described one of the pieces and it was, no doubt, a drilling apparatus.

  Oh man, I hope Ann is okay. It looks like Ed has either failed, or is a part of this.

  As Tim neared the exit, Et informed him two more large helicopters were arriving, and one was carrying a small, but extremely powerful thermal-nuclear-device.

  Arty, shit, Clank, is going to get what he wanted because the mechanical demon is counting on the very thing that is happening.

  Tim could remember how Arty was before he went off to war. He was going to go kick some ass and nothing bad was going to happen to him. He had been positive about that, Tim remembered clearly.

  I need to talk to Ed to find out what went wrong, but I have no way to make contact. I doubt any of the soldiers will help. Again, I didn’t plan for the unseen and it is going to haunt me. I know I’m going to run right into that nasty Major and the big shot General before I can get to talk to Ed. Then what am I going to do?

  He was at the exit and about to go out, but he hesitated. It wouldn’t do me any good to just confront the soldiers because I’ll just end up shooting it out with them and that will get me nowhere.


  He transported himself back to his quarters to talk to the computer. “Et, how can I talk to those people out there, and if it’s not going my way, get the hell away, fast?”

  “Why would you be worried, they can’t possibly hurt you?”

  “I know, but I don’t want to start anything. They’re going to try to keep me there if I go out to talk to them. I’ve gone through all that shit already. Can you transport me outside the base, and then bring me back?”


  “How come?”

  “To transport you; your molecules are dissimulated in the original spot, then transported, then reassembled at the intended destination. I have no way of transporting your dissimulated molecules to the outside because I have no ability to reassemble them outside of the Facility.”

  “Well, there goes my next question.”

  “And that was?”

  “I need some way to deal with these clowns without having to just walk up to them and then having to walk away, if and when the shit starts.”

  “You could make yourself invisible.”

  “What? Is that possible?” Tim asked excitedly “I mean how can something that’s solid be made so it’s not there?”

  “Oh, it is quite simple, really.”

  “How, how can you make me invisible? How would that work?”

  “You are visible because light reflects off you, and eyes see that reflected light. You do understand that?”


  “So it is quite simple to capture that light, and you cannot be seen. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, but wouldn’t it appear something was still there, I mean if you capture the light wouldn’t there be a hole or something?”

  “Yes, there would be. Very intuitive of you. The light that strikes you is absorbed, is recorded, then duplicated, and sent on its way.”

  “That sounds reasonable. Just takes a lot of information huh?”

  “Exactly, it takes a large amount of information.”

  “All right! What do I need to do? Ah, how do I work it? Can I just disappear when I want to, or is it permanent? Explain?” Tim was excited about this new possibility.

  “I told you it is simple. I need to add the program to your protection field, and you can become invisible anytime you want.”

  “And when can I appear again, or is that possible?”

  “Anytime you want. You simply turn it on, and turn it off. The energy field that surrounds you will be programmed to perform that function.”

  “At a moment’s notice then?” Tim asked.

  “Less than that. It will take approximately, eighteen-one-thousands of a second for the field to implement the program. In your terms, you will disappear in a flash.�

  “And this will work outside the Facility?”

  “It is part of the field’s function so it goes where you go.”

  “They have an atom bomb out there; can I take some of the force field and cover it up?”

  “To do what? And incidentally, it is not an atomic bomb, it is a hydrogen bomb.”

  “Big deal, if it goes off it’s going to blow the shit out of this place, yes or no?”

  “No, it is not possible.”

  “Whuc Seaacki is that strong? It will withstand a nuke?”

  “The nuke, as you describe it, will not detonate.”

  “You sound confident, how can you guarantee that?”

  “I have already disabled the device.”


  “The device has electronic triggering circuits, and I have severed those, so it will not detonate.”

  “I thought that you couldn’t do anything outside this facility?”

  “I never said that.”

  “But Mr. V was always saying that he had no influence out there.”

  “That was Mr. V, I am Et.”

  “I thought you two were one and the same, except for the secret part.”

  “We are, but the secret thing entails a lot more than just confidentiality for you.”

  “You can control things, ah you can do stuff outside?”


  “Oh wow, there is my answer. Wait a minute though, if you can operate outside, then you would be able to influence the environment. I thought you weren’t supposed to do that.”

  “The central computer cannot for that reason, but I can. I am programmed to launch and retrieve vessels. To disable the thermonuclear devise is in my program.”

  “Vessels, as in space ships?” Tim asked, holding his breath.


  “Mr. V has nothing to do with them, then?”

  “No, it is not in his program. That is why when you asked him about space ships he was unable to answer.”

  “But he told me he would tell me later so it sounded like he knew about them, but just didn’t want to say anything then.”

  “He had given you the designation of Number One and he knew that the subject was my program. He just meant, when you came here I would help you on that subject, understand?”

  “Yeah! Do you have any space ships?” Tim asked excitedly.

  “Yes, a short range vehicle called a Jump Ship, and a Deep Space Probe.”

  “Whoooaa!” Tim cried out, thrilled. “Tell me about them!”

  “The Deep Space Probe is a long range research and exploration ship.”

  “What’s long range, how far can it go?” Tim asked, still breathless.


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