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Page 62

by R T Green

  ‘I’ll never be yours, Tiri. So just kill me now, get it over with.’

  She tipped back the last of her wine, strode back over to me, the dark evil I’d come to know so well clouding her face, spitting thunder and lightning into me, trying to turn my whole body to jelly.

  ‘Kill you? Oh no, Madeline…’ She looked me up and down with cold, calculating eyes. ‘Death is far too soft an option for you.’ She turned away, and I saw her press a button on the silver pendant around her neck. Then a hand was gripping my jaw, squeezing hard, forcing my lips together.

  ‘You are still young, fertile I am sure. A useful member of our family. And Oturu has already expressed his desires for you.’ She let go of my jaw, making sure she gave me a little push to emphasize her words.

  ‘I had planned that we would not continue our little… project until tonight. But I think for you, dear Madeline, I will make an exception.’

  The door opened, and the delicate little sumo wrestler called Peroni stood there, a satisfied smirk on her pale pink face.

  Tiri’s eyes, and the final words she spat out, were filled with pure hatred. ‘Go and think about how futile your actions have been, Madeline. And prepare yourself quickly, because very soon Oturu will come to enjoy the delights I know you possess.’

  I tried to sneer at her but she’d turned away, wouldn’t look at me. So I directed my distaste at Peroni instead, as she strode up to me, drooling with the anticipation of getting her incredibly-strong hands on me once more. And I just had to say it. ‘Good to see you again, Paleface. Got anything interesting to say?’

  The silent Miss Universe replied, but as ever, not with words. My arm was wrenched roughly behind me, and I was marched away in the iron grip from which there was no escape.

  Chapter 182

  ‘We all ready for this?’

  Coop’s eyes flicked nervously around the three other people on the bridge. Three heads nodded silently.

  The shuttle rose above the crest of the hill, and the old house came into view, a half-mile below them in the valley. Zana flew in slow, tight circles a few hundred metres above the roof, while they took in every detail of what awaited them.

  It was twelve noon, four hours until darkness would come. The risky mission to rescue the girls had to be completed before the sun set.

  Snow was still falling, but the flakes were much smaller as the last dregs of the storm passed over them. Visibility was better, and they could see smoke curling from the ancient chimneys. Under the snow, what must be lawns sloped gently down to the frozen lake, a slightly thinner layer of snow marking the position of Tiri’s shuttle, which had sheltered the ground underneath it ever since she’d landed.

  Coop pointed to the back of the house. Two small outbuildings sat close to the rear entrance. ‘I’m guessing one of those was the wash-house. The other doesn’t have a front wall, so chances are that’s the wood store.’

  Shirl grinned. ‘That’s my gaming room then!’

  Coop nodded, knowing what she meant. ‘Just be aware one of them might come out for more firewood.’

  Miles pointed to the trees just behind the store. ‘Look guys, those trees are really dense, and pretty much right up to the back of the house. Not exactly a lot of cover, but it’s something.’

  Two hundred yards further back was a small clearing. Coop raised questioning eyebrows to Zana, she nodded to say it was big enough, and pointed the nose of the shuttle towards it.

  It was big enough… just. They held their breath for a minute after the tips of the tiny wings brushed the branches of the pines and dislodged some of the snow. But no curious aliens came running out to see what had caused the mini-avalanche.

  Coop had a sudden thought. ‘Shirl… the pick-up guy, he’s seen you on your street, when he grabbed Lily. He’ll recognize you.’

  ‘I doubt it, he only had eyes for the pretty ones.’

  ‘Even so… Miles, don’t suppose you brought any wigs from the van?’

  ‘Funny guy.’

  ‘Oh…’ Zana remembered something, pulled off her blonde wig. ‘Getting so used to wearing it, I’d forgotten it was there! It’s the same colour as your hair Shirl, but at least it’s longer and has a fringe.’

  Shirl was staring open mouthed. ‘You… you’ve got no hair!’

  ‘No Shirl. Not a single one, anywhere on my body.’

  ‘Oh. Ooh, you lucky… alien.’

  ‘Does it bother you I have no hair?’

  ‘Fack no, you’re… gorgeous. Just a bit shocked. And blonde hair really doesn’t go with pink skin anyway!’

  She slipped on the wig, let out a little giggle and a jiggle. ‘Fancy me now, Dumb?’

  Coop grinned, didn’t answer the question. ‘Ok agent, time to go. Got your earpiece in, and the lapel camera?’

  ‘Of course,’ she said, slightly indignantly. Then she pointed to the alien weapons sitting on the table. ‘Do I get me one of those?’


  ‘Seriously? I’m walking into hell, unarmed?’

  He shook his head in a resigned kind of way, handed her one of the guns. ‘Just don’t shoot anyone, ok? And remember, you’re out for a long walk, lost your dog…’

  ‘Hey, stop being dumb, Dumb. That was my idea, remember?’

  ‘Yeah, ok.’ His head lowered. ‘Guess I’m just shit scared, Shirl.’

  She gave him a hug, planted a kiss on his forehead. ‘It’ll be fine, boss. You just do your bit and sit watching the TV while I go into the spider’s web and fly a bee, ok?’

  Miles gave her a wry grin. ‘Sounds crazy when you put it like that, Shirl.’

  ‘It’s facking insane. Now will someone open that door so I can go say hello?’

  Shirl hammered on the big old front door, as hard as she could. No one came, so she hammered again. She’d just decided they were ignoring her when the grating sound of old latch-bolts being drawn back filled her ears, and the door creaked open. A black girl with frightened eyes looked out at her.

  Zana, watching on the VCR, let out a gasp. ‘That’s Azola… Lisa.’

  ‘Oh,’ said Miles quietly.

  Shirl went into leading actress mode, put on a worried face and a very posh English accent. ‘Hello dear, I’m sorry to bother you but I’ve been out for a long walk with my dog, and he’s run away. He’s a Rottweiler, about… this big… and he’s not very nice when he’s scared. Please, have you seen him?’

  Coop grinned. ‘Trust Shirl to choose that breed! And where has that accent come from?’

  Lisa looked unsure. ‘I… I’m sorry. We’ve not been outside today. He couldn’t have got into the house, all the doors are locked.’

  ‘Oh dear, dear.’ Shirl wiped away a tear. ‘I’m so worried. He attacks people sometimes. What am I to do?’

  ‘I’m sorry. I can’t help you.’

  ‘But… but dear, would you please be a sweetie and let me have a drink of water? We’ve been out longer than we thought, and I’m so thirsty.’

  ‘I don’t…’

  ‘Please? I’ll be on my way then.’

  Lisa nodded, glanced behind her and then opened the door a little wider. Shirl didn’t wait to be invited in, stepped inside until Lisa blocked her way. ‘Please wait here. I will get you a drink.’

  ‘Thank you soo much,’ Shirl gushed, taking in her surroundings as Lisa headed for the door to what must be the kitchen. ‘I didn’t know anyone had bought this place. You do know it’s haunted, don’t you?’

  Lisa glanced back. ‘Haunted?’

  ‘Oh yes dear. So just be aware of the unexpected, ok?’

  Coop grimaced. ‘Ok Shirl, don’t overdo it.’ He watched the VCR as she cleverly turned in a slow full circle so the lapel camera sent back a three-sixty of the huge entrance hall. Coop shook his head. ‘How the other half used to live, huh?’

  Miles pointed to something he’d spotted. A tall bookcase stood just a few feet from Shirl. ‘Good place for the bee?’ he said.

  Shirl was ahead of
him, placing the bee onto a high shelf, turning away as Lisa reappeared with a glass of water. She sank it in one gulp. ‘Oh thank you so much, dearie. You’re soo kind.’ She headed back to the door. ‘I must invite you all over sometime soon, so we can have dinner together.’

  ‘I’m sure we would like that,’ Lisa said, not at all convincingly.


  As the door groaned to a close behind her, Shirl hurried out of the entrance porch, calling out as she went, ‘Timothy! Timothy… where are you boy? Come to mummy…’

  Coop couldn’t help grinning. ‘A Rottweiler called Timothy?’

  As she turned the corner of the house and headed quickly for the open woodshed, Shirl said breathlessly, ‘Just run with it, boss. Your best agent has done her stuff, now she’s going to have a fly-around, so sit back and enjoy the show!’

  Chapter 183

  The delectable Peroni unlocked the door to my room and held out an elegant, long-fingered hand, requesting me to step inside.

  Like hell.

  As I just about managed to keep my balance after a bulldozer-like shove, the door locked behind us and I saw Kayla’s terrified face.

  ‘It’s ok… it’s me. The real me. Tiri saw right through my disguise.’

  For a second she looked relieved, and then the implications sank in. She came to me, hugged me tight. ‘I suppose one way or another things are about to change?’ she whispered.

  ‘Oh yeah. Starting with my initiation into the family, which is likely to happen anytime now.’

  ‘I don’t underst… oh. Oh no…’

  Her eyes began to mist up, as she suddenly understood exactly what I meant. ‘Don’t worry, Kayla. No alien is going to get his grubby hands… or anything else… on me.’

  ‘But how can you stop him?’

  ‘I’ll stop him. But you’ll have to be ready, because very soon all hell is going to break loose.’

  ‘I’m ready. But I don’t know what I can do to help.’

  ‘Right now neither do I. Just be prepared for anything, ok?’

  She nodded. ‘Is he coming here, to…’

  ‘No idea. Maybe they’ll take me to another room. I hope so, because it won’t be a pretty sight, and I don’t want you to see that.’

  ‘Neither do I, if I’m honest.’

  The answer to the location of my abusive initiation came just five minutes later. Dear sweet Peroni stormed in like a silent tornado, and wrenched me to my feet so hard she almost dislocated my shoulder.

  I just had time to grab my bag before I found myself back in the passageway. I couldn’t resist a bit of a dig… it would likely be the last chance I got after all… and actually took her by surprise as I managed to wrench myself free. ‘Hey, Paleface… be nice to your victims, ok? You never know, if you’re good I might let you have your way with me as well.’

  For a second or two she stared at me, her expressionless face giving nothing away, and then ripped my almost-dislocated arm up behind my back, and we were off again.

  Guess she wasn’t that way inclined.

  Just as we passed one of the bedroom doors, it opened. Lisa stared at me in horror as she realized what was happening, tried to say something but stopped herself.

  For your sake it was probably for the best, Lisa.

  I saw her eyes fill with tears, but the tornado they named Peroni wasn’t hanging around. We turned a corner, and ten feet later came to a stop. And in the momentary quiet of the few seconds she spent fumbling with the key in the old lock, I heard something.

  Something I shouldn’t really be hearing in the middle of winter.

  I glanced up to the ceiling, and there it was.

  And it filled my heart with joy.

  I’d used them in my time in army intelligence in Afghanistan. Tiny drones disguised as insects, acting as miniature hidden eyes for those very close by to see what human eyes couldn’t.

  The guys were here.

  How the hell they’d found us I had no idea. It didn’t really matter. All I could think of was that the woman I loved was about to rescue me.

  And as I was shoved unceremoniously into the small room, what I was about to do suddenly made a lot more sense.

  Chapter 184

  Zana, watching the screen, gasped out in horror. ‘No… Madeline… what’s happening?’

  Shirl’s incredulous voice came through the speakers. ‘Is that Madeline?’

  ‘Yes it is,’ said Coop despondently. ‘Tiri must have discovered who she is.’

  ‘Fack! Does everyone wear blonde wigs around here?’

  Zana was on her feet, reaching for a weapon from the table. ‘She looked right at the drone, knows we’re here. I’m going in.’


  ‘Not on your own you’re not,’ said Miles, grabbing another gun.

  ‘Guys…’ said Coop, then threw his hands in the air and followed the others to the hatch. ‘Shirl, just stay where you are.’

  ‘Are you kidding me?’

  The room was small, furnished with just a bed, wardrobe and dressing table. And a human-looking alien.

  I switched on a false smile, hoping he wasn’t as savvy as his queen. ‘Hello, Oturu. Nice to see you again.’

  He looked surprised. ‘You are pleased to see me?’

  Oh yes, a Calanduran male, nowhere near as bright as his female counterparts. And no other thoughts right then other than getting his cock into me.

  This was going to be a piece of cake.

  I walked over to him, put my arms around his neck, and a feather-light kiss onto his lips. In an instant, he was mine. ‘You are in luck, big boy. I’ve not been fucked for a while, so we might as well make it a nice experience for us both, don’t you think?’

  He was struggling to understand my eagerness. Given his vile recent experiences of abducted human women, I guess that was understandable. ‘If… if you say so,’ he stammered.

  ‘I do say so.’ I turned away, put my bag on the dressing table. ‘And I’ve got something to make our time even more enjoyable.’ I pulled out the chewing gum, slid a couple of strips from the pack.

  ‘What is that?’

  ‘It’s chewing gum. But it’s not just gum. It packs a lot more punch, if you see what I mean.’ I unwrapped both strips, walked over to him. ‘It’s laced with a little extra something, to make the experience much more fun. Do you understand me?’

  ‘I… I think so.’

  I stood right up against him, lifted a strip to his lips. ‘We both chew a strip, and believe me, the effects will blow your mind. And it works in just a few seconds.’

  He took the strip from my fingers, stared at it. Come on you idiot, put it in your gob…

  ‘Just ten seconds Oturu, and we can get down and dirty like you’ve never known before. Let’s chew, because I’m already wet for you.’

  I put a hand on him, squeezed him right where it mattered. The gum started to rise back to his face, but I needed to give him a final push to make sure he took the plunge. And get a few feet clear. I turned away, slipped my top over my head, turned back to face him.

  The poor guy was about to lose his head, so the least I could do was let him see the top half of me naked, send him to his maker with a smile on his face.

  That did it. He shoved the gum into his mouth and began to chew ferociously, undoing his trousers with shaking hands.

  One, two, three…

  I turned away, unwilling to witness the sight of an exploding alien.


  One hell of a bang. Wasn’t it supposed to be low-power explosive?

  I glanced back to the gruesome sight. His head and shoulders were gone, bits of alien splattered everywhere. Disgusting.

  One man down, seven to go.

  I didn’t get any time to make plans. The sound of running footsteps stopped outside the door. I shoved my strip of chewing gum in my mouth. The door crashed open, and aliens two and three burst in.

  One, two, three…

  I threw
the gum, but didn’t time it as well as I could have. It exploded three feet in front of them, knocking them unconscious and taking away a fair bit of facial skin.

  No time to dwell on that. Into the passageway, I unlocked every door I could find, screaming at the girls to get out. Come on Zana, where are you? I can’t defeat an alien invasion with chewing gum alone.

  Then I heard the sound of weapon’s fire from downstairs. The guys were in the house. I ran towards the corner in the passageway on my way to grab Kayla, but ten feet away stopped in my tracks.

  A brick wall named Peroni suddenly appeared, an evil grin on her face, and a weapon in the hand by her side beginning to lift upwards to point at me and end my existence.

  Chapter 185

  A streak of blue flame lit up the passageway.

  But it didn’t come from Peroni’s weapon.

  I saw Lisa appear around the corner, a split second before she fired. It wasn’t a perfect shot. Maybe she’d never fired a gun in anger in her life, maybe she was afraid of hitting me too, but whatever the reason, the blue streak flashed into Peroni’s arm.

  She cried out, severely injured, but before she hit the ground she turned and fired at Lisa.

  Peroni was a true warrior. And a very good shot.

  The bolt seared into Lisa’s chest, a few inches below her shoulder.

  ‘No…’ I screamed out, ran to her and knelt beside her. Blue blood was everywhere. She looked at me with eyes full of pain, smiled to me.

  ‘You must go… get all the girls away safely…’

  ‘I can’t leave you, Lisa.’

  Damn those tears. Can’t seem to stop shedding them just lately.

  ‘Go, please… if you don’t save them, all of this will be in vain…’

  ‘Lisa…’ My eyes flicked around for some kind of divine intervention, but it was a futile hope. And then a flash of blue smacked into the wall two feet above my head, and an ugly alien was advancing on me for a second shot.


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