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Dream Seeker (The Dream Catcher Series Book 3)

Page 5

by Michelle Areaux

  I smile sadly. “You got it.”

  Visualize and Repeat, Lighting the Connection

  When you are prepared to fall into the blissfulness of sleep, visualize your ancestors. Allow yourself to picture them standing next to you, feel them there. Let yourself visualize them connecting with you through body, mind and soul. Allow yourself to imagine their activity communicating with you through voice and emotion. This is the most important step of all, the final one. By doing so, you are recreating an energy shift, forcing the veil to open for the slightest moment, thus allowing your Ancestor to sneak through to experience their presence on a regular basis. Remember, once the veil is lifted, you may never be able to resurface your Ancestor to the other side, this makes it extremely possible for the forces of dark and light to combust, forcing you to face who and/or what you are.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Cameron shuddered.

  I can’t say that I like the sound of it either.

  My father pinches the bridge of his nose, abruptly dismissing the question and turning his back towards his.

  “So, you’re just going to turn your back on us?” I question, “You’re not even going to explain what this means?” my heart beats in my ear, the idea of that paragraph sends shivers over my spine.

  “The future,” Ashton tartly suggests, “By allowing your ancestor in, the void that was put into place to protect you will diminish. Thus leaving you wide open for whatever darkness haunts you.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. “So, you’re telling me that if I seek my Ancestor for guidance, I will be forced to face something far darker than the Dream Seeker that’s inside of me?”

  My father turns, his shoulders slouched. “I need to fill you all in on something, “I pleaded with my eyes for him not to reveal what could very well happen to me, but I knew that my father will do as he will.

  After he filled the rest of them in on what could happen to me if I had made the choice to allow the dark magic to consume me, making me into something that I would rather not ever experience and the realization that seeking my Ancestor will force me into that void unwillingly if I see fit, all eyes fall on me. Their voices all blend together as they harshly and frantically argue over my safety and wellbeing.

  I watch from where I sit, my ears ringing from their words. The only person who is not arguing my future is Ashton, but he is watching me with daring eyes, almost as though he is tempting me to darkness in his own sick twisted way. I shake my head at that thought. There’s no reason for me to fear Ashton, he’s helped us this far. Plus, if I am going to find his mother alone, I am going to need him.

  “Stop!” I yell, sounding slightly brittle, ‘I am not a little kid anymore. I have seen far too much and heard more things than you could possibly imagine. I know that you want to be the mother and father I never had as a child, but I am a teenager now. “Their faces fall glim. “I don’t need to be babied. This is my future and my choice to make, not yours,” I hated sounding so mean, but I had to make this decision on my own. If I allowed myself to connect with my Ancestors, not only will they help me surface my abilities to destroy the Black Witches from ever harming anyone on this planet. It will also force me into that same darkness. But it is my will, I can use that darkness for good, it doesn't have to be bad. I, Aydlin Sparks do not have to give in to evil.

  After a large discussion with the group, all of which did not agree with my making this huge decision that could be the making of my future, I finally convinced them that this is the right thing for me. My father insisted we get started tomorrow to connect with the Ancestors, so we all rush off to bed. When I get into my room, quickly changing before Cam appears at the door, lightly knocking. “I just wanted to see you before bed,” he smiles. “I figured I would sleep on the couch,” he says, as his eyes dart towards the fully made bed.

  “I know what you’re thinking.”

  He watches me blankly. “I’m not thinking anything.”

  “You think this entire thing is too dangerous for me. But I can do it Cam, I know that I can.”

  He sighs, “What happens if everything goes South?”

  “We’ll find our way back, we always do,”

  Cameron rocks back on his heel, drawing his lip between his teeth, the nervous gesture insanely cute. “Fine, but if anything happens to you Adylin, I swear to -”

  I shake my head, cutting him off, I don’t want to talk anymore. All we’ve done today is talk. “Will you stay with me tonight?” my cheeks burn.

  Cam nods, hesitating before moving to climb on top of the bed, he offers his hand towards me, I move to lay next to him, laying my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating beneath his shirt. “I love you. Everything will work out as planned.”

  He kisses my head. “I love you, too,” he tells me.

  The sound of those words fall over me, lighting the same familiar flame inside of me that I’ve known so well with him. I let myself bathe in those words knowing they may very well be the last ones I hear. Tonight is the night I will venture off on my own. No more dragging my family along with me. I now know what I need to do to communicate with my Ancestors and open myself to that darkness, the darkness that is going to save the entire world...

  There will be no turning back.


  The black night calls to me like a siren.

  I know that I should listen. That I should remain safe inside like I was told. But, when did I ever listen?

  Quietly slipping on my shoes, I open my bedroom door and cringe as the old, wooden floorboards creaked under my steps.

  Stopping, I held my breath as I waited for someone in the house to stir; thankfully, everyone remained still in their deep slumbers.

  I make it to the front door and slide out into the thick, humid night air.

  Frogs croak from the nearby swamps and the stars twinkle bright in the sky, providing me just enough light to see where I am going.

  As much as it pains me to lie to those I love, I need to do this on my own. To venture out into the unknown world around me to find secrets that will explain why all of this is still happening to me... To all of us.

  My instincts guide me into the thick wooded area. Maybe I should fear the wild beasts lurking around in these Louisiana woods; but if I had learned anything at all, it was those that you couldn’t see that were the most dangerous.

  I push aside tree limbs and step on things I don’t even want to think about. Where I am going exactly, I still don’t know. My heart and soul will tell me when to stop.

  I walk for what feels like forever and sweat is now beading on my forehead. I fan myself as I continue to walk.

  Suddenly, a twig snaps behind me.

  It is close... Too close.

  Sensing a presence, I realize I am not alone. There is someone else out here with me.

  “Hello,” I call out.

  Nothing but the sounds of the wilderness answer me back. Maybe I am just freaking myself out.

  I shake my head, deciding I am just psyching myself out and continuing on my journey.

  However, when I hear footsteps rushing up behind me, my senses go into overdrive.

  Spinning around, I prepare to be met with an enemy. Maybe a witch. A large predator ready to make me its meal. Regardless of what insane illusion I had thought about, nothing prepared me for the face now staring back at me.


  Relaxing my stance, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding.

  “What are you doing?” I cry out, throwing my hands up in the air.

  Ashton laughs to himself, a sneaky smirk crossing his lips.

  “You are terrible at sneaking out,” he says, obviously making fun of me.

  “What?” I ask, pretending to not know what he is talking about.

  “Oh, come on. I followed you. I knew something was up with you. Now tell me this, why are you sneaking out into these snake and alligator infested woods at night?” he asked, crossi
ng his arms and eyeing me carefully.

  He was so frustrating, but I really didn’t have a choice.

  “To be honest, I really don’t know why I came out here. Something deep inside of me told me to come out here tonight. I figured I should probably listen. Maybe it might be my ancestors speaking to me,” I said.

  I knew it sounded crazy, but if anyone could understand this messed up situation I was in, it would be Ashton.

  Nodding his head, Ashton seemed to accept my words. “Ok, I understand that. But, why come alone?” he questioned.

  “I didn’t want to bother anyone, especially if I were wrong. I just felt like I needed to do this alone. But, now that you are here, I guess you aren’t going to turn around and pretend like you didn’t see anything, are you?” I ask.

  “Not a chance. You are stuck with me now,” Ashton grins.

  Rolling my eyes, I sigh.

  “Alright, if you are tagging along, you might as well help me out. I need to find a spot. I have no idea what or where it is, but I assume we will feel when it is right,” I stated.

  “Ok, I will follow you,” Ashton agrees.

  “Silently,” I say.

  He nods and pretends to zip his lips.

  Happy, I continue moving forward.

  We must have walked another hour and my legs were starting to ache. I was almost ready to give up. To announce that I had sensed something incorrectly.

  As I opened my mouth to speak, something to my right caught my eye.

  In the middle of the thick underbrush, was an open area with only thin grass and a few dry, dirk spots. The silver moonlight seemed to glow right into the center of the area like a spotlight.

  All I could do was point. Seeing where I was looking, Ashton walked up beside me.

  “I think you found what you were looking for,” Ashton grinned.

  My heart swelled and my body suddenly filled with adrenaline. I could feel my ancestors and my magic brewing together inside of me. This was what I had been summoned to come see. Walking over to the area, I stood in the center and just closed my eyes.

  A woosh of air blew through the area and my hair began to fly around my face. Ashton’s eyes grew wide as he watched with fascination.

  I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I remained still and allowed the powers to take over.

  A black mist began to swirl in front of me, wrapping me in its grasp.

  “Black magic,” Ashton whispered as my eyes grew wide.

  “Ancestors speak to me. Tell me what I am supposed to do,” I cried out.

  It was now or never. I had to discover what they wanted with me and what was this black magic that I could feel trying to seep into my body.

  A voice somewhere above us whispered and I knew without certainty that it was from my ancestors.

  “Allow the magic to take control. The black magic will lead you to the answers that you desire.”

  Then, just as fast as the mist appeared, it was gone, as was the voice that had boomed like thunder above me.

  Oh great, now all I need to do is allow black magic to consume me.

  Just great.


  My Ancestors want me to let the black magic consume me, but can I really do it? The idea of letting such a thing happen scares me to the core. I don’t want it to change who I am. Cam and the rest of the pack wouldn’t understand; they’d tell me it’s too dangerous, that it could kill me. And the truth is, it could. It could consume every last waking part of me and turn me into a person that I don’t want to be. To have that much magic swirling inside of me-- it would awaken a part of me that I don’t know if I am ready to come face-to-face with yet.

  But I have no other choice. If I’m going to stop the Black Witches from destroying my home, I have to fight fire with fire.

  Aston rushes over to my side, his eyes wide, “That was crazy.”

  Don’t I know it.

  “Tell me about it.” I mumble, staring at the blank sky.

  “What did they say?”

  I peer over at him, “You didn’t hear it?”

  Ashton shakes his head and stuffs his hands into his pocket.,

  “They want me to let the black magic consume me.”

  “Black magic?” his eyes widened.

  I nod.

  He continues, “Why would they want that? Black magic is dangerous and you have no control over it. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  He says it like I don’t know that already, “What other choice do I have? The Black Witches want to destroy the world. I can’t just sit back and let that happen. Everyone I care about could die, Ashton. I have to do this. The world is counting on me.”

  My thoughts briefly went to Ashton's mom. I knew this was all too personal to him, but still, I had to take action.

  If letting myself be consumed by black magic is what I have to do to protect the ones that I love the most then I don’t see any other option in it. I will do anything to protect them, even risk my own life. I may not know a lot about who I am or what I can do, but I want to learn and the more that I know, the better chance I can get these Black Witches back for the damage that they have already done.

  “Should we go tell the others,” he says, as he hooks a thumb over my shoulder and I pause.

  “No.” I hope I’m making the right decision. “They will never let me go through with it. They can’t know.”

  “Then what do you suggest we do?”

  “Well, first I need to figure out how to let the black magic in.”

  “We,” he corrects, “You’re not doing this alone. Cam would have my head on a platter if I let you venture out there alone.”

  I eye him, unsure what his attentions are, but I can’t disagree with him. The idea of going out there alone makes my skin crawl with fear. “Fine, but don’t get in my way.”

  He smirks, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Where to?”

  “We can’t stay here; it won't be long before someone realizes we are gone. There’s a place that I know of, not far from here, where we can stay until we figure out what we’re doing.”

  The idea of going somewhere with Ashton alone makes me nervous, I pull my lip between my teeth, “Lead the way.”

  It doesn’t take us long to reach our destination. When we find it, I am shocked to find it’s another cabin, much like the one we were at with the others, but far more hidden. Large trees hug it like a blanket, bushes kiss the wood, and the walkway to the entrance is far too narrow, I am poked with poison ivy on my way up, my ankles beginning to itch. I follow Ashton in, he doesn’t use a key but rather kicks the door in. I’m surprised it didn’t come off the hinges with the amount of force he used.

  “Couldn’t you have just used magic to open the door?” I smile. “How did you know about this place?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

  He arches an eyebrow, “I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve. Magic works in mysterious ways and some of us can see things that others can’t,” he stated.

  “Wait, are you saying the cabin was invisible? Why didn’t you just tell me or show me that in the first place? I asked.

  “That would be far too much fun,” he stated.

  Sighing, I follow him into the cabin where we are met with a living room. He sits cross legged on the floor, tapping the spot beside him. I roll my eyes and sit, “What do you know so far?” he asked.

  He watches me from the side of his eye as I pull the novel from my bag that I swiped from the table earlier before anyone could catch me doing it, holding it between my fingers, I eye him warily. “All I know is what I read from this novel.” I tell him, “But I don’t even know if this is going to work.”

  “Of course it’s going to work,” Ashton claims. “It’s a Wiccan book, however; these things shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are consequences for altering the void between your Ancestors and here.”

  “Like what?”

  “You could force your Ancestor into this r
ealm for all existence.”

  You mean, they’d be stuck here forever?” Would that be such a horrible thing?

  He nods. “More specifically, your mind.”

  I wait for him to explain.

  “By opening the void between there and here, you are welcoming your Ancestor into your mind and body. Thus, allowing them to get stuck in your mind, however; allowing them to communicate with you more freely.”

  “Isn’t that what we want? If my Ancestor can communicate with me, then maybe we can figure out how to stop all of this before it gets out of hand.”

  “Yes, but if your Ancestor gets lost in this void, they'll be stuck. You won't be able to throw them back into their realm. Your mind is for their keeping, but you also allow them the ability to control you. All of you.”

  I scowl. “Are you saying they could possess me?”

  The look Ashton gives me is all I need. The knot only thickens in my throat. If I do this, I can communicate with them and rid this world of the Black Witches but by doing that, I welcome them in fully and without restrictions. If things go south, they could take over.

  “They can possess you, only if you let them. But if you’re not careful, they could take complete control over you, and you could be lost in that void forever.”

  My skin crawls with fear, “Maybe -”

  “It’s the only way.” I know he’s right.

  “But there’s something you must know,” he continues, taking the novel from my hand. “If you allow them in, you are opening yourself to everything dark. Not just black magic. Any demons that you have you need to tell me now or I can’t help you fight them off.”

  I shake my head, rubbing my temples. “There’s nothing.”

  Ashton presses his lips together, “Are you positive?”

  “Of course, I am. What demons would I have? I’m a teenager for crying out loud. This is all still so new to me.”

  “Then it’s settled,” he breathes. “If we're going to do this, we need to act fast, before sunrise.”


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