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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

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by Kelli Callahan

“Yeah, and the girl that was kidnapped? That was Savannah—his wife.” Olsen clicked his mouse and pulled up a marriage license.

  “Crazy, so he must have met his second wife at Club Infinite Fantasy.” I nodded as the pieces fell together in my head. “That’s why he’s such good friends with Angelina.”

  “It looks that way.” Olsen nodded and leaned back in his chair.

  “Okay, well if we’re going to do it, we need to do it right. You said you looked at Hal’s Pub once before?” I sighed and leaned back to match my brother’s relaxed pose.

  “Yeah, but it’s been a while. We’ll probably have to pay more than it’s worth—if Angelina can somehow convince the owner to sell the place.” Olsen reached up and scratched his head like he did when he was trying to think. “Let’s send someone down there to scout it out, just in case.”

  “All right, well I want to get a proposal together tomorrow, so who do we have available?” I looked up at the ceiling, my involuntary tick that came when I was trying to work something out in my head.

  “Everyone’s on assignment right now—well, we’ve got that woman we recently promoted who was a damn good scout, but she’s on a desk now.” He nodded and leaned towards his computer. “Gina, that’s her name.”

  “Oh yeah, the hottie.” I chuckled and looked towards his screen. “Send a message to Jessica. Let’s get her down there tonight if we can.”

  “Already ahead of you.” Olsen opened an email and started typing. “Think we should have her do a presentation? She could probably use the experience if we’re going to have her out with clients eventually.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” I confirmed his plan with a quick nod of my head. “She’s wasted behind a desk, but she needs to learn more about the company before we turn her loose.”

  I still wasn’t convinced that Angelina was legit, even after hearing what Olsen found out about Club Infinite Fantasy. I was curious to figure out exactly how she did find out about our secret, though. We were so fucking careful and made sure we had non-disclosure agreements with every virgin we shared. Granted, it would be hard to enforce one of those agreements unless we were willing to file a lawsuit, which definitely wasn’t going to happen while we ran Viking Developments. There was a part of me that did wonder if what Angelina said was right. My brother and I never really looked for love. We were too busy with the company to date. If there was a woman that captivated us enough to keep sharing her after the original fantasy was done, she would be incredibly special.

  It’s past time for us to line up another night of fun anyway, even if that’s all it ends up being.

  Chapter Five


  I finished my presentation with minutes to spare, and then rushed towards the elevators with my laptop tucked under my arm. I couldn’t believe my bosses actually wanted me to give a presentation. My heart started to race as the elevator ascended towards the penthouse. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my nerves, hoping that I could get through the presentation without looking like a fool. Normally, people said you should picture your audience naked—that wasn’t possible with the Rourke brothers. Picturing them naked would have left my panties wet instead of my armpits. I took a deep breath when I got to the top floor and walked into the conference room. They were just as attractive as I remembered, staring at me with ice-blue eyes that made my panties want to melt off my hips.

  “Good morning, sirs.” I walked to the center of the table and fumbled with my laptop.

  They make everyone call them Eric and Olsen. I can’t slip up and say Mr. Rourke. Oh god, which one is Erik and which one is Olsen? They’re practically twins.

  “I hope you’ve got something good lined up for us.” The one on the right leaned forward against the table.

  “Yep, Erik and I are really interested in this pub. It’s going to be the cornerstone of a new business we’re investing in.” The one that had to be Olsen rubbed his hands together.

  Okay, Erik on the right and Olsen on the left. Left for O. Right for E. I can remember that.

  I went through my presentation fairly quickly. There wasn’t much to talk about, but I was able to confirm that it was still owned by the same man. I left out the part about him asking me on a date—and giving him my phone number. The main thing they cared about was the type of customer the pub catered to, how much business it did, and whether or not it looked like it was worth the investment. I wasn’t sure why they wanted it, especially since the pub was so far from the rest of the property Viking Developments owned. Somehow, I managed to get through my presentation without my wobbly knees giving out on me. That seemed like a small victory, considering how nervous I was.

  “So, that’s about it.” I flipped to my final slide. “Hal’s Pub is just a regular bar where people on the South Side go to get drunk. I don’t think many of the customers will come back if you renovate the place and jack up the prices.”

  “You’re saying it’s a bad investment?” Olsen tilted his head and his piercing eyes locked on mine.

  “No.” I shook my head quickly. “I mean, if you guys want to invest in it, then you obviously have a plan.”

  “We’re not talking about that.” Erik shook his head back and forth. “We’re asking what you think. Is it a good investment?”

  It’s a test—oh fuckI barely got through the presentation and now I’m going to have my first real conversation with the bosses? What evil deity did I piss off by getting out of bed this morning?

  “I…” I took a deep breath and just let my thoughts roll off my tongue. “I don’t think it’s a good investment, based on what I know about Viking Developments. Your—our—expansion plans do not generally follow this pattern. The two buildings beside it look like they will need a lot of extra work, and I’m not sure what purpose they serve.”

  “Go on.” Olsen’s lip twisted into a slight smile.

  Go on? I barely got that much out.

  “Um, well—the building on the right used to be an apartment building, but it looks gutted. The building on the left was some sort of warehouse. It’ll be expensive, just because of the land it’s sitting on, and the building will probably have to be torn down because it doesn’t even look like it can be renovated. It’s in really bad shape.” I swallowed hard and put my hand on the table for support.

  Please don’t ask me anything else. I don’t have anything else to offer….

  “Gina, you’ve got a pretty good grasp on what we do here.” Erik’s face lit up and a smile spread across his lip. “I think we need to get you moved over to the purchasing department.”

  “Purchasing?” I swallowed again, feeling a lump rise in my throat. “Like, to buy property?”

  “Exactly.” Olsen nodded and looked at his brother. “I think you’ve done good work here, and I’m going to put you in charge of this account.”

  An account? Already? I’ve barely gotten the seat at my desk warm.

  “But I just told you it’s a bad investment.” I raised my eyebrows and continued to hold my hand against the table.

  “Exactly.” Olsen leaned forward against the table and wagged his index finger at me. “The fact you understand that means you’re way ahead of the customer service desk. I want you making decisions.”

  “I agree.” Erik nodded. “I hope you’re ready for some more field work, because you’ll be wearing the point off those heels very soon.”

  “I’m—I’m honored.” I felt my throat tightening up as the lump tried to get bigger. “I’ll get right to work on this account. I won’t let you down!”

  “We believe in you.” Olsen leaned back and nodded. “Very good work.”

  It looks like I have no choice but to go on a date with Joaquin now—except we’re going to be discussing business instead of getting to know each other.

  “This calls for a celebration.” Harmony ran over and hugged me when I told her about my new promotion. “Well, as soon as Luke is in bed.”

  “I don’t think we can be a bad
influence on him yet. He’s not even walking.” I hugged her back and smiled from ear-to-ear.

  “True…” Harmony giggled and broke from our embrace. “But you did promise to take me shopping at least once before I have to go back to New York.”

  Harmony and I went downtown where the best shopping locations were, and I used my credit card like a woman dripping with money. If I was going to meet with clients, I practically needed a new wardrobe. The new promotion was going to come with a sizable increase in salary, and commissions each time I closed an account. The Rourke brothers treated their Purchasing Agents like royalty, and I couldn’t wait to have a throne of my own. I thought it would take me years to get to that point. I never dreamed that one meeting would change the direction of my life so drastically. I didn’t even need wine. I was buzzing with more excitement than alcohol could ever give me—still, I was definitely going to indulge myself once we got back to my apartment because I fucking deserved it.

  “Oh shit.” I held up my phone as it started to buzz. “This is a South Side area code. It’s probably Joaquin.”

  “Well, answer it, duh.” Harmony nodded quickly. “You have to go out on a date with him now that you’re going to buy his pub.”

  “Yes—I guess so.” I sighed and put the phone to my ear.

  I made plans with with Joaquin for a date. He asked if we could go out Wednesday night since it was a slow night at the bar and his waitress could handle everything without him. Harmony’s flight was leaving early Wednesday morning, so the timing was perfect. Technically, the date was going to be business, so I could get away with seeing him during working hours. I just had to make sure I kept the date professional, and let him know that my bosses were interested in his property. It was supposed to start with lunch, so that seemed like the best time to bring it up. After I hung up with Joaquin, I finished shopping with Harmony and we headed back to my apartment.

  Wednesday morning

  “I don’t want to say goodbye.” I stood at the entrance of the airport holding Luke in my arms. “It’ll be ages before I get to see the two of you again.”

  “Maybe you’ll have a chance to actually visit us now that you have a new job.” Harmony grinned and reached for Luke.

  “I’ll probably be busier than ever.” I shook my head and sighed.

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind flying. It’ll be even easier once Luke has his own seat.” She lowered him into the baby carrier as she spoke.

  “I’m really going to have to wait that long?” I stomped my foot and whined. “What about the holidays? Are you going to Bakersfield for Thanksgiving or Christmas?”

  “It’s hard, you know?” Harmony stood and lifted Luke’s baby carrier. “My parents believe I’m just married to Connor, so of course he could come with me, but I also want to spend the holidays with Nate and Devlin.”

  “Well, Nate is from Bakersfield, so he could come.” I bit down on my lip in contemplation. “Maybe Devlin could stay with him?”

  “Maybe.” She smiled and nodded. “We’re still talking about it.”

  “Okay, well, let me know what you decide.” I leaned in to give her a hug. “Have a safe flight and text me when you land.”

  I waved goodbye and my heart hurt when the two of them disappeared into the airport. I was fairly close with my parents, but Harmony felt like a part of my family. I hated that we were so far apart. She had a life that she truly treasured and I was all alone in a big city. It didn’t look like that was going to change. Angelina set me up with someone that I wasn’t even supposed to become intimate with, and he was going to be my client. That was going to make things more than just a little bit complicated. The date had to happen regardless, though, so I headed to the office in one of my newly purchased dresses that could double as suitable date attire—at least for a date that was going to turn into a business luncheon as soon as I sat down at the table.

  “Wow, I love the new threads.” Jessica looked me over as soon as I stepped into the office.

  “Thanks.” I nodded and smiled. “I figured I would have to dress up a little bit now that I’m going to meet with customers.”

  “Absolutely! Actually, you can head to the fourth floor now if you want. We had your things moved up to your new office last night.” Jessica motioned towards the elevator.

  Office—oh shit, I get an office!

  I walked back into the elevator and hit the button that would take me to the fourth floor. There was a nervousness in my stomach, similar to the one that was present on my very first day at Viking Developments. I knew a few of the people that worked in the purchasing department. I worked for some of them when I was still scouting real estate and writing reports for them all day. It was going to be strange working with them as an equal, but I was confident in my ability to do a good job. I just had one huge mountain to get over first—Joaquin. I had to convince him to sell his pub. My research told me that it was a family establishment and Joaquin took it over after his father passed. I hoped it wouldn’t be sentimental.

  “Welcome to the purchasing department.” The manager, a portly man named Mark Smith, walked over to greet me.

  “It’s a pleasure to be here, Mr. Smith.” I extended my hand and smiled.

  “Call me Mark. You know the bosses hate last names around here.” He chuckled and shook my hand. “You must work quick. You haven’t even moved in and you have a client waiting in your office. It looks like you’re going to get this account closed in no time! Don’t worry though, we have plenty of assignments waiting on you.”

  “A client?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise and turned towards my office.

  Angelina? What the fuck.

  “You’re doing very well for yourself, Gina.” Angelina smiled warmly when I stepped into my new office.

  “Why are you here?” I quickly closed my door. “You can’t just show up at my job like this!”

  “As far as they’re concerned, I’m a client that has come to talk about property.” Angelina sat down in one of my chairs and looked up at me. “So, how are things with Joaquin? Have you been on a date with him yet?”

  “I’m surprised you don’t already know the answer to that since you seem to know everything.” I grumbled and shook my head as I walked to my desk. “I already told you—I don’t want to be a part of this game.”

  “Oh, but you already are.” Angelina chuckled and nodded. “Whether you want to be or not.”

  “I’m going on a date with Joaquin, but it isn’t because I’m looking for love. It just so happens that he’s now a client.” I shrugged and tilted my head. “I guess your algorithm is wrong this time.”

  “I don’t think so.” Angelina shook her head back and forth quickly. “Joaquin is all part of the plan—as are the others.”

  “Yeah, about that…” I sighed and narrowed my eyes at her. “I’m not going to lose my virginity to someone just because it’s their Infinite Fantasy.”

  “It’s more than that.” Angelina leaned forward. “It’s about letting go—experiencing your sexual liberation. Plus, you’re going to really enjoy it.”

  “I doubt that. You’ve been wrong twice already.” I maintained my narrow-eyed stare.

  “Twice? What do you mean?” Angelina tilted her head to the side.

  “You said that I share the same—desires with Harmony. I asked her. I’m not interested in getting spanked.” I shook my head quickly.

  “You’ll be surprised what wonderful desires you develop once you let go of your repressed sexuality. Virginity is admirable, especially at your age, and you’re going to lose it to two men who will treat you like a queen.” Angelina nodded as she spoke.

  “Two men?” I swallowed hard. “Now I know you’re crazy. Besides, my sexuality isn’t repressed. I’ve done things, I just haven’t went all the way.”

  “You’re going to do a lot of things very soon, and you’ll beg them to pop your cherry when the time comes.” Angelina chuckled and started to stand.

  I stared at
Angelina as she left and shook my head in disbelief. She was out of her damn mind. That much had become abundantly clear. I spent the morning hours getting everything organized in my office, logging into the purchasing system, and preparing for my lunch date with Joaquin. Once I felt like everything was set, I walked around the office and introduced myself to my coworkers. One of the doors was closed, and I saw Mark inside the office, talking to a Senior Purchasing Agent named Irwin. I had worked with him on a few projects, and an introduction wasn’t really necessary, so I didn’t disturb the meeting. I waited until it was time to go, and the headed for the elevator—…and promptly ran headfirst into Irwin who was walking by my office.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” I took a step back as the paperwork he was carrying hit the ground.

  “It’s my fault, I’m sure. I wasn’t paying attention.” Irwin squatted to pick up the paperwork he had dropped.

  “Here, let me help you.” I squatted and started gathering the paperwork.

  Wait—does that say something about a club? That’s the street Hal’s Pub is on.

  “Thanks.” He pulled the paperwork out of my hand before I could finish reading it.

  “Sorry I didn’t get a chance to say hello earlier. You were in a meeting with Mark.” I looked up at him as he stacked the papers in his hand, covering the one I was most interested in.

  “Yeah, I’m working on some contract crap. Nothing you should be concerned with. I hear you’ve got a big account to pop your cherry.”

  My—my cherry?

  “What?” I felt the color drain out of my face.

  “Your sales cherry—sorry, it’s a boy’s club up here. I didn’t mean to be vulgar.” He looked down with a bit of a nervous smile on his face.

  “Oh! Right, yep!” I felt the color returning when I realized what he was talking about. “I’m off to get my cherry popped right now!”

  Oh fuck, that sounded worse than when he said it.


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