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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

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by Kelli Callahan

  “Ruin your life?” I reached for my blindfold and ripped it off my face, waiting for my eyes to adjust—and then they did. “Oh my god. Erik, take off your blindfold.”

  “Okay.” My brother pulled off his blindfold and blinked a couple of times before the color literally drained from his face. “Gina!?”

  “Oh fuck.” Gina scrambled to grab her dress and started putting it on.

  “Everyone relax.” Angelina walked into the room and took a seat in a chair that faced the bed. “Now you see why you had to be blindfolded.”

  “Did you set us up?” I tilted my head to the side as I tried to process what I was seeing. “You had us sleep with someone that works for us?”

  “This is an HR nightmare.” Erik scooted to the edge of the bed and grabbed his pants. “So what is this, some kind of way to blackmail us in case we don’t buy that stupid pub for you?”

  “Pub?” Gina lifted her head once her dress was loosely hanging on her shoulders. “She’s the one that convinced you to buy it?”

  “This is not a setup. If you’ll all just relax for a moment, I’ll explain everything.” Angelina held up her hands and tried to calm us down.

  The room erupted into chaos as we quickly put on our clothes. I felt betrayed, and I could tell that my brother felt the same way. We never slept with anyone that worked for us. We kept our dicks as far away from the office as possible. Work was work, and we didn’t want to accidentally reveal our desires to anyone that we could possibly do business with, especially our own fucking employees. All of that careful planning had been shattered by Angelina. My head started to spin as we argued, each sentence getting more visceral than the one before it. Gina broke down in tears, my brother looked like he was ready to punch a hole in the wall, and I was just numb—it felt like the world was crashing down around me.

  “I’m so sorry.” Gina’s lip trembled and she shook her head as tears streamed down her face. “I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I knew it was you two. I thought I recognized your voices last night, but I couldn’t figure it out—things were happening so fast.”

  “How much is it going to cost?” Erik stood up and walked to Gina. “We need your silence, so just name your fucking price.”

  “As for you…” I stood and approached Angelina. “You can forget owning that fucking club. If you breathe a word about this to anyone, we’ll bury you in so many lawsuits you won’t even know your own damn name.”

  “Cost?” Gina took a step back and shook her head. “I don’t want your money. That’s not why I’m here.”

  “Calm the fuck down!” Angelina’s voice raised and it was the most commanding tone I had ever heard in my life—it made me take a step back in surprise. “All of you are behaving like a bunch of fucking children with your hand in the cookie jar. Seriously!”

  “How do you expect us to react?” I felt my jaw tighten but I did try to lower my voice.

  “You just ruined my career!” Gina didn’t lower her voice, in fact, it got even more intense.

  “This isn’t a setup or some form of trickery, and it certainly isn’t blackmail. Gina is on a journey to discover herself, and that journey has led her to you.” Angelina leaned forward. “Was last night so much of a disaster that you can’t even sit down and talk this out like adults?”

  “Last night—it was…” I looked at my brother. “It was incredible.”

  “Yeah.” Erik nodded and sighed. “Okay, fine. I’m going to sit down before I pass out from anger.”

  “Thank you.” Angelina’s lips formed a slight smile. “Now that you’ve both admitted that, Gina—how was last night for you?”

  “It was…” Gina wiped a hand under her eyes to brush away the tears that seemed to no longer be pouring out. “It was amazing.”

  “Incredible and amazing.” Angelina’s smile got wider. “Now do you see why I needed a little deception to get you to this point.”

  “So when you said you used your algorithm to find our soulmates—you meant her?” Erik raised his eyebrows. “For both of us?”

  “Yes.” Angelina nodded quickly. “When the Soulmate app first came out, one of the so called flaws was that sometimes it generates more than one match for someone. This is one of those times.”

  “Wow.” I sat down on the edge of the bed and shook my head in disbelief.

  There was definitely a connection I had never felt with any other virgin we shared. I couldn’t deny that. I didn’t know Gina very well, but she was incredibly bright and seemed to pick up the business side of Viking Developments as fast as we did. I didn’t like the thought of never having a night like the previous one again. For the first time in my life, I actually craved more, and she was certainly not a virgin anymore. I looked at my brother and saw a reflection that mirrored mine. The thoughts were going through both of our heads. We were trying to process it—but we understood that Gina was very special.

  “Let’s get back to the part about Hal’s Pub.” Gina’s eyes were finally dry and I saw a scowl form on her face. “How are you all involved in that?”

  “It’s a mutual interest. I’m planning to open a new club here called Club Endless Fantasy to help people like you find what you’re searching for in life.” Angelina nodded and stood. “Gina, I adore you. I would never do anything to hurt you. Harmony is one of my biggest success stories and I wanted that same happy ending for you.”

  “Instead, I fucked my bosses—both of them.” Gina exhaled sharply and shook her head.

  “I’m going to let the three of you talk now. Let go of your titles. Yes, you work for Viking Developments and they own it, but that isn’t who you are—not in your heart.” Angelina tapped Gina’s chest and started walking towards the door.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I felt so many emotions in such a short period of time that I didn’t even know what I was feeling anymore. Angelina left the hotel room and I walked over to sit in her chair—actually, it was more like a collapse as my legs gave out from a mixture of exhaustion and terror. I looked at Erik for a moment and then turned my head to Olsen. I had secretly fantasized about the both of them. Hell, everyone in the office did—I just never imagined that they were some part of the strange puzzle Angelina was putting together. I couldn’t believe that I was literally working for two people that were supposed to be part of my journey.

  “So, this is fucked up.” I tried to break the tension with a light-hearted joke.

  “Tell me about it.” Erik nodded and shook his head—he seemed to be almost traumatized by what Angelina had said.

  “Angelina brought you here to lose your virginity to two people she said were supposed to be your soulmates?” Olsen lifted his head and looked towards me.

  “Yes.” I nodded and sighed.

  “Why would you go through with it?” Erik tilted his head to the side with some of the color returning to his expression. “I get why we did it—obviously you now know we have a thing for virgins, but what made you do something like this?”

  I decided that there was no use holding anything back. I told them about Harmony and how she found happiness with three guys who loved her, and how Angelina said that was my fate as well. Erik and Olsen exchanged glances, but continued to listen to my story. I talked about my own struggles, and how I struggled to connect with anyone—until Joaquin’s kiss made me question my resistance to Angelina’s plan for my Infinite Fantasy. By the time I was done with my story, I had tears in my eyes again and a lot of the doubt I felt before I agreed to lose my virginity started to creep back into my head.

  “Maybe there’s something to this.” Olsen reached up and scratched his head. “The two of us have never felt any kind of connection with someone, and I can’t speak for my brother, but I definitely felt something like that last night.”

  “I felt it too.” Erik nodded with a solemn expression on his face. “Like magnificence exploding in my head.”

  “Yeah.” Olsen nodded quickly. “Exactly that—the minu
te our lips touched—it was like opening my eyes for the first time.”

  “If we believe that there’s more to this than just the meddling of a madwoman, then that means the two of you are not the only ones I’m meant to be with.” I leaned back in my chair. “There’s Joaquin, the guy that owns Hal’s Pub, and another man I haven’t met yet.”

  “Fuck…” Olsen blinked in surprise. “I feel like that should upset me, but it doesn’t.”

  “Truthfully…” Erik shrugged and sighed. “We would be horrible lovers if we were the only ones you had. You already know how busy we are.”

  “That’s true.” I nodded in agreement.

  “I’ll say this.” A slight smile formed on Erik’s face. “If you really are the one we’re meant to be with, you better get your ass back in those restraints because I’m pretty sure we’ve got a few hours before checkout.”

  “Really?” I bit down on my lip and smiled. “You didn’t get enough last night?”

  “No.” Erik shook his head. “Are you going to get into them willingly or are you going to make this difficult?”

  “I don’t know—will it be more fun if I make it difficult?” I felt a surge of desire flourishing inside me again.

  “Probably.” Olsen chuckled and stood.

  The tension in the room seemed to evaporate as we caved to our desires. I had such an emotional release when I realized who was in bed with me that I needed to feel what I felt the night before more than anything else in the world. They didn’t hold back at all. I pretended to try and evade them, but their big strong arms wrapped around me before I got far. Erik dropped me on the bed and quickly fastened the restraints around my wrists. It felt natural—and when his lips crashed into mine, my mind raced with excitement. Every woman in the office dreamed of having even one of the Rourke brothers look at them the way both brothers were looking at me. It wasn’t going to be blind sex with strangers—I was going to be taken to the absolute limit by two of the hottest men I had ever laid eyes on.

  A few hours later

  “Gina!” I heard a voice as I walked through the lobby and turned to see Angelina sitting in the hotel bar.

  “Have you been waiting down here the whole time?” I walked into the bar and sat down next to her.

  “Yeah, I figured I should stick around in case the police needed me to identify a body.” She chuckled and grinned. “I guess you didn’t kill either one of them?”

  “If I was going to kill anyone, it would be you.” I feigned a glare and shook my head. “My bosses—really?”

  “Those two look like they stepped straight out of the age of Vikings. Are you telling me you didn’t have fun losing your virginity to them?” She tilted her head to the side inquisitively.

  “I—I can’t even describe it.” I exhaled sharply. “Oh my god, Angelina. It was incredible.”

  “And the restraints?” She tilted her head in the opposite direction.

  “They were… equally as incredible.” I lifted my eyebrows.

  “So, you finally believe that I’m not full of shit?” Angelina chuckled and reached for her glass.

  “I believe you’re full of something, but it’s probably just gin and tonic considering that it’s barely noon.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Tell me about this club your planning to open. Is that why you’re really in Chicago?”

  “Partially.” She nodded and smiled. “I’ve been working on your profile since I met you at Harmony’s wedding. When I figured out all of the pieces of your perfect future, I realized there was an opportunity for me to finally lay the groundwork for Club Endless Fantasy.”

  “Why do you need Erik and Olsen’s help? I thought you were rich—at least Harmony thinks you are.” I leaned back on my stool and propped my feet up on the bar.

  “I have resources, but trying to buy up property and develop it takes a team. Viking Developments already has that in place, so why waste money? I had several silent investors when I opened Club Infinite Fantasy in New York. Plus, I’m familiar with the Rourke brothers. One of my previous clients has done business with them in the past and he said they’re trustworthy.” Angelina nodded and sipped her drink.

  “So, you get your club and I get my happily ever after.” I sighed and smiled. “I’m glad I finally decided to trust you.”

  “I believe you’re ready for your second date with Joaquin now.” Angelina grinned and put her glass down on the bar. “Then you get to meet the man who will complete your journey.”

  “I’m allowed to actually give in to my desires with Joaquin if I feel the same thing I felt the first time he kissed me?” I batted my eyelashes and bit down on my lip.

  “You’re ready now, but it is best if he knows everything now that you’ve lost your virginity. Let me talk to him before your next date.” Angelina reached over and took my hand. “You’ve trusted me this far, right?”

  “You dragged me across barbed wire until I did.” I nodded and chuckled. “Then you tied me to a bed and let two men have their way with me. I can’t wait to find out what you have in store for me next!”

  I went back to my apartment and the excitement was still coursing through my veins when I finally changed out of my dress and put on a pair of pajamas. I pulled up Harmony’s profile on social media and started fantasizing about the life I could possibly have. Erik and Olsen seemed to be okay with the arrangement Angelina suggested, but I felt like I needed more time to know them before I was fully committed. The sex was explosive, but I would need more than that. In the meantime, I had an opportunity to learn more about Joaquin. I didn’t know if I would actually end up in bed with him, no matter how much his kiss tempted me. I still had a job to do, and that might come between whatever relationship we could possibly have.

  I’m glad I at least got a promotion before I ended up in bed with my bosses—although people will assume the worst if anyone finds out.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Hold on, you’re going to need to start that story from the beginning, and I need a fucking drink.” I stared at Angelina with a blank look on my face.

  “I thought you didn’t drink when you were working.” Amy walked by and giggled.

  “I’m making an exception.” I poured a shot of whiskey and quickly downed it.

  Gina was still fresh on my mind and I was looking forward to our second date when Angelina walked into my pub and dropped a bombshell on me. I listened to everything she had to say about her club in New York and her reasons for wanting to buy the pub, but when the conversation shifted to Gina, my mouth fell open. The woman that had me smitten the instant I stared into her emerald green eyes and set my world on fire with one kiss was more complicated than I realized. If Angelina was to be believed, Gina was my soulmate, but I wasn’t the only man that she was destined to be with. I couldn’t even wrap my head around that logic. It didn’t make sense. It sounded like some sort of ridiculous fairy tale where I was the jester that danced in the king’s court for everyone’s entertainment.

  “Let’s move this conversation to one of the tables in the corner.” I motioned to Angelina. “It’s not very busy in here, but people love to eavesdrop.”

  “Sure.” She nodded and stood.

  I poured myself another drink, told Amy that I was taking a break, and made my way over to the table Angelina chose. Of course she had to pick the one where I saw Gina for the first time. She obviously wanted to torture me. Angelina went through a few more details as I listened, trying to keep my jaw from hitting the table as I quickly downed my second drink. Gina was on a journey and I was a critical part of that journey. Unfortunately, she had other stops before she could be mine forever—if that was even possible. I politely waited for her to finish relating all of the intimate details, but my decision had already been made.

  “I’m just going to pass.” I shook my head back and forth. “I have a list of reasons why I don’t date people, and you just added a whole new page. You’re out of your fucking mind.”

/>   “This is the relationship you’re meant to have. I know it seems like I’m hitting you in the head with a brick, but I promise that I put a lot of work into figuring out why you two are perfect for each other.” Angelina reached into her purse and pulled out a tablet.

  “Save it.” I waved off her attempt to show me something on her tablet. “You walked in here and convinced me to ask Gina out. I did that. It was fun, and I really liked her, but this is too much complicated bullshit for me.”

  “You’ve spent a lot of time getting over your last break-up.” Angelina continued to move her finger across the screen of her tablet, even though I wasn’t paying attention.

  “Yeah, and I was perfectly fine managing my life on my own before you came along.” I scoffed and shook my head. “If this is about the pub, I don’t have an emotional attachment to it. If the company you’re working with wants to buy it, have them put together an offer.”

  “I’m sure Gina will be delighted to hear that, but this isn’t just about your pub.” Angelina frowned and put down her tablet since I wasn’t paying attention to what she was trying to show me.

  “Well, that’s another thing. If they want to buy it, I want someone else to work with me on the sale. I have no interest in working with Gina.” I leaned back in my chair. “You want to turn this place into some kind of brothel, be my guest. All the gentrification shit is headed my way as it is, so I might as well get out while someone’s willing to pay a premium price.”

  “That’s not fair. Gina’s job has nothing to do with how she feels about you.” Angelina’s face turned from a frown to an ice cold stare. “This is her first account at Viking Developments.”

  “None of this is fair.” I shrugged and sighed. “But those are the terms. You can run along now. You’re going to get what you want.”


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