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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

Page 15

by Kelli Callahan

It was time for the truth. Irwin had been open with me, and I had to return the favor. It was the only way for us to move forward. I told him Harmony’s story first, which left him with a blank stare of disbelief. After that, I admitted that I was also on a similar journey, and that he was one of four men Angelina believed I was meant to be with. He tensed up when he heard that, immediately pulling his hand away. Shock wouldn’t even begin to explain the look on his face. I could tell he was trying to process what I told him, and I understood that feeling, because I had felt it too. He stared for what felt like an eternity before his face finally reflect a semblance of emotion and he lifted his head to look at me.

  “That… actually makes sense.” He exhaled sharply and nodded. “I’ve never been able to open up with anyone before. Just talking to you is like a breath of fresh air.”

  “We all travel twisted roads as we move towards our destination. The experiences you’ve had are lessons, but they don’t have to define who you are.” I reached out and put my hand on his again. “Real passion can come from a deeper place, one that you’ve never tapped into before.”

  “Maybe.” Irwin leaned back and a faint smile formed on his lips.

  We paid for dinner and started walking back to the office. He took my hand again and we just enjoyed the moment. I wasn’t sure where things were headed between us, but it felt good to talk things out. He still didn’t know who I was involved with, but he knew enough to fully understand the dynamic. If he wanted to go further down the path that was in front of us, it was something he would have to accept. My heart would never belong to just one man, but there was a spot in it for Irwin if he was brave enough to take it. He was the final piece that would fill the emptiness, and we could all take hold of whatever future was in front of us.

  “Fuck it. If I keep thinking about it, I’m just going to talk myself out of it again.” Irwin grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

  Irwin’s lips landed on mine with undeniable passion. I didn’t just see fireworks in my head, I felt them going off inside my soul. My heart surged with so much emotion it almost brought me to tears. I fumbled with my purse until I felt my keys and hit the button to unlock my car and he grabbed the door. Our lips stayed connected as I slithered into the backseat and he was already tearing at my dress before the door slammed shut. The fire that burned beneath us couldn’t wait. It was a deep yearning that had to be satisfied in that moment, and I didn’t care where we chased those desires, I just wanted to feel every bit of his passion slamming into mine.

  “I’ve never had sex in a car before.” I pulled back from his lips and gasped.

  “It’s not as pleasant as it sounds, but we’ll make it work.” He slid his hand underneath my dress and started tugging my panties down my hips.

  I quickly began to question how anyone ever managed to have sex in such a cramped space. I tried to move, to get more comfortable and my foot hit the window. When I tried to stretch out in the opposite direction, my shoulder got jammed against the seatbelt. Irwin hit his head on the ceiling as he pulled off his shirt and then bumped his knee on the console when he tried to unbuckle his belt. If I hadn’t been so turned on, I might have just tried to ask for an intermission so we could find a more comfortable spot, but I needed him. The moment was real, and that was what truly mattered.

  “Fuck…” Irwin exhaled sharply and held up a condom wrapper. “I’ve had this in a wallet for way too long. I think it dried out.”

  “Damn.” I ran my hands along his chest. “You can’t leave me like this. You got tested after your um—exploits, right?”

  “Yeah, more than once.” He nodded quickly. “And it’s been many years.”

  “Then don’t worry about it.” I grabbed his cock and stroked the length.

  “Oh god.” He moaned as I guided the glans towards my wetness.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The connection I felt with Gina was spiritual. I could strip everything away until nothing was left but the deepest essence of my being. I lived in fear of ever having to confess my sins, but I knew I would have to face that reality if I wanted to make something work with Gina. I couldn’t hide from the man I was, and if there was going to be a future, then it had to be built on honesty. My humility drew a part of me to the surface that I hadn’t felt in years. I could taste the crisp breath of life on my tongue for the first time since my divorce. Gina did that to me. She gave me hope. Hope for a future, a second chance, and if the relationship was different than what I was used to, so be it. I wasn’t exactly a testament to perfection in any way. Despite my flaws, she still begged for me. She desired the broken man trying to mend himself in her embrace.

  “This feels fucking incredible!” I let a moan roll across my lips as I sank between Gina’s thighs and felt her pussy squeezing my cock.

  “You’re so hard!” Gina groaned and dug her nails into my back. “It’s so fucking thick.”

  I started to thrust into Gina’s warm, wet pussy. She was so tight that it was hard to get a good rhythm going. My hands traced the fabric on her dress, and even though we were in the back of a car, I couldn’t resist the urge to expose her tits. They were generous mounds of perfection and when my thumb grazed across her nipple, it formed a hard nub from my touch. She was incredibly beautiful in the moonlight and her emerald eyes sparkled when she felt me go deep. Lust drove me forward, but there was more to our embrace than just carnal attraction. We might have been brought together under strange circumstances, but I wasn’t going to waste my chance to claim her—even if I wasn’t the only one that got to hold her at night.

  “Talk dirty to me.” Gina nibbled on my ear when I leaned forward. “Tell me how hard you’re going to fuck me.”

  “I’m going to flatten the tires on your car.” I felt a growl rise up on my throat. “Then turn the metal to dust.”

  “Fuck yes!” Gina moaned louder.

  I never talked like that, even when I was with the whores who shared my bed for money. I certainly didn’t say anything like that to my ex-wife—even when our bedroom was flaming hot. Gina brought a side of me to the surface that I didn’t know existed beneath the epidermis of my skin. She made me feel like an uncaged animal—an alpha male that could conquer the world if I wanted. I whispered dirty things into her ear, thrust my cock deep inside her pussy, and basked in the glory of our passion. She made me feel like a real man. A man desperate to fill her tight pussy with my cum and then fuck her until she couldn’t breathe. I wanted it all. She deserved a man like that, and I was never letting go of the primal beast she had pulled to the surface.

  “Harder!” She gasped and her breathing got heavier. “You’re gonna make me cum!”

  “As many times as I can.” I pushed her arms against the seat and started kissing her neck, working my way up to her delicious lips.

  I hammered Gina with every bit of fury I could muster. I felt her body quiver and shake before her first orgasm began. It was incredible. She squirmed and moaned underneath my kiss. Her pussy spasmed so hard I thought she was going to make me explode, but I fought against it. I wanted to savor her lust before my seed was spilled. I kept pounding through her first orgasm, and when I felt the second one coming to life, I braced for the eruption. I leaned back from her lips and watched her face form a beautiful expression of bliss. I was the one that put it there. I wanted to see it again and again.

  “You’re still not done?” Gina’s back arched as a third orgasm started to build.

  “Not yet.” I growled into her ear. “Your pussy is just too good for me to stop.”

  “You can have it anytime you want.” A loud squeal erupted from her throat. “Fuck!”

  I kept going, pushing the limits of my body. My balls were starting to ache, screaming for the release her sweet pussy would bring. I watched her cum so many times her eyes were nearly rolled back in her head. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I let my muscles relax and started to drive my dick deep with every thrust. The build was incredible, and
my balls tightened when the first twinge swept through my body. My head rolled back, I roared like a wild animal tasting freedom, and felt the cum surging through my shaft. It exploded into her and the instant she felt it, another orgasm seized her beautiful frame.

  “Oh my god!” Her nails dug in so deep I was sure she was tearing through my shirt.

  I erupted and years of pent up lust flooded Gina’s pussy. I came so hard my abdominal muscles caused my entire upper torso to spasm and shake. I would have kept going, but I truly had nothing left. Every drop was drained out of my balls. My muscles went weak and I collapsed forward, shifting my body before I landed directly on top of Gina. I pulled her into my arms and started kissing the side of her forehead, so incredibly thankful to be in that moment with her. It was definitely our moment. Regardless of what was on the other side, or who she shared her bed with, we had a connection that could not be broken. Whether it was fate, destiny, or some spiritual connection—we belonged to each other. There was no doubt in my mind.

  Somehow, we’re going to make this work.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  One month later

  My concerns over Irwin were completely put to rest once I introduced him to Erik, Olsen and Joaquin. If anything, it seemed like Joaquin was the odd man out once the other three started talking. I practically had to beg them to stop talking about Viking Developments when we were together. Thankfully, the work discussion never carried over to the bedroom. Irwin didn’t seem to have any issues sharing me with the others, but having a fourth man in the bedroom made my nights even longer—not that I was going to complain. Irwin loved playing with all of the toys Erik bought, which included a number of different restraints, and several implements I was happy they didn’t intend to use to actually hurt me.

  After the initial introductions and getting to know each other, we started using Erik’s house as our primary residence. It wasn’t even something that we talked about in great detail. Olsen already had a bedroom that he used when work kept them up all night, and he moved a few things in so that he didn’t have to go home often. Joaquin didn’t have much motivation to leave since he was still waiting for Club Endless Fantasy to open. One day Irwin showed up with an overnight bag, and the next thing I knew, his cat was digging through the trash looking for food. I wasn’t quite ready to move out of my apartment entirely, but I kept enough stuff at Erik’s house to be able to get ready for work each morning.

  “Hey, Gina. You have a visitor.” I heard Olsen’s voice calling from the living room and I peeked out of the kitchen to see Angelina walking through the front door.

  “Actually, I came to see all of you.” She smiled and nodded to me as she took a seat.

  “I think Irwin’s trying to coax his cat out from under the bed upstairs.” I walked to the edge of the stairs. “Hey Irwin, can you come down here?”

  “Just a minute—damn it, Jabba!” Irwin stomped the floor and then started walking towards the staircase.

  “So what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?” Erik walked into the living room and sat down.

  “I just wanted to stop by and see how everything was going. These types of relationships can be a little hard in the beginning.” She looked around the living room. “Is everyone behaving?”

  “Behaving?” Olsen chuckled and shook his head. “No, we’re definitely not behaving—especially this one.”

  “Jabba!” Irwin ran into the living room as Jabba was scooped up by Olsen.

  “I got him.” Owen quickly cuddled Jabba. “He likes me.”

  “Oh, hello. You must be Angelina.” Irwin was distracted from his pursuit of Jabba when he realized there was someone new sitting in the living room.

  “Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Angelina gave him a slight nod and extended her hand. “The mysterious Irwin.”

  “I’m not that mysterious.” Irwin chuckled and shook Angelina’s hand. “I just stay off social media.”

  “That definitely makes you mysterious in this day and age.” Angelina leaned back in her chair. “So, things are going good?”

  “Crazy sometimes, but it is what it is.” Joaquin shrugged. “Any news on the club?”

  “I have the permits approved and I’m working with the developers Erik and Olsen have generously provided for the renovation.” Angelina pointed at the Rourke brothers.

  “We’ll bill you later.” Erik chuckled and suddenly stood. “Where are my manners, I forgot to offer you a drink.”

  “You know what I like.” Angelina smiled as Erik walked over to the bar area.

  Angelina spent some time with Irwin, talking with him about the arrangement, and likely vetting him on her own. She definitely didn’t like the fact he wasn’t an open book like most of the other people she interacted with. The entire concept seemed foreign to her. Even Erik and Olsen, with all of their precautions, had left enough of a digital footprint behind for her to build a pretty good profile with her software. Joaquin was kind of like me—just an open book. Once Angelina was satisfied that Irwin wasn’t going to murder us all in our sleep, she said her goodbyes and left the five of us alone—well, six if we counted Jabba, who definitely thought he was part of the family.

  “I thought this was your cat.” Olsen looked up at Irwin and smirked. “He seems to spend more time with me than he does with you.”

  “He was a stray. He probably smells the money on you.” Irwin chuckled and shrugged.

  “Or…” I walked over and picked up Jabba. “It could be because you keep sneaking him food under the table when we eat.”

  “What? I do not!” Olsen shook his head and reached out for Jabba as I whisked him away.

  “All right, Jabba. You need to go play somewhere else because we’re going upstairs.” I dropped Jabba in the gated part of the house that had become his domain.

  “He can hop that gate, you know.” Irwin rolled his eyes when I positioned the gate in place.

  “He respects boundaries.” I walked over to Irwin. “I—on the other hand—have none, so who’s going upstairs with me?”

  The five of us started up the stairs and I smiled when I saw the eagerness on their faces. I was truly complete and as happy as I could possibly be. The future was in front of us, and I couldn’t wait to embrace it. We had come a long way, but it was a path that led us together. Perhaps I would have found one of them at some point in my life without Angelina’s help, but I would have never been brave enough to find them all without her guiding the way. I couldn’t wait for them to all meet Harmony and Luke. That meant they would also get to meet the men Harmony shared her life with, which would probably lead to some interesting discussions. There would be enough time for that later, though—the restraints were already on my wrists.



  Two years later

  “Can someone please get me a gin and tonic? This place is a madhouse!” I sat down at the bar and put my hand on my head.

  “Here you are, ma’am.” A drink appeared in front of me before I could even get truly annoyed.

  “Thank you.” I removed my hand and tilted my head when I saw who handed it to me. “I don’t recognize you—are you new?”

  “Yes ma’am. I’m Amy.” She nodded and leaned against the bar. “Joaquin hired me last week.”

  “Oh, I do recognize you.” I sipped my drink and smiled. “You used to work here—well, when it was Hal’s Pub.”

  “Yeah, I left Chicago for a little while. Viking Developments bought my house, so I was able to spend some time traveling.” She shrugged. “It was a nice vacation, but this will always be my home.”

  “I should have never let Joaquin take paternity leave.” I looked around Club Endless Fantasy and grumbled under my breath. “He knows I can’t run this place without him.”

  “I think you would have had to fire him.” Amy snickered and smiled. “He loves that baby girl to death—her mama too.”

  “Yes, that he does.” I chuckled and sippe
d my drink again. “So, tell me. Are you married? Single?”

  “Me?” Amy scoffed. “Oh, I’m never getting married.”

  “Why not?” I leaned closer and tried to read her face as she spoke.

  “Just—not my thing.” She shook her head quickly. “Besides, I haven’t really found anyone that I feel a connection with.”

  “As it so happens—connections are my specialty.” I reached over and picked up my tablet. “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself.”



  “No, Jabba! Hannah’s toes are not your chew toys!” I pushed Jabba away from the crib and quickly inspected my daughter’s toes for damage.

  “He’s not trying to bite her, he’s trying to groom her.” Irwin walked in and chuckled. “He just wants to make sure his little sister is clean.”

  “She’s clean. I know—I just changed her diaper.” I turned my head towards Irwin. “Interesting how you suddenly vanish when it’s time to do diaper duty.”

  “Oh, well—Joaquin and I…” A guilty look spread across Irwin’s face.

  “Yeah, exactly—you were both missing.” I stood up from the crib and glared at him. “You’re going to have to start pulling your weight around here, buddy.”

  “I changed her diaper yesterday.” He nodded quickly. “You can ask Joaquin, he helped.”

  “I helped what?” Joaquin walked into the bedroom and immediately reached for Hannah.

  “You’re about to help wake her up.” I slapped his hand away. “She’s finally sleeping. I swear, nobody wants her to sleep but me!”

  “We’re here!” A loud voice called out from the living room.

  “Well, Hannah isn’t going to get any sleep now, is she? Aunt Harmony is here.” Joaquin reached down and picked up Hannah before she could wake up.


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