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When Darkness Falls

Page 14

by Amanda Perry

  Remus barks out a sharp laugh. “Good reflexes you have there, Pipsqueak!”

  “Brecken! I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened! I didn’t mean to,” I ramble, backing away from Brecken and shaking my head.

  Brecken chuckles and dusts off his jeans. “I would have been disappointed if you hadn’t reacted like that, little gem,” he admits, grinning and walking back over to Izzy. “I’m impressed you have such quick reflexes and that kind of strength for being so new.”

  I look around at the rest of the family and see them all laughing and grinning at me. It eases my anxiety and I relax a bit. Levi comes over to me and pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. I rest my head against his chest and sigh in contentment. This is exactly where I’m supposed to be and I finally feel at home for the first time in so long.

  I’m not sure what is going to happen with the Ashford family and the fight they are looking for, but I do know that I will do whatever I can to keep my new family safe.

  I’m beyond frustrated. It has been six weeks since my transition. Levi and everyone else promise me that I’m just new and getting used to this life will take some time. I’m the main source of entertainment in this house lately though.

  The first week there was a security breach and the family went to check it out. I was too new to go with them, according to Levi. I thought he would be less protective now that I’m not as fragile, but his protectiveness has seemed to increase. When the family went to check the gates, I decided to make some lunch. I had everything I needed for subs, but when I picked up the new jar of pickles, I huffed in frustration. I can never open new jars, they always make them way too tight and they get stuck.

  I gripped the jar in one hand and the lid in the other, twisting as hard as I could. The jar shattered into a million pieces and pickles and pickle juice went everywhere. Because I have the worst luck ever, that was the exact moment the whole family decided to come in the door.

  They all rushed into the kitchen to see what happened and stopped dead at the sight. It took a few long seconds before Brecken started laughing, setting everyone else off. In his defense, Levi tried to hold his laughter in, but he failed completely. He did assure me that it’s totally normal, but it didn’t make me feel any less silly.

  The following week, I was helping Mary make dinner and I forgot that I left rolls in the oven. In my haste to get them out before they burned, I yanked the oven door harder than I intended, pulling it clean off. I stood in the kitchen staring at the door in my hand for a good five minutes, trying to calm my temper. Lucky for me, Remus and Abe were able to replace the oven with ease. I tried to apologize but they told me they had planned for this kind of thing and that my apologies were not wanted or needed.

  Now, it’s six weeks after Levi changed me. I have broken jars, broken kitchen appliances, pulled doors off the hinges, torn clothing, and broken a few windows. I growl down at the stupid vacuum in my hand. Or I guess the handle of the vacuum. How I managed to break the handle off is beyond me but I’m starting to think they should lock me up until I can get my strength under control.

  “Levi!” I whine, dropping the vacuum handle and plopping down onto the floor.

  Leviathan comes running into the room and his eyes widen when he notices the vacuum. He coughs a few times, probably trying to keep from laughing, then sits down next to me.

  “You are doing amazing, love,” he insists, knowing why I’m upset without me having to say anything. “It takes turned demon shifters years to get a handle on themselves after the change. You are already improving.”

  “Did you have to say ‘get a handle on’?” I growl. I pick up the vacuum handle and toss it across the room while trying to give him my best glare.

  “Sorry,” Levi chuckles. “We needed a new vacuum anyway.”

  “No, you didn’t. I’m going to break your whole freaking house if I keep this up!” I cry, dropping my head onto his shoulder and pouting. “I suck.”

  “Uh, well yes you kind of do, but not in that way,” Levi stutters. His mind has gone into the gutter and it lights a fire in me. He sees my gaze flick from his neck to his eyes and back again a few times. He grins at me mischievously. “Speaking of which, are you hungry?”

  My blood intake only comes from Leviathan and blood bags. He keeps himself well fed so that I don’t have to have the blood bags often. It usually leads to intimate times for us and I feel closer to him physically and emotionally every time.

  Levi and I haven’t had sex yet. We have done just about everything else, but I think he is waiting for me to be ready. He doesn’t get that I’ve been ready for weeks now. The man is infuriating. I want to hit him and kiss him at the same time.

  I grin at Levi and nod my head slightly. His pupils dilate and his breath hitches. He picks me up and runs us full speed to his bedroom. Well, now it’s our bedroom according to him. I haven’t been back to the guest room since I changed.

  Levi plops me on the bed and I giggle as I bounce a few times. He spins around and closes the door, flipping the lock. When he turns back to me, I can see how affected he is and I can’t stop the smirk I shoot his way.

  He takes a step toward me and I hold a hand up, stopping him in his tracks. His brow furrows in confusion and he tilts his head to the side, looking like a confused and adorable puppy. I nearly forget why I stopped him... nearly.

  “Levi, I want more,” I explain, not breaking eye contact with him.

  “More what, love?” he asks, moving a few steps in my direction and taking my hands. “I’ll give you anything, you know that.”

  I nod, pulling him down to sit next to me. “I know, and I need you to know I’m ready for more with you. I’m ready for everything with you, Levi. I love you more than anything and I’m ready.”

  It takes a few seconds for my words to sink in and the meaning to come across, but I see the exact moment the information clicks in Levi’s head. His eyes dart to mine and he watches me closely for a long time. He seems to come to a decision of some kind and he nods at me. I sigh in relief that he isn’t going to turn me away again.

  “Not yet though,” Levi insists, gesturing to us right now. “I want it to be more romantic for you than an afternoon quickie. I love you too much to give you anything less than perfection.”

  I chuckle at him, but reluctantly agree. I don’t need the romance or any candles and roses. I just need Levi, forever. I lean into Leviathan and kiss him deeply, then proceed to show him how much I love him.


  Leviathan is driving me insane. It has been weeks since I insisted I’m ready for us to take the next step in our relationship and he refuses every time I bring it up. He tells me the time isn’t right and I need to be patient. I’m at my wits end with him. Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if he just doesn’t want me that way. Maybe I’m not what he had hoped I would be after the change and he doesn’t know how to tell me.

  The thoughts are depressing and they have caused me to avoid Levi for the majority of this week. I have been hanging around Izzy, Vivian, and Nikki a lot. They are amazing and I feel like they are the sisters I never had. I love spending time with them. They keep me distracted and give me an excuse to avoid Levi.

  The three of them decided today they would drag me out of the house and to the mall for some shopping. I tried to tell them I was too tired, but they laughed at me and dragged me out anyway.

  “Come on, Julianne!” Vivian whines, pulling me by my hand into a restaurant for lunch. we’re finally taking a break from the shopping. “You need to stop moping around. What is the matter with you anyway?”

  “Maybe she needs to get laid,” Izzy teases light heartedly. The other girls start to giggle until they see my scowl. Izzy’s eyes widen when she looks at me. “Oh my god, he is depriving you! That rat bastard! What’s the issue?”

  I shrug, trying to stay nonchalant as I sink into my seat at the table. “I think he just doesn’t want me like that,” I mumble, resting my head in my han

  “Bullshit,” Nikki growls. “We all see how he looks at you. He wants to devour you all the damn time. I say you make the first move. We can even help you with it.”

  “H-help me?!” I stutter, my eyes nearly popping out of my head.

  Nikki grins and wiggles her eyebrows, “Yeah, we can buy you the proper attire before we head home.”

  I stare at Nikki for a full minute, trying to figure out if she is kidding or not. It’s clear she is serious and Nikki and Vivian are happily agreeing with her. I shake my head with exasperation, but remain silent. I know arguing with them would be pointless, so instead I change the subject in hopes they forget all about their crazy idea.

  After lunch, the girls insist we resume shopping and I don’t have the heart to tell them no. I’m busy with my own thoughts as I follow them through the mall. Nikki is leading the way and I realize too late that she has brought us into Victoria’s Secret. I cringe when I see all the lingerie around the store.

  The girls don’t waste any time going through the racks, looking for things they think will look good on me. They each find some things for themselves as well and I giggle when Vivian and Nikki skip off to the dressing rooms with their hands full. Izzy comes up to me and piles my arms high with different outfits. Before I can protest, she has me shoved into my own dressing room and tells me to call when I have each one on.

  It takes two hours to get through the pile. Izzy has me make three stacks. One for yes, one for no, and one for maybe. I open the door after I put the last outfit on and her eyes bug out.

  “Yes! That’s the one! Done!” she squeals, jumping up and down in delight. “Okay, grab your yes and maybe piles and let’s go.”

  “Wait, what?” I shout, grabbing her arm and stopping her from leaving. “I thought we were only getting one.”

  Vivian and Nikki peek into the room and grin. “No way are you getting just one, but that is the one you have to use first.”

  The girls grab the piles and disappear out of the dressing room, leaving me to change back into my clothes. Before I do so, I look at myself in the mirror one more time. The lacy blood red baby doll lingerie brings out the natural auburn highlights in my hair. The matching thong bottoms are see-through lace and I’m not sure why I should even bother because there isn’t much to them. The baby doll ties in the front with a small bow and I giggle when I think of giving Levi his present.

  After changing back to my regular clothes, I take the red lacy number and bring it to the register. Levi gave me my own debit card which makes no sense because my parents left me a lot of money and I now have access to it thanks to Levi and the rest of the family. He insists I don’t use it though. He wants me to use the card he gave me. He said something about liking the idea of taking care of me and spoiling me. I don’t argue because I don’t buy much of anything anyway. Plus, I’m going to spoil him just as much one day and he isn’t going to be able to say a word about it.

  Once I purchase the outfit, I seek out Vivian, Nikki, and Izzy. They are loaded down with bags at the front of the store. I chuckle at them and show them my one tiny bag. I know half the bags in their hands are full of things for me, but I’m going to have to work on trying to convince them to return it. I don’t want them wasting their money on me. They are already too generous.

  The whole ride home the girls tease me about Levi’s reaction to my gift. I can’t help but worry I’m making the wrong choice. What if I’m right and he really doesn’t like me in that way? What would I do if he rejected me after I set up this plan to seduce him? My nerves are going crazy and I have to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I guess there is only one way to find out if he wants me or not.


  Leviathan’s Pov

  Julianne has been avoiding me and I can’t figure out why. She insists she is fine but I have been around my siblings and their mates long enough to know when I am being fed total bullshit. She went out with Vivian, Nikki, and Izzy today. Not being able to see her all day has put me in a sour mood and my brothers wasted no time in teasing me about it. The assholes know how it is when a mate bond is so new. They know that all-encompassing itch to be with your mate is stronger and harder to control.

  When Julianne and the other girls returned from their shopping, I tried to help them with their bags, but they shoved all of us men into the kitchen and demanded we not peek. I have no idea what they have planned, but I don’t like the frustrated look on Julianne’s face. She doesn’t say much to me after she and the girls finish putting their things away.

  I want to pull her aside and ask her what is going on, but I don’t have the chance before she is tasked with helping my mother cook dinner. I huff in frustration and glare my way through dinner. I refuse to look at Julianne because I don’t want her to see how frustrated I am. Is she regretting her decision to join my family? Does she wish she never met me? Fuck! This is not good. I can’t live without her. That sounds stupid when I think about it, but it’s true. I need Julianne. She’s my mate. My reason to survive.

  After dinner, Julianne practically runs upstairs saying she is tired and wants to retire early. It’s my turn to wash dishes, so I’m stuck downstairs rather than chasing after Julianne like I want to. I speed through the chore as fast as I can, then take the stairs two at a time to get to Julianne. I hope she hasn’t fallen asleep yet.

  I open the door slowly just in case she is sleeping. The room is dark but I can see perfectly. I blink in surprise when I see the empty bed. Where the fuck is she? I listen hard to the sounds of the house, trying to find her. As I do, I walk around the room looking for signs she was even in here.

  I hear everyone else downstairs, but Julianne isn’t with them. Footsteps start down the hall and I assume it’s her, maybe coming back from the bathroom. I’m still walking around the room and as I get close to the bed, the door swings open. I spin around and see Julianne standing in front of me with a soft smile on her face.

  My mind shuts down for a minute as I try to figure out what is going on. Julianne’s auburn hair is falling down her back in soft waves. She has on a black silk robe, tied shut in the front. Her bare feet pad across the room and my eyes track her every move. She picks up a lighter on the dresser and lights a few candles around the room I hadn’t noticed before.

  “I have a surprise for you, Leviathan,” she whispers, her voice sexy as sin but with undertones of insecurity. I hate that slightly unsure quality to her voice, like she thinks I won’t love whatever she is planning.

  I swallow hard and stand perfectly still as Julianne saunters across the room to stand directly in front of me. She slowly unbuttons my shirt and pushes it off my shoulders. I allow it to fall to the floor and she smirks at me. I give her a devilish grin back, wanting so badly to grab her and kiss her until she forgets her name. But this is her plan and her surprise, so I continue to hold still and allow her to relentlessly tease me.

  She places hot, open mouthed kisses across my chest and shoulders, occasionally nipping at me with her teeth but never enough to break skin. I shudder when she starts to kiss my back and shoulder blades. I can feel her body pushing against my back and it takes everything in me to keep still.

  “Julianne, you are killing me here, love,” I groan when she lifts up onto her toes and lightly sucks on the back of my neck. I feel like my body is on fire and she is the only one who can put the flames out, or at the very least, tame it into submission.

  “Like you’ve been killing me for the past few weeks?” she murmurs against my neck.

  I spin around to face her and frown. “What do you mean? What did I do to you?” I ask, concerned I have hurt her in some way.

  Julianne watches me for a long time and I start to wonder if she isn’t going to answer me. Finally, she sighs heavily and wraps her arms around my neck. “I told you I want you and you keep turning me away. I feel like you don’t want me like that and maybe you just don’t know how to tell me.”

  “Fuck,” I mumble, bending do
wn and grabbing her by her thighs. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me, allowing me to easily carry her to the bed and sit down with her straddling me. “You have no idea how much I want you. I want to bury myself inside you and never leave. It kills me to hold back, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Hurt me?” she asks, confused by my confession. “Why would you hurt me?”

  I sigh and run my hand through my hair, trying to gather my thoughts. “I’m stronger than you. When I’m with you, I can’t control myself very well. I don’t want to lose control and hurt you, love. You are too important to me.”

  A breathtaking smile crosses her face and she places a chaste kiss on my lips before moving off my lap and standing up beside the bed. I’m confused for a moment, but she starts talking before I can ask what she is doing.

  “I want you to lose control with me, Levi,” she insists, never breaking eye contact with me. “You won’t hurt me. I know you won’t. You love me too much to hurt me. I don’t want you to be worried about that though. I will tell you if something is too much. I trust you and I love you.”

  Her words calm my fears and reignite the fire that consumes me whenever she is near. I start to reach for her, but she steps back and shakes her head. If not for the mischievous grin that crosses her perfect lips, I would be worried.

  She unties her robe and allows it to slip to the floor. My breath leaves me in an instant. I don’t have any words to describe the sight in front of me. Julianne is wearing a deep red lacy outfit and it shows off every curve of her perfect body.

  “Do you like it?” she whispers, doing a sexy little twirl for me.

  I choke on air and groan when I see the back showing off her ass. “I think like is the wrong word. If I could, I would insist you only wear stuff like this from now on,” I tell her truthfully, my gaze going from her head to her toes and back again. I already can’t get enough of her and I haven’t even touched her yet.


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