When Darkness Falls

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When Darkness Falls Page 16

by Amanda Perry

  “Julianne!” he whisper-shouts at me. “I understand this is huge news for you, but you need to focus. We need to leave now if you are going to get out of here. alive... Well not alive, but you know what I mean.”

  I take a deep breath, then another, then a third. Finally, I can focus somewhat and I give Rufus a nod. Rufus smiles proudly at me and helps me stand up. He puts his finger to his lips in a shushing motion. I roll my eyes at him. As if I didn’t know that.

  Rufus leads the way through the door of the basement and down a dark and narrow hall. A fleeting thought that Rufus is leading me to my death and not to freedom crosses my mind, but I stamp it down. I need to believe Rufus is being honest and helping me. I have no other choice right now. It’s not just me I am saving.

  At the end of the long corridor the hall opens up and we turn left. Rufus leads me up a flight of stairs, and then another. I keep my ears open and any noise that seems out of place has me jumping. Rufus watches me and gives me a reassuring smile every time I get antsy.

  “We’re almost there,” Rufus whispers, pointing ahead of us to a big set of double doors that are about a hundred feet in front of us.

  “I don’t understand how they couldn’t have guessed I’m not human,” I whisper back as I continue to follow Rufus. “Shouldn’t they have heard my lack of heart beat?”

  Rufus chuckles quietly and shakes his head, turning around and stopping me in my tracks. “I’m telling you. The Ashford clan is a bunch of idiots. I don’t understand how they haven’t died out by now.”

  I giggle quietly, placing my hand over my mouth to keep the sound in. Rufus grins at me before turning back toward the door and continuing to lead me to freedom. A loud bang behind us startles me and Rufus. We freeze in our tracks and look over our shoulders.

  “What was that?” I whisper, taking a few steps toward Rufus.

  “That was the sound of us getting caught.” He sighs, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a run toward the door.

  I hear footsteps pounding behind us and start to panic. They will kill me and Rufus if they catch up to us. Whoever is following us is catching up and fast. I try to push myself but we just aren’t fast enough. Before I realize what is happening, someone grabs me around the waist and pulls me to a stop. I start kicking and fighting the man holding me, trying to get away from them. I only glimpse the back of the person who tackles Rufus and for a moment I think it’s the tank of a man who helped kidnap me.

  “Julianne!” Leviathan’s voice causes me to freeze completely. I spin around in his arms and look at him wide eyed.

  “You’re here?” I whisper, touching his cheek with my hand. “Really here?”

  Levi huffs and nods at me, kissing my lips over and over. “I’m sorry, love. I got here as fast as I could. Are you all right?” He pulls back and looks at me from head to toe, inspecting me for any signs of injury.

  Grunts behind me gain my attention and I spin around to see Brecken and Rufus fighting. I’m not stupid enough to think Brecken will fight fair. To protect family, he’d pull out all the dirty tricks up his sleeve. I pull away from Levi and run to Brecken, grabbing his arm.

  “Stop, Brecken!” I shout, pulling hard on his arm. “Get off of him!”

  Brecken stops at the sound of my voice and turns around to look at me like I have two heads. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “He helped me, a lot,” I insist, pushing Brecken off Rufus and helping him up.

  Levi steps between Rufus and myself, taking a protective stance in front of me. “Helped you how, love? What the fuck were you doing with my mate?”

  Rufus puts his hands up in surrender and backs away from Levi. “I mean you all no harm. I simply wanted to help.”

  “Stop, Levi,” I growl, smacking his back lightly. “He helped me to escape from where they were keeping me. Can we please talk about this later after we get out of here? The longer we stay, the more likely the Ashford’s will find us.”

  Levi turns and gives me a confused glare for a second, before sighing dramatically and nodding. He takes my hand and subtly keeps himself between me and Rufus. Brecken is on Rufus’ other side, glaring at him.

  When we’re out the front doors, a car pulls up in front of us. I step back, thinking it’s more trouble but a quick glance shows Izzy driving the car. I’m relieved to see her and don’t argue when Levi opens the door and insists I sit in the front seat. What I don’t expect is for him to close the door behind me and run back the way we just came. I start to panic, yelling for him to come back but Izzy takes off before I can get out of the car. Brecken and Rufus are left standing by the car and I have no idea what Brecken plans to do.

  “Izzy! Are you insane? Go back now!” I scream, pulling on the door handle in vain. It won’t budge and I realize the jerks put the child lock on. “Damn it, Izzy! Go back!”

  “I have specific orders, Julianne,” she mumbles, clearly not happy about her part in whatever they have planned. “I’m sorry.”

  “What are your orders, then? Drive me far away from Levi and leave him to possibly die?” I growl, giving her my meanest glare.

  “No, we’re going to meet them in a safe location once they have taken care of the Ashfords,” she explains, gripping the wheel tightly. “Look, Julianne I’m really sorry we let you get taken like that—”

  “You didn’t let me do anything, Izzy,” I huff, easing my glare a bit. “It wasn’t you who took me. I’m not mad at any of you so stop that crap right now.”

  Izzy grins slightly and simply nods. “They will meet up with us before you know it.”

  I place my hand on my still flat tummy and sigh. “I hope so. I need Levi.”


  Leviathan’s Pov

  I know Julianne is going to kill me when I get back to her but I can’t risk her getting hurt again. Izzy is to take her to the jet we have waiting and await our arrival. She knows to leave in four hours if we haven’t contacted her. She knows that means we won’t be coming back. I have no intentions of that happening, however.

  As soon as Izzy takes off, I hear Brecken dragging the man Julianne saved with him into the house. When they catch up to me, I glare at him. “Why did Julianne help you?”

  “I’m on your side, believe me or not,” he grumbles, following my brother and me without question.

  “We will see,” Brecken growls, easily finding the room the Ashford’s royal family took refuge in when we first stormed the stronghold. The rest of our clan are fending off the Ashford’s minions. Remus, Joseph, and my father are busy directing them. I smile menacingly and nod to Brecken, signally him to proceed. Without a word, Brecken kicks open the door to the Ashford’s “safe room” and enters. He quickly takes out three of their members before they can react and I head straight for the man in charge. From the corner of my eye, I see an Ashford coming up behind Brecken while he is busy with another one of their men.

  I start to go help him, but Rufus beats me to it. I’m more than a little bit shocked that he took out a member from his own clan. Maybe Julianne is right about the guy. I might just let him live after all.

  Storing these thoughts for another time, I continue forward and finish what I started.


  “Izzy, it has been three hours, we have to go back! I can’t handle this anymore!” I cry, wiping angrily at the tears running down my face. “I need him. I need to talk to him. I have to tell him.”

  “Julianne, it will be all right,” Izzy assures me soothingly. “They will be here soon. What do you have to tell, Levi? Did they hurt you?”

  “No, they didn’t hurt me,” I mumble, plopping down on a seat in the airplane. “I did find out some news. I need to tell Levi.”

  “What news?” she asks, tilting her head to the side in curiosity.

  With a deep sigh, I look up at her and decide I may as well tell her. “I’m having a baby, Izzy.”

  Utter silence follows as Izzy stares at me with a blank expression. For a while, I thi
nk I have broken her. That is until she jumps up and grabs me in a bear hug.

  “This is the best news ever! How? When?” she squeals, dancing around with me in her arms. “This isn’t even possible, is it?! Tell me everything!”

  “Everything about what?” Brecken’s voice floats to us from behind Izzy.

  My eyes widen and I pull away from Izzy, rushing past Brecken and into a tired Leviathan’s arms. He catches me easily and spins me around, kissing me all over my face.

  “I missed you so much,” I cry, my tears starting all over again. “I love you so much.”

  Levi holds me tighter and whispers in my ear. “I will never let you out of my sight again. I love you, Julianne. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “I feel the same, Levi. I’m gonna kick your ass when you get home for staying behind to fight while having me spirited off,” I yell at him, before kissing him deeply. I sigh and take a step back. “Is it over or are they going to come after us again?”

  The tiredness in Levi’s eyes seem to deepen. “It’s over, love. They will never bother us again. We have things that will need to be attended to but for now, our only priority is returning home.”

  “That’s great news but there’s something we need to talk about now if that’s okay,” I murmur, taking his hand and sitting him down next to me.

  He looks worried and I’m thankful the rest of the family files onto the plane and quickly goes to the back to give us some privacy. It’s a private jet and I want to shake my head at their extravagance. Who needs a private jet, I mean really?

  “Levi, I found out some things when I was here,” I start, taking his hand. I’m hardly aware of the plane’s door being closed and the plane starting to move.

  “You are scaring the hell out of me, love,” Levi huffs, his voice shaking with worry. “Tell me what happened.”

  So I do. I tell him everything that transpired from the time I left the table at the restaurant, until Rufus found me. I skip over being sick and the reason for it, wanting to tell him that last. Finally, I’m done and I sit back, allowing Levi to process it all.

  “Where is Rufus?” I whisper, afraid to know what happened to my new friend.

  Levi’s eyes snap to mine and I fear the worst. “He is fine, love. He is gathering his family and will be flying over to our home for a long discussion. We took care of the Ashfords. That makes us their new leaders. We can’t rule them alone. We need help. I’m going to talk to everyone before Rufus and his family arrive, but I want to put them in charge of the Clan in Europe. He helped us, helped you. I think we can trust him.”

  “There is something else that Rufus told me,” I mumble, looking down at my hands. I’m suddenly very unsure about telling Levi, especially when I know very well the whole family is listening in.

  “Okay?” Levi prompts, dipping his head so I have to look at him. “You can tell me anything.”

  “Levi, I was sick,” I start, running a hand through my very messy hair. I cannot wait for a shower. “I was throwing up a lot. They didn’t give me blood and I just got some today, thanks to Rufus. He told me why I was sick and why the blood helped.”

  “Sick?” If it’s possible for a demon shifter to become pale, Levi does it. “We can’t get sick, Julianne. What did Rufus say?”

  I glance over Levi’s shoulder and see Izzy and Levi’s parents smiling brightly. I assume they know exactly what is going on. The rest of the family look just as concerned as Levi. I suppose just letting the cat out of the bag is the best way.

  “We’re having a baby, Levi,” I tell him, watching his reaction carefully.

  Of all the reactions I expect Levi to have, his actual reaction is not one of them.


  The concern on Leviathan’s face slowly fades, only to be replaced by a blank stare. He doesn’t blink, he doesn’t move, and he doesn’t make any sound. While he stares at me, I wonder if I have broken him. That is until his eyes start to water and tears begin spilling from his eyes.

  “What? You’re sure?” he whispers, as if afraid talking too loudly will make it all a dream. “Are you really sure?”

  I start to tell him that I’m not completely positive, but it would account for the symptoms I was experiencing. I don’t know if Levi is happy or angry or what. I can’t read his expression. I’m about to voice my thoughts when a flutter in my lower belly gets my attention. I gasp and put my hands on my stomach.

  Levi drops to his knees in front of me and cups my face. “Julianne, what is it? What’s wrong?” His tone is urgent and terrified. He still has tears in his eyes, but the concern is quickly overtaking him.

  I shake my head and try to smile through my own newly formed tears. “It’s real, Levi. I felt something, just now. I felt it. I don’t know if this is something you want, but I want this baby more than anything. I know we didn’t plan this. We didn’t think it was even possible. But this is our baby, Levi. I don’t want to do this without you.”

  Levi’s eyes snap to mine and his brow furrows in confusion. “Without me? Why the hell would you ever have to do anything without me? This is the best news, Julianne. I didn’t think... I didn’t know we could. I’m shocked as hell, but so fucking happy. We’re going to have a little one. This is amazing.”

  Levi places a gentle kiss on my forehead, then my lips, and finally on my tummy. That’s all it takes to send me into a sobbing mess in Levi’s arms. I’m so happy and scared and relieved. This past week is finally over and I’m right where I want to be, with my family.

  Levi holds me close and rubs my back soothingly while I try to get myself under control. It takes a while, but with his soothing words in my ear and gentle hands on my back, I’m finally able to take a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumble against his chest, taking another deep breath. “I didn’t mean to break down on you. It’s just been a long few days.”

  Levi snorts and I look up to see him rolling his eyes at me. “That’s the understatement of the century. You earned a few moments to let it all out, love.”

  “Well if that news isn’t like a kick in the balls and a chocolate bath all in one,” Brecken calls out, causing us all to start laughing. “Way to go, little brother! Looks like we will have lots of little ones running around soon.”

  “Lots?” I ask, sitting up and watching as the family takes the vacant seats around us.

  “I was going to say something before everyone got here,” Izzy tells me, looking a bit guilty. “I didn’t want to ruin your moment though. I found out while you were gone. The rest of the family knew as well. That’s why I was on kidnap Julianne and hold her hostage on the plane duty while the rest of them got to have fun kicking ass.”

  “You’re having a baby, too?” I ask, jumping up and hugging Izzy.

  She chuckles and nods while hugging me back. “Looks like they will be really close in age!”

  I could not be happier in this moment.

  I could not be angrier in this moment.

  Leviathan has not let me leave the house for weeks! I’m going insane with boredom. Izzy is the only thing keeping me sane and even she is going crazy. Brecken and Levi have gone too far with this whole overprotective crap. It ends now.

  “Izzy and I are going to the spa,” I call out to no one in particular as Izzy and I make our way to the front door.

  Brecken is in front of us before we can take another step. “The hell you are!” he shouts, using his usual “I’m the big bad Brecken” voice.

  I roll my eyes and give him my meanest glare and put my hands on my hips. Levi joins us at that moment and I shoot him the same glare I’m giving Brecken.

  “You two will let us out of this house right now, or we will make your lives a living hell,” I growl, already coming up with ways to make them regret their actions if they still refuse.

  “Oh yeah?” Brecken smirks, crossing his arms over his chest. “How you gonna do that, Little Gem?”

  “One word, Brecken,” Izzy ch
imes in, smiling and looking at her nails as if she hasn’t a care in the world. “Celibacy.”

  Levi and Brecken gasp and pale at the same time. “You wouldn’t!” Levi accuses, staring at me with horror filled eyes.

  “Oh, I so would,” I grin back at him, challenging him to keep this prison sentence up. “Are you going to let us go to the spa now?”

  Levi glares hard at me for a long time, but when he realizes I’m not budging, he huffs and throws his hands in the air. “Please check in every hour. I don’t want to worry,” he grumbles, kissing me quickly then stomping off.

  “You are evil,” Brecken growls at Izzy, kissing her hard, then stomping after Levi.

  Izzy and I share a happy smile as we skip out to the car to enjoy our spa day. On our way there, I place my hand on my little bump and sigh. I could get used to living the rest of my life being this happy, but I wish my parents were here to witness it. I want them to meet their grandbaby and Levi and the rest of the family.


  I’m so tired. All I want to do is sleep. The pain was so intense and exhausting, I don’t have any energy left in me. A loud cry breaks through my foggy mind and has me on high alert. I search the room and smile at the sight. Leviathan is holding our little girl, soothing her by rocking her back and forth gently.

  “You did amazing, love,” he murmurs, coming over to me and kissing my forehead. He hands our daughter to me so I can feed her.

  Izzy comes into the room, holding two-day old Rufus. Brecken and Izzy decided to name him after Rufus because he saved Brecken’s life at the Ashford estate. The Irvington family currently resides in England and they oversee the European area of our clan. Rufus has grown children who live in other countries and Abe and Mary are in talks with them. We need some eyes all over the world and Rufus and his family are good allies. We all get together every few months to catch up, it’s nice to see them often.


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