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Red Light Hero

Page 17

by Kory Shen

  "Just leave me alone, and I'll stop," Alan said.

  "Stop? This is only the foreplay." HumiliT lunged at him.

  The fuck was wrong with this alpha? Holding back was useless at this point. He knew about HumiliT's invulnerability. He created more red bars across her entire body. They cracked and fell away as soon as he could create them, each one serving only as a minor distraction. He flooded her with a torrent of the red bars, though, making them as quickly as they broke against her body.

  HumiliT's body jerked like a marionette in slow motion at the endless stream of pain as she tried to take a step forward. She grunted, then screamed sharply as her face grew red.

  Alan stared at her. Was he hurting her seriously? Should he stop? Part of his brain knew that she was a deadly alpha with the ability to kill him with one finger. The other part of his brain couldn't reconcile his discomfort with hurting what appeared to be a smaller, helpless woman. The second part won. Alan stopped.

  "Are you okay?" Alan asked.

  HumiliT gasped for air. "What are you doing? Don't stop. Keep going!"

  When Alan didn't reply, she took a step toward him, menacing him with a swing of her arm. Alan began the torrent of projection attacks again across her entire body, including her face and neck this time.

  "Yes! Yes!" HumiliT cried with closed eyes.

  The fuck. He wasn't hurting her. Well, he was, but she was…enjoying the pain? Alan stopped the attacks.

  HumiliT opened her eyes again. "I said don't stop."

  "No, this is fucked up. What the hell are you doing? Getting off to the pain?"

  HumiliT grinned. "I'm usually the one delivering the pain. Feels nice for a change. You know, I think I've made up my mind. I'm going to fuck you."

  Alan backed away. "What? Is that even safe? With your strength?"

  "Afraid of getting hurt?" HumiliT laughed. "Don't worry. I've only had one accident, ever. Guy's not a guy anymore."

  HumiliT was no longer blocking the path to the door. Alan turned and ran. A blur rushed past him. HumiliT appeared in the doorway.

  "What's the matter?" HumiliT pouted. "Don't you want to play?"

  "The hell? No, I don't want to lose any body parts." Alan scowled at her.

  HumiliT crossed her arms. "I was teasing about that. Besides, you look beaten up. Nothing's better than sex after a beating. At least that's what they tell me." HumiliT rubbed her chin in thought. "No one's given me a beating before. Now that you're here…"

  "Is this all a game to you?" Alan asked. "You could have killed me."

  "Kill you? I know my own strength. You were never in danger from that." HumiliT's eyes lit up in understanding. "That's what you're most afraid of? Godmother didn't teach you anything about alphas?"

  Alan hesitated. What was she talking about?

  "Oh," HumiliT said. "When I offered to fuck or kill you, you thought that was between plain fucking and killing?" She laughed.

  "Yeah, very funny," Alan snapped. "What's going on?" He was becoming more annoyed than afraid of the short blonde.

  HumiliT shook her head. "Your alpha powers and mine are completely different, right?"

  "Yeah, so what?"

  "You know what happens when two incompatible alphas fuck?"

  Cover Girl had mentioned something about that. It was bad, really bad. They would lose powers, or even die. HumiliT hadn't been offering sex or death. She had been offering death or…a fate worse than death for an alpha. The blood drained from his face at the implication.

  "You understand, don't you?" HumiliT asked.

  "Why? Why would you do that? You could die or lose your alpha powers too," Alan said.

  "Not necessarily. The others claim you can't predict what will happen. I don't believe that. I think it's a matter of dominance."


  "The stronger alphavirus strain dominates the other. It's like fighting. If one strain wins, the other host's body dies or loses all capacity to support the virus. If there's no clear winner, both end up losing."

  Alan was starting to understand what HumiliT wanted. "It's a game to you. You want our strains to fight."

  "To prove that I'm the strongest," HumiliT said. "None of the other alphas are willing to risk it."

  "You're crazy. How is that worth it?"

  "We're all thrill-seekers, in our own way, aren't we? What do you think it's like being an invulnerable woman stronger than everyone else?"

  Alan met her gaze. She hadn't turned him over to Sire yet. Did she have her own agenda? Could he work out a deal with her?

  "What is it you want?" he asked.

  "Funny you should ask me that," HumiliT said. "Someone else asked me the same thing a few hours ago."

  Where had she been? What was her plan for him? "Well, what did you say?"

  "I want to be free. Not just free to live. Free to die, to take risks, to hurt. Like they say. No pain, no gain."

  HumiliT looked at him, waiting for a response. Alan wasn't sure what to say.

  "You alphas are all fucked up, aren't you?"

  "Maybe." HumiliT shrugged. "Is it really that different from other people? The greatest artists, inventors, generals. It doesn't matter who. They're all fucked up, aren't they? Not like the little people. Little people are just fuck ups."

  "Who are you?" Alan had run across that type of attitude before among C-suite executives or big-time clients. She sounded exactly like them.

  "You've already seen my face." A gold mask hid HumiliT's upper face. She removed it. The pixie cut, the sharp features — now that Alan wasn't running for his life in the early morning light, he recognized the face.

  "Oh shit. You're that rich one, what's her name, I mean your name. Triumph. Tricia Triumph."

  HumiliT gave a curt nod. "So, are we doing this?"

  "What? No! Didn't you say we could lose our powers or die? I'm not playing Russian roulette with my cock," Alan said.

  "Really? Based on what Godmother told me, you were running wild in her city doing exactly that."

  "Godmother?" Damn. Was this her doing, even now? How far did he have to run to escape her reach? "You're working with her?"

  "Please, no. Cover Girl begged me to help get you away from the others. I had to know what this was all about before I agreed."

  Alan wanted to ask about Cover Girl, but his current situation was more urgent. "What is this all about?"

  "You." Alan flinched as she pointed at him, remembering her painful flicks. "An alpha three. Except you can sustain a beta circle like an alpha two. Except you activate a wider range of viral strains than any alpha one. Almost like an alpha zero."

  "That still doesn't explain why you want to sleep with me. Some weird suicidal kink?"

  "Kink?" HumiliT asked. "I told you. It's to prove I'm the stronger alpha. You're nothing like the rest of us. That's why Sire wants you. He'd replace us in an instant for a better alternative." HumiliT frowned as she spoke. "I've been an alpha for only a year. Before me…" she trailed off.

  She didn't seem to have a trusting relationship with Sire. If he was anything like Godmother, he didn't blame her. "So you want to test yourself before handing me over to Sire? You destroy me, proving that you're somehow superior, or I destroy you, which is what you expect to happen anyways if Sire likes me. I guess that makes sense. In a fucked up way."

  "What's your answer?" HumiliT asked.

  "If I refuse?"

  "I've never fucked someone against his will. That doesn't mean I'll lift a finger to help if Sire or the others decide to take their turn."

  The others? HumiliT's beta circle had been beating him before HumiliT interfered. And what the hell did Sire have in mind? Alan really didn't want to go that route.

  "If I do this and survive, will you let me go?" Alan asked.

  HumiliT laughed. "If you survive, I'll have bigger problems on my hands."

  He eyed the straining fabric around HumiliT's shapely curves and sighed. Last meal before an execution? He could do worse.<
br />
  "You know," Alan said, "I'm fucked up, too. It's not because I'm great. It's because I'm weak. I make bad decisions when it comes to sex." He began unbuckling his belt. "I'm not proud of my weakness, but I'm learning to live with it." He dropped his pants. "This isn't about who's stronger. It's about who's weaker."

  "Spoken like a beta," HumiliT sneered. She ripped her own clothes off in one fluid motion. Pink nipples stood erect on the tips of her generous chest. "The safeword is 'alpha,' got it?"


  HumiliT took a step toward him. Alan attacked first. A red chain wrapped itself around HumiliT's arms and legs. HumiliT strained against the bonds, but Alan wrapped her arms together along their entire length so she couldn't gain any leverage. He did the same to her legs.

  The chains stretched a fraction of an inch, but Alan formed a new layer of chains around her arms and legs. Then, he peppered her with the same attacks as before. Small red bars appeared all across her torso. Now that he understood HumiliT's true nature, he directed extra red bars to her chest and nipples.

  HumiliT gasped in pain and stopped straining against the bonds. Her breathing became louder and more ragged as Alan increased the pace of his painful attacks. Her body shuddered, and she screamed. Violent spasms tore the red chains apart.

  Alan fell to his knees at the mental recoil from the destroyed projections. Hands pulled him up by his hair and buried his face in the wet, slightly bitter taste between HumiliT's legs. He could barely breathe. Then, hands seized his whole body and flipped him upside down.

  Alan sucked in fresh air and licked circles around the wet opening before him. He shivered as a warm mouth enveloped his own hardening member. A tongue flicked around its head, first in one direction, then the other. At first, the tongue's motions were gentle but firm. Then, they vibrated.

  Oh fuck. Was her tongue vibrating against his cock? Alan couldn't figure out the exact details of what was happening, but it was undeniably pleasurable.

  "Stop, stop," Alan gasped. "You're going to make me cum too soon."

  HumiliT either didn't hear him or didn't care. If anything, the wet, vibrating sensation increased in intensity.

  "Stop!" Alan projected a red chain around HumiliT's neck and tied the other end around her ankles. He created more chains and forced them to contract. HumiliT's head jerked back for a second in surprise, but she forced her head forward, as if intent to make him finish.

  "You made me," Alan muttered. He pushed HumiliT's crotch away from himself, turning his head to the side. A series of red bars appeared and shattered around her crotch.

  "Shit!" she screamed.

  HumiliT would have dropped Alan on his head, but he had been ready and caught himself with outstretched arms. He rolled back to an upright position.

  HumiliT reached behind her and tore the chains off herself. Alan kept attacking HumiliT's crotch with the red bars, making her gasp in a mix of pleasure and pain, but she pushed herself forward towards Alan.

  "Your turn," she said as she leaped on him, throwing him to the ground with herself on top.

  Alan had to stop his attacks as her crotch closed the distance to his own groin. With a sudden thrust, HumiliT mounted him.

  She didn't move. She pinned his arms down at his sides, grinning wickedly. "Guys always told me they liked me because I was tight."

  Alan didn't disagree. He began bucking his hips up and down, but HumiliT held him in place with her iron thighs.

  "Nope. You follow my lead," HumiliT said. "Like this."

  "Fuck!" Alan yelled out. HumiliT hadn't moved a muscle, except for one. Her walls tightened around him, squeezing harder than any hand could. "Fuck, that's too tight!"

  The pressure went away. It came back. Alan gasped. It was kegels on steroids.

  HumiliT laughed. "Did anyone tell you that you make the most adorable faces when you're in pain?" She squeezed again.


  HumiliT patted his cheek. "Here's something else."

  She moved up and down the smallest amount, less than an inch, then repeated the motion, faster and faster, vibrating up and down in a blur.

  Alan screamed as his body pulsed in orgasmic contractions, filling HumiliT with his fluids.

  "We're not done yet," HumiliT said.

  "Huh?" Alan was in no state to respond. He shivered as he finished his climax.

  "You have to make good use of invulnerability." HumiliT moved deliberately, not vibrating like before, but thrusting herself completely up and down.

  His twitching head smashed into an unyielding wall of muscle. He would have stopped her, but she kept pumping him hard against the furthest limits of her body.

  "Doesn't hurt," HumiliT said with a smile. "How about you?"

  "Too much! Stop, stop!" His sensitive head was being plastered against her insides over and over again.

  HumiliT's smile widened. "I didn't hear the safeword. You want me to stop?"

  "Yes! No!" Alan screamed. "No!"

  She didn't stop. A minute later, he cummed again.

  Alan rolled away in exhaustion. His flushed red cock hung limply to the side.

  HumiliT sighed as she nudged him with her foot. "A pity. Looks like that's it for you." Still naked, she turned to leave.

  "Wait!" Alan called out. "What about our deal? What happens now?"

  HumiliT looked back at him from the doorway. Her face was calm and proud, bearing no indication of her recent activities.

  "We see who wins. We should have the answer in several hours."


  Cover Girl hid in the corner of her room.

  "Don't you dare go invisible on me!" Maiden shrieked. "This is your fault! You filthy man-loving harlot."

  A stream of white orbs obliterated one wall of the room. Cover Girl crept on the ground towards the door on her hands and knees. Stray debris from the damaged wall sprayed over her still invisible body.

  Maiden appeared at her side in an instant, hands groping blindly until they circled around Cover Girl's neck. Maiden shook her violently. "You fucking bitch. What did you do?"

  Cover Girl reappeared, holding onto Maiden's wrists. "You were going to kill him."

  "Of course I was going to kill him!" Maiden screamed into her face.

  "Sire didn't want that. I had to stop you. His orders." Technically, it was true. Sire's orders were gospel to all the alphas. "I had to do it. To protect you."

  Maiden's eyes narrowed. "You fucking slut. You think I don't know about you going behind my back to Electrophile, and now HumiliT?"

  "Electrophile? No, I would never—"

  Maiden slapped her hard enough to make her vision waver. "Shut up. What will they give you? What have I given you? You ungrateful bitch. Did Sire make you an alpha? No, it was me. I made you an alpha." Maiden slapped her again.

  "Do you understand?" Maiden screamed. "I made you! And I can destroy you!" She shoved Maiden to the ground.

  "What, what are you going to do?" Cover Girl asked.

  "Not what I'm going to do. What I won't do. God, I thought you were one of the smart ones."

  Cover Girl stared at Maiden in horror. No, it wasn't possible. No prime had withheld herself from a beta before. It was like cutting off your own arm. It was insanity.

  "But what about, what about you? Your…your power?" Cover Girl stammered, shaking in fear. No matter how Maiden had abused her or how painful she made their encounters, she had never held herself back. They needed each other.

  "Yours is the weakest power. I don't need it. If I have to, I'll find a replacement."

  "We've been together for too long. Our strains must have coevolved past the safety limit by now." Even as Cover Girl made her desperate plea, she already knew Maiden's answer.

  "I don't care. Then I'll give up your power. I don't need it, or you."

  "What about Sire? What will he say?"

  "Sire?" Maiden scowled. "I'm sure he'll be fine with me culling the weak. It's what he would do."

den disappeared in a small gust of displaced air.

  Just then, Cover Girl's phone rang. It was Richard's ringtone. Cover Girl scrambled over to her phone to answer.

  "Page, this is Richard. I'm calling about tomorrow's schedule. We have a ten o'clock in the morning at the hospital, then the art gallery at three. Do you think we can schedule time to record a sponsor video before the art gallery? I have a couple fashion pieces for you to look at."

  Cover Girl held the phone to her head mutely.

  "Page? You there, Page?"

  Cover Girl bit her lip, coming to a decision. "Clear my schedule. No appointments until I tell you."

  "Wait, what? It took me forever to set up that meeting with—"

  "Clear my schedule, Richard."

  "Page, are you okay?"

  Cover Girl stared at the broken wall left behind by Maiden's tantrum.

  "No, Page isn't okay," Cover Girl said. "If I die, Page dies too."

  "Page, Page! Don't do anything rash. Where are you? Talk to me, Page. Page—"

  Cover Girl turned her phone off.

  * * *

  Alan waited for the next several hours in his room by himself. The other members of HumiliT's beta circle didn't show up to bother him again, but he hadn't seen HumiliT again, either.

  She had said it would take a few hours to know if something had happened? How would they even tell? Would they fall over dead? Break out in massive hives like an allergy?

  Alan opened his palm and made the usual red marble appear in his hand. It blinked away. He didn't even know how to measure his viral load. What if he had used up all of his powers in his encounter with HumiliT? How would he tell the difference between that and a more permanent loss of powers?

  Alan's mind raced with questions, but there was nothing he could do in that empty room except wait. So he waited.

  The door burst open right as Alan was about to fall asleep. HumiliT stood in the doorway, a triumphant look on her face.

  "I won," she exclaimed.

  "What?" Alan asked. "How do you know?"

  HumiliT pointed to a band on her wrist. "My temperature's gone up. It's the immune reaction from your virus fighting with mine. By now, my powers should be noticeably affected, but they aren't."


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