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Red Light Hero

Page 26

by Kory Shen

  "Keep me covered," Alan said. "I can't do it with distractions." He turned his attention to the bright light and poured himself into it once more.

  "It's working!" Violet cried. The portal was getting smaller. Creatures struggled to emerge from the shrinking hole.

  "Oh no you don't." Electrophile charged him, his entire body glowing with electrical discharges as he had done earlier in the fight.

  Violet interposed herself between the two men. Additional layers of armor sprouted on the side facing Electrophile. She still screamed as Electrophile swung his glowing fists at her. Pieces of her Doll Armor shattered. She reformed her Doll Armor, but Electrophile attacked relentlessly, destroying her armor as soon as she reformed it.

  The portal was down to a quarter of its original size. He glanced at his band. STK 3. If he stopped now, he wouldn't have enough Stalker powers for a second try.

  Violet cried out. She was completely on the defensive, unable to counterattack. Electrophile drove her back step by step. A section of the Doll Armor's chest shattered. Violet didn't have time to reforge the broken part before Electrophile rushed forward and planted a hand squarely on her unarmored chest. She froze, stunned.

  "You're dead," Electrophile said with a leering grin.

  Alan let go of the portal. He burned through whatever remained of his speed powers, both running towards Electrophile and accelerating his projection powers. A hailstorm of red spikes coated Electrophile's body at the same time a shower of sparks exploded between Electrophile's hand and Violet's chest.

  Electrophile and Violet fell apart. Alan raced to Violet's side. The front of her uniform had been torn open, exposing her chest, but her Doll Armor was back in place.

  Violet gingerly touched her chest. "I'm okay. What about him?"

  Electrophile's body was coated with blood, but he was moving slowly on the ground.

  "Still alive," Alan said. "But not for long." He had to end this once and for all.

  "No!" Stalker screamed as she ran over to Electrophile, covering his body with hers. "You can't."

  "Move Stalker," Alan growled. So far, Stalker hadn't directly attacked them, and he couldn't forget that she had helped before. Electrophile was too dangerous to leave alive, though.

  "Please," Stalker begged. "I'll close the portal. Let him go."

  Alan stared at Stalker in confusion. "But why? I saw how he treated you."

  Stalker looked at the prone figure. "I…I deserved that. He's my prime."

  "Hurry," Violet said. "The portal. Alan, she's the only one that can do it."

  Violet was right. "Do it," Alan said. He turned to Violet. "We still need to take care of the gray creatures." He crushed another creature that leapt at him.

  Stalker was busy focusing on the portal. The blue gash grew smaller and smaller.

  "Stalker, what are you doing?" Electrophile wheezed.

  "Shush," Stalker laid a finger on his lips.

  The portal turned into a single point, then winked out. Alan sighed in relief.

  "What now?" Alan said.

  "We kill you!" Electrophile roared before devolving into a coughing fit.

  "Right." Alan moved to deal with more gray creatures.

  "There's nowhere to hide, not even in The Strip," Electrophile said to Alan's back. "PIERCR will hunt you down like a dog, and even Godmother won't be able to stop them."

  Alan froze. He was still a national threat, a kill-on-sight target, wasn't he?

  "But we saved The Strip!" Violet said. "Alan is a real hero, not like you."

  Electrophile laughed, then coughed. "It doesn't matter. There's no proof."

  He pulled himself up and raised a fist into the air. "Stalker may not be strong enough to do this, but I am." With the remaining remnants of his Stalker powers, Alan sensed a pulse shoot out in all directions from Electrophile's raised fist. Alan followed the wave with his mind.

  Electronics all around the city block sizzled and started smoking. Memory banks and hard drives were wiped. Electrophile had destroyed all possible evidence of what had happened in The Strip.

  Electrophile smiled in triumph. "Plus, no one cares about the scum here. I've destroyed all digital records in the area."

  "But people must have seen what happened," Violet said.

  "No one will believe the trash who live in The Strip," Electrophile said. He turned to Stalker. "Let's get out of here. We've made him waste most of his viral load. I've contacted PIERCR. They'll be here shortly to finish him off."

  Stalker helped Electrophile to his feet. Meanwhile, Streaker was groggy but moving again. She leaned on Shocker for support. Without saying anything further, the prime and his beta circle limped towards the bridge, back towards Capitol Hill.

  HumiliT rushed to Alan's side. "What happened?" She glanced at Violet's torn uniform. "Everyone okay? Most of the creatures are dead. A few stragglers that the regulars can deal with."

  Violet nodded. "The portal's closed. They're retreating."

  "Nothing's changed," Alan muttered darkly. "The world still thinks that people like him are heroes. And PIERCR's on the way."

  HumiliT's eyes widened slightly in alarm. "We have to see Godmother and retrieve the Alpha Files. Hurry!"

  Alan's eyes drifted to the mass of dead gray bodies surrounding the wrecked car. "What about Cover Girl?"

  "She couldn't have survived that. They tore the car to pieces." Violet shivered. "It's better we don't see some things."

  HumiliT nodded. "We don't have time. I'm sorry it had to end like that."

  Alan turned away. "Fine. We'll see if Godmother can live up to her name."

  * * *

  Godmother greeted them in her office as usual. She looked unperturbed as Alan updated her on what had happened. She slid her computer's keyboard over to him.

  "The files?" Godmother asked.

  "Maybe HumiliT should access it, just in case." Without his Stalker powers, Alan wasn't confident he could handle something as delicate as this. Plus, it was HumiliT's backdoor. She might know what to do if something went wrong.

  HumiliT leaned over Alan and began typing, not waiting for him to move. Alan slid away, careful not to interrupt her typing.

  "Got it. Downloading." HumiliT tapped another key. "Done." She swung the keyboard back to Godmother, who checked the results. Alan moved to look at Godmother's screen, but she shooed him away. "You're not cleared for this."

  "Hey, I'm the one that got you the files," Alan complained.

  Godmother shook her head. "While Maiden and Idol are out there, I can't risk having you know more than you need to."

  It was true. Maiden had forced Stalker to reveal everything he had said to her. He cringed at the memory of his session with Stalker. Maybe some things were better left unknown.

  "Is this enough to keep them off our back?" HumiliT asked.

  "Sire, yes," Godmother said. "PIERCR, partially, for now. They may still pester us, but it will be in Sire's interest to make sure they don't succeed. If the alphas withdraw public support for the red alert, that should create enough confusion to delay government resources."

  "But I'm still a wanted criminal?" Alan asked.

  "You did commit an act of treason," HumiliT pointed out. "Plus, it's not like everyone else in this room is known for being on the right side of the law." HumiliT eyed Godmother. "No offense intended."

  "None taken. It's no secret that I have an extralegal reputation. Yet here I am, across the shores of Capitol Hill."

  It was stupid. He was painted as the criminal while Sire and the others would be adored as heroes. They'd write their stories and parade them in the news. More proof that the world was fucked up. After everything he had gone through, becoming an alpha had changed nothing.

  "I can't believe we're the criminals. They're the real criminals. I mean, they're practically pure evil." Well, most of them. Even if Stalker was creepy, she had helped close the portal when it counted.

  "This is what I always hated. All the fake photosh
oot smiles. Them pretending they're better than us. Fuck!" Alan moved to punch a wall in anger.

  "Don't!" Violet screamed. "Your powers!"

  Alan stopped his fist mid-swing. That had been close. Losing control as an alpha was too easy, wasn't it? He looked at Violet, then the others, in embarrassment. "Sorry," he whispered.

  "I know how you feel," HumiliT said softly. For once, her bluster was absent. "It takes a certain mindset to create and control power. What Sire does, though…he breeds chaos." Her voice grew hard. "And strength without discipline is weakness."

  "We're safe for now. What more do you want?" Godmother asked. "To be famous? Public adoration?"

  Alan scowled at her. "Of course not. I wanted…" It felt silly saying it out loud in front of the others. "To make a difference. Change the system. Be a piece of non-bullshit in a world of bullshit." He pointed to himself. "I'm supposed to be special? The omega. It doesn't matter." He nodded at Godmother. "Even you can't change anything."

  Godmother raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you think?"

  Alan frowned at her. Was she bluffing as usual?

  "Godmother?" Violet asked.

  Godmother had a faraway look. For a minute, she didn't speak. Alan held his breath.

  "The first time, I tried to do everything on my own. I stole from others because I thought only I could make a difference."

  The Reaper. Alan had asked Violet about it before. Somehow, she stripped alphas of their powers and used them herself.

  "I failed. Nothing changed." The older woman nodded slightly. "You're right. I couldn't change anything. But I've waited twelve years for someone who can. You. I became the Godmother so that when you arrived, I could give you what you want."

  Waiting for him? "What are you talking about?" Alan whispered.

  Godmother's gray eyes bore into Alan. "You thought all of this was to create a Sire-killer? No, I wanted more. You wanted more — to be something I could never be. A hero."

  That fucking word. Alan's voice cracked. "But how? We're nothing. People think we're criminals, scum, like Electrophile said."

  "Not everyone. Not anymore." Godmother turned her monitor toward Alan.

  Alan skimmed the screen. Several browser windows were open. One window played a video of Alan battling the gray creatures. His unmasked face was clearly visible in some frames. It cut to another scene of him rescuing a group of people from the creatures. The video had almost a million views already. His eyes scrolled down to the comments.

  Batboyisreal 13 minutes ago

  He saved those people. How is this guy on a wanted list?


  View 1320 replies

  LoveNPeace 8 minutes ago

  That's a hero. A zombie stomping motherf*cking hero.


  View 451 replies

  Sasha 11 minutes ago

  Definitely a terrorist. Made my ovaries explode.


  View 990 replies

  Electrophile and the other alphas weren't visible in the footage. The edited video only featured Alan fighting the creatures and helping people. Alan scanned the other open browser windows. Major news sites were buzzing with speculation about who he was and questioning why the government had labeled him as a threat. The national red alert had made him famous, and the fame was now…helping him?

  HumiliT and Violet crowded around Alan, peering over his shoulders.

  "They think he's a hero," Violet said.

  Alan turned to Godmother. "How did they get the video footage? Wasn't there a signal blackout? Electrophile killed all the cameras, too."

  "It had to be Stalker," HumiliT said. "She must have sent the video earlier."

  Stalker? Had Alan misjudged her? "But why? She's with Electrophile. She made that clear."

  Godmother gestured to the others. "We're not that different from you, Alan. We all fight who we are. We all choose who to be. It's not always so simple, is it? Stalker did what she could."

  Alan looked at Violet, then HumiliT. Godmother was right. They had all made their choice, hadn't they? None of the choices had been easy.

  Violet shuffled through her clothes. She pulled out a USB stick. "You told me to carry this. It was for Stalker, wasn't it?"

  "What's that?" Alan asked.

  "Probably a bribe. Some illegal footage," HumiliT said. "We can check it." She pointed to the computer on Godmother's desk.

  Godmother waved her hand. "Don't bother. Stalker wouldn't have left anything behind."

  "So now what? Do you think this will be enough? To get PIERCR to leave me alone?" Having fans was nice and all, but that didn't matter if the kill-on-sight order was still in place.

  Godmother pursed her lips in thought. "Perhaps. Public support for you will build over the next few days until it reaches a tipping point. Then, the administration will have to step in with a response. A final push in the right direction would speed things along nicely."

  "Another bribe?" Alan asked.

  Godmother shook her head. "I'm not one to deny the power of a bribe. But sometimes, all we can do is trust those around us."

  Alan turned back to the screen on Godmother's desk. For the first time since his ordeal had begun, he felt a new emotion.



  The next day, Godmother summoned them to her office with news of her negotiations with Sire. As expected, Sire had agreed to leave Alan alone for now. He would also withdraw his alliance with PIERCR. Alan had looked relieved, but HumiliT lingered in Godmother's office after the others left. She had questions of her own.

  This was the first time the two women had been alone together. HumiliT studied Godmother. Was she afraid of the famed alpha slayer?

  With her speed, HumiliT could rush over and break the older woman's neck in an instant. No one else was present. No one could stop her. Surely Godmother would realize the threat that HumiliT presented? Yet Godmother didn't seem worried. Was there a hidden defense? A trap?

  Godmother calmly returned her gaze. "Well? Made up your mind?"

  HumiliT shivered at Godmother's crisp demeanor. No, this woman didn't need tricks to keep herself safe. This was her domain. No one would challenge her and live. HumiliT lowered her eyes.

  "You're concerned about yourself," Godmother said. "Or rather, about Tricia Triumph."

  "Yes. Did Sire mention me?" HumiliT asked.

  "No. But I did."

  HumiliT looked back up at Godmother. "What did you say?"

  "I told him you were under my protection. That any move against you or your interests would be a move against myself."

  "And? Did he agree?"

  Godmother shrugged. "He ended the call."

  "That's…not hopeless," HumiliT said. She had been willing to sacrifice her former life if that meant freedom from Sire. That didn't make the prospect of losing her empire any less painful.

  "You're welcome to make The Strip your home. Both of you," Godmother said. "A woman of Tricia Triumph's talents would thrive here."

  The statement was too careful, too casual. HumiliT's eyes narrowed. "Why do I have the feeling that you planned this from the start?"

  "Leading a criminal empire isn't that different from leading a business conglomerate."

  Leading? "What are you talking about?"

  "I'm offering you an opportunity."

  HumiliT stared at the other woman. How far did Godmother's reach extend? Even discounting any gray markets, the value of The Strip's licensed casinos and clubs would rival the scale of anything she had managed at Triumph Enterprises.

  She wouldn't bind herself to someone so easily again, though. Alan was weaker, manageable. Godmother was a different matter.

  "You might have convinced the others you're some kind-hearted mobster, but you haven't fooled me," HumiliT said. "You and Sire are more alike than different."

  Godmother's expression didn't change. "Of course. I expect you of all people to understand that. I wouldn't make this offer if I
thought less of you."

  She had been meaning to ask. She had to know. "Whip," HumiliT whispered. "Who gave him the Maker's equipment?"

  Whip was smart and motivated, but he wasn't a technical genius. Setting up an interdimensional portal? There was no way that Whip could have done that on his own. And the Maker's equipment would have been kept safe in a high-security vault.

  The image of his body disintegrating still burned in her memory. There had been a blinding flash of light, but HumiliT's enhanced endurance meant that she had kept her eyes open, watching Whip's body rip apart into its component molecules. HumiliT's decision may have driven him to desperation, but she had to understand how, and why. She needed peace.

  "I think you know."

  For a moment, HumiliT's face threatened to betray her pain, anger, and guilt. It was a hard game that they played. But it was a harder world that they faced.

  "I see."

  She had grouped Godmother with Sire just now. If she was being honest with herself, though, HumiliT was closer to them than to the others. Alan? He would never condone what had happened. Is that why Godmother had brought her here? As a kindred spirit?

  No, not only her. All of them — Alan, Violet, and Tricia. The omega, the scientist, and the businesswoman. There was a pattern. It was almost as if Godmother was…

  HumiliT's eyes widened. "What do you want from all of us? What are you going to do?"

  Godmother smiled, but her voice was heavy.

  "I think you know that, too."


  Violet held the thick snake-like purple tube by the middle. Identical rounded ends hung limply towards the floor.

  Alan shook his head. "Absolutely not. Ask HumiliT if that's what you want."

  Violet scowled. HumiliT had asked to watch their most recent reinfection session. Alan hadn't minded, but there was no way in hell that Violet would agree. Maybe long-time alphas like HumiliT were used to that sort of thing, but for Violet, sharing Alan had been difficult enough. There was no reason to rub it in.

  She jiggled the flexible tube, shaking one end at Alan in a threatening manner. Alan raised an eyebrow.

  She'd convince him another day. What was the point of being able to make all these toys if she only used them on herself? They were missing half the fun.


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