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His Stepdad Wears Leather

Page 17

by Kelex

  “We just fucked without one,” Noah murmured.

  Brody never had sex without latex. Never. Yet he’d already let Noah slide down his unsheathed shaft once. And it had felt so fucking good. His clouded mind wasn’t being logical—he tossed the foil packet and lubed his cock again. He coated Noah’s ass well, all while stretching the hole in preparation for what came next. His boy keened as he massaged the gel into his body, struggling against the bonds.

  “Please, daddy.”

  Brody winced, the word painful. He closed his eyes a second before he pressed the head of his cock against Noah’s hole. Unhurriedly, he slid back home, inch by delicious inch. Noah moaned as he was filled, crying Brody’s name … before slipping in another daddy to make it sting all the more.

  Impaled on his cock, Noah was a thing of beauty.

  Brody knelt there a moment observing the way their bodies perfectly fit together. Brody trailed a hand over the back of Noah’s thighs… his pink, marked bottom… and back to his stiff cock. He stroked the length and was rewarded with a few more delicious cries of pleasure.

  Noah pulled off his length, what little he could, before pressing back down on Brody’s cock. His boy thought to take what he hadn’t yet earned. Brody gripped Noah’s hips, forcing his boy to be still.

  “Please… daddy. Fuck me…”

  Brody closed his eyes to Noah’s begging, recognizing he was on the edge. Once he gathered a tiny bit of control, he moved. Slowly, he rolled his hips, drawing out and back inside his boy a mere inch or two. He fucked Noah leisurely, basking in the tight sensation. Noah yielded to him gradually—blossoming around him—and only then did he increase his pace. The feel of his boy’s tight hold on his cock had always been good. Now, it was somehow better.

  Forbidden fruit was always sweeter.

  His control snapped. Brody hammered into his boy’s ravening body, buffeted by Noah’s strangled groans and cries for more.

  In little time, his body stiffened more with every thrust, his orgasm once again approaching. The sensation coiled low in his abdomen, the fire building to engulf him. With his hands still free, Noah could caress his hard shaft. The sight tempted Brody higher.

  But locking eyes with his boy was even better.

  They held one another’s stares as he thrust deep.

  It had been more than a one-night thing.

  It could’ve been more than a one-night thing.

  He’d somehow fallen for Chris… for Noah.

  The second Noah’s back arched and his boy screamed his second release, it sent Brody over the edge. He cried out, roaring as he came. While Noah’s seed coated his belly, his own filled his boy deep. When he was spent, he leaned against Noah, dragging much-needed air into his lungs.

  The minute the raw need ebbed, a moment of clarity hit. He gasped inwardly, even the liquor not enough to distance himself from the truth of what they’d done.

  Am I insane?

  Swiftly ripping open the bonds, he freed Noah before sitting on the end of the bed, hanging his head. Noah knelt behind him and wrapped both arms around his neck.

  “We shouldn’t have done that.”

  “But we did,” Noah murmured before pressing a gentle kiss to his shoulder.

  Brody closed his eyes, hating how much he still wanted those small intimacies. “Before… I could say I didn’t know. Now? Now I comprehend the truth and we still… we still did this.”

  Noah disentangled his arms, and Brody immediately missed them.

  Brody rose to his feet, the gravity of what they’d done a weight on his shoulders. Crossing the loft, he reached for a jar of cream to soothe Noah’s bottom. While he wanted to run and hide from what they’d done, he couldn’t completely abandon Chris… Noah… after. Returning to the bed, he coated his hand in the salve before coaxing his boy closer.

  Noah gazed at Brody with anxiety in his stare.

  “I need to take care of your bottom.”

  Noah frowned.

  “I spanked you. I’m sure it’s sore. This will help.”

  Noah was hesitant as he slid closer and rolled to the side, exposing his bottom. Brody saw partial handprints marring the skin and the guilt grew. He’d been rougher than he’d realized. Sitting down on the bed, he carefully applied the salve.

  His boy winced a time or two, but for the most part, relaxed against his hand.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Aftercare is important,” Brody answered. “I can’t leave without making sure you’re okay.”

  “I meant saying this is wrong. When we both feel how right it is,” Noah said before glancing over one shoulder. “You’re leaving?”

  “I need to go to bed.”

  “We can go to bed. Together,” Noah said.

  “No,” Brody said, his head starting to spin a little. “I need to sleep off all that scotch before I make another stupid mistake. I’ll go to bed alone.”

  “We were just together and it was wonderful.”

  “It was wrong,” Brody said again.

  “You don’t have to feel bad. I wanted this. So did you.”

  Brody closed his eyes, hating himself. “I knew better.” Why did I drink so fucking much? Yet he realized he couldn’t blame it on the alcohol. Noah was right. He’d wanted, and all else be damned. Had the drinking simply been to give him an excuse? Had he done it on purpose—allowing them to reach that point?

  Was he really that depraved?

  He closed the jar of ointment and rested it on the floor. “This was the last time,” Brody murmured.

  “More lies,” Noah said. “I thought we were finally at a point where we could tell the truth?”

  Brody rose from the bed. “We’re not.”

  He left the loft when all he wanted to do was go back in there and scoop Noah into his arms. To forget the outside world and the things against them continuing what they shared. He padded down the stairs and returned to the guest room. After cleaning himself in the adjoining bathroom, he slid under the cool sheets and tried to sleep.

  And failed.

  Noah lay back on the bed they’d shared and curled into himself. He’d laid it all out on the line for Brody, yet the man still refused to see the truth. They were good together.

  They could have a future.

  He would keep proving it, over and over again, if he had to.

  One day, his daddy would see.

  He drifted off to sleep, alone in the loft… until he awoke shivering. After climbing down the stairs, he used the restroom before sliding into Brody’s bed. Alone. Noah inhaled the pillow, filling his nose with his daddy’s scent before curling up again and drifting off to sleep.


  The following morning was tough. Without sleep and feeling like a jackass, Brody was in a dark, foul mood. After his morning rituals, done in the guest bath and not his own, he headed for the kitchen for something to ease his queasy stomach and aching head. Of course, Noah was there, cooking breakfast, wearing only his red lace manties and an apron.

  Along with one hint of a handprint on one of the round globes.


  Noah turned to see Brody staring.

  “Oh, good morning,” he said with a wicked grin. “Or afternoon, rather. I was wondering if you’d ever get up.”

  “I’m a night owl. You’re aware of that,” Brody muttered before heading to the coffee machine. Luckily, there was a pot already brewed, so he poured himself a cup.

  “I’m making bacon and eggs, if you’re interested?”

  Brody’s stare was dragged to those red lace thongs. He took a sip from his mug without taking his gaze from them. “You’re playing dirty.”

  Noah spun to face him. “I’m using the ammo I have available.”

  “Put some pants on.”

  “Make me,” Noah challenged.

  Brody stepped closer, aware he wouldn’t follow through with any threat that might fall from his lips. “I don’t have to stand here looking at this. I can get my breakfas
t at Gracie’s.” After taking another sip from his mug, he abandoned it on the counter and headed for the door.

  “That’s right. Leave. That’s what you’re good at.”

  Brody spun, anger raging within. “I cannot help that we’re in this situation! What I can do is the right thing and stay away from you. Especially if you’re doing your damnedest to seduce me.”

  “I can’t help it if you’re denying yourself and making me suffer because of it.”

  “Suffer? Darlin’, you don’t know the first thing about suffering.”

  “Oh? Remember who raised me.”

  Brody’s anger dissipated some. “All the more reason for me to distance myself from you. You ran away and latched onto the first man who showed you a little kindness. That’s all.”

  “This is your version of kindness? I’d hate to see what you thought torture was.”

  Brody closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to maintain his composure. Noah didn’t make it easy. When he reopened his eyes, Noah had removed the apron and stood inches from him.

  “I’m still the same boy you wanted to protect, daddy. Nothing has really changed.”

  “Everything has changed,” Brody said before grabbing his wallet and… shit, my truck. He had no idea if Lex had brought it back yet, so he swiped his motorcycle keys. “I have to go. Clean up your mess when you’re done.”

  “Gee… I could say the same thing to you.”

  Brody clenched his teeth, but somehow remained quiet on his way out the door. As soon as he was on the other side, he felt lighter. Like he could breathe again. He made his way down and into the small garage where he stored his motorcycle. He turned the engine over. The machine rumbled under him, like a living thing. Powerful. Strong. Not like the weakness he had when he was around Noah.

  He usually didn’t ride it until he’d serviced it after winter storage—which he hadn’t managed to do yet—but he had little choice. There was no sign of his truck yet. Roaring out of the lot, the chill early spring air was almost painful against his face.

  He needed the punishment after what he’d done.

  Not long passed before he was tucked into his usual booth. Gracie ambled over to the table with a grin. “Hiya, handsome. Where’s your friend from yesterday?”

  “Not here,” he answered.

  “Oh, that’s too bad, sweetie. He was a cutie. You two looked good together.”

  Brody winced inwardly. “Wasn’t meant to be.”

  “Sorry, hon. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you with a fella in here. I was hoping you’d found someone.”

  Brody shook his head. “I’m fine on my own, Gracie.”

  She shrugged. “Want your usual?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” But then he thought about it a moment and glanced at the menu. “Actually, no… I think I want the number four today.”

  Gracie wrote the order on her pad. “Okay, Mr. Adventurous! I’ll go put in your order and grab your coffee.”

  “Thanks, Gracie.”

  He leaned back in the seat and studied the vacant spot across from him. It seemed particularly empty now. As empty as he was inside.

  Gracie was back with his cup and the steaming pot of coffee a moment later, saving him from his maudlin thoughts. She poured his coffee. “You know, my George and I were married for nearly sixty years before he passed.”

  George had passed only months before he’d started coming in for his late breakfasts. He’d heard of the man and seen him around town a time or two, but hadn’t really been introduced. “I believe I’ve heard that before. That’s a long time to be with one person.”

  “It is.” She sat the pot down on the table. “After that long with one, fine man, I wasn’t sure how I was going to survive on my own. But then, once a few years had passed, I realized I was just as strong on my own, without him. I still miss him dearly, of course… but losing him didn’t break me the way I thought it would. Alone is fine… you get used to it. But being with someone is even better.”

  “Depends on the other person,” Brody said. “But you’re an amazing woman for pushing through all that.”

  “No, I’m not. I simply kept going. I knew if I stopped, I’d die.” She tilted her head. “You go through the motions, some days, hmm? But what’s the point without love in your life? What’s the point of going on?”

  Brody tried to ignore her subtle hints. “You’ll be around longer than I will.”

  Gracie chuckled. “I certainly hope not.” She lifted the coffee pot and smiled at him. “This old body is worn out. I’m ready to slow down and soon.”

  “Slow down? You mean, close Gracie’s?” If that was the case, the day was turning out to be worse than it had been when he woke up.

  Gracie nodded. “It’s time. The business is slowing more and more. And so am I. Something big’s coming, I can sense it—so when someone came and made me an offer, I accepted. Next month will be my last.”

  “Something big?”

  “Haven’t you heard about that construction company snapping up old homes all over town?”

  “I had heard a couple of stories, but wasn’t sure.”

  Gracie nodded. “They’ve bought up all of Sterling Street. Every house on the block and then some. From what I hear, they’ve fixed up all the houses they could get their hands on over near the university, so now they’re venturing out to us. Fixing ‘em up and selling them off.”

  That could be good news for him. Or bad. Depended on the people who moved in.

  Brody rose from his booth and gave her a big hug. “Mornings won’t be the same without you.”

  “Yeah, and you’ll have to learn to cook for yourself.”

  He chuckled before sitting back down. “I can cook. Well, in fact. I’m just not a morning person.”

  “Then find yourself someone to cook it for you. Like that cutie from yesterday. I bet he could fry up greasy eggs and hash browns as good as old Hank’s.”

  Brody’s mind drifted back to those red lace manties and Noah cooking them breakfast. “Maybe. Not the guy from yesterday, but maybe someone else.”

  “Someone else? I saw the way you two were gazing at one another. You nearly set off the sprinklers…”

  “We can’t… we can’t be together, Gracie. I truly wish we could.” And he did. Had he learned Chris’ secret—the name and the age part—he might’ve gotten over it. Maybe that was only in comparison to the rest? Him being eighteen and sneaking into his bar was bad… but…

  The rest made things impossible.

  Gracie’s face fell, and she rested a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, sweetie… I pushed a sore subject and didn’t see I was making it worse. Forgive me.”

  He patted Gracie’s hand. “It’s okay.”

  The bell rang out that his order was ready. “I’ll go grab your food.”

  Once again, he stared at the empty spot across from him, wishing Noah was there to fill it. By the time she sat his breakfast in front of him, his appetite was gone. He picked over his food and when he realized it was a losing battle, he paid his check, gave Gracie another big squeeze, and headed for the door.

  When he was back on his bike, he wasn’t sure where to go. Home was out.

  I’ll take a ride while the riding is good.

  Putting his helmet on, he revved the engine. A good long ride might do his soul some good.

  Noah cleared some of the dishes before sitting at the island, staring at the breakfast he’d cooked for them. No longer hungry, he picked at a piece of bacon and ate a few bites of toast. Before he finished up, a knock came to the door. Terror washed over him… he was there alone. What if it was his dad? He quietly padded over to the door and checked the peephole.

  Mom. Whew…

  Then he glanced down at his near naked body.


  Noah raced for the bedroom and pulled on some clothes as quickly as he could. He rushed back to the door to hear her knocking again. Ripping the door open wide, he was nearly
out of breath.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” she cried before tugging him into a bear hug. Noah stiffened slightly. Mixed emotions filled him… Too many years had passed for him to be completely comfortable with her constant need for hugs and touch. After she let him go, she barged into Brody’s place. “I know I said we wouldn’t come over and attract Walt here, but I zigzagged all over the place on the way, in case they tried to follow me. Hell, I almost got myself lost.” She glanced around. “Where’s Brody?”

  “He went to breakfast at Gracie’s.”

  Stacey frowned. “And left you all alone?”

  “I’m a grown man. I can take care of myself.” It was only a partial fib. He wanted Brody back. Noah felt safer when his daddy was with him.

  She squeezed his cheek. “Yes, you are. God, I love this face of yours. You have no idea how long I’ve waited to see it again.” She smothered him with a few kisses before plopping down at the island and snagging a piece of his bacon. “So… we have a lot of catching up to do, me and you.”

  He claimed the stool beside her and toyed with the last piece of bacon, unsure what to say next. Noah sensed her anticipation, but he feared it wasn’t so easy to open up. Not like she wanted him to.

  “Also, I’ve spoken to an attorney, to see what we can do about your situation.”

  “That’s good news,” he said, perking up.

  “I apprised her of some of the information over the phone, but she really wants to see us in her office as soon as possible. I made an appointment for this afternoon—I hope that’s okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I just need to take a shower first.”

  She cupped his cheek. “We have a little time. It’s not until later.”

  Noah relaxed—but not much. Her stare was weighty. The expectation in the air nearly choked him. What she needed from him, he wasn’t sure.

  They were practically strangers.

  Yet not.

  She reached out and caressed his cheek. “Did you miss me as much as I missed you?” his mother asked.

  Noah eyed the counter, the question stinging. “You really missed me?”

  “Of course I did.”


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