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His Stepdad Wears Leather

Page 21

by Kelex

  For the third night in a row, Brody sat at one of his own tables, drinking a scotch. Alone. Several of the regulars had tried to join him over the past few nights—but he’d chased them off with his foul mood. By that night, they all seemed to understand they needed to give him a wide berth.

  It was Sinful Saturday—which honestly wasn’t any different than any other night of the week. Branding at its weakest. His clientele typically came clad in whatever they wanted to show off for the night. It was the weekend, so some folks went all out.

  Even though he wasn’t participating in the night’s fun, he still wore his favorite chaps over a pair of leather briefs—along with his leather harness and boots. A pair of leather gloves graced his hands—which was out of sorts for him. They covered the bloody knuckles he’d gotten after punching a brick wall in frustration days before.

  He barely heard the music. He barely saw the people around him. All he could see was Noah packing his bag and leaving the apartment days before… all he could sense was how empty the place now seemed.

  Hadn’t he said Noah had to go? He needed distance and clarity?

  Brody hated every second of it.

  How he could’ve gotten so twisted in so little time, he didn’t understand. All he did comprehend was he felt lost without Noah to protect.

  The DJ for the night paused the music to make some announcement to the crowd.

  “Man, you are bad for business,” Lex said near his ear before taking a seat beside him. He eyed Brody before leaning over again. “You should carry your sorry ass upstairs. No one wants to see you like this.”

  “Like what?” Brody yelled.


  Brody rolled his eyes.

  Lex leaned in again. “It was for the best that he left, right?”

  Brody shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “It wouldn’t have lasted,” Lex said over the din.

  Brody shrugged. “Maybe not.”

  “You are messed up, dude. In the immortal words of Cher, Snap out of it!”

  “I will,” Brody replied. “Just not tonight.”

  Moments after the music started up again, the outer door opened. From his vantage point, Brody could see everyone who entered and everyone who exited. The man who’d entered seconds before? None other than Walter Butler. He sat up a little straighter and nudged Lex, but saw his head of security had already taken notice of their new arrival.

  Walt entered, seeming a bit squirrely. He searched the room, but luckily didn’t seem to notice Brody and Lex watching him. After ordering a drink at the bar, Walt walked over toward the dancefloor. Leaning on one of the high tables, he watched the crowded space, filled with leather-bound men writhing together to the club remix of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.”

  It was pretty obvious that Walt was cruising.

  A smile crossed Brody’s lips. He fished his cell phone out of his boot and hit the button to record—but the club was too dark to clearly show it was Walt on the screen.

  Brody and Lex weren’t the only ones who noticed Walt was there looking for some strange. A man approached him a few minutes later, whispering in Walt’s ear. Brody had seen the guy in the club a time or two before, but he didn’t have a name. The pair had a brief conversation—before Walt followed the guy to the men’s room.


  He turned to capture Lex’s gaze. Lex’s smile was as broad as his own.

  Brody leaned toward Lex. “You up to helping me find out what’s happening in that bathroom?”

  “You know it,” Lex said, rising. “Give me a minute. Meet you at the bathroom door.”

  Brody managed his way through the crowded dancefloor and paused before the men’s room. A customer exited—giving Brody a glimpse inside of Walt going into one stall and the guy into the one beside it. He realized there was a glory hole between those two stalls. Under any other circumstances, what his patrons did in the bathroom was their own business. He took their privacy to heart and he felt slimy for what he was about to do. Yet if catching the hypocritical man in the act protected Noah without forcing him into major violence, he’d be that asshole.

  Lex appeared and handed him one of their walkie systems with an earpiece. The bouncers used them—but Brody didn’t like wearing the thing, though he knew he should. Once he had it on, he heard Lex’s voice.

  “I’ve got these set to another channel so no one will hear us.”

  “Good,” Brody murmured, clicking the button on the wire leading to his ear. “I saw them going into two stalls. The one with the glory hole between them.”

  “Ha! That fucking hypocrite,” Lex barked. “Okay…We go in. I can unlock the door from the outside. As long as he’s focused on what he’s doing, I doubt he’ll notice. I’ll give you the cue, then slowly open the door. Have your phone ready. I hope Walt’s ready for his close-up.”

  Plan in place, they entered the bathroom. Two guys were in one corner, making out—but Lex silently urged them out. No one else appeared to be inside but the four of them. From behind the stall doors, Brody heard the sounds of sex. And he could see through the slit in the door that Walt was on his knees.

  Lex used a thin tool to slowly unlock the stall door. He paused, one hand on the top of the door. The other counted down from three. Brody lifted his phone, the camera already on and with one press of a button, recording. Lex gently opened the stall door, giving Brody the perfect view of Walt with a mouthful of cock. He groaned around the shaft in his mouth while he jerked himself off.

  “My, my, my… what a deep throat you have, Walt,” Lex all but sang from the doorway.

  Walt’s head turned, and the cock slipped from his mouth. He jumped to his feet, nearly collapsing from his pants gathered around his knees. As soon as he had his pants up, he leapt toward the camera, roaring with anger.

  Lex put himself between them as Brody hid the camera from view.

  “What a hypocritical piece of garbage you are. Threatening to force your son into a conversion camp while you’re here on the DL, sucking some stranger’s dick through a glory hole of all things. I bet Abbie Lee would love to see how well you slurp up some cock, Walt,” Brody said.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  Brody chuckled. “Oh, I think we both know I very much would…”

  “Delete that!” Walt screamed, reaching for Brody again. Luckily Lex was too big and broad for Walt to get a hold of anything.

  “Lex, why don’t you keep him here while I go find Abbie Lee?”

  “No!” Walt roared. “Dear God, no!”

  Brody paused and spun back around. “Showing Abbie Lee sure would be a load of fun. We both realize you deserve whatever comes to you.” He paused again, this time for dramatic effect. “Though, I guess we could make a bargain of sorts.”

  Walt’s steely glare washed over him as he finished buttoning his pants. “What in the fuck do you want?”

  “For you and that wife of yours to leave Noah alone. Forever. Go back to Bumfuck, Tennessee and live out your life. Let Noah live his life without looking over his shoulder, worrying you’re going to grab him.” He grinned, realizing he had Walt by the balls. “Or else I post that video online and let Abbie Lee and the rest of the world see it.”

  Walt turned ashen. “That’s blackmail.”

  “Yeah, it is. I never thought I’d ever stoop to this level, but I’m not a perfect man.” He glared at Walt. “I can accept my failings, especially when I have damned good reason to stoop.”

  “Man? Am I getting this blowjob or not?” came a voice from the other stall.

  “Shut up!” Walt roared.

  “Fuck this,” the guy said before exiting the stall and glaring at them all. He tucked his cock back into his leather pants and eyed them all before exiting.

  Once he was gone, Walt asked, “You set all this up, didn’t you? I bet you sent that guy to me, to tempt me.”

  “Nope… we merely got lucky,” Lex said. “You did bad all on your own.”

  Walt was
silent a moment. From the range of emotions to cross his face, Brody assumed the man was considering his options. “How am I supposed to convince Abbie Lee to let Noah go? She won’t simply walk away. And her family… it’s complicated.”

  “That’s not our problem. It’s yours,” Brody said. “If you don’t think you’re up to it.” He glanced at his phone. “I suppose we can help clear up the matter with Abbie Lee herself.”

  “No!” Walt cried, holding up his hands. “I had a moment’s weakness… Jesus will forgive me.”

  Brody scoffed. “Something tells me Abbie Lee is less forgiving than He is.”

  “Why in the fuck did you let that woman twist you into something you’re not?” Lex asked Walt. “And then you’re going to let her do the same thing to your son? That’s abuse, man. You’ll go to hell for that. Not for being gay.”

  “Homosexuality is a sin…” Walt started.

  “Man, cut that shit in here… especially when you still have the taste of dick in your mouth,” Lex barked.

  “A moment of weakness… that’s all. I turned my back on this sinful town and was embraced by a godly place where I can avoid the lure of the devil. Noah forced me back here, and now the sins of this place have sucked me back in. The lure of evil was strong here. This place…” he paused, inhaling. “It stinks of rot.”

  “Man, you’re standing near a hole where people shit,” Lex shot back.

  Walt paled more and attempted to leave. Both Lex and Brody held him back.

  “Do we have a deal?” Brody asked. “Or no?”

  “How do I know you won’t show her the video after we leave? I have no guarantees.”

  “You’ll have to trust me,” Brody murmured.

  “I don’t trust you,” Walt snapped.

  “Well, if you don’t want to make a deal, I guess I go to Abbie Lee.”


  Brody grinned. “So… do we have a deal?”

  Walt nodded. “Yes… I’ll figure something out.”

  “Figure it out fast,” Brody snapped.

  Walt glared. “I will… just… don’t show that to her. She can never see this.”

  “Then hold up your end, Walt.” Brody stepped back, giving room for the man to pass.

  Before Walt could exit, Lex turned to Brody. “Man, let me see those dick sucking moves that Walt’s got.”

  Brody chuckled. He could almost sense Walt’s shame before the door closed. Relief filled every cell of his body. Noah was free…

  Free to move on to… wherever… whatever… whoever.

  Brody’s smile slowly ebbed. The win wasn’t quite as sweet anymore.

  Two regulars entered the bathroom, pausing at the door as they saw he and Lex inside. “Man, let’s get out of here.” He turned to the customers. “It’s all yours, fellas.”

  “You fucking Lex now?” one of them asked.

  Lex laughed before yelling out. “I can’t handle that big of a dick!”

  Brody headed straight for the storage area, his body thrumming from adrenaline. Needing the quiet and space to think, he paced a long width before turning. Lex hung inside the door.

  “You okay, man?”

  “A bit wired,” Brody answered.

  “I guess this means the little bird is definitely out of the nest now.”

  Brody paused midstride, but kept walking. “He’s been gone.”

  “But you didn’t want him to go.”

  He stopped midway down the length and peered at Lex. “I’m going to hell for wanting him.”

  Lex shook his head. “Seriously, he was never really your stepson. You only married Stacey to help her get Parker… and that knee fixed. Noah was there, what—two, three months? You were both consenting adults when it started—and neither of you had any idea who you were to one another.”

  “You’re singing a new tune. Why?”

  “I’ve worried about you. The inability to open yourself up to someone new. Finally, someone landed in your lap and you were different. I mean, it happened really fast. Maybe too fast. I don’t know—maybe it was kismet. I saw the way you looked at him. I saw the way he looked at you. Before and after the bombshell. And now, I see how twisted into knots you are because you’re trying to do what you believe is the right thing. But what is the right thing here? Two consenting adults who are obviously attracted to one another kept apart because they lived under the same roof for a couple of months—many years ago? The more I consider it—it seems kind of pointless to me, man. If you two want to be together, who is anyone else to judge?”

  “Yeah, but Stacey… Geena… they don’t approve. And Parker.” He shook his head. “I grasp that the plan wasn’t for me to be a dad. From day one, he’s been their kid. But they let me in. I love my son. I want to see him grow into a man. I want to be a small part of his journey.”

  “Then you have your answer. You let Noah go.”

  “That’s what I did,” Brody said. “I let him pack his bags and walk out of my life. For my son.”

  “And now you’re miserable.” Lex cringed. “Stacey and Geena—I love those ladies. I do. They’re good people. And I realize you don’t want to hurt them. Maybe in time, they might see what I saw. Two guys that have a connection.” He paused. “Just be patient.”

  “I’m not feeling too patient right now.”

  “Then go get your boy.”

  “Jesus, Lex. Can you pick a side?”

  “Can you? Either you give your relationship with Noah a chance, or you don’t. If you choose Noah, Parker will be eighteen one day. If he has questions, he’ll come to you.”

  “So I simply lose five years of his life?”

  “Or you lose a chance at a lifetime of happiness with Noah. That’s for you to decide, Brody. No one can make that choice but you and Noah. Either way—I’ll support you.”

  “Who said anything about a lifetime of happiness?” Brody asked. “We could crash and burn in a week for all I know. I’d destroy the good things in my life, for what?”

  “Could be,” Lex said. “But I said you’d lose the chance at a lifetime of happiness… you have no idea where it might lead. It could be three weeks… three months… three years… or maybe three decades…”

  Thoughts of their friends Harry and Red returned to mind. “When did you go and get all sappy on me?”

  “I’m a hopeless romantic at heart,” Lex said. “One day, I’ll find my Prince Charming. He’ll have a Lambo, a billion in the bank, and a horse cock.” Lex chuckled. “What am I saying? I’d take just the horse cock and be happy.”

  “You’re not right,” Brody said before laughing.

  “Never claimed to be,” Lex said. His mischievous smile dulled. “At the very least, why don’t you go tell your boy the good news? Noah deserves to know he might have his freedom back. We can cover the rest of the night.”

  “Yeah, I think I will.” Brody wanted to see Noah—wanted to see that his boy was okay.

  “Wait!” Lex cried. “I do need to see that video before you go.”

  Brody unlocked his phone and started the video. It was the perfect shot of Walt moaning around a throatful of cock. There would be no doubt who it was.

  “Oh, man… you should send that to me.”

  “I am not sending you the blackmail video,” Brody said.

  “Man, I thought we were best friends?”

  “You’d have this thing up on Twitter in a heartbeat.”

  “Yes. Yes, I would,” Lex replied with a grin. He barked with laughter. “Go see your little bird. I’m tired of seeing your miserable face.”

  “Thanks,” Brody said before heading up for his keys.

  As the dinner party was coming near an end, a knock came to the door.

  “Who the heck could that be?” Stacey asked before rising and walking toward the door.

  Noah barely registered her leaving. He was once again in a lovely conversation with Jereme and the guy’s husband, Anson.

  “I got him, Stace! I got the motherfuck

  Noah turned to see Brody barge into the room—all decked out in barely there leather.

  “Well, helllllo, handsome,” Harry called out with a grin.

  “Hey, Harry.” Brody gawked at the table, his mouth open. “I’m terribly sorry—I had no idea you had guests.” His stare fell on Noah, his expression shifting from mortification to something warmer.

  Noah rose. “What are you doing here?”

  Brody lifted his hand. His phone was clutched tight. “I got Walt.”

  Noah walked closer, as did Geena. After his mother excused them for a moment, they all walked into the garage, where they could be alone.

  “What do you mean, you got him?” Geena asked.

  “Walt came into the club tonight. It was apparent he was cruising. When he went into the bathroom with another man—Lex and I got it on video. I threatened to show it to Abbie Lee if they didn’t leave town.” Brody’s gaze fell on Noah. “I demanded they leave—and leave you alone.”

  Noah shook his head. “You have him on tape—doing what?”

  “You really don’t want to know,” Brody replied.

  “I do,” Geena said, snatching the phone from Brody.

  Noah couldn’t look. The moaning he heard was bad enough.

  “Oh god, why did you let me see that?” Geena demanded, passing the phone back to Brody.

  “You didn’t really give me a choice, now did you?” Brody asked. His focus turned to Noah. “I came straight here. I wanted you to know you’re free.”

  Noah held Brody’s stare and for the first time, he could really breathe. He took a deep, cleansing breath—and tears burned the back of his eyes. He rushed into Brody’s arms and hugged his daddy tight. “Thank you.”

  Brody hugged him back. “You’re welcome, ba—Noah.”

  “Cute chaps,” Geena said sarcastically to Brody. “You a cowboy now?”

  Noah pulled away when it was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “You’re aware what I wear to work. I didn’t bother changing my clothes before I rushed over with the news.”

  “I bet that was a cold, cold ride,” Geena said before winking.

  “Do you really think they’ll leave?” Noah asked Brody, ignoring Geena’s comments.


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