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His Stepdad Wears Leather

Page 24

by Kelex

  “Yeah,” he said, rolling his head to the side before pressing his face back against the bed.

  Ever so slowly, Brody worked his hand inside… until his hole gave. He had his daddy’s whole fist inside him.

  “Oh, baby… that’s so pretty… I wish you could see what I see.”

  Brody gently worked his fist a little deeper. He cautiously fucked Noah’s ass a few strokes, short, languid thrusts. Noah struggled for air, especially with the corset tight around his ribs. Brody started to pull his hand out.

  Noah clenched. “No, daddy.”

  “I’m coming back,” Brody said, slowly drawing his hand out. “I need to go get something. I promise you… you’ll like it.”

  Noah sighed, hating the empty sensation he was left with. His daddy rose, removing the glove. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

  “Oh, ha-ha,” Noah muttered.

  He heard Brody race down the stairs… and not long after, climb them again. When he returned, he had the full-length mirror from his bedroom in hand. He sat it near the end of the bed before pulling on a fresh glove and lubing it.

  Noah stared at himself over one shoulder. Covered in sexy lingerie. Bound to his daddy’s sex bed. His puckered, slick hole still gaping open. Noah groaned at the erotic image. His cock stiffened to full mast against the wedge.

  He needed his daddy.

  From the mirror, Noah watched his daddy climb back onto the bed. He eyed Noah a moment with a gentle smile. “Hey, baby… you still okay?”

  “Yeah,” Noah ground out. “I need you, daddy.”

  “I know, baby… I’m gonna give you what you need.”

  Brody pressed his fingers against Noah’s hole before pausing. “Can you see my hand?”

  “Kind of,” Noah answered as he gazed over that shoulder.

  Brody adjusted the mirror, changing the angle some. “Better?”

  Noah had the perfect view of his ass and his daddy’s hand. “Yeah. Better.”

  “Good,” Brody murmured. “I don’t want you to miss a thing.”

  Brody pushed deeper, impaling Noah on his hand once more. Slowly… gradually… pressing to the thickest part. Noah watched every second of it, engrossed. He only closed his eyes a couple of times when the pain grew almost too much, but then Brody’s hand was inside him again.

  “See that, baby? You got your wish…”

  Noah gasped at the sight of his daddy’s wrist disappearing inside him. “Oh yeah, daddy.”

  Brody slowly pumped deeper, fucking his hole. Noah watched it all happening… and couldn’t look away.

  Being bound, he could only move a little, but what little he could, be surged to meet the thrust of Brody’s hand inside him. As his body grew accustomed to the impalement, their movements quickened… until his daddy was thrusting a little harder… a little deeper…

  His gaze flickered to Brody’s. His daddy watched him like a hawk, breathless…

  What Noah’s saw in Brody’s eyes was hotter than everything else. His daddy was giving him what he needed… and keeping him safe and protected. He held that stare, realizing in that moment he loved this man.

  Another orgasm slammed into him. He screamed out Brody’s name as he came harder than the last time. His body quaked all over as cum streamed from his cock. Noah tried to draw in a breath… and couldn’t.

  As the orgasm crested, he still couldn’t get air in.

  “Can’t… breathe…”

  “Fuck,” Brody cried. As he slowly withdrew one hand, he worked at the cord with the other. There was a slight pause as the glove was dragged off seconds before his daddy focused on untying the laces of his corset with both hands. He released the hold, allowing Noah to drag in a strangled breath. The air filled his lungs, quelling the instant of panic.

  “I must’ve pulled them too tight,” Brody said. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “I asked you to,” Noah murmured, still sucking in deep breaths. He pulled at his hands, almost forgetting the bonds. “Get me out of these things, please…”

  Brody was quick to do as he asked. Once freed and the wedge tossed off the bed, Noah curled into his daddy’s embrace. He needed to be held.

  And then tears came out of nowhere.

  “Ssshhhh,” Brody whispered, soothing him. “It’s okay, baby… I’ve got you.”

  Noah had no idea why he was crying yet he couldn’t stop it.

  Brody held him tight the whole time, running a calming palm over his back and arms. “I’ve got you. You’re safe here with me, baby.”

  Eventually, the tears ebbed. Brody still held tight, never letting go. Noah wiped his face. “Sorry. I don’t know what that was about.”

  “I do,” Brody murmured. “You’ve been under all this stress for weeks now. Years, really. And now it’s over. You’re free. Sometimes a really good release can break the tide for everything else going on in your life, too. There’s nothing wrong with having a really good cry to let all that out. Never be ashamed if you need that, baby.”

  “Okay,” Noah whispered, relaxing a little after hearing that.

  “Plus I just gave you one hell of an orgasm,” Brody whispered playfully. “There can be no doubt now. It brought you to tears it was so good.”

  Noah laughed. “Yes, it was that good.” His smile vanished as he toyed with the hairs on Brody’s chest. “Do you really believe this all might be some brief flash of something? I don’t want this feeling to fade, Brody.”

  Brody pressed a kiss to Noah’s forehead. “I don’t want it to fade, either.”

  “So… how do we ensure that doesn’t happen?”

  “We can’t say what happens tomorrow, baby. But we can make sure we put the work in.”


  “No secrets. No lies. We don’t run away when things get rough. We face the hard things and we talk them out.”

  “Mutual respect,” Noah whispered.

  “Yeah,” Brody replied. “We won’t always agree… but if we can find a way through without hurting the other person, that’s all we can hope for.”

  “No secrets, hmmm?” Noah asked, tensing.

  “Nope,” Brody whispered, sounding a little sleepy.

  “What would you say if I told you I think I’m falling in love with you?”

  Brody lifted his chin and stared into his eyes. “Under normal circumstances, I’d tell you that you weren’t.”

  Noah dragged in a breath, terrified he’d said too much.

  “But since I think I could be falling in love with you… I guess these aren’t normal circumstances,” Brody murmured before kissing him slowly.

  Noah arched into his daddy, hungry for more.


  Five years later…

  The Fourth of July was one of Noah’s favorite holidays. It was one of the few days a year that they closed both restaurants and the club down and spent it with their family. Between all three businesses, they had their hands extremely full, but they’d also hired well and put the right people into place to ensure they succeeded. After Noah received his hospitality degree and years of helping run Crossroads, Brody’s restaurant, they’d opened Gracie’s Place in the remaining vacant space in the building.

  Gracie had given her blessing before she passed, allowing them to use her name and likeness. She said it would mean she’d live on for a little while longer. Inside, it appeared a lot like the original—which had been demolished once downtown had been renovated. For the first few months they were open, Gracie came in with her caregiver at least once a week for breakfast and to regale them with stories from the past. Noah and Brody always made every effort to join her those mornings. Gracie loved the food—much of it had been things straight from her own menu along with some new items and a couple of plays on old favorites. They’d even hired her old short order cook to man the grill.

  When she’d passed, it had hit Brody hard. Noah had to admit, after all those breakfasts and stories, it hit him pretty hard, too.

s Place was an all-nite diner, serving food well after the Village closed for the night. After the crowds left the club, most of them stumbled over to the diner to have an early morning breakfast and sober up some before heading home. Noah claimed it was a public service and maybe kept those who shouldn’t drive off the road until they were clearer headed.

  Especially as those crowds had grown as the city had seen a rebirth. That redevelopment had brought a whole new life to the area. Older homes surrounding the new downtown had been renovated or torn down. Some neighborhoods had vanished completely before emerging anew. That had brought them plenty of new business and ensured their success.

  But on the Fourth, they shut it all down.

  That year, they rented a houseboat to have the family gathering. They put it out on the lake where the town shot off its fireworks from, so they hoped to have a good view. Everyone came out with them—his mother and Geena, Parker and his girlfriend, Riley, Jereme, Anson and their gorgeous adopted daughter, Faith, Eric and James, Harry and Red, though Red still struggled a little after the stroke. He was doing much better though, and Harry had hopes for a full recovery.

  What surprised everyone but Noah was when Carter and Lex showed up at the dock together… as in officially together. No one could believe five-foot-eight Carter would be a match for six-foot-nine Lex. Noah had seen the signs all along. He smiled, glad Lex had finally found someone willing to charge that mountain.

  Noah and Brody grilled burgers and hotdogs, and they’d prepared plenty of sides. Guests had brought food and added beer and sodas to the overfull fridge and coolers. After everyone had eaten their fill and the sun went down, the fireworks began. Noah reached for Brody—who he was sure had just been beside him—only he wasn’t.

  Turning his attention, he saw his daddy down on one knee, holding a ring box in his hand. Fireworks went off around them, but all he could see was the earnest mien in Brody’s loving eyes. He sucked in a gasp, a smile playing at his lips.

  “Oh my god,” he heard Parker say somewhere behind him. “Mom, Mimi—look!”

  “Noah Butler, I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?”

  Noah nodded his head vigorously. “Yes… yes!”

  Brody jumped up and swooped him into an embrace before slapping a kiss on his lips. After leaving him breathless, his daddy drew back enough to pull the ring from the box and slide it over Noah’s finger.

  Noah met his daddy’s stare. “I love it… and I love you, daddy.”

  Brody leaned in for another kiss, pausing beforehand to say, “I love you, too, baby.”

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  Also by Kelex

  Find Kelex at Twisted E-Publishing

  Omega Quadrant

  His Surrogate Omega, 1

  Unexpected Heat, 1.5

  Suddenly His Alpha, 1.9

  A Prequel to His Reluctant Omega

  His Reluctant Omega, 2


  Wynter’s Journey, 2.5


  Alphas of the Western Provinces

  One Wild Heat

  One Wild Omega

  Daddy Tales

  His Stepson Wears Lace

  His Stepdad Wears Leather

  Bear Mountain

  Bound to Two Bears

  Theirs by Bond 1.5

  Claimed by Two Bears

  An Omega for Two Bears

  Promised to Two Bears

  A Second Chance with Two Bears

  A Stag for Two Bears

  Redemption for Two Bears

  Surrendering to Two Bears

  A Beta for Two Bears

  A Sheriff for Two Bears

  Finding His Two Bears

  Cherished by Two Bears

  Mated to Two Bears

  A Marine for Two Bears

  A Wolf for One Bear

  A Bear for Two Big Cats

  A Rhino for Two Bears

  A Homecoming for Two Bears

  A Panther Comes Between Two Bears

  A Decision for One Bear

  A Monster for Two Bears

  Forbidden for Two Bears

  Project Zed





  Fire & Ice



  Midnight Mississippi

  Bearly Midnight

  Quarter ‘til Midnight

  Dead by Midnight

  Theirs by Midnight 3.5

  Bitten by Midnight

  Midnight 5 COMING SOON


  Sacrificed to the Harvest God

  Sacrificed to the Sun God

  Sacrificed to the Ice God

  Sacrificed to the Gods of Spring

  Sacrificed to the Mountain Gods



  The Hitman’s Weakness

  JLC Construction Stories

  Golden and the Three Bears

  Linc’s Little Piggy

  Plumbing His Depths

  Six Men and a Wedding

  His Skittish Sub

  Nailing the Foreman


  My Girlfriend’s Daddy

  My Best Friend’s Father

  My College Professor

  In Bed

  Best Friends

  Past Lovers

  New Neighbor

  The Fire Dragon Trilogy

  Rhaege, Fire Dragons, 1

  Phrenzy, Fire Dragons, 2

  Khaos, Fire Dragons, 3

  Earth Dragons




  The Last Dire Wolf

  Crying Wolf

  His Wolven Warrior

  Hungry for His Wolf

  Wolves of Mt Alexis

  Remy’s Wolf

  Rafe’s Wolf

  Theo’s Wolf

  Tristan’s Wolf

  Quads of Alpha S Series

  Crash Landing

  Tripp’s Claiming

  Wynne’s Surrender

  Adrian’s Submission

  Men’s League




  Shifter Rebellion

  Best Little Whorehouse on Planet X

  The Whorehouse Oracle

  The Forgotten Prince

  Le Cachot

  The Dungeon, Level One

  The Dungeon, Level Two

  The Dungeon, Level Three

  The Dungeon, Level Four

  The Dungeon, Level Five

  Tales of Aurelia

  The Barbarian, Book One

  The Barbarian, Book Two

  The Barbarian, Book Three

  Bound BDSM Club

  with April Andrews

  Bound By Him

  Bound to Them

  Bound by Three

  Bound by Lust

  Alaxian Heirs

  Claiming Callum

  Taking Kye

  Mating Jasek

  Novus Prime



  Bears in Bondage

  Part I & II

  Part III & IV

  Tales from Triple M Ranch

  Rode Hard

  Hell Fired

  Wild Ride

  Pony Ride

  Bronc Buster

  The Slave World Series

  ~Banned from Amazon!~

  Book One: The Auction

  Book Two: The Initiation

  Book Three: The Training

  Book Four: The Return

  Find them on my publisher’s site!

  The Duke’s Plaything

  Part I & II

  Part III & IV

  Part V & VI

  Part VII & IX

  The Master’s New Toy
r />   Part I & II

  Part III & IV

  Part V & VI

  Standalone Titles

  Betting on His Demon

  Flesh for Fantasy

  Chained to the Tiger’s Bed

  Falling Overboard

  Sleeping Beauty

  His Christmas Gift

  As Alex Bowman

  Kent Street Tales



  Nailing the Foreman (Nailed)

  The Soul Collector Series

  Losing His Religion

  Laying Down the Lawman

  About the Author

  International bestselling gay erotica/erotic romance author Kelex lives in Hampton Roads with her twenty-something slacker kidult and two mostly-loveable masses of fur who are often found snarling at the mailman or UPS driver—or pooping on the brand-new carpet.

  When not being a pain in her daughter’s ass, a gardening goddess, the baker of bread, the master of cake disaster, or the drinker of alllllll the coffee decaf green tea, she writes under various pen names all over the erotica and erotic romance genre map.

  Join Kelex’s monthly newsletter!

  Twisted E Publishing, LLC




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