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The Scars Of Life (The Working Girls Book 4)

Page 8

by K. L. Humphreys

  “That may be so, but Natalie, I’ve got your address. I’ll be there for you soon.” He ends the call on that bombshell, and I fall onto the bed, tears still trailing down my face. He’s coming here?

  Fear engulfs me, this is my own fault. Getting involved in Midnight Lovers may be the biggest mistake that I’ve made, it’s led to my biggest nightmare coming to life, that monster finding me. I want to run, I want to go as far away as possible, get away as quickly as I can so that monster doesn’t get the chance to find me. I jump up from the bed and quickly throw on some clothes, opening the wardrobe I grab a bag, I need to pack and get out of here, I can’t take that chance, I wouldn’t survive this time. I feel it in my bones, if he gets a hold of me, he isn’t letting me go. I throw everything and anything into this duffle bag, I’m giving myself fifteen minutes and it’s time to leave, I’ll go to the nearest ATM and withdraw the maximum and then I’ll disappear, do what I did before, live off grid. It kept me safe before, it’s the only way I’m going to be safe.

  I drop to my knees when my phone rings again, and my breath leaves me in a whoosh. I lay on the floor and curl up as I listen to it continuously ring. I want it to stop, I want to be left alone, I want to live my life. I’m so stupid, I thought I was happy, I should have realised that happiness is followed by pain and suffering. The phone stops ringing but I can’t move, I’m tired of running, I’m tired of being scared. I want this to stop, but of course that doesn’t happen. The phone rings again, and I raise my hands to my ears to try to block out the sound. My sobs are loud as they wrack through my whole body. I close my eyes and cry, I cry like I’ve never cried before. Wishing that I had a way out of this.

  “Nat?” The voice sounds close. “Nat? Oh shit, Nat what’s the matter?” Penelope’s voice calls out. “Nat, what’s happened?” Her hands softly pull me up into a sitting position.

  “He’s found me,” I whisper, the tears silently falling.

  “Nat?” She gasps coming to sit down beside me.

  “He called me this evening, he has my address, he’s going to get me.” I sound like a child, my fear taking over me, bringing me back to when I was fourteen.

  “He’s not going to hurt you. I made you a promise Natalie, one that I don’t intend on breaking. That man isn’t going to hurt you ever again,” Venom fills her voice, and her body is shaking with rage; it’s shaking mine as she does. She’s quiet for a moment. “You were going to run?”

  I glance up at her through watery eyes, and she looks hurt. “I’m scared, Pen,” I confess quietly, I’m ashamed, I’ve never admitted it before.

  “I would be surprised if you weren’t, but Nat, you’re not going anywhere. I promise you I’m going to look after you, you’re going to be safe. Don’t run, stay,” she begs, and I rest my head against her. “I’ll look after you,” she promises again.

  “I won’t run.” I promise her, she’s been here for me since she found me, I need to remember that I’m no longer alone. “I’m tired of being scared, Pen. Why does he want me?”

  “I’m not sure but he’s not going to get you,” she tells me again. “Come on let’s get you into bed and you can rest.” She helps me up off of the floor and helps me into bed, pulling the covers over me and kissing my forehead. “I’m going to sort this out, make sure that arsehole doesn’t get anywhere near here.”

  “Thank you,” I say as my eyes droop. It doesn’t take long for me to fall into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter 9

  It’s cold tonight so I’m wearing my black jacket that is fitted to the waist and flares out. Penelope bought it for me for my birthday, it was one of the presents she had wrapped. I wear it whenever I can, it fits like a glove and is so comfortable. Walking towards Amelio’s I think back on last night, I was a mess. I’m grateful that Penelope came by when she did. Hearing her words, her tone of voice, I realised that I didn’t need to run, that I have people here who care about me. It also made me realise that I’m stronger now and that I’m not alone, that I have the strength to fight my stepdad if he comes.

  My client for the evening is Taylor Lewis, a solicitor and I Googled him, he’s a very successful solicitor at that. I have no idea what he does, but I read something about him working in corporate law, I’ve no idea what that means and no doubt I’ll find out this evening. Penelope said this is a working dinner, he’s wining and dining potential clients. It sounds as though it’s going to be a lot more boring than I first thought. I’m dressed sophisticated as he asked, I’m wearing a black halter neck maxi dress, it’s got a slit up the right side. It’s the only thing I could find at such short notice, especially after how last night went.

  I catch sight of a sharply dressed man waiting outside Amelio’s and as I approach, he walks towards me. He’s at least six foot two, dark hair, he’s slim and handsome. “Natalie?” he asks, his voice deep and charming, and I nod. His eyes widen as he takes in my appearance, his gaze starts at my face, then wanders down along my body and lands on my feet. I’m wearing silver diamante heels that match my clutch and earrings. I’ve accessorised to the max. Pen told me that I looked very classy and that I’d have everyone eating out of the palm of my hands.

  “Thank you for coming.” He’s very polite and doesn’t sound posh at all. I thought he’d be a stuck-up git, but he comes across really sweet.

  “Thank you for having me. Yes, I’m Natalie, and you must be Taylor?” I stick out my hand, and he smiles softly, gently taking my hand into his and bringing it to his mouth and giving my knuckles a soft kiss.

  “Yes, I’m Taylor Lewis. May I please see your dress?” he asks politely, and I unbutton my jacket and open it up so that he can have a gawk. His eyes immediately darken with lust. “You look beautiful. Tonight, is going to be a good night,” he says, his voice thick with need.

  I smile. “Here’s hoping.”

  “Are you ready?” He sounds nervous, and I’m wondering if he’s asking me or himself. I nod, and he guides me towards the restaurant door, his hand at the base of my back. “If anyone should ask how we met and how long ago, I would like you to say that we met two years ago.” This usually happens, men always want to have the background details figured out down to the littlest detail.

  “We met just over two years ago. Do you have any family?” I ask, coming to a stop and looking up at him, he really is handsome, and I’m surprised he needs to hire me, he’s sweeter than the other men that hire me.

  He smiles, dimples forming in his cheeks as he does. “Yes, both of my parents along with a younger sister, Charlotte.”

  “What about Charlotte and I being friends and we met at her birthday party?” It sounds stupid now that I’ve said it out loud.

  That smile widens, those dimples getting deeper as he does so. “Sounds perfect, two years ago my sister was eighteen. Great idea Ms…? What is your last name?”

  “Adams, Natalie Adams.” I can’t stop smiling, I’m relaxed around him which is highly unusual for me when I’m around a client.

  He leans down and kisses my cheek. “Let’s go and get me some new clients.”

  He leads us into the restaurant and it’s quieter than I thought it would be but a hell of a lot more pretentious than I thought. The server takes our jackets and then takes us to our seats, the table’s empty when we get there so Taylor orders us wine while we wait.

  “So,” I begin, and his full attention is immediately on me. “Corporate law… what’s that to someone who has no idea?”

  There are those dimples again. “It’s really boring,” he says, almost as though he’s embarrassed.

  “I doubt that very much, do you enjoy it?” I’ve never really gone into this much detail with a client, I usually learn the bare minimum, enough to get me by so that my clients can keep who I truly am a secret.

  “I do enjoy it, very much so.” His voice is stronger than it has been.

  “Then I doubt it’ll be boring. So, what is it? And can you explain it so that normal people can understand?” I pl
ace my elbow on the table and my hand under my chin as I wait for him to explain what it is.

  “Okay so basically corporate law is there for businesses and consumers, making sure that things between the two are run smoothly and then when things go wrong, I’m called in,” he says quickly and he’s right it does sound boring. “Enough about me and my boring work, what do you do for fun?”

  I frown but I can’t help but smile, is he flirting with me? “For fun?”

  He leans forward. “Yes for fun, like where you put your feet up and relax.”

  I smirk. “With this job, I put my feet up in loads of different positions.”

  Gone is his smile, the heat he had in his eyes is back in full force. “Shit, you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

  I shake my head innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  The restaurant door opens and in walks two couples, the men look stuffy and the women even more so.

  “I think your potential clients just walked in.”

  He glances around quickly and really sneakily before turning back to me. “How did you do that? They could have been anyone.””

  I shrug. “Just a guess, they look snobby and rich.”

  He laughs. “That was my first thought also, but if I’m to make partner in my firm I need to reel in the big fish.”

  I hold my hand up. “No need to explain, we’ll charm the pants off them, take all their money and get you the promotion.” I’m actually rooting for him, I want him to be made partner and I have no idea why.

  “Hell, yes we will.” His lifts his hand to my cheek and his thumb caresses my skin. I should pull away, but I don’t.

  “Mr Lewis,” A deep voice call out and both of us look up at the two couples that just walked in. “Who is this vision?” The old man asks, he’s got to be in his late sixties, if not in his seventies. The woman on his arm looks to be in her twenties, my mind instantly jumps to conclusions as to why she’s with him and I only come up with two ideas. One, she’s the same as me, an escort. Or two, she’s a gold digger and thinks that the old fella is going to keel over and leave her with all his money.

  Taylor rises from his seat respectfully and shakes the old man’s hand. “Mr Hampton, this is my girlfriend Natalie. Natalie, this is Mr Hampton.”

  I too hold my hand out and Mr Hampton smiles taking a hold of it, his wrinkly hand giving mine a squeeze. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Hampton.”

  His other hand comes up and engulfs mine. “The pleasure dear is all mine, and please call me Robert.”

  “Robert,” I say with a nod, the old man smiling brightly as I do.

  “Leave the gorgeous lady alone. Natalie, I am Francis and this beauty is my wife Nadine,” The other man says, and I look directly at him and his wife, they’re what I would say is the definition of an old couple with money. Nadine’s hair is platinum blonde, she’s in a fur jacket, obviously not giving it into the server. She’s gone a bit overboard on the Botox and cosmetic surgeries as she has not one wrinkle on her face, not even a frown line. Francis is standing there in his tailored suit and gold rings, he looks like something out of a mafia film. He has one of the kindest smiles I’ve ever seen, his green eyes hold so much warmth that I smile back.

  “Francis and Nadine, it’s lovely to meet you,” I say holding out my hand to them both, Francis doesn’t hesitate in taking a hold of my hand. Nadine, however, looks as though she’s constipated, I think she’s trying to turn her nose up at me.

  “Mr Lewis, where have you been hiding her?” Francis asks as we all take a seat, both he and Robert are smiling. They look happy to be here, the woman with Robert is grinning from ear to ear, the only one who’s unhappy is Nadine.

  “In my bed,” Taylor quips and I gasp hitting him on the arm. “Sorry babe.” He smirks, not in the least bit sorry, he’s playing a great game and they’re buying it. To them we look like a loved-up couple.

  “Tay…” I whine and smirk when his eyes narrow, oh he doesn’t like that one bit.

  “How long have you two been dating?” The woman yet to be introduced asks softly and Robert places his hand over hers that’s resting on the table.

  “Just over two years,” Taylor replies looking at me.

  “Two years and three months,” I say at the exact same time, and tsk at him.

  “Men, they don’t remember the dates but that doesn’t mean that they don’t care,” she says, fondly looking at Robert.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” I say and I’m shocked when Taylor takes a hold of my hand.

  “Ah, this is my wife Gemma,” Robert tells us, and I may have been a bit hasty, they both look at each other with so much love in their eyes, maybe they are the real deal?

  “It’s lovely to meet you both. Here was me thinking that tonight would be a bore.” Her eyes dart towards Nadine; there’s no love lost there.

  “You weren’t the only one,” I reply, and my eyes immediately widen. Shit, I may have overstepped my mark. I’m meant to help get Taylor these clients, not make things awkward.

  Taylor’s chuckles making me look at him, his eyes dancing with humour as he does. His chuckles mix in with those of Francis and Robert’s. “She’s a keeper Taylor,” Francis tells him, and Nadine rolls her eyes.

  “So, Natalie, what is it that you do?” Gemma asks after the waitress leaves our table after taking our order.

  This is the question that I dread, it always comes up, everyone always asks; what I do for a living. “I’m a hairdresser, I’ve just finished college and I’m looking for a salon to work in, at the moment I work from home.” It’s the same as I always say, but it’s what I want to do, if I ever get out of this life. If I ever manage to find myself worthy of leaving this life, I want to become a hairdresser, to own my own salon and make a good name for myself, but that doesn’t look as though it’s going to happen anytime soon.

  “Oh, are you the one who does Taylor’s hair?” Francis asks, and I laugh when Taylor touches his hair. “Or will he let you?”

  “Taylor loves his hair. I think he loves it more than he loves me, so I won’t put my neck on the chopping block.” I laugh just as our dinner arrives, it smells delicious and I can’t wait to tuck in, Penelope had warned me that the plates are decorative here, that me and my huge appetite may have to stop off at the nearest fast food restaurant on the way home. As soon as the plates are put down in front of us, I’m disappointed that Pen was right, the portion sizes are tiny; it wouldn’t fill a child let alone a grown adult.

  “Babe, that’s not true, you can cut my hair anytime you like.” It sounds like he’s talking about something completely different, but I have no idea what.

  I eat my dinner in silence as Taylor, Francis, and Robert talk business, I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but if their smiles are anything to go by, it’s going really well. Nadine’s barely eating, she’s staring daggers at Robert and Gemma; she’s acting like a jealous lover which I don’t want to even think about. The whole way through dinner, Gemma and I eat in silence, she looks bored beyond belief and I’m really bored. Taylor is completely engrossed in whatever Francis and Robert are talking about.

  “Natalie, how about some dessert?” Gemma asks as the waitress takes our plates away.

  I’ve watched on in envy as some of the desserts came out of the kitchen and to the customers, they look amazing and I’d love one, but I also saw the menu, it didn’t have prices on it. That means only one thing, this place is expensive, and I couldn’t do that to Taylor, having him pay for six dinners along with desserts. Fuck, what the hell is happening to me this evening? I’ve never gotten attached to a client and I only met Taylor less than a few hours.

  Taylor leans over, his mouth against my ear as he whispers, “Babe, if you want one get one.” The hotness of his breath tickles me and I smile as I move away from him.

  “If someone else is getting one, I’ll get one too,” I say shyly and Gemma smiles clapping her hands. />
  “I’m getting one,” Francis says, and Nadine gives him a dirty look which he catches. “Look lady, we’re all going to die anyway, we may as well go out on a high, so I’ll eat whatever the hell I want to.”

  “We’re getting one too,” Robert says and Taylor nods, so the only one not getting one is Nadine, the stuck-up cow.

  An hour and a half later and we’re leaving Amelio’s and Nadine’s got a face on her like a slapped arse. She’s unhappy everyone else was having fun and she was like a party pooper. She kept looking down her nose at everyone and whenever anyone was talking, she looked so disinterested. It really pissed me off, I don’t understand why she was even there, she has an obvious dislike for Gemma and Robert so why would she want to make everyone uncomfortable?

  “Taylor, it’s going to be great working with you,” Francis says, shaking his hand vigorously.

  “Mr Stone.” He returns Francis’ handshake before switching over to shake Robert’s hand. “Mr Hampton.” Poor Taylor looks like he’s in shock. Ever since the men told him that they would be hiring him, he’s been a little stunned. “Thank you both for the vote of confidence.”

  “We’ll be in the office tomorrow to sign the contracts. Natalie, it was a pleasure and I do hope that we meet again.” Both Francis and Robert kiss my cheek before shaking Taylor’s hand again.

  “Natalie, I agree, we all need to meet up again. Tonight, was so much fun, maybe next time we can leave granny at home,” Gemma says pulling me into a hug.

  I bite my lip to stop the laughter from bubbling over, although Robert doesn’t even bother to hide his laughter.

  “It would be fun to do this again,” I say, and it would, I just don’t think it would happen.

  “Sans the old fogie,” Gemma says snidely, her head tilting to the direction of where Nadine’s standing.

  “It’s getting late, you’d best be getting home. We’ll see you at nine in the morning Mr Lewis,” Francis says, pulling Nadine towards the waiting taxi.


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