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The Dolphin Letters, 1970-1979

Page 63

by Elizabeth Hardwick

  Dolphin, The (Lowell); Alfred and; “America from Oxford, May 1970”; as artistic achievement; Artist’s Modeln; “At Offado’s”; “At the Air-Terminal”; “Before the Dawn of Woman”; Bidart and; Bishop and; Bishop on RL’s use of EH’s letters in, and mixing fact and fiction; Bishop’s comments and suggestions for; “Cars, Walking, etc., an Unmailed Letter”; “Christmas 1970” and “Christmas”; chronology of events in; comparing original letters with lines in (see also specific poems); “Dawn”; “Diagnosis: To Caroline in Scotland”; “Dolphin,”; dolphin in; “Dolphins”; “Double Vision”; “Draw,”; “During a Transatlantic Call”; EH on; EH’s first view of; and EH’s inability to reread her letters; EH’s letters used in; EH’s letter to Giroux on publication of; EH’s objection to being misrepresented in; EH’s Sleepless Nights and; Exorcism; Fall Weekend at Milgate; “Fishnet”; “Flashback to Washington Square 1966”; Flight to New York sequence; “Flounder”; “Fox Fur”; “The Friend”; “From My Wife”; and gap in fall of 1970; “Green Sore”; Harriet and; “I despair of letters…”; “In Harriet’s Yearbook”; “In the Mail,”; “Ivana”; “July–August”; “Knowing,”; Kunitz on; “Late Summer at Milgate”; “Letter”; letters used in; “Marriage?”; Marriage sequence; Mermaid; “The Messiah”; Modern Love as model for; “Morning Away from You”; “Morning Blue”; “No Messiah”; “Notes for an unwritten Letter”; “Old Snapshot and Carpaccio”; “Old Snapshot from Venice 1952”; “On the End of the Phone,”; “Overhanging Cloud”; “Oxford”; “Plane-Ticket”; “Plotted”; “Pointing the Horns of the Dilemma”; publication of; publication of complete draft of; Pulitzer Prize award for; “Records”; reviews of; revisions of; Rich on; Ricks and; RL defends his use of EH’s letters in; RL regrets his use of EH’s letters in; sequences in; Sheridan’s conception and birth in; “Sick”; Summer Between Terms; “Voices”; “Walter Raleigh”; “With Caroline at the Air-Terminal”; “Wolverine”

  Dombey and Son (Dickens)

  Donne, John (1572–1631)

  Donoghue, Denis (b. 1928), literary critic

  Don Quixote (Cervantes)

  “Dora Markus” (Montale)

  Dorsch, T. S., editor

  Douglas, James (1867–1940), journalist

  Drabble, Margaret (b. 1939), novelist

  Dreiser, Theodore (1871–1945), writer

  Driver, Clive (1936–1999), librarian

  Drummond de Andrade, Carlos (1902–1987), poet

  Dudley, Grace (1923–2016)

  Duffy, Martha

  Dupee, Barbara “Andy”

  Dupee, F. W. (1904–1979), literary critic

  Durocher, Leo (1905–1991)

  du Sautoy, Peter (1912–1995), publisher

  DuVivier, David (1911–1994)

  DuVivier, Eleanor

  Dvořák, Antonín (1841–1904)

  Dworkin, Ronald (1931–2013), philosopher

  Eakins, Thomas (1844–1916)

  Eaton, Mace (1892–1975), boatbuilder

  Eberhart, Helen (d. 1993)

  Eberhart, Richard (1904–2005), poet

  Edel, Leon (1907–1997), biographer

  L’Éducation sentimentale (Flaubert)

  Edwards, P. W. (1923–2015), literary scholar

  Eissler, K. R. (1908–1999), psychoanalyst

  Eliot, George (1819–1880)

  Eliot, T. S. (1888–1965), poet; Four Quartets

  Eliot, Valerie (1926–2012), editor

  Ellsberg, Daniel (b. 1931), activist

  Ellsberg, Margaret “Peggy” Rizza, poet and literary scholar

  Ellsberg, Patricia Marx (b. 1938), activist

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–1882)

  Eminent Victorians (Strachey)

  Empson, Hetta (1915–1996), sculptor

  Empson, William (1906–1984), poet and literary critic; “To an Old Lady”


  Epstein, Barbara (1928–2006), editor

  Epstein, Helen (b. 1961), writer

  Epstein, Jacob (b. 1956), writer

  Epstein, Jason (b. 1928), editor

  Ervin, Samuel J., Jr. (1896–1985)


  Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse (Pushkin)

  Eumenides, The (Aeschylus)

  Euripides, Alcestis

  Evans, Matthew (b. 1941), publisher

  Everything to Be Endured: An Essay on Robert Lowell and Modern Poetry (Meiners)

  Essex, University of

  Experiment in International Living

  Faber & Faber

  Farb, Peter (1921–1980), naturalist and writer

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  Feiffer, Judy (1929–2016), writer and editor

  Feingold, Michael (b. 1945), theater critic

  Feldman, Burton (1926–2003), writer

  Ferrero, Guglielmo (1871–1942), historian

  Fiedler, Leslie A. (1917–2003), literary critic

  Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich (1925–2012), baritone

  “Fish, The” (Bishop)

  Fitz-Gerald, Clark (1917–2004), sculptor

  FitzGerald, Desmond (1937–2011)

  Fitz-Gerald, Elizabeth “Liddy” (b. 1927), artist

  FitzGerald, Frances “Frankie” (b. 1940), journalist

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1896–1940), writer

  Fitz-Gerald, Leah (d. 1973)

  Fitz-Gerald, Mary (1886–1975)

  Fitzgerald, Robert (1910–1985), poet and translator

  Fitzgerald, Zelda (1900–1948), writer

  Fizdale, Robert (1920–1995), pianist

  Flaubert, Gustave (1821–1880); Éducation sentimentale; Madame Bovary

  For All That I Found There (Blackwood)

  Ford, Ford Madox (1873–1939), novelist

  “For John Berryman” (Lowell)

  For Lizzie and Harriet (Lowell)

  For the Union Dead (Lowell)

  Four Quartets (Eliot)

  Fourrier, Maria

  Freeman, Bob

  Freeman, Dik

  Freeman, Roxy

  French, Patrick (b. 1966), writer

  Freud, Lucian (1922–2011), painter

  Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939): “The Moses of Michelangelo”

  Frost, Robert (1874–1963), poet; A Witness Tree

  Fuentes, Carlos (1928–2012), writer

  Fuentes Macedo, Cecilia (b. 1962)

  Fuller, Roy (1912–1991), poet

  Gaitskell, Hugh (1906–1963)

  Galen Last, Henk van (1921–1989), journalist

  Gamelin, Maurice (1872–1958), general

  Gardner, Robert (1925–2014), anthropologist and filmmaker

  Garland, Patrick (1935–2013), director and writer

  Geography III (Bishop)

  “George III” (Lowell)

  Giambologna (1529–1608)

  Gilliatt, Penelope (1932–1993), writer

  Gilman, Richard (1923–2006), drama critic

  Ginsberg, Allen (1926–1997), poet

  Giroux, Robert (1914–2008), publisher; EH’s letter to, on publication of The Dolphin; letters and telegram to Monteith; Monteith’s letters and telegram to; RL’s letters to

  Glück, Christoph Willibald (1714–1787)

  Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, The (Handke)

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)

  Gold, Arthur (1917–1990), pianist

  Golden State (Bidart)

  Gomez, Nicole

  Good, John M.

  Goodbye to All That (Graves)

  Goodell, Charles (1926–1987)

  Goodwin, Francis X. (1930–2008), naval commander

  Gordon, Caroline (1895–1981), writer

  Gordon, Mary (b. 1949), writer

  Gorky, Maro (b. 1943), painter

  Gotham Book Mart

  Gottfried, Martin (1933–2014), music and drama critic

  Gowrie, Grey (b. 1939), poet and politician

  Grad, Catharine A. (b. 1957), lawyer

  Grad, David A. (1953–2007)

  Grad, Frank P. (1924–2014), law professor

  Grad, Lisa (b. 1927), pianist

  Graham, Frank (1893–1965), sportswriter

  Grass, Günter (1927–2015), novelist and poet

  Graves, Robert (1895–1985), poet: Goodbye to All That

  Gravity’s Rainbow (Pynchon)

  Gray, Cleve (1918–2004), painter

  Gray, Francine du Plessix (1930–2019), writer

  Great Granny Webster (Blackwood)

  Greenways Nursing Home

  Greer, Germaine (b. 1939), writer

  Gross, John (1935–2011) editor

  Gross, Miriam (b. 1939), writer


  Guinness, Desmond (b. 1931), writer

  Haigh, Kenneth (1931–2018), actor

  Haile Selassie (1892–1975)

  Hall, Bernice Dobkin (1915–1992) teacher

  Hall, David (1916–2012), sound archivist

  Hamilton, Ian (1938–2001), poet

  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  Hampshire, Stuart (1914–2004), philosopher

  Hampton, Christopher (b. 1946), playwright and dramatist

  Handke, Peter (b. 1942), novelist

  Handman, Barbara “Bobbie” (1928–2013), arts activist

  Handman, Wynn (b. 1922), director

  Hardwick, Elizabeth (1916–2007), writer: apartment rental and; asks RL to return, and his response; Barnard College teaching position of; at Bellagio Center, Rockefeller Foundation, Italy; Bicentennial celebrations and; Bishop’s letters to; on Blackwood ; breaks bone in foot; brother’s death and; car of; at Castine; Castine barn renovated by; Castine house sold by; cat of (Sumner); on change; Chicago trip planned; Christmas tree of; City University teaching position of; Cleveland Museum visited by; cocktail party given by; death of; The Dolphin as hurtful to; The Dolphin as viewed by; falls in love with RL; finances of; first sees The Dolphin upon publication; Harvard lecture of; honorary degree awarded to; inability to reread her letters to RL; income taxes and; Italian trip and return; kidney infection of; letters to Bishop; letters to Harriet; letters to McCarthy; letters to RL (1970); letters to RL (1971–1972); letters to RL (1973); letters to RL (1974–1979); letters to RL used in The Dolphin; letter to Blackwood; letter to Clark; letter to Craft; letter to Giroux about publication of The Dolphin; as letter writer; Librium taken by; literary correspondence as interest of; in London; on marriage to RL; McCarthy’s letters to; on memoirs; in Miami Beach; in Nassau; “notebook” of; PEN and; plans to bring Harriet to London; plans to join RL in England; political demonstration attended by; political engagement and views on current events; Princeton (Christian Gauss) lectures of; Quebec trip of; and reports from London about RL’s disturbing behavior; Rich’s letter to; in Rio; RL considers returning to; RL moves back in with; RL on marriage with; RL’s Christmas visit to; RL’s death and; RL’s divorce agreement with; RL’s divorce from; RL’s fear that she would destroy her letters to him; RL’s gifts to; RL’s letters saved by; RL’s letters to (1970); RL’s letters to (1971–1972); RL’s letters to (1973); RL’s letters to (1974–1979); RL’s manic depression and; RL’s marriage to; RL’s papers and; on RL’s relationship with Blackwood; RL’s relationship with Blackwood discovered by; RL’s return to; RL’s separation from; and RL’s staying in England; on RL’s writing; Russia trip with RL; Smith College teaching position of; South Carolina trip of; and telephone calls to England; on “transitional year” with RL; two names used by; University of Wisconsin trip planned

  Hardwick, Elizabeth, writings of; “Accepting the Dare: Maine,”; Bay Poets parody; “Cal working, etc.”; essay on Compton-Burnett; freelance work during summer of 1972; “In Maine,”; letters as device in; “notebook”; “Philip Rahv (1908–1973),”; on presidential campaign; “Reflections on Simone Weil,”; review of McCarthy’s Writing on the Wall; “Sad Brazil” (Hardwick); “Seduction and Betrayal,”; Seduction and Betrayal: Women and Literature; Sleepless Nights, see Sleepless Nights; “The Ties Women Cannot Shake and Have,”; “A Useful Critic,”; Woolf article; “Working Girls: The Brontës,”; “Writing a Novel,”

  Hardwick, Robert Carter (1918–1974)

  Hardy, Thomas (1840–1928)

  Harmsworth, Desmond (1903–1990), painter and poet


  Harry Ransom Center (HRC)

  Harvard University; Bishop at; EH’s lecture at; Harriet and; Houghton Library, see Houghton Library, Harvard; RL’s papers at, see Houghton Library, Harvard; RL’s salary at; RL’s teaching position at

  Hatch, Francis W.

  Having Wonderful Time (Kober)

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel; The Scarlet Letter

  Hazlitt, William (1778–1830)

  Heaney, Marie (b. 1940), writer

  Heaney, Seamus (1939–2013), poet

  Hearst, Patricia (b. 1954)

  Hecht, Anthony (1923–2004), poet

  Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856), poet

  Hellman, Lillian (1905–1984), dramatist

  Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (1793–1835)

  Hemingway, Ernest (1899–1961) novelist

  Henry IV (Pirandello)

  Henshaw, Michael (1930–2007)

  Herzberg, Judith (b. 1934), poet

  Herzog (Bellow)

  Heuvel, Jean vanden: see Stein, Jean

  Hickel, Walter (1919–2010)

  Hinks, Roger (1903–1963), art historian

  History (Lowell); dedication of; Kunitz on; publication of; Rich on

  Hochman, Sandra (b. 1936), poet

  Hoffman, Daniel (1923–2013), poet

  Hoffman, Nat

  Hogg, James (1770–1835)

  Hogg, Quintin (1907–2001)

  Holiday, Billie (1915–1959)

  Homer; The Iliad

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844–1889)

  Horne, Philip, literary scholar

  Horovitch, David (b. 1945), actor

  Houghton Library, Harvard: EH’s letters at; RL’s papers at

  Housman, A. E. (1859–1936), poet and classicist

  Howard, Richard (b. 1929), poet and translator

  Hughes, Jan

  Hughes, Olwyn (1928–2016), literary agent

  Hughes, Ted (1930–1998), poet

  Hugo, Victor (1802–1885)

  Humphrey, Hubert (1911–1978)

  Huntington, Catharine (1887–1987), producer

  Ibsen, Henrik (1828–1906); A Doll’s House; When We Dead Awaken

  Iliad, The (Homer)

  Illich, Ivan (1926–2002), philosopher and priest

  Imitations (Lowell)

  “In Maine” (Hardwick)

  Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA)

  In the Cage (James)

  “In the Village” (Bishop)

  “In the Waiting Room” (Bishop)

  “In the Ward (for Israel Citkowitz)” (Lowell)

  Isherwood, Christopher (1904–1986), novelist

  James, Clive (b. 1939), writer

  James, Eirian Mary (1920–1988), recording engineer

  James, Henry (1843–1916); The Aspern Papers; The Bostonians; In the Cage; punctuation of; on Vernon Lee book; on writing about places

  Jamison, Kay Redfield (b. 1946), psychologist and writer

  Jarrell, Mary (1914–2007), editor

  Jarrell, Randall (1914–1965), poet; RL’s essay on

  Jennings, Elizabeth (1926–2001), poet

  Jewett, Sarah Orne (1849–1909), writer

  Johnson, Diane (b. 1934), novelist

  Johnson, Samuel (1709–1784)

  Jonas, Hans (1903–1993), philosopher

  Jones, David (1895–1974), painter and poet

  Jonson, Ben (1572–1637)

  Jovanovich, William (1920–2001), publisher

  Jude the Obscure (Hardy)

  Kafka, Franz (1883–1924), The Trial

  Kalstone, David (1933–1986), literary scholar

  Kaspar and Other Plays (Handke)

  Kazin, Alfred (1915–1998), writer

  Kazin, Ann: see Ber
nstein, Ann

  Keast, Katherine Meredith (b. 1917)

  Keast, Susan Meredith (b. 1957)

  Keats, John (1795–1821)

  Kennedy, Robert F. (1925–1968)

  Kerry, John (b. 1943), U.S. secretary of state

  King, Henry (1937–2002), lawyer

  Kinglake, Alexander (1809–1891)

  King Lear (Shakespeare)

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kizer, Carolyn (1925–2014), poet

  Klee, Paul (1879–1940)

  Kneisel, Frank M. (1905–1973), violinist

  Knights, Elizabeth (1911/12–1998), teacher

  Knights, L. C. (1906–1997), scholar and critic

  Kober, Arthur (1900–1975), writer

  Kramer, Jane (b. 1938), journalist

  Kropotkin, Pyotr (1842–1921), anarchist

  Kunitz, Stanley (1905–2006), poet; on Dolphin; on History; History dedicated to Bidart and; RL’s letters to; The Testing-Tree

  Lacerda, Carlos (1914–1977), journalist and politician

  “Lady Lazarus” (Plath)

  Laforgue, Jules (1860–1887), poet

  Lamb, Charles (1775–1834)

  Land of Unlikeness (Lowell)

  Larkin, Philip (1922–1985), poet

  Last Puritan, The: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel (Santayana)

  Lawrence, D. H. (1885–1930), poet and novelist; Sons and Lovers

  Leavis, Q. D. (1906–1981), literary critic

  Lee, Vernon (1856–1935)

  Leeuwen, W. F. “Huyck” van (b. 1916), literary critic and psychotherapist

  Lehning, Arthur (1899–2000), historian

  Leopardi, Giacomo (1798–1837)

  Lessing, Doris (1919–2013), novelist

  Letters of Robert Lowell, The (Lowell and Hamilton, ed.)

  Levasseur, Thérèse (1721–1801)

  Lever, Jeremy (b. 1933), barrister

  Levi, Peter (1931–2000), priest and poet

  Levin, Harry (1912–1994), literary scholar

  Life of Raymond Chandler, The (MacShane)

  Life Studies (Lowell)

  Lindsay, John (1921–2000)

  Lindsay, Mary Harrison (1926–2004)


  Literary Guild

  Lord Weary’s Castle (Lowell)

  Lowell, Charles Russell, Sr. (1782–1861)

  Lowell, Charlotte Winslow (1889–1954) (mother of RL)

  Lowell, Harriet Traill Spence (d. 1850)

  Lowell, Harriet Winslow (b. 1957) (daughter of RL and EH), activist; Amsterdam trip of; apartments of; and archiving of EH’s letters; and art schools in London; at Barnard; bicycling of; camp of; Caroline and; Castine and; college choice and applications; at Dalton; The Dolphin and; eczema of; education of; EH’s letters to; EH’s plans to bring to London; eighteenth birthday of; European trip of; eyeglasses for; fifteenth birthday of; fish story written by; law school as goal of; letters to RL; Lisa and; in Mexico at Spanish language camp; money from RL donated by; at New York Review; parents’ divorce settlement and; Quebec trip of; and RL’s cancellation of return home; and RL’s child with Blackwood; RL’s Christmas visit to EH and; RL’s gifts to; RL’s letters to; RL’s manic depression and; RL’s papers and; Ross Taylor and; South Carolina trip of; visits RL in England (1972); visits RL in England (1973); visits RL in England (1974); visits RL in England (1976)


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