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For Crying Out Loud: The laugh out loud romantic comedy that everyone's talking about! (The False Start Book 1)

Page 9

by J. Preston

First week of college is a blur of classes, caffeine, getting to know Hayley, and some more classes. By the time I realize, it’s Friday already. The day of the party.

  When my last class of the day finishes, I am beyond excited for the evening.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come tonight?” I ask Hayley as we walk to Kitt.

  “I’m not ready for a party just yet,” she replies. “What I am ready for is to dress you up and make you up so that when Aiden sees you he won’t be able to stop drooling.” She winks at me, patting her massive bag full of clothes and makeup. Hayley had witnessed my inability to form coherent sentences when Aiden was around, and apparently his ‘lustful’ gaze whenever I walked into the room. Even though I told her he’d been avoiding me this past week, she decided to play cupid.

  “You know he is the sole reason I’ve never had a boyfriend, right?” I decide it’s time to burst her bubble.

  “Was he this dreamy when you guys were in London?”

  “Ha! No, he was geeky. Kind of adorable actually, but a horrible, horrible kisser.”

  “Jennifer Cowley!” Hayley steps in front of me, stopping me in the middle of the parking lot. “Are you telling me you have previously kissed Aiden Vaughn and haven’t divulged all the details yet?”

  “Shhhh.” I try to quiet her down, she’s practically shouting and people are starting to watch our little exchange. I fish out Kitt’s keys from my pocket and take Hayley by the hand. “That’s what I’m trying to do now, but you’re making a scene. C’mon, let’s get in the car and I’ll tell you what exactly happened, and trust me, it was not exciting.”

  I tell Hayley the story of my last week in school when I was thirteen and the touchy subject of my first kiss.

  “You mean to tell me you haven’t kissed a guy since?” she asks, incredulous.

  “Well, no…”

  “But babe, not every kiss is the same. Plus, guys learn with age, and, from what I heard, Aiden has learned a whole lot, if that’s where he started from.”

  “I don’t know, Hayles. I’ve never actually talked to anyone about this, so it’s been just eating me up from the inside, making me want to avoid guys altogether,” I say solemnly.

  “You mean you’ve never told any of your friends? Why? It’s nothing to be ashamed of! He was the one that fucked it up, not you,” Hayley states bluntly.

  “Errr… I mean… Ok, I’m just going to come out and say this, cause this is not going to sound any better with time… I never had a best friend, or even good friends…” I reply, focusing on the road intently.

  “Well, that’s ridiculous.” Hayley rolls her eyes as I park in front of my house. “You’re one of the coolest girls I know. It’s impossible that you’ve never had a best friend.”

  “It’s true. But hopefully, I do now…” I look up at her hesitantly.

  “Oh, babe!” Her eyes are big as she lunges at me, enveloping me in a huge hug. “Of course you do! I mean, I’ve known you for a little less than a week and I’m already going all territorial on your ass. Of course I’m your best friend, and you’re mine.”

  I smile and hug her back full force. “So there’s one more thing I should probably tell you,” I say once we break away. Hayley looks at me questioningly as we get out of the car. “You know the bet I lost with Aiden, the one where I had to cook for him? There was one more condition…”

  “Spit it out, bestie,” Hayley pokes me.

  “If I lost, I also agreed to go on a date with him…”

  “Oh my God! I knew it. You guys are so in looove! Your babies are going to be so beautiful!” She squeals as I wince.

  “Calm down, chihuahua, he hasn’t mentioned it since… Plus, that’d be my first date… Ever.”

  “Don’t worry, Jenny,” Hayley says, putting her arm over my shoulder and guiding me to the front door. “He won’t be able to wait much longer. I’m sure he’ll ask you about it soon.” We get inside the house and go to my room. “And when he does, I’ll dress you and do your makeup again! He will not be able to keep his hands to himself, yay!” she sing-songs as I put my head in my hands in resignation. “Oh…” She suddenly stops, flinging the clothes out of her bag onto my bed. “What about your date with Carter tonight?”

  “What?” I burst out laughing. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re going on a date tonight, to the party…” she says, looking at the floor.

  “Ewww, no! Did you think..? Eww! I told you, Carter and I are just friends. He’s like Jason to me. I’m wingwomaning him. I fully expect to be abandoned once he finds his first target for the night.”

  “Really?” Hayley looks up. “I mean, you two are always so flirty…”

  “Hayles, really? Flirting is how Carter speaks. You should see him having conversations with Jason, it’s utterly weird… Wait a minute, do you like him or something?”

  “No! Well, maybe. I don’t know…” Hayley sits on my bed and sighs. “Honestly, it’s confusing. Guys were the last thing on my mind when I worked my ass off to get into Starwood. Urrrgh. I just don’t know. Let’s just drop it for now and see how we get on with getting through this semester, okay?”

  “Okay, but if, at any time, you change your mind and want to talk about guys…I’m here!” She clearly needs to figure this out first.

  “Thanks, hon. Now let’s get you made up, not that you need much work…”

  “I don’t know, Hayley, I never really wear makeup. Are you sure about this?”

  “Trust me! I’ve picked up a few tricks along the way. I’ll make you look irresistible, yet fairly natural. Don’t worry, you will not look like an Oompa Lumpa.”

  “Speaking of, did you find out how she knows you?” I ask as Hayley puts a pile of clothes in my hands.

  “Go try these on,” she says, pushing me into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I strip off and put on the first thing. It’s a golden sequin, fitted dress; its collar is high; and it’s got short sleeves, but the length of the dress has a lot to answer for. It barely covers my bum. “Yeah, I found out how she knows me. She was trying for a campaign they selected me for.” Hayley continues through the bathroom door. “She must be holding a grudge or something.”

  “Oh… That explains how she knew your name and why she was being so bitchy,” I say, walking outside.

  “My, my.” Hayley chuckles.

  “What?” I ask. “Did I put it the wrong way around?”

  “No hon, my top looks lovely on you. I clearly didn’t think this through though…” She touches her finger to her chin.

  “Not my fault I’m little.” I pout.

  “I know!” Hayley exclaims. She runs into the bathroom, grabs the pile of clothes from the floor, then runs back into the bedroom, dropping them on the bed. She then proceeds by fishing out a black garment and throwing it at me. “Try this.”

  I reluctantly go back into the bathroom and change into the black thing, which happens to be amazing. It’s a black, sleeveless, fitted dress with a mesh neckline and back; the black material at the front of the dress is cut into a sort of sweetheart neckline but with a bit more edginess. It’s gorgeous. It’s sexy, but not too revealing, and it’s just the right length, coming to my mid-thigh.

  “Are you going to make me wait much longer?” Hayley asks impatiently. I open the door and step out. “Yeeeesssss!” A loud squeal comes out of my best friend’s mouth, and I grin at her. “I love it! Do you love it?” She continues excitedly. “It’s the shortest dress I own, and it’s just amazing on you!”

  “It’s perfect!” I nod.

  “Okay, shoes next. Show me what you’ve got.” I take her to my closet and point at my small collection of Chuck Taylors and flip-flops. “All right, all right,” Hayley nods to herself. “I can do this. We can find something… Yes! I’m on a pure genius streak today!” she exclaims, grabbing a pair of black high tops with skull print on them. “This will have to do, but we need to get you some heels asap! Here, put these on,” she orders. When I
’m done, she takes one of her silver cuffs and puts it around my wrist next to my charm bracelet. I look closer. It’s got small skulls all around it. “It’s Alexander McQueen,” she says, seeing my confusion. “It’ll make you fashionably casual with your converse and the hot dress, trust me. Now, to hair and makeup.” She pushes me onto the bed and pulls out what looks like a suitcase full of brushes and powders and creams. I close my eyes and pray that I come out of this alive.

  After what feels like days of having creams patted onto my face, powders carefully spread all over my eyes, and sprays and potions applied to my hair, Hayley finally steps away from me with a satisfied nod.

  “Perfect.” She nods to herself. “Have a look.”

  The girl looking back at me from the floor-length mirror in the corner of my room has me speechless. Hayley did exactly what she promised. My makeup is delicate but somehow makes my features defined. The black eyeliner around my eyes makes my blue eyes pop, and my lashes have never been this long before. I twirl around, amazed at how bouncy and healthy looking my hair is. Hayley pinned it to one side, making it drop over my right shoulder. I look incredible.

  “How did you do this?” I ask, impressed.

  “Well, you’re gorgeous, honey, so I didn’t actually have to do that much.” She smiles at me. I run to her and give her a hug.

  “Thank you! You’re amazing! I look hot!”

  “Babe, you’re hot with or without makeup.” She laughs. “Oh, before I forget, text me your shoe size and I’ll see what I can do with your heels situation.”

  “You’re like a fairy godmother.” I look up at her in astonishment. “You’re the best!” I definitely lucked out in the best friend department.

  Carter arrives just as we’re done packing up all of Hayley’s stuff back into her ginormous bag.

  “Hello there gorgeous and gorgeouser.” He winks at Hayley as he saunters into the living room. Then he does a double take and checks me out, whistling. “Well, well, Gollum, you clean up hot!”

  “Shut up, Kennedy,” I say playfully, punching him on the arm. “Are the guys with you? I haven’t seen them all day.”

  “No, hot stuff. They should be at the party when we get there. You guys ready? We’ll go grab something to eat before the party.”

  “Actually,” Hayley interrupts, “I’m not coming. But I’d really appreciate it if you could drop me off at my dorm.”

  “Nonsense, beautiful, you’re coming with us,” he says, fixing his gaze firmly on Hayley’s face, and she looked over at me in panic with pleading eyes.

  “Carter, when a lady says ‘no’ it means ‘no’. Not ‘let Carter convince you otherwise’,” I say.

  “Hmmm…” Carter pauses. “Fine, but come eat with us first? I can’t let a lady go hungry.”

  “Okay,” Hayley agrees weakly.

  After a meal comprising of burgers and fries, we drop Hayley off at her dorm and make our way to the party, which is in full swing by the time we get there.

  Masses of bodies are spilling out of the front door, and the music is pumping to the rhythm of my hammering heart. Carter takes my hand and guides me to the porch, veering around the bodies of the not-quite-sober people. I step to the side when a girl who is busy sucking some guy’s face suddenly pulls away and begins throwing up in the nearby bush. The guy just leaves her behind and moves on to the next girl, who looks almost as drunk as the first one and is willing to grant him some tonsil hockey time.

  “Yuck,” I say as we cross the threshold.

  “That’s nothing, Grasshopper. It gets worse as the night goes on.” He laughs at the disbelief on my face.

  “But it’s already ten,” I state, like that means that the party is about to finish. Frankly, I don’t know. This is my first party. Ever.

  “That’s what I mean,” Carter shouts in my ear over the music as we step into the living room. “The party is just about to start. Do you want a drink?” I nod, then look behind me at the exit and remember the girl who was throwing up.

  “Water, please!” I specify. Carter nods and walks towards what appears to be the kitchen area, still holding my hand. He lets go of me when we get there and walks over to the fridge, fist bumping with a few guys on the way. I take my alone time as an opportunity to look around. If this party is about to start, then what the hell do they call the state it is in now?

  There are at least three couples sitting on the same couch basically dry humping side by side. In the middle of the living room, the makeshift dance floor is filled with bodies and, as I’m about to turn, a drunken girl is propelled onto somebody’s shoulders. She squeals with laughter and pumps her fists in the air.

  I turn back to the kitchen and see Carter doing a keg stand while everyone is cheering wildly. I start wondering if I’m only here to be his designated driver just as he somersaults off the keg and back on his two feet. He grabs the bottle of water, two red cups to his right, and walks over to me, his eyes still clear, albeit getting a bit glassy.

  “Grasshopper! Did you see that?” he asks, handing me the bottle of water, downing the contents of one of the red cups then pouring my water into it.

  “Yes, I did. Pretty impressive,” I say, looking questioningly at the cup with an arched brow.

  “Oh, this? People can get aggressively pushy when they notice you’re not drinking alcohol. It’s best to pretend,” he says. It's kind of sweet that he’s taking care of me. “C’mon, let’s scout the area.” We make rounds, and it’s clear that Carter is one popular guy. Everyone is trying to chat with him and say ‘hi’. He ignores some, says ‘hi’ back to maybe half of the people who try, and introduces me as ‘Grasshopper’ to a handful, which makes me roll my eyes. Does he really think he is my Mr. Miyagi?

  When I look at my watch next, it’s almost midnight, and the party is truly getting out of hand. Some people are snoozing on the floor, some girls are dancing on the tables, stripping their tops off, and most of the crowd is engaging in some form of snogging in the available spaces of every room. I haven’t seen Aiden or Jason all evening, and Carter is, by now, positively slurring his words.

  “Jennyyyy, you’re so prettyyyy.” He lifts his hand to my hair but misses and pokes my chin instead. “Oops!” I laugh it off.

  “C’mon big guy, let’s find my brother,” I say, taking his hand and starting for the living room.

  “He’ll be uppstrais. I mean uptsairs, up-stair-sss, yesss,” he finishes triumphantly.

  “Let’s go then!” I say cheerily. I’m planning to dump the drunken mess on my brother and head home. When we get to the first floor, it takes a few tries and a few interrupted sessions of what looks like an exquisite drunken love making before we finally stumble upon a room with Jason in it. He sits in the middle like a king, with girls on either side of him forming a nice little circle.

  “Jenny! Carter!” he exclaims. “We’re playing truth or dare, come join us!”

  “Yaaay!” Carter plops between the couple of the girls. “My turn, my turn!” I suppress the urge to laugh.

  “I’m okay, Jason. I’m just going to head home.” I smile at him.

  “Do you have a ride? Aiden should be around. Ask him if you don’t.” He’s around? I perk up.

  “Ummm, no, I’ll just get a taxi.” I decide to play it cool and stumble around all the girls to give Jason a kiss on the cheek.

  “What about me?” Carter whines, so I lean over and give him one too. He quickly wraps his large arms around my waist and pulls me on top of him, making me squeal. “That a girl!” he says, satisfied.

  “Carter, bro. Let go of my sister.” I hear Jason growl, and Carter’s death grip on me loosens. I wriggle off of his lap, which he seems to be finding amusing since he starts singing Derulo. “Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!”

  “If you’re about to sing ‘You know what to do with that big fat butt’, I’ll punch you,” I say, finally managing to stand up. Carter just makes a zipping, locking, and throwing away the key motion on his lips and smiles hugel
y with his mouth still closed. “Night you two, have fun,” I say, leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

  As I walk down the hallway, I spot what seems to be the only free bathroom in the house—score—and decide to make a pit stop before calling a cab. Frat parties are not my thing. Once I’m done, I make my way out of the bathroom and proceed down the hallway and towards the staircase. It’s empty up here, the music still loudly pumping, but no one seems to be taking advantage of the breathing space. I notice there are socks hanging on doors. That’s why. This is the official ‘bang section’ of the house. A door to my left opens and a drunk guy stumbles out, falling on top of me. He’s taller than me and heavier, but I manage not to fall and just push him off me.

  “Hey beautiful,” he slurs. “What’s your name?”

  I hesitate. “Jenny. Are you ok?”

  “Jenny… Pretty name for a pretty girl. I’m fine now that you’re here.” His eyes are dark and he is not swaying as much as he was just a second ago.

  “Well, have a great night. It was nice meeting you.” I say, turning around, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back to face him. His grip is tight, and it’s starting to hurt.

  “You’re not leaving, are you?” he says steadily, none of the previous drunken slurring noticeable. I take a step back, but he’s still holding my arm, so he follows me until my back is against the wall. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all alone upstairs?”

  “I’m leaving.” My voice is calm and strong, even though inside I am shaking like a whippet in a snowstorm. “I was dropping off a friend of mine. You’re hurting my arm.” He looks down at where his hand is tightly wrapped around my upper arm and releases his hold a little, but doesn’t let go.

  “And you were going to go without giving me a kiss goodnight? Now that’s not nice, is it?” His voice is menacing as he leans over me and opens the door to a bedroom next to where we’re standing. My eyes widen. “Let’s have a little talk about manners,” he says, towering over me.

  “Hell no!” I growl and ready myself to knee him in the jewels when, suddenly, his body is flung away from me and into the opposite wall.


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