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For Crying Out Loud: The laugh out loud romantic comedy that everyone's talking about! (The False Start Book 1)

Page 11

by J. Preston

  “Are you sure, princess?”

  “Mmm,” she mumbles, grabbing my hand, her eyes still closed. I pull my t-shirt off but leave my sweats on. I need as many layers as possible between me and her. I slip under the covers, and she instantly moves in on me, putting her face on my chest and draping her leg over mine. Fuck, there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to sleep.

  10 Totally Innocent

  I wonder what my dog named me…

  - Aiden


  The sun is hot on my skin. I stare straight at it until my vision blurs and dark spots appear. I close my eyes and savour the sensation of seeing the sun against the black of my eyelids, like an eclipse I saw when I was seventeen.

  “Jenny…” Aiden’s deep, soft voice surrounds me, making me shiver. “Jenny,” he says again, and I open my eyes to see his beautiful face in front of me. I get up and walk over to him, propelled by courage I didn’t know I possessed. “You are so beautiful,” he says as I reach him. I put my hand on his bare chest and trace circles with my fingers. Aiden wraps his powerful arms around me and pulls me in closer.

  I crane my head up and see him beaming down at me. Happy, I’m happy. “I want you,” he whispers and pulls the strap of my top off my shoulders, leaning down and kissing where his fingers left a trail from my shoulder to my arm. He moves his lips back up to my shoulder and my neck, tracing little kisses down my collarbone. A guttural sound escapes me as he licks, then nips at my skin.

  “Aiden…” I moan as his hand traces up my back and under my top. “Aiden…” As his kisses go from my collarbone down towards my breasts, his jaw brushing against my nipple.

  “Aiden,” I mumble through my sleep, waking up slowly. I’m hot. Hot from desire and the sleepy memory of his burning body against mine. I shut my eyes tighter and try to go back to my dream. Where was I? The side of my face presses against his chest and my hand is still tracing circles on his skin. My leg is wrapped around his midsection and I press myself against him, sighing with pleasure when I feel his erection against me. An arm snakes around me and holds me tighter. A hand strokes up and down my leg.

  This feels so real, so vivid. I can smell him next to me. I can feel his chest rising up and down with every breath he draws. I open my right eye and nearly die of a heart attack. What the hell?

  My dream seems to be reality. How did this happen? Aiden is in my bed, sleeping on his back, his arm wrapped around me while I’m happily drooling on his chest. Shit!

  Am I drooling on his chest? I move my right arm and discreetly check his torso for any signs of wetness next to my face. As my hand connects with his hard, warm chest, I nearly moan.

  How am I supposed to survive with the British God of hotness in my bed without attacking him like the inexperienced sucker that I am?

  I move away, peeling my sticky leg off of his thigh and my head off his chest. He hums in protest, but lets me move and turns to his side, facing me. His left arm is still under my neck, and just as I am about to move, he wraps his right arm around me and pulls me into his chest, or rather pulls me in so that his face is in my chest…

  “Mmmmm strawberries, you smell like strawberries,” he mumbles through his sleep, sniffing my hair and nuzzling between my boobs. God, this feels too good.

  “Aiden,” I whisper.

  “Jenny,” he mumbles and pulls me in even closer, dropping sleepy little kisses on my collarbone, just like he did in my dream. What. The. Hell.

  “Aiden.” I try to pry myself gently out of his grasp, to no avail.

  “Mmm, you’re so damn sexy,” he mumbles, burying his face in my chest again. His breath tickles my breasts and a shiver of pleasure runs up and down my body as he licks the top of my cleavage. Shit. The asshole better be sleeping.

  “Aiden, wake up,” I say quite loudly, patting the side of his body not so gently. I need to put a stop to this while I still can. Otherwise I’ll be losing my virginity in the next ten minutes.

  “Mmmm?” he mutters sleepily.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead,” I say, pinching his side.

  “Aww, what’s that for?” he mumbles, opening his eyes, his gaze landing straight on my boobs, since it’s right in front of his nose. “Now that’s a sight I wouldn’t mind waking up to every day,” he mutters.

  “Stop staring and let me out of your death grip,” I say, feigning annoyance. In reality, I’m quite pleased. I wouldn’t mind sleeping next to this hunk of a man every night, either. Not that I’d ever voice that desire out loud. Like never. Ever.

  Aiden reluctantly loosens his grip and lets me go.

  “What the hell, Jenny!” My door bursts open and a pissed off Hayley storms in. I scream and jump away from Aiden like we were doing something I-wish-we-were-doing-but-would-never-have-the-guts-to-admit-it… “Oh shit!” Hayley’s jaw drops to the floor.

  “Morning,” I say, my face crimson, putting as much distance between Aiden and me on the bed as possible.

  “Now I get why you didn’t text me back last night,” she says, cocking her head to the side with a knowing smile. “I was worried I’d have to look for you in a ditch somewhere, but I can see you were being taken care of.” She grins.

  Aiden shoots up in the bed. “It’s not what it looks like,” he says groggily, and somehow my chest squeezes. Goddamnit! I wish it was exactly what it looked like. “We watched a movie and then we just fell asleep.” In my bed…me straddling him and having dirty dreams. Yup. Totally innocent.

  “Uh-huh.” Hayley smirks.

  “I’ve got to go, anyway. I’m supposed to be at the centre soon,” Aiden says, yawning. What centre? Way to throw a poor excuse into this combo…

  “Uh, okay. I’ll see you later then,” I say as he gets up smiling at me and starts walking out of my room, my gaze following his perfectly shaped backside all the way to the door. He stops next to Hayley, bends over, granting me a view I wish I could take a picture of to pick up his t-shirt off the floor, then leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  I wipe the drool from my face.

  “Well, well,” Hayley says with her hands on her hips. “Well, well, well….”

  “Nothing happened,” I say.

  “Nothing?” She asks with disbelief?

  “Nothing,” I admit, to my dismay.

  “Then what do you call him sleeping in your bed?”

  “A dream come true?” I make an innocent face.

  “So you admit it then?”

  “Admit what?” I decide to play dumb.

  “You’ve got it bad for him. As I said before, there’s a fine line between hate and love, babe. A fine line indeed.” I sigh and nod. I don’t want to admit it out loud, but I can acknowledge the fact that my feelings towards him have made a u-turn in the last few weeks. Damn it. “So how was last night?” Hayley asks, sitting next to me on the bed.

  “I am pretty sure frat parties are not my thing,” I disclose.

  “You’re preaching to the choir, sister!”

  “Aiden finally asked me out,” I say.

  “What?! And you took all this time before you told me? Details, now!” she practically screams at me.

  I tell her about last night’s conversation with Aiden, and she once more nominates herself as my official stylist and makeup artist.

  I go shower while she rummages through my closet in search of an outfit. When I get out, I find her sitting on my bed with a smug smile.

  “I smell a trap,” I laugh, putting my wet hair up in a bun. Hayley scoffs.

  “Uh-uh, I found it,” she says mysteriously.


  “Ta-da!” She gestures to her left. I walk over to her side of the bed and gasp. How the hell did she do this?

  “You’re incredible…” I whisper; eyeing up the white, oversized, silk blouse; ripped, skinny blue jeans; and a red, suede belt I used to wear in high school.

  “Which brings me to the next topic,” she says with an excited smile on her face. “I’ve got something f
or you.” She reaches to her bag on the floor and pulls out what I can only describe as the most beautiful thing in the world.

  It appears I’ve got a thing for high heels. I start jumping up and down, clapping my hands. Hayley just shakes her head and passes me a pair of gorgeous, red suede sandals from Jimmy Choo. They have an open toe and cut out details on the sides with a woven design running from one side to the other. I look at the zip fastening on the back of the heel and the ankle strap and gently caress the shoes in my hand, hugging them to my chest. Hayley laughs.

  “Put them on,” she says. “They’ve got a tiny platform which will add a bit more height. Plus the color goes perfectly with the belt, completing your outfit.”

  In what seems to be my Cinderella moment, I slip my feet into the otherworldly things and stand up straight, wobbling a little.

  “You’ve got a week to practice walking,” Hayley says, taking my hand and guiding my first Bambi-like steps around the room, giving me pointers. An hour later, I confidently stroll around my room, not holding onto Hayley or the walls. Although my feet are killing me, I am seriously considering staying in the shoes forever and pledging my undying love to Mr. Choo.

  “Okay,” Hayley says. “Time to take these bad boys off and let your feet rest for a bit. They’re on loan from a stylist friend of mine, so I’ll need them back at some point, but they’re yours for now.” I sit down and reluctantly take the shoes off. I gently stroke them and put them in my closet, waving at them before closing the door.

  “Ladies!” My door flies open, and in comes Carter, wearing sunglasses and the same clothes he had on last night. Does anyone even knock these days? He starts taking his sunglasses off, then suddenly pushes them back up his nose with a small cry. “Jenny, what voltage do you have here? 2000? So bright, so fucking bright!”

  I chuckle. “It’s called daylight, genius. How was the rest of your night?”

  “Good, I think. I woke up in your brother’s warm embrace on the floor of his bedroom… Not quite sure how we got there. Thankfully, we were both fully clothed. Not sure what I’d do if we weren’t, probably have nightmares for years to come.” Hayley and I outright laugh. “Too loud!” Carter winces and covers his ears, which just makes us laugh louder and harder. “Stop with the incessant cackling, I beg you!”

  When we finally calm down, Carter sighs with relief and walks towards my bed, jumping onto it and wrapping himself in my comforter. I raise my eyebrows at Hayley, who just shrugs at me in response.

  “Do you mind if I snooze for a bit?” Carter asks, digging himself deeper into my pillows and sighing happily.

  “Sure…” I answer like I have a choice. Which, clearly, I don’t since I can hear quiet snoring coming from underneath the pillows.

  Hayley and I exit the room, leaving Carter behind. The house is quiet, bar the loud snores coming from Jason’s room.

  “C’mon,” I say. “Let’s have some breakfast.”

  11 Wittle Kissy-Wissy

  I won’t be impressed with technology until I can download food.

  - Jason


  The thing is, I was obviously half asleep while I basically motor-boated Jenny’s chest. Not that it didn’t feel like heaven. Thank God for small favours and Hayley walking in on us when she did. A minute later and I could not be held responsible for my own actions.

  So I ran out of there like my ass was on fire and hiding a raging…ugh.

  It’s not a big deal. We just slept in the same bed.



  All I could do this week was think about her body wrapped around mine. Her fingers tracing a fiery pattern on my chest. Not necessarily a good thing. I couldn’t focus in class or in the Youth Centre where I volunteered.

  I wasn’t sure how to act around Jenny, so I just did what any coward would. I made sure we didn’t ‘bump’ into each other at home or in school.

  But I watched her. I went back into my stalkery, high-schooly, pathetic ways. I knew her schedule, where she’d be, and…I watched her. Talking with Hayley on the green in front of the library. Catching up with Jason before one of her classes. Laughing with Carter by the gymnasium. I nearly ripped his head off that time he pinched her side, making her squeal. I seriously considered hiring a hitman. Someone who could just take him out quietly.

  Not a big deal…

  Who am I kidding? Jenny Cowley is a big deal; she is the real thing, and I am on a straight path to losing my mind. I need to shake out of it before I destroy my friendship with her, Jason, or Carter. I can’t just let my emotions take over and wreak havoc, can I?

  I sigh and look into the bathroom mirror, then down at my watch. Twenty minutes.

  Twenty minutes until I go get Jenny and take her out for our date. I pour some cold water on my hands and run them through my hair, trying to get the fuckers to agree with what I have in mind. They seem to have a mind of their own, though.

  A soft knock startles me. I turn and open the bathroom door hesitantly, revealing Jason. He pushes past me, then closes the door behind him, locking it and turning around. His arms crossed over his chest.

  “Jason…” I start. How am I even going to explain to him what’s going on in my head?

  “No, man. You do not talk. I talk,” he says, going all brother bear. I lean against the sink and nod for him to continue. “Don’t do anything stupid. Just take her out to dinner, make some conversation, then bring her back home. No funny business. She’s my sister, not some chick you pick up at a frat party.”

  “I know, Jason. You know I’d never do anything to hurt her.”

  “Is that so?” He narrows his eyes. “I seem to remember something different, like when you spread a rumour about her, making her retract into her shell. Ring any bells?”

  “I’m sorry…” I hang my head. How do I even go about explaining it? “She punched me. I mean, I kissed her then, and she punched me. I was really hurt…and an idiot.” Jason’s mouth lifts in a half smile.

  “You’ve got that right… At least it sounds like my little sis can take care of things when someone tries to take what’s not theirs.” His smile disappears, and he looks straight at me. “None of that shit tonight, capisce?” I take a deep breath and nod. I’ll try. The truth of the matter is that I can’t stop myself from thinking about her. “Good talk, man!” Jason lightens up and pats my back as he makes his way out of the bathroom. He turns around before opening the door. “I’ll break your face if you so much as touch her without her permission. No—scratch that—she’s off limits, period.”

  I watch the door close behind him, then look back up into the mirror. I splash cold water on my face and go back to my room, where I pull on a pair of black jeans and a white top. In the last ditch effort, I run my hand through my hair, but it just sticks out however it wants, so I let it go.

  I go to Jenny’s room and knock.

  “I’ll be out in a minute,” she yells through the closed door. I lean against the wall, closing my eyes, taking another deep breath and giving myself an internal pep talk. It’s not too late to go back to my room and forget about the whole thing. That would probably be the safest thing to do.

  “Hi,” she says, standing next to me. I didn’t even hear her come outside. I turn to say ‘hi’ back, but no words come out. Instead, I just gape at her, mouth open and everything. She looks incredible, and I can’t stop myself from checking her out. She’s wearing these amazing red heels. Did she know I’ve got a thing for red heels? She seems taller, her head reaching my neck. Not good, not good at all. That much closer to lean over and kiss her plump lips.

  “Hi,” I finally croak out. Checking out her legs in the ripped skinny jeans she has on, my gaze goes higher, stopping at her waist where her blouse is half tucked into her jeans. I can see a glimpse of a red belt and I force myself to look higher up, lingering for a second too long on her chest, then moving to her neck and finally her beautiful face. Her chestnut brown hair is loose on her sho
ulders, twisting into waves here and there.

  “Hi,” she says again, looking down and blushing a little. She’s probably as nervous as I am. The thought makes me relax.

  “Ready?” I ask, smiling down at her.

  “Would you put them away?” she mumbles, irritated.

  “Pardon?” I ask, confused.

  “The dimples, goddamnit. I can’t think when you’re unleashing them full force.” She goes a deep shade of red, almost matching the amazing shoes she’s got on, and I laugh.

  “Sorry.” I try hard not to smile, but the fact that my smile might affect her just made my day. “Let’s go, kitten,” I say, taking her hand and guiding her out of the house. We pass Jason, who is sitting on the couch.

  “You kids have fun,” he shouts at us. “Young man, make sure to bring her back home by midnight!” he finishes in his best ‘dad’ voice. He’s wearing a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and has an unlit pipe in his mouth. God knows where he got the props from. Jenny laughs.

  “Night, Jason,” she says, as we walk outside.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Jason yells. “No wait, that’s a lot of things! Just don’t do anything!”

  We walk to the Jeep and I open the passenger door for her. She smiles at me gratefully. I can’t shake off the feeling of happiness, like what we’re doing feels so fucking right, but in the back of my mind I keep remembering this is Jenny’s official first date and, as much happiness as that thought brings me, I am also aware it’s entirely my fault.

  “Music?” I ask, getting into the driver's seat and pulling out of the driveway. Jenny distractedly presses the button for the radio and loud country music starts playing from the speakers.

  “Mmmm,” I start. “Big fan of country then?”

  “Sorry,” she mumbles, switching the radio off. “Can we just keep it off? I’m a bit nervous.”


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