For Crying Out Loud: The laugh out loud romantic comedy that everyone's talking about! (The False Start Book 1)

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For Crying Out Loud: The laugh out loud romantic comedy that everyone's talking about! (The False Start Book 1) Page 12

by J. Preston

  “Sure,” I say, putting my hand on hers and squeezing it for reassurance. “What are you nervous about?”

  She looks up at me, then quickly looks away. “I don’t know,” she says, biting her lip. “I guess I’m worried that I’ll be a terrible date.”

  “Ah,” I say, trying not to laugh. How could she ever think that? “What, with your shit chat and no sense of humour? Yes, I can see why you might be worried.”

  “Jerk,” she punches me playfully on the shoulder.

  “C’mon, kitten, you know you’ll be great. Just relax.” I smile at her. When we arrive at the restaurant, I squeeze her hand. “I’ll make you a deal,” I say. “Since it’s your first proper date, I’ll tell you some first date horror stories so you can see how lucky you are that your first date is with me.” I flash her my best smile and run out to open her car door. She takes my hand and slips out of the car.

  “Lucky that your big head fits through the entrance to the restaurant?” She giggles.

  We follow the hostess to our table, and I pull out her chair for her, determined to make this the best date she’ll ever have.

  “May I get you something to drink?” the waiter asks. I raise my eyebrow questioningly at Jenny.

  “Water is good with me,” she breathes.

  “As per the ladies’ order, could we please have a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Tap…and a bottle of Champagne?” I look at Jenny. She nods excitingly. The waiter smiles and walks away.

  “Tell me about the horror stories,” Jenny speaks, looking down at the menu.

  “Some of them are less horror-y than others, and some of them are not mine, but I guess at least you’ll see how a date can go downhill really fast.” I take a deep breath and start, “I once took this girl out for drinks. She was really nice. When we got to the bar, she called her mum to join us…along with her mum’s boyfriend.” Jenny giggles. “I am sad to admit her mum was a lot more fun than she was.”

  “More!” Jenny smiles, lighting up the entire room.

  “Okay… When I was seventeen, my mum tried to set me up with one of her friend’s daughters. It was so awkward. Neither one of us spoke a word to each other except for ‘hi’…and ‘bye’ thirty minutes later when we realised we had nothing to talk about.” Jenny’s eyes are huge and she’s trying to hold back laughter. “I’ve got a better one. Last year, Jason went out with this really pretty girl. They were getting on like a house on fire. Drinks were flowing, and as she got increasingly more tipsy, she started to speak baby-talk to him, asking if he wanted a ‘wittle kissy-wissy’.”

  “No!” Jenny bursts out laughing.

  “That’s not all,” I continue. “When he excused himself to go to the bathroom, wanting to make a call for backup, she actually asked him if he needed help wiping!” Jenny gasps. “When he got to the toilet, the waitress serving them told him that the girl just placed a pacifier on his plate and that if he needs to escape through the back door, she can help.” Jenny shakes her head in disbelief. “He ended up dating the waitress for a month…so I guess something good came out of it.”

  “Typical Jason…”

  “Yup, don’t know why he wouldn’t dig that girl. Baby-talk is soo sexy.” I wink at her.

  The waiter comes back to the table with our Champagne. He takes our orders and visibly checks Jenny out with appreciation. I clench my fists and try keeping it cool. I didn’t think I was the jealous type but it’s becoming evident that I am.

  “What’s wrong?” Jenny asks, gently touching my hand.

  “Nothing.” I relax and smile at her. I take the glass of Champagne and hold it up. “Cheers, kitten,” I say.

  “Cheers! To my first date.” She beams, and I can’t help myself.

  “To our first date.” I hold her gaze, then take a sip.

  “So how does this work, anyway?” she asks. “What do you normally do on a first date?”

  “You talk; you get to know each other,” I reply. “You ask questions you’d like to know the answers to. For example, why were you excited about the first day of school for the first time in a long time?” Jenny looks surprised.

  “Oh.” She blushes. “You remembered that.” I nod. “Well, I guess I can tell you.” She takes a big breath. “It’s just that… You know all my life we would move around, each year a different place and I just…I hated it. I’d have to start over in a new school every year. Just as I made friends, we’d move again. It was so exhausting. So the prospect of the next few years in one place was exhilarating,” she finishes in one quick torrent of words.

  “That’s understandable.”

  “Your turn,” she says.


  “Tell me about yourself. What was it like growing up, Aiden VonSchmuck?” she says, then covers her mouth in realisation. I laugh.

  “Is that what you call me?”

  “Used to… Old habits die hard, I guess.” She grins, sticking her tongue out at me.

  “I suppose I deserved that,” I say, laughing. “And, to answer your question, my life growing up was peachy. Especially if you like fake friends who are only after your money and status and expensive presents from absentee parents,” I finish. Jenny looks at me with sadness. She reaches out and takes my hand, squeezing it.

  “I’m sorry,” she says just as our food arrives. I kick myself for bringing the mood down as we dig into our dishes.

  “So what do you want to do when you grow up?” Jenny asks me.

  “Wow, imagine that.”


  “You’re the first person to ever ask me that…”


  “Everyone just assumes that I will follow in my father’s footsteps, get a business degree, go back to England, take over the company…” I say. “No one ever asked me what I want.”

  “And what do you want?” Jenny cocks her head to the side.

  “I want to help people,” I say, quietly.

  “That’s great,” she says encouragingly. “So what’s your major? Sociology?”

  “I’m still undeclared,” I wince.

  “How come?”

  “Ongoing battle with my father,” I admit. “He wants me to do a business orientated course. I don’t.”

  “Oh, that must suck. I’m sorry,” she says. I’m about to shrug it off when a familiar girl strolls over to our table.

  “Aiden, darling. How have you been?” She leans over and kisses me on both cheeks.

  “I’m fine, thanks. How are you, uhhmm…”

  “Chloe, silly!” she exclaims, shaking her blonde bob. Ah yes, that was her name. “I’m well, thank you. What are you doing here?” I look over at her, then at Jenny, who is fuming. What does it look like I’m doing? I’m about to reply when Jenny interjects.

  “Long time no see, Oompa Lumpa.” Chloe veers to look at Jenny.

  “If anyone is a midget here, it’s you,” she says, then turns back to me.

  “At least I’m not orange,” Jenny mumbles under her breath.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were with someone,” Chloe continues, ignoring Jenny. “You looked so bored, I thought I’d come over to say ‘hello’.”

  “Couldn’t be more wrong,” I reply, seeing the anger on Jenny’s face. “I’m quite happy with the current company.” Jenny looks up and throws daggers at Chloe’s back with her eyes. I decide to take matters into my own hands. “We were actually about to leave,” I say, getting up and taking Jenny by her hand.

  “Oh, okay then. Don’t be a stranger.” Chloe pouts.

  “Fat chance,” Jenny mumbles, and I fight the smile threatening to break through. Kitten has claws.

  We walk away and I pay the bill.

  “Sorry that our date got cut short,” I say as we get into the car. “Do you want to go anywhere else?”

  She huffs.


  “Home,” she growls.


  “Don’t you kitten me! How do you know the she-devil?” J
enny narrows her eyes at me. She looks fiery and angry and… Fuck Jason! All I want to do is kiss her right now.

  “I don’t, really,” I say with a half smile. Could Jenny be actually jealous? “I think she used to date Jason last year, or be one of his groupies. I’m not sure.”

  “Humph!” Jenny replies, crossing her arms and looking out the window.

  “Kitten…” I say again.

  “She’s just so…so mean! I can’t believe you’d hang out with someone like her.” She turns to me. I smile and hold my hand out to her. She takes it reluctantly and I squeeze it.

  “I don’t, Jenny. Was she mean to you?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m just pissed off she messed up my first date,” she says.

  “Our first date,” I correct her.

  “Yeah.” She relaxes. “Sorry, she just irritates the crap out of me. I’m messing this date up even more, aren’t I?”

  Her hand is still in mine and, honestly, the world could end and I’d die with a happy smile on my face. She couldn’t mess it up in a million years.

  “It’s not over just yet,” I say, pulling into our driveway.

  “But…” she says, confused. “We’re home.”

  I get out of the car and open the door for her.

  “I’ve got something for you,” I say, taking her hand and closing the door behind her. I turn back to the house. It’s dark.

  “You do?”

  “Uh-huh.” I smile, reaching into my back pocket and handing her the small object. She takes it and looks at the silver charm.

  “A strawberry…” she trails off.

  “You smell just like one.” I smile.

  “Aiden, is it m-” I stop her, pressing my finger against her lips.

  “Don’t spoil this moment with questions you’re not ready to hear the answers to.” I look deep into her eyes. I’m laying it on thick, but I can’t help myself. She’s everything I want. The need to make her mine consumes me. I take the charm and attach it to her bracelet. “There, now you have two nicknames.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Thank you. It’s very thoughtful of you.” She smiles, then pulls my face down and kisses me on my cheek. I just about have a heart attack, then she walks past me towards the door. She turns halfway up the path. “Walk me to my door.” I follow her like a puppy as we go inside.

  When we stop outside her bedroom door, I take her hand.

  “A good date should always have some dancing involved,” I say.

  “Is that so?” She smiles. I nod.

  “May I have this dance?” I ask.

  “There’s no music…” she replies, confused.

  I pull my phone out and scroll down, pressing play when I find the right song. I press the volume button up and put the phone back into my pocket, taking Jenny into my arms. She presses her head against my neck and we sway to the rhythm of the song. She’s so close to me I can feel her heartbeat, the heat of her body.

  I pull her in closer and inhale the scent of strawberries filling my nostrils. All I can think of is kissing her. All I can do is to hold her close and not let go. I need to make sure that she knows what a proper kiss is like. I need…

  I need her.

  When the lyrics start, I whisper the word into her hair. ‘I think I might have inhaled you…’ ‘You gotten into my bloodstream…’ She looks up at me and smiles. I decide there will never be a better moment.

  “You know, there’s another dating disaster story I wanted to tell you about,” I say, looking into her blue eyes.

  “Oh, yeah?” she asks playfully.

  “Uh-huh. When I was fourteen, I was head over heels for this girl,” I say. “She was my best friends’ little sister and completely out of my league, plus I was a total coward, always too afraid to talk to her.” Her eyes go huge, and I lift my hand to caress her cheek. “One day I found out that she’d be leaving forever and decided to just suck it up and tell her how I felt about her.”

  “I think I know this story,” she whispers.

  “I don’t think you know my version…” I reply. “The next day when I found her, she was waiting for her older brother. I was terrified, but walked up to her anyway. We talked a little and then I kissed her. She was my first real kiss.” Jenny gasps. “I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world, her lips on mine. Her lips tasted like bubble gum. I remember that… I often wonder if they still taste the same,” I say, touching my finger to her lips. “But she must have thought differently,” I sigh. “In fact, she must have thought the kiss was horrible since she punched me and ran away, leaving me heartbroken.”

  “Sorry.” She mouths.

  “Don’t be, I did some stupid things after that… I’m sorry.”

  “I was your first real kiss?” she asks in disbelief. I nod.

  “I need you to know…” I whisper, leaning down.

  “Yes?” she whispers back.

  “That I’ve learned how to kiss since then.”

  “Oh,” she gasps as I brush my lips against hers.

  I take her head between my hands and press my lips gently to hers. I don’t expect the force in which she responds. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down and pressing her body to mine. I nip at her lower lip, sucking on it gently, and she moans, making me growl. Her heady scent surrounds me. I’m so fucking crazy about her. I pull her up and hold her tight against me while she wraps her legs around my waist, her lips against mine, her hands in my hair.

  She sneaks her tongue in between my lips and I can’t take it anymore. Groaning, I attack her lips like they’re the last drop of water in a desert. Praying for self-control.

  I can’t take this any further.

  I can’t.

  She doesn’t taste like bubble gum anymore, she tastes like strawberries. I pull her in, exploring, tasting, probing…

  Our kiss becomes more and more frantic and I press her against the wall, leaving the comfort of her lips and burrowing my face in her neck, kissing and sucking her soft skin. Jenny moans and pulls me in tighter against her, rocking into me as she grabs my hair and pulls, ripping my head away from her neck.

  Fuck, she’s so hot, so demanding as she presses her lips against mine and passionately kisses me. I can’t think straight anymore, there’s just me and her and nobody fucking else counts.


  “I take it you two had a good night then,” Jason’s pissed off voice breaks me out of my dream.

  I reluctantly pull away from Jenny. We’re both panting. Her face is flushed and her hair is a mess. She looks fucking glorious. I gently put her down.

  “Hi, Jason.” She blushes. “Yeah, it was really nice.” She looks up at me and winks. I swear my knees weaken. She must know how sexy she is. “Thanks for the goodnight kiss, VonSchmuck.” She stands on her tiptoes and pulls my head down, placing a kiss on my cheek. “Night boys, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She walks into her bedroom and closes the door behind her.

  I turn around to face the music, and my eye connects with Jason’s fist.

  12 Temporary Insanity

  Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?

  – Carter


  The memory of Aiden’s hot lips lingers on mine for days after the kiss. I’d have never in a million years thought that kissing could be that amazing, well, at least not after the first time he kissed me…

  The second first time? A whole different story.

  It’s like he lit a fire in me I never knew existed, and now I have serious hots for the boy. The kind that makes me want to dry hump him when I see him or think of him… And I think of him a lot. The problem is, I don’t see him.

  Aiden Vaughn has disappeared from the face of the Earth. After our incredible kiss, which was rudely interrupted by Jason, I went to my bedroom to take a cold shower before bed. As one would, when one is so incredibly turned on, one can’t think straight… You get my drift.

  When I woke up the next morning, the house was empty. Bo
th Aiden and Jason were off somewhere. I thought little of it and just went about my day, meeting up with Hayley for a study session and an incredibly vivid description of the kiss I shared with a certain someone the night before. Let’s just say catching up on lab work did not take precedence.

  After unsuccessful attempts at studying, we finally parted ways. When I got home, Jason was back but Aiden was still MIA. Jason was behaving like a child, huffing in the corner and flicking through sports channels on TV, so I left him to his own devices to calm down.

  He’s been calming down for a week now… Seriously. My brother is full on avoiding my presence, and whenever I’m trying to talk to him about what he saw, he changes the subject and leaves the room. This would not bother me as much if it wasn’t for the fact that Aiden has been gone all that time. He’s not been in the house and he hasn’t tried calling or texting me. Although, to be fair, I haven’t either; but he should try contacting me first, right?

  Jason’s childish dodging attempts have quickly transformed from being entertaining to hurtful. I have done nothing wrong, have I?

  Well, I am about to find out. I storm into my brother’s bedroom, pulling the covers off his body. I silently pray that he is alone in his bed. It seems that someone up there is looking down on me with a gracious eye since they answer my prayers. Phew. That could have been awkward.

  “Lemme sleep,” Jason mumbles.

  “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” I shout at him. He springs up to a sitting position and rubs his eyes.

  “Everything okay? What’s going on?” he asks, looking around on high alert.

  “No, everything is not okay!” I say, sitting down on his bed. “Why are you avoiding me?”

  “What?” His shoulders slump. “Jenny…do we have to do this so early in the morning?”

  “It’s eleven, genius,” I say, fighting the lump in my throat.

  “Exactly. C’mon sis, let’s talk later.” He exhales.

  “No!” I clench my fists. My voice is wavering and my eyes feel hot and prickly. “Jason, why are you not talking to me?”

  “I am. We’re talking right now, aren’t we?” He sighs.


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