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Ties of Magic (Curse of the Crown Book 2)

Page 5

by Caitlin Taylor

  "Are you all right?" Akoni asked in concern.

  "That was unexpected, but I'm fine. Did you mean to do that?"

  "Does it ever do what I want it to?" Akoni groaned and raked his fingers through his hair, tugging on it.

  "I guess not then." He came to take the shield from Akoni. "It's been a long day. Let's leave it here."

  "I'm sorry, Paul." Akoni hung his head in defeat. Not because of a lost practise fight but because it didn't bode well for everything else.

  "There's no need. I pushed you far today, you did well. Considering." The marshal returned both his intact sword and Akoni's shield to their racks, a small pile of ash the only remnants of the others.

  Akoni brushed at the dirt clinging to his clothes. "I spent more time on the ground than anything else."

  "Falling down isn't unusual in battle. What matters is getting back up again. And you did, every time."

  "I didn't really want to that last time," Akoni admitted.

  "What changed?"

  "I think my magic forced me up. Almost like it was acting in self-preservation. It wouldn't let me die."

  "Well, that may be the first good thing you've told me about your magic." The marshal clapped Akoni on the back, leading him towards the exit of the training yard.

  "Hmm, I'm not convinced."

  "Get some rest, Akoni. We'll continue another day."

  "Thank you, Paul."

  "Anytime. Your Majesty."


  It had been a long day even before Akoni had gone to see the marshal. A day of meetings with lords and officials, each one presenting another problem wreaking havoc in the empire, yet no one had solutions. His magic had been thrumming beneath his skin for hours, an unpleasant, itching sensation irritating him. When Akoni pushed open the door to his bedroom, all he wanted was to collapse into bed and enjoy a few moments of what passed as sleep for him these days.

  Alas, opening the door revealed an unexpected sight. A figure knelt at the foot of his bed, half clothed in a simple, near see-through shift. At his entry, he sat up, his hands folded behind him, pushing out his chest. A string around his neck held a note. Sweeping the room with his gaze, Akoni found no one else in it. The fire burned in the hearth, casting a golden glow across the furniture, as well as the man's figure.

  He took the note and read it: With my compliments, Nace.

  Akoni smiled. It was not the first time Ignacio had done something like this. But he wished Ignacio had chosen another day for it. He looked at the young man again. Blond and hazel-eyed, slender yet toned, he was exactly what Akoni liked. Used to like. He sighed and headed to an armchair by the fire, sinking into it.

  "What's your name?"

  "Tiago, Master."

  "Tiago. How old are you?"

  "Twenty, Master. I'm here to serve you, whatever way you wish it." He spoke with a clear voice, a hint of an accent from the Western Isles ringing pleasantly.

  "I know and I fear it's not a good day for it."

  The boy crawled closer, kneeling at Akoni's feet. "You seem tense, Master. If you don't wish to make use of me, let me look after you. I could run you a bath maybe? Or give you a massage?"

  "You're from Mesancon?"

  "Yes, Master."

  "Whose service are you in?"

  "Yours, Master. Tonight, I only serve you. No one else will know of my time spent here."

  "But you have a master you'll be returning to tomorrow."

  "Not a master exactly, a... Veraco." He shrugged, unable to translate the term.

  Akoni sighed, running a hand over his face. He didn't used to care, would have bedded him without question. What had changed?

  The answer was obvious: the young man was not whom he wanted. He pressed two fingers against his eyes, and memories returned unbidden, Jeffrey's sea-green eyes haunting him. His magic stirred.

  Tiago shuffled closer. A touch on his calf, lifting his leg, his boots removed one by one. More shuffling and receding footsteps. Akoni opened his eyes: the boy had disappeared. He returned moments later with a wide bucket filled with steaming water. Gentle fingers drew his trouser legs up and placed each foot in the heated water.

  Akoni sighed with pleasure. The water eased some of the tension in him, the heat seeping into his body in a different way than the glow from the fire did. It was more soothing. The boy got up and stood behind Akoni. Gentle fingers massaged his shoulder blades and his neck, loosening knots he hadn't known existed.

  "Hmm, you are good."

  The fingers continued to move, and Akoni relaxed more with each moment. Reaching higher, tender strokes rubbing his scalp, his forehead, his temples. He became boneless.

  Tiago trailed his fingers down Akoni's arm, towards his hand.

  "No," Akoni snapped, withdrawing his arm.

  The boy scrambled away, falling to his knees, muttering apologies.

  Akoni groaned. His magic was so random, making him do things he didn't understand. "I need to go sleep."

  The moment he lifted his legs out of the water, Tiago was there to dry them. Akoni let him. What had caused him to withdraw his hand? His magic had stirred, his hand charged with energy that may release without warning, but why? The boy had touched much of him, and nothing had happened. Like so many things it did, there was no sense in it. It was frustrating.

  Tiago finished, and Akoni stood, looking at the boy. "You may undress me."

  The boy set to work, smiling. He started with Akoni's robe, loosening laces until he could remove it. He tugged the crisp white shirt out of the trousers and raised it up over Akoni's head. Buttons on the trousers came next. He pulled the cloth down, efficient movements, nothing sexual about it. Akoni was glad for it.

  Once naked, he went to the bed and got in. He held the blanket out in invitation, and Tiago eagerly joined him, dropping the shift from his shoulders as he walked. Akoni spooned the other's smaller frame, wrapping his arms around him and holding him close. It had been a long time since he'd been with anyone, maybe too long. Even longer since he'd held someone he cared for.

  Akoni dreamt of Jeffrey that night, about them exploring the market again and the rest of the city, staying at Extraneo with him, just the two of them, swimming in the ocean, fooling around at the beach. It was a blissful dream, so vivid, he didn't know he was dreaming.

  When Akoni woke, dream and reality blurred. He blinked sleepily, his eyes fixing on a vision of blond hair. It tickled his nose with each inhale, a floral scent filling his nostrils. The first cracks appeared. He tightened his hold on the other man, explored smooth skin, too soft and supple. He skimmed his fingers over a hairless stomach, no abs, no hard lines of muscle. Reality sank in, and the illusion shattered. Akoni turned away, lying on his back, an arm slung over his face. Unwanted emotions surfaced within him. He fought them, pushed them back into oblivion.

  Next to Akoni, Tiago stirred and rolled over. Hazel eyes blinked open to gaze at Akoni. "Master," Tiago murmured, his lips curling into a smile of pleasure. He trailed his hand over Akoni's chest, downwards.

  Akoni caught Tiago's hand and held it, his grip too strong.

  Tiago stilled. "I apologise, Master."

  "Hush, it's not you."

  For a time they were quiet and still.

  Tiago broke the silence. "Master, would a hot bath help? I could run one for you?"

  "A bath would be lovely." Akoni rolled away from his willing servant, smiling at him. "No need to run one. The palace aqueducts mean there is always hot water."

  Taking Tiago's hand, Akoni led him to the adjacent bathroom and into the sunken basin filled with warm water. He lay down and let the heat soak into him.

  Tiago found a sponge and, with gentle fingers, washed and massaged him. The touch was different, but it was so familiar.

  Akoni sighed as if in pain.

  "Master, I'm sorry," Tiago said, his hands frozen. "Did I hurt you?"

  Akoni opened his eyes and shook his head. "You could not hurt me more than I am already hurt
ing, Tiago. Your touch is wonderful."

  "He must be very special," Tiago said in a whisper.


  "I can tell, Master." Tiago shrugged at the surprised look Akoni gave him. "I am here to please you in whatever way I can. I am sorry, I'm not doing well."

  "Oh Tiago." Akoni reached out, caressing the other man's cheek. "I had hoped you'd help me forget him actually. Instead..." He let out a humourless laugh.

  "We need not talk, if you prefer, Master. But I sense you wish to."

  "I am more impressed with you every minute. I loathe him and yet I cannot forget him." Akoni leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Tiago had moved on to massaging his legs and his feet. It felt marvellous. "He abandoned me when I needed him most. I don't think I asked much at all, I only wanted a chance. He refused to give it, and now... My heart bleeds at his absence while my head dreams of stabbing a knife into his heart. I am so...broken." Akoni groaned and covered his face with his hands.

  "You love him," Tiago said. A simple statement.

  "Yes," Akoni cried. "I love him."


  Lying on the cold marble floor soothed Akoni, almost like it chilled the fire raging inside him. He stared at the giants around him. The kings, who had come before him, his ancestors lead by Adriano himself in prime position at the centre. Beside him stood his wife, Diana, the only woman in the room.

  Theirs was not a tale of love. Adriano's father, Marcello, had spent his life cultivating diplomatic relations with the neighbouring Kingdom of Ascoia, and as token of their alliance, a marriage had been arranged between Marcello's firstborn son and the firstborn daughter of the Ascoian king: Diana.

  Despite meeting for the first time on their wedding day, historians said that both had taken a liking to each other right away. Whether they loved each other or not, they ruled together with considerable success. Once they had inherited and were crowned, they united their two kingdoms. Within a few years, they had gathered an enormous army and marched them north through the Pyros Mountains and into the Kingdom of Calenek.

  Region by region, they marched and fought and defeated anyone in their way. The Kingdom of Ravogen came next; city states were annexed, principalities taken over. In the space of a few years, they had conquered the entire continent.

  When whole kingdoms had been converted to Sycanian rule, only the Clansmen of Forsavallum to the north had continued to resist. But in the end, even they had bowed down to Adriano and Diana.

  Eight hundred years lay between those events and the here and now. Centuries spent in peace and prosperity, with kings working towards bettering the lives of their people. Some had established hospitals or schools to cater to all people, not only the wealthy. Others had established trade relations with the island nations to the west. Yet others had invested in research and development of technologies that could improve everyday life.

  How could Akoni ever hope to compare? How had they managed to cope with their magic? Had it been different for them? So many questions and no answers.

  A rhythmic clicking sound announced a visitor. He'd been clear with the guards, no interruptions. A single man would be able to get past the order. Akoni sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. "Unless it's the news you know I'm waiting for, I really don't want to hear it, Nace."

  "Your Majesty, I'm afraid I have no news then."

  Akoni nodded.

  "Are you all right?"

  He ignored the question; he hadn't been all right in too long. "What do you think he was like?"

  "Who?" Ignacio's forehead wrinkled.

  "Him," Akoni said and gestured at the giant he'd been staring at.

  A marble throne standing on a raised platform; on it sat Adriano the Conqueror. The man who had founded Corunia at the centre of his newly formed empire. Even sitting, he must be ten feet tall, Akoni guessed. The detail was impressive considering the statue's age. His hair fell down to just above his shoulders, a laurel wreath sitting at a slight angle, his face clean-shaven, his eyes so clear, it felt like he stared at them from across the centuries. He wore the kind of armour the soldiers in the legion still wore today as if in honour of him: breastplate, greaves, bracers. His sword and shield lay beside him, propped against the throne. Both hands balanced on the armrests, which were covered in a luxurious cloth, soft-looking, even as marble. He was imposing, not just because of his size. The artists who had carved him had captured his essence, his strength and dominance.

  Or maybe it was artistic idealisation, and he'd been nothing like the statue. Who could tell, eight hundred years later?

  "They say he was a just leader, fair and kind to peasants. I imagine he'd not have achieved what he did without some hard choices along the way."

  "Fair and just. Seems to have left our bloodline, that."

  "Don't say that, Akoni. You're already making things better." Ignacio sat beside him, legs crossed at the ankles, hands propped behind him.

  "Am I? Because I've weeded out some traitors? The rebels are still gaining strength, too many of my people are suffering. I can't do the things I want in order to help them. I'm losing control of my magic and going a little more crazy each day. Father at least lasted some years. It seems I may not fare so well."

  "You've never been one to give up. Why would you do so now?"

  "Because I don't know how to cope," Akoni mumbled.

  "Shh," Ignacio hushed and moved closer, stroking a hand over Akoni's forehead. "You'll be all right. You're strong."

  Akoni gazed at Ignacio, unable to express with words all that was contained within him.

  "It'll be all right, we'll find a way," Ignacio murmured, still combing a hand through Akoni's hair.

  "There's only one way. I need him to return, Nace." He moved closer, laying his head on Ignacio's thigh. "If he doesn't... I fear something bad will happen."

  "Shush. Don't think that way or you'll bring it about." He remained silent for a time, continuing to stroke Akoni's hair and back. "Have you spoken to Toby?"

  "Hmm." Akoni nodded. Ignacio's ministrations soothed his frayed nerves. "He didn't have much of use yet. I think it doesn't help that he doesn't know what to look for."

  "If the books weren't in code, I'd read them myself. There must be something in them that can help you. Maybe he just needs more time."

  "Or there's no help for me."

  "We will find a way, Ako. Even if Jeffrey doesn't return, we'll find a way to make this work. You'll be the king I know you can be, and you'll--"

  "Don't lie to me. Not you, Nace."

  "My king," Ignacio said in a pained whisper.

  "It corrupts me, I can feel it. I spent years acting heinously to appease my father, so he'd leave me alone. Since I'm free of his influence, I find I act the same because of his magic. It's like I can feel him in it, his viciousness is contained in it, and the more of it transfers to me, the more corrupt I become. I cannot fight it, Nace. Not on my own."

  "You have me."

  Akoni turned around so he could look at Ignacio. Smiling, he reached out and stroked Ignacio's cheek, not for the first time, marvelling at the softness of his dark skin. "And I'm eternally grateful for it. You know you mean the world to me."

  "Tell me what I can do, how can I help?"

  "You already do more than enough for me. What I ever did to deserve you, I'll never know." Akoni took one of Ignacio's hands and cradled it between both of his, dark and light skin contrasting. "How is Filipa?"

  Ignacio beamed. "She's well."

  "That's all you're going to tell me? Your letters must be rather smutty if there's nothing to tell," Akoni said and grinned.

  "How do you even know whom I write to?"

  Akoni chuckled. "It's been three days since you've got her last letter. You're getting impatient. I suspect one will arrive tomorrow or the day after. You'll be unbearably happy again for another day or two."

  "If you're able to notice such details, things can't be so bad." Ignacio flashed a crooked smile.

nbsp; Akoni shrugged. "My perception isn't impacted, my self-control is. I'm glad you're getting on well."

  "As am I. Maybe... I was thinking I might ask her to court sometime soon, with your permission."

  "You have it, Nace. Anything you want." Akoni smiled, pleased at the happy look in his friend's eyes. "I hope she isn't the jealous type, though. I'm rather possessive of you myself."

  "I think she understands my duties must come first. She's amazingly understanding and so smart. I've never met a woman as well-read as her." Ignacio blushed but didn't stop smiling.

  For a few moments, his friend's happiness allowed Akoni to ignore the ache inside him.

  Chapter 7

  "Your father was right when he said you weren't ready for the throne."

  A cold shiver ran down Akoni's spine at the words. Emptiness took hold, and it drained all else out of him. With two strides, he stood in front of Lord Dragomis, reaching his hand out and wrapping it around a pale neck. He saw the movement, registered it as his own hand but couldn't have said he was doing it, nor could he stop it. "I warned you. One more disrespectful word and there'd be consequences. Did you think I was joking?"


  Akoni tightened his grip and hissed. "Be quiet."

  Ignacio stepped up. Standing beside Akoni, he touched his shoulder. "Your Majesty, please, let him go. We'll evict him from council meetings--"

  "I said, be quiet," Akoni spat. "For years I've had to watch my father devastate this empire, had to stand by as you bowed and kissed his feet even as he brought ruin to the land. I will not be so tolerant."

  "Please," Dragomis pressed out, his hands grabbing uselessly at Akoni's.

  Akoni's hold never faltered. He no longer felt empty. Rage swirled inside him, soaking into every part of his being. His magic strained within him, a fire rampaging through his veins. He'd never felt it this way before. It had always been subtle. Even recently with the changes it had gone through it had been mostly in the background. The pain it had caused him was nothing compared to what it felt like now. It was all he knew, all he could see, hear, and feel. He could taste it even, a metallic taste, like blood. A part of him registered how his anger made him irrational, but it was such a faraway thought he couldn't hold on to it. What he wanted was revenge. For the lies told about him, for the disrespect he'd suffered for so long, for everything he'd had to put up with. He wanted Lord Dragomis to suffer.


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