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Ties of Magic (Curse of the Crown Book 2)

Page 9

by Caitlin Taylor

  "Why did you tie me up?"

  "I... I'm sorry, Jeffrey. You know I wouldn't," Akoni pleaded, guilt-ridden and apologetic. "At the temple earlier, my magic reacted. I got angry, or maybe it was the magic getting angry. I can't tell a lot of the time. It was too strong; I couldn't stop it. Now, I remember leaving the temple with you. I didn't even remember that before. The next thing, I'm standing in the hall with no idea what I was doing. It's never happened before. I...please forgive me."

  "So what do you expect me to do about it all?"

  Akoni gave the faintest smile. "What you've always been doing. Calm me down."

  Jeffrey sneered. "If there's one thing I have never been able to do, it's calm you down."

  "Except that time you stopped me slapping a servant, the time you fought me, or all the times you gave me a piece of your mind."

  "So you want me to stand up to you when no one else will? Not good enough."

  "Jeffrey." Akoni closed his eyes. How to explain? "I feel like hot coals doused with water. Your touch is doing that. You pinned me down physically, but in the process, you subdued my magic. It's so faint right now... You've no idea how long it's been since I've felt this...comfortable, free of pain and struggle."

  "What do you want from me?" Jeffrey asked, his expression wary.

  "You know what I want."

  Their gaze locked, and Akoni held it, hoping to convey with his eyes what he couldn't with words.

  "I've warned you about this. I'm not like your other conquests." He paused, the silence heavy between them. "You should send your advisor out. This conversation needs to get a lot more personal and explicit. I doubt you want him to hear it."

  Akoni turned his head, realising for the first time that Ignacio was still standing only a few feet away. He looked anguished, torn in indecision, his eyebrows drawn together, his lips only a thin line.

  "It's all right, Nace."

  "Can I come check on you later?"

  "There'll be no need." Akoni smiled. "We'll be fine. If you want, you can lock the door on your way out."

  A crack of a smile appeared. "All right. But if you hurt him, Jeffrey, I swear I won't rest until you've paid for it. Even if you kill me and I have to reincarnate in another form, I'll haunt you forever."

  "I'll look after him quite well, I can promise you, Ignacio."

  With a huff, Ignacio left.

  "So..." Jeffrey smirked.

  "Could we go somewhere more comfortable?"

  "I'm quite comfortable." To prove his point, Jeffrey squirmed and sighed as if in pleasure. He resettled his grip so he could hold Akoni with one hand and let the other trail downwards until he reached Akoni's trousers, where he cupped the growing bulge. He grinned. "Seems to me you're rather more comfortable, too."

  Akoni couldn't stop the moan but bit his lip to try to keep quiet.

  "My touch calms you, you said. It appears to be doing more than that... You can hardly expect me to stand behind you in a council meeting, though, touching you to keep you calm. So what do you want?"

  "I know you can help me get control of my magic. I don't know how, but I know you're the only one who can. I've always felt it."

  "I won't be some toy you bring out when you're bored or have need of me."

  "I know that." Akoni's breath hitched when deft fingers opened his trousers.

  "Good. Do you remember what happened in Extraneo? Felix was rather vocal about his experience with me. I do not submit."

  "No, you really don't." Akoni laughed softly. "I consent, Jeffrey."

  "Are you certain, my little princeling? Are you really ready for this?"

  Akoni swallowed and nodded. "Yes."

  A hand wrapped around his hard flesh, and he moaned.

  "On my first day working for you, you were showing off some skills. You won't get to use them with me."

  "I understand that." He hummed, lifting his hips to get more purchase.

  "Then show me where you keep your toys." Jeffrey smiled.

  It was mischievous and full of promises, his hold disappearing, leaving Akoni feeling bereft.

  Chapter 11

  Leading the way into the charred remains of his bedroom, Akoni headed straight for one of the chests, the outside as blackened as everything else but its lock still intact. The contents of most of the furniture had survived, and the mattress had been changed, new curtains installed. It was luck the power lines had been undamaged, the lamps on the walls still working as well as ever.

  They were turned on now and set to a low level, casting the room in a strange glow that used to be more pleasant when the room didn't have black walls.

  "By Tempesta, what happened here?"

  "My magic happened while I was asleep."

  Jeffrey eyed him with a strange look. "You should move to a new room. This looks terrible."

  "It only happened last night. The servants are getting a room ready for me, though... I..." Could he admit this?

  "If you want my help, I think honesty is going to be important," Jeffrey said, his voice gentle as he came to stand beside Akoni, laying a hand on his arm.

  "When I woke up to this..." Akoni gestured at the charred remains of his bedroom. "I vowed I'd leave. I was in the middle of making a plan when you came back."

  "I'd call it good timing then."

  Akoni answered Jeffrey's smile with one of his own, though there was doubt in him. He was still a risk to everyone around him. What if he hurt Jeffrey?

  "I think your room has killed the mood..."

  Akoni gave a wry smile. His trousers were still open; he was no longer hard.

  "Come here."

  Gentle words, followed by a light tug on Akoni's hand. Strong arms wrapped around Akoni's waist, drawing him closer. He returned the hug, marvelling. Months he had waited to do this, and now here they were. He closed his eyes and breathed. Jeffrey's strong musky and spicy smell mixed with the remnants of acrid smoke. For once, his magic was quiet. No tingling, no burning. There was a sense of heat, though, where their bodies touched.

  Breath ghosted across his cheek, followed by a pair of lips. Tracing his jawbone. A tongue flicked his earlobe, and Akoni let out a sound between a sigh and groan. The tongue trailed his ear, then a pair of teeth nibbled the skin.

  "You wanted to show me your toys," Jeffrey whispered, his voice husky and low.

  Akoni nodded.

  "Well, get to it, little princeling."

  The words were accentuated by a slap to Akoni's backside. He gasped, his eyes opening wide. Jeffrey stepped back, his hold disappearing. It took a moment for Akoni to gather himself enough to turn back to the chest. He opened it and drew out another smaller chest, which he unlocked with a key that hung from a chain around his neck. Taking a step back, he gestured and shrugged.

  "Good," Jeffrey said as he opened the box to peer inside. "Kneel."

  Akoni stared at Jeffrey's back. He took a deep breath, and another. He'd been raised to rule, not to kneel. Another breath. But he'd known this was how it would be. Had spent weeks preparing himself for this moment, as much as that was ever possible. Another breath. He unlaced his robe.

  There had only been one man he'd submitted to. It had been different, yet somehow, the same. Tyler had known what he wanted and had gone after it. Akoni had been unable to resist. What was it with him and soldiers? His robe went over the back of a chair, and he took off his shirt.

  A glance at Jeffrey showed him going through the box, examining pieces, rummaging, plucking something out, putting it back to draw out something else. Did he know what he had asked? He was too smart not to. Was he giving Akoni time on purpose? A wave of gratitude washed through Akoni at the thought. He hung his shirt over the robe and sat to pull off his boots. His trousers were next. Standing naked, he paused.

  He'd been on the other side of this situation so many times. The expectation was clear. It should be easy to follow the order he'd been given. But that was it--he didn't receive orders, he gave them. And there was the crux of
it. He wanted to give control to someone else, at least for a time. To stop thinking, worrying, to not have to make decisions.

  He moved to the end of the bed and knelt facing the room, his palms on his thighs. The way he'd have expected others to kneel for him.

  Whether Jeffrey realised Akoni had obeyed or not, he gave no indication, instead continuing his examination of the box Akoni had unlocked. As time continued to pass, Akoni found his heartbeat slowing, his breathing evening. A tension he hadn't realised was there, weakened and disappeared.

  "I am surprised and pleased," Jeffrey said, his voice a delighted hum.

  Akoni started when a hand combed through his hair. He leaned into the touch.

  "I know you've played with others; did you ever submit before?"

  "Yes, Master. To one man." Akoni kept his gaze on the floor as Jeffrey circled him, touching here and there, always fleeting.

  "Has he tied you up, flogged and whipped you?"

  "Yes, Master. All that and more."

  "Tell me your safe word."

  "I have two, Master. Mercy, if I need you to slow down or go easier. Sycania, if I need you to stop completely and release me."

  "Acknowledged." Jeffrey sat on the edge of the bed, legs touching Akoni's back. "Turn around and look up."

  Akoni did as told. His gaze fastened on Jeffrey's hands, held out between them, a leather collar lying in them. He swallowed hard.

  "You have an issue with control," Jeffrey said, his voice kind but firm. "I will teach you, as long as you're willing. You will show me your willingness by coming forward and laying your head down, your neck inside the collar."

  Akoni closed his eyes, swallowing a sound before it escaped. He'd not been collared. Had done it to others but never let anyone do it to him. And to have to place his head in it voluntarily, rather than having it wrapped around his neck... The rational part of him admired Jeffrey's strength. To ask for this was to ask for his submission, more so than ordering him to kneel had been. He wanted this, he reminded himself. Opening his eyes, he shuffled forward on his knees and bent down. Cool leather brushed his skin, at the front of his neck first, then the sides. The end was drawn through the metal buckle, the scraping harsh to his ears. The strap pulled tight until the leather also touched the back of his neck.

  It couldn't have taken more than a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity to Akoni. The leather was sturdy and heavy. It was no longer cool on his skin. While it sat neat around his neck, it didn't constrict in the least, yet drawing breath seemed harder. His lungs couldn't seem to fill.

  "Breathe, little one," Jeffrey whispered, his hand in Akoni's hair.

  It was soothing, and Akoni relaxed, leaning into the caress. He focused on the warmth of Jeffrey's hand on his skin. Gradually his breathing eased, and he straightened, his gaze fixing on the floor between Jeffrey's feet.

  "Well done. For being good, you get rewards." He pressed his lips against Akoni's.

  Akoni parted his lips eagerly, his tongue swiping Jeffrey's lips. A warm huff of breath, exhaled in amusement. Jeffrey responded, winding his tongue around Akoni's. Sparks travelled down Akoni's back. They'd kissed so rarely in the past, and it had been so long. He revelled in the sensations stirring inside him. It was too soon when Jeffrey pulled away. Akoni bent forward, wanting more, but Jeffrey smirked and pressed a finger to his lips.

  "You like kissing."

  Akoni nodded.

  "I'll remember that. But rewards must be earned, my princeling. I have no doubt you will earn many of them, won't you?"

  Biting his lip, Akoni nodded slowly. He wanted to; he'd try. It wouldn't likely be easy, he feared.

  "Stand up." Jeffrey got to his feet, and Akoni followed.

  Jeffrey laid his hands on Akoni's hips, leading him towards a bedpost. A firm, sandaled foot spread his feet apart, his hands guided to the post.

  "Hold on firmly. Try not to let go and not to move your legs. I'm going to flog you now. It will be hard, but your skin won't be broken. I shall not damage my little princeling, only teach you. I'd say be as loud as you need, but you have guards in the halls. You may not wish them to hear. Are you ready?"

  Ready? How could he be ready for this? He dug his fingers into the post. He clung to it now as though it were a lifeline. He wasn't even tied. He could move, avoid the strikes, leave even. A sound escaped him as he exhaled. That was the point. It was up to him to stay in place. If he didn't, he would disobey.


  Jeffrey had said he'd teach him control, and this was his first lesson. The kneeling and the collar had been the introduction, the warmup. He took a deep breath then let it out slowly. "I'm ready, Master."

  A swish, the air cut. Leather connected with Akoni's skin. He gasped from the fire exploding on his back. He tightened his hands on the wooden pole, digging his toes into the floor. Again the air was cut, and his back stung and burned. His breath left him; shallow gulps were all he could get. The urge to change position was strong already. It'd be so easy to let go of the wood, to shift his legs. He tensed for the next hit and waited.

  It didn't come, and Akoni found his legs trembling. He tried to take a deep breath, a choked sound, and he exhaled. Another try. A tad more air this time. He breathed out slowly; his limbs relaxed a fraction. This time he filled his lungs deeply. Another time, and the trembling stopped.

  The leather cut the air again, two more strikes in quick succession. Then a third.

  Each blow landed on a different part of his back. All of it felt like it was on fire. But it wasn't the kind of fire he felt when his magic burned. It was different. There was a tingling to it, subtle and pleasant. It became easier now to breathe through the pain. Another strike. Each one shoved Akoni forward slightly, his arms absorbing the motion. He'd straighten up again for the next one, but sometimes they were so fast there was no break.

  His eyes had been closed for a while already, his head hanging down, but he still gripped the post, his legs still straight and as far apart as they had been at the beginning. He wouldn't budge. The blows continued, faster, slower, harder, lighter. Each one varied from the last and the next. But they kept coming.

  His whole body seemed to adapt, anticipating. He breathed between lashes, and the pain of each new swipe had him exhaling whether he wanted to or not. Just enough time to breathe in again before the next one. Sometimes he got struck on an empty lung; those seemed to burn more. Sometimes there was a moment to catch his breath. That also seemed to hurt more.

  The pain wasn't the worst of it. His focus had narrowed. Nothing existed but the pole he clung to and the floor he stood on. He could deal with the pain but he must not move. The room stank, no longer just from the remnants of smoke, but also from his own sweat that mixed in with it. It covered all of him, dripping down his face, his hair clinging to his scalp. It wasn't relevant.

  His legs trembled, and he wanted to fall to his knees to take the weight off them. At the same time, he wanted to wrap himself around the pole to help stay upright. He couldn't do either. Refused to.

  The silence between was hardest. Waiting for that next hit, tense and ready. The anticipation. The moment when he thought maybe he'd reached the end and he'd hear it again; the whoosh before the impact.

  Akoni could not have said how many there were, how long it went on for. Or when it stopped. There were hands on him. Gentle and kind. Prising his fingers off the pole. Steadying his trembling form. Kisses on his face, his cheek, his neck. He was pulled forward. His legs only obeyed sluggishly. Warm water at his feet, his ankles, rising higher.

  When Akoni opened his eyes at last, he was lying half on Jeffrey's chest. They were in the bath. Strong arms held him tight as the water burned and soothed all at once.

  "Back with me yet?"

  Akoni lifted his head. Jeffrey's sea-green eyes were trained on him, filled with concern and something else. It was so different to the cold and distant expression he used to carry.

  "You didn't use your safe word."

  "I didn't need to, Master," Akoni said, his forehead tensing with a frown.

  "You were pretty far gone when I stopped."

  "Was I? I..." He shrugged, unable to explain what had happened. It didn't make sense in his own mind yet. How could he find words for it?

  "How are you feeling now?" Jeffrey asked, his hands caressing Akoni's side and his legs.

  "Good." Akoni smiled. "Better than I have in a long time. I... I hope you're not finished, though, Master." He bowed his head, looking at Jeffrey from under lowered lashes.

  Jeffrey laughed, his finger trailing along the top of Akoni's collar. "Are you certain you've only had one Master before me?"

  Akoni started. He'd forgotten he was wearing the thing. Having his attention brought back to it filled him with strange sensations he couldn't seem to place or explain. He nodded.

  "Tell me about him."

  Eyes wide, he stared. No one knew, not even Ignacio. He dropped his gaze. "Master..."

  "You will tell me or be punished for disobedience."

  "What's the punishment?"

  Jeffrey took hold of one of Akoni's nipples, pinching and pulling it. The pain was exquisite, and Akoni moaned and squirmed, trying to get away.

  "That's for poor manners."

  "I'm sorry, Master."

  "Are you?" Jeffrey pinched the other nipple.

  Akoni moaned again.

  "You like pain."

  "No, Master. Not exactly... I've a high tolerance."

  "And you like it," Jeffrey repeated, wrapping a hand around Akoni's hardened shaft.

  Akoni moaned again, and his eyes closed.

  "Tell me about your previous Master."

  The slightest squeeze had Akoni tense and staring wide-eyed at Jeffrey. He wouldn't, would he?



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