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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 51

by Sarah Bailey

  Her fingers curled under my tux and brushed across my shirt. Her touch made me shiver. Ellie had a way of driving me crazy.


  “What?” she asked, her voice innocent.

  “You know what.”

  Except I was the one leaning towards her, capturing her chin in my hand and pressing my mouth against hers. I was the one who backed her against the wall and tugged her dress up so I could stroke my fingers across her bare skin. She moaned into my mouth, her hands clutching me desperately. It had been this way for the past couple of weeks since she’d got better. This insatiable need to be inside her.

  There was always the worry in the back of my mind that this was too much for her. Especially since all of her sexual experiences before me had been horrifying. She reassured me when I’d voiced my concerns a couple of days ago. Telling me she wanted a normal relationship and didn’t want me to treat her with kid gloves.

  “James, please,” she breathed as I trailed my lips down her neck.

  We shouldn’t have sex in a cupboard in a posh venue but fuck it. If we were quiet, it’d be okay. My fingers were slipping into her underwear, dragging it down her legs. She fumbled with my tux jacket, unbuttoning it before working on my zip. I picked her up and pressed her against the wall after she’d freed my cock and then I was inside her.

  “You need to be quiet,” I told her, pressing kisses to her jaw.

  She whimpered but didn’t make any other sounds as I thrust into her over and over. Fuck she felt so good. Having her like this was heaven. Her fingers dug into my shoulders as she held onto me, her breathing laboured.

  I kissed her neck, nibbling her earlobe, eliciting these quiet mewls from her. Ellie deserved care and attention. I gave that to her in spades. This girl made me feel and experience so many things I’d never thought possible. The way her submission fed me had me throwing caution to the wind. I never wanted her to move back into her flat. Coming home to her every day after work made me realise just how much I craved the companionship I’d been missing most of my life. The sense of belonging. She gave that to me. Ellie was my home.

  “I need you,” I whispered. “I think about your tight pussy when I’m at work and it’s maddening. I hear your voice in my head, begging me to fuck you and I can’t take it.”

  She liked hearing those things. Knowing I was enamoured with her. That she was all I thought about because, in reality, she was. My focus was Ellie and keeping her safe, satisfied and cared for.

  “James,” she moaned and that’s when I felt it, her let go. The warm gush of her over my cock and her tightening and clenching. Her fingers had me in an iron grip.

  I didn’t want her to have my cum running down her thighs, so when she was spent, I pulled out of her.

  “On your knees,” I grunted, not caring if I sounded feral.

  Ellie did as I asked, grasping my cock which was wet with her release and took it in her mouth. The way her tongue danced over my cock drove me nuts. I didn’t dare put my hands in her hair for fear of messing it up, instead, I balled them into fists at my sides.

  It didn’t take long. Her mouth was hot and wet. She was so good at this and I hated it was because of her past captivity. She’d had to learn how to please her masters for fear of their wrath otherwise. I never wanted her to feel like I would punish her if she wasn’t good for me. She would never live in fear again.

  “Ellie,” I groaned, my cock wildly spurting in her mouth as all hell broke loose.

  It was like this with her every damn time. Explosive and magic. I’d never felt such intense chemistry with another living soul. I never wanted to with anyone but her again.

  I helped her off the floor and fumbled to find a light switch. We both blinked rapidly when the small room was illuminated. Ellie looked slightly dishevelled with lipstick smeared across her cheek. I did my best to wipe it away using a tissue from her clutch.

  “I think I need a bathroom,” she told me as she tugged on her underwear and I redid my zip, buttoning up my tux.

  “Can’t get caught having a secret tryst at an expensive do,” I replied, winking.

  She flushed, pushing my arm.

  “Shut up.”

  She proceeded to straighten me up, wiping the lipstick from my face and giving me a nod when she was satisfied.

  “Handsome as ever.”

  I raised an eyebrow. Ellie wasn’t one to dish out compliments often.

  “What? Have I not said that before? I get giddy when I look at you. Like I can’t believe someone as well put together and hot as you would want me.”

  I shook my head, grinning. She’d just made my day. Getting to hear how she felt, how she saw me made my heart sing.

  “No, you most definitely haven’t told me that before.”

  “Well, it’s true. You, James, are a catch.”

  Before I could respond, she had the door open and was checking the corridor. She stepped out, indicating with her head I should follow. We walked hand in hand until we found her a bathroom.

  “Will you be okay?” I asked.

  “Yes, go find everyone. I won’t be long.”

  She smiled up at me. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and let her go. I shook my head as I made my way back to the main lobby and into the ballroom. Ellie had a way of catching me off guard with her honesty at times.

  I spied a big group congregated around two tables near the front and made my way through the crowd to them.

  “Hello little bro,” Jen said when I reached her.

  She didn’t look happy, scowling across at someone standing in the corner with a group of businessmen. I recognised him. Maximillian Graves. He’d been in the twins’ year group. Jen couldn’t stand him. She told me he was a stuck up piece of shit who thought he was the dog’s bollocks. I was pretty sure that wasn’t the whole story.

  “What’s that prick doing back from Japan?” I asked.

  “Hell if I know. He better not come over here or I’ll rip his balls off.”

  The venom in her voice was clear. It was probably better if I steered her attention away from Max now before she blew a fuse. When Jen went off on one, she really went off. I’d seen her have at it with Brent too many times to count.

  “Where’s your partner in crime?”

  She glanced at me and nodded towards where Fi was standing with some fashionista business types.

  “Networking. You know she’s better at that stuff than me.”

  I nodded slowly. Fi was the more confident of the two apart from when it came to winding me up. Jen was the queen of that. She was younger than Fi by half an hour and had always been the more mischievous one of the two. Fi was a little more reserved, but it didn’t mean she took shit off anyone.

  “Where’s Ellie?” she asked when I didn’t reply.


  Jen raised an eyebrow.

  “And why do you have lipstick on your face?”

  I groaned, rubbing my cheek. She laughed and opened her clutch, pulling out a wet wipe and helping me out.

  “I think I can guess what you two were doing,” she told me, her voice low.

  “Don’t embarrass her when she gets here. She’s already nervous.”

  She gave me a wink.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it. I might give you shit, but I happen to like Ellie.”

  “Well, I’m glad she meets with your approval.”

  My family had taken to her like a duck to water. We’d gone to dinner at Dante and Liora’s last week and I’d had the twins over a couple of times in the past month. I think the twins and Ellie had an understanding given what happened to them.

  “Don’t fuck it up,” she told me, punching me in the arm before she walked off towards where Dante was whispering in Liora’s ear and Brent was rolling his eyes at Gertie.

  I glanced around, wondering where Ellie was, but I caught Avery’s eye. She beckoned me over and I joined her and Aiden a
moment later. She gave me a quick hug followed by a kiss on the cheek and I just nodded at Aiden when she drew back.

  “I’m glad you’re here. I really need this to go off without a hitch,” she said, looking around nervously.

  “It will. Who’s taking care of Afie tonight?”

  She rubbed her arm.

  “Ben and Skye.”

  I nodded, spying Tina in the crowd talking to some other women. That’s when I noticed Ellie was next to her, her face animated as she spoke. I narrowed my eyes. She hadn’t told me she knew Tina, but then again, Tina was heavily involved in the charity, so it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise. I only knew her because she’d raised Aiden after his mother died.

  “Where’s your girlfriend?” Avery asked.

  “Oh, she’s talking to Tina.”

  Avery’s eyes followed mine and landed squarely on Ellie. I checked her expression, which was curious.

  “She knows Tina?”

  I shifted on my feet and rubbed the back of my neck. I hadn’t exactly explained about Ellie, figuring it was better we spoke about this in person.

  “I didn’t know until now, but I should’ve.”

  Avery turned to me, eyebrow raised. How did I even broach this subject? How was Avery going to react to knowing my girlfriend was once one of her family’s girls?

  “You’ve been incredibly cagey about her, you know.”

  I sighed, looking over at Aiden who rolled his eyes. Clearly, he’d already heard enough from her regarding the subject of me not giving her the rundown on my girlfriend.

  “I have my reasons.”

  I caught Ellie’s eye and she gave me a smile which fell when she saw who I was standing next to. She excused herself from Tina and started to make her way over to me. This was going to be a make or break situation right here. I knew Ellie’s feelings about Avery and what happened between us.

  “Don’t give me that bullshit, James. I’m sick of this.”

  I didn’t respond to Avery as Ellie arrived by my side, grasping my hand.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” I asked, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

  “Yeah,” she said, her eyes darting between me and Avery and Aiden.

  When I turned back to my friend, her eyes were wide as if she was a little taken aback by my behaviour towards Ellie. Honestly, I could hardly blame Avery since I’d never really been affectionate in public towards the women I was seeing.

  “Ellie, this is Avery and Aiden.”

  Ellie, to her credit, stuck her hand out to Avery.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said, although I detected a slight tremor in her voice.

  Avery shook her hand followed by Aiden.

  “You too,” Avery replied.

  I almost breathed a sigh of relief, but I was still wary of this meeting between the two of them. We were all silent for a long moment as if no one knew what to say.

  “How do you know Tina?” Avery asked which did nothing to break the tense atmosphere. If anything, it made it worse.

  Ellie’s hand tightened in mine, her body going rigid as she looked up at me. She knew I hadn’t revealed her secrets to Avery.

  “I… um…” Ellie faltered, swallowing hard.

  I didn’t know what to say because Ellie hadn’t told me that part either.

  “Through the charity, right, sweetheart?”

  She nodded.

  “Um, yes.”

  Avery looked at me, confusion marring her features. This was the wrong time to bring up this subject. I was beginning to wish I hadn’t insisted on Ellie coming to this thing. It would’ve been better if she met Avery under different circumstances.

  “Our charity?” Avery asked.

  Aiden looked between the three of us. It seemed the truth had dawned on him because he got a strange look in his eyes.

  “Avery… I don’t think we should be pressing the subject,” he said quietly.

  She whipped her head around to him.


  “Now isn’t the time.”

  Ellie fidgeted at my side. When I looked down at her, her expression was dark and directed solely at Avery. This was going splendidly and just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, my girlfriend opened her mouth.

  “I thought I was going to be okay meeting you, but I’m not.” She looked up at me. “I shouldn’t have come.”

  She started to turn away, but I held onto her.

  “Let me go,” she hissed. “I can’t be around her. I just can’t… don’t make me.”


  “No, you know my feelings on the subject and you didn’t even bother telling her the truth about me and her family.”

  “What about my family?” Avery asked. “What’s going on?”

  I didn’t have time to deal with Avery.

  “I’m sorry, I should’ve, but you don’t have to go,” I said, reaching up and tucking her hair behind her ear.

  Her eyes were pleading with me, but I wasn’t ready to let her give up. My girlfriend couldn’t hate my best friend. That would royally suck. If they just got to know each other, it would be okay.

  “I do, James. I can’t, not after what she did to you.”

  We were keeping our voices low, but they were loud enough for Avery and Aiden to hear.

  “What is she talking about, James?” Avery asked, putting a hand on my arm.

  Ellie’s expression went from pleading to pissed off. She wrenched her hand out of my grasp and stepped towards Avery.

  “You have no clue, do you? No idea how much shit you put your best friend through for years. He told me everything. I’ve seen it, how much this tormented him. You’re just blind to it and he’s too scared to tell you.”

  She slapped a hand over her mouth and looked up at me, regret painting her features. None of us said anything or moved for the longest moment. People were staring and this situation had gotten way, way out of hand.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered through her fingertips, tears welling in her eyes. “I can’t do this with you.”

  Ellie turned and bolted, fighting her way through the crowd. What the fuck just happened?

  “What the hell was that?” Avery demanded. “What does she mean what I put you through? What have you been saying to her?”

  I couldn’t fucking do this. My heart felt like it was shattering into tiny pieces and all because the girl I was falling for had just dropped the bomb. Now she’d run off before I could say anything. Before I could fix this mess.

  I rounded on Avery, unable to hold back any longer.

  “The fucking truth. You started this, Avery. If you hadn’t kissed me back when we were teenagers, none of this shit would’ve happened. I wouldn’t be so fucked up about you. You were blind to it because you didn’t want to see. I’ve loved you this whole time and now when I finally meet the girl I can’t live without, it’s all fucked up because she knows how I felt about you. And it’s even more fucked up because she was one of your family’s girls. Do you have any idea how hard it was for her to come here when your family is responsible for all her pain and misery? No, you don’t because you’re so wrapped up in your own shit all the time.”

  I could hardly believe the words which came out of my mouth. Avery’s shocked expression told me everything I needed to know. She had no fucking idea.

  “I have to go.”

  I turned away, needing to go after Ellie because she mattered more than this. If it meant I’d destroyed my relationship with my best friend, then fuck it. I promised I’d always put Ellie first and I was determined never to break that or any other promises I made to her. Ellie had become the centre of my universe in such a short space of time.

  “What the fuck, Avery? Is that true? Did you start it?” I heard Aiden saying as I walked off.

  “I… Yes, I did,” she replied.

  “Fuck, that’s why you never wanted to tell me.”

  I stopped listening. Those two could sort their own shit out. I was done interfering in their marriage. Done with it all. I didn’t even care if I’d made a scene at her charity event. All I cared about was finding Ellie and fixing this.

  Ellie, you’re my world. I can’t live without you so I’m coming for you. I’m going to make this right.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  Tears blurred my vision as I ran through the crowd until I got out into the lobby. There would be press out the front still so I couldn’t go that way, but I didn’t see another way out of this venue. I was screwed no matter what I did.

  Why had I made a scene? This was so embarrassing. I could no longer think straight when she’d been right there in front of me. All of the conversations I’d shared with James about it came back to me. And knowing her family had a part in my captivity made it worse. It all just got to me. My brain didn’t quite catch up with my mouth and now everything had gone to shit.

  I stood there, surrounded by people I didn’t know, trying not to outright sob even though my heart felt as though it was in a vice. The stupid thing about this is it made me realise just how much I cared about James. How deeply my feelings ran. I had to defend him somehow. Protect him from the pain his best friend had inflicted. Make her see what she’d inadvertently caused.

  I’d seen the pain in his eyes when I’d looked up at him after I’d revealed things he probably never wanted her to know. Did he blame me for it? Would he hate me now I’d forced his hand? I’d no doubt ruined everything between us. I didn’t want to drive a wedge between him and Avery. That was never my intention. Who was I to say who he could and couldn’t be friends with? I didn’t hate Avery. In so many ways, I wanted to know her because she was an important person in James’ life.

  “Ellie,” his voice rang in my ears before his hand connected with my arm and he spun me around to face him.

  I stared up at James’ face, tears streaming down my cheeks and all I saw was worry and concern there. He reached up, cupping my cheek and wiping away the wetness there. There were so many people around but all I saw was him. Everything else faded, my senses sharpening and attuning to just him.


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