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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 56

by Sarah Bailey

  Fuck me.

  “Hold that thought, sweetheart.”

  We could discuss what just happened with my father later. What I wanted right now was to get my girlfriend naked and in bed, although I wouldn’t mind having her on the sofa or any other available surface. But I wasn’t about to fuck her in my Mini in a prison carpark.

  You just wait, Ellie. I’ll show you just how assertive I can be.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  As soon as we got in the door, James was on me. His mouth crashed against mine, his hands sliding into my coat and shoving it off my shoulders. I found myself pinned against the wall by the front door, his hands roaming down my sides as he devoured my mouth from the inside out. My heart was racing at a hundred miles an hour. I needed him so badly, it hurt.

  I hadn’t been lying when I said he was hot when he gave his father a piece of his mind. Honestly, I’d tried not to find it a turn on, but I did. When James took control, it got me all worked up. He’d shown me so much when it came to sex. Taught me how pleasurable it could be when you wanted the other person. And hell did I want James with a desperation which threatened to overtake me completely.

  He gripped my thighs and hoisted me up on his hips. Tugging me away from the wall, he walked towards the bedroom. I was forced to hold onto his shoulders to stay upright as he continued to kiss me. Next thing I knew, I was thrown onto the bed and he was staring down at me, his ocean blue eyes dark with desire. The intensity in them scorched my skin.

  “Strip. Now.”

  Those two words shouldn’t make me shiver with anticipation, but they did. My hands went to my t-shirt, dragging it off my head before I slipped my trainers off along with my socks. He watched me, not making a move to take his own clothes off. My jeans came next and soon I was lying there, completely bare for him.

  “On your knees.”

  I crawled off the bed and knelt in front of him, staring up at the man who completely consumed me. James had my heart and soul in the palm of his hand. I’d do anything for him.

  “Take my cock out, sweetheart. I want your lips wrapped around it.”

  I ran my hands up his thighs before I stroked one across his cock. He jerked and growled. I flicked open the button of his trousers and unzipped them. Dragging down both his trousers and boxers so they sat on his thighs, I stroked my fingers down his length. His eyes darkened further when I looked up at him. My submission turned him on. He liked telling me what to do and having me obey. It was usually only this way in the bedroom between us, although it had spilt outside into our normal lives once or twice. I found I didn’t mind it so much then anyway. This was James, the man I loved.

  I gripped his cock and circled the crown with my tongue. His fingers curled into my hair and the low moan escaping from his lips spurred me on.

  He liked me on my knees. Said it was his ultimate fantasy when it came to me. We’d played it out multiple times. Just like this. But today was different. There was a heady cocktail of need pulsing between us which hadn’t been there before. At least not quite this potent. It wasn’t just that. James was different. Freer. As if the burdens of his past were no longer haunting him and he’d allowed himself to embrace this side of him which he’d hated for so long.

  Instead of taking him in my mouth, I trailed my tongue down his length, watching his expression intently. His hand in my hair tightened. His cock pulsed against my tongue.

  “Ellie,” he growled, his voice full of warning.

  I wasn’t scared of him like I had been with my masters. He’d never harm me. So I continued my path, making sure to lavish his cock completely with my tongue, getting him worked up further which I knew would do nothing to help the dark turn his mood had taken. The thing is I wanted that darkness. I wanted him.

  When I finally did what he wanted and wrapped my lips around him, his mouth twitched and his other hand curled around my jaw. I froze for a moment, judging whether he’d let me do this myself or if he wanted me to open my mouth wider so he could fuck me without restraint. When he didn’t move, I took him deeper, my tongue running along the underside of his smooth skin.

  “Fuck,” he grunted.

  Next thing I knew, he’d thrust his hips forward and was hitting the back of my mouth. I tried not to gag since he’d taken me by surprise. I kept my jaw slack and let him take me the way he wanted to. He leant his head back as he closed his eyes. I knew in those moments this wasn’t going to be long and drawn out. I placed my other hand on his thigh to steady myself against the onslaught of his cock driving in and out of my mouth.

  “Fuck me, sweetheart,” he practically shouted before he came violently, his cum coating my mouth in hot, sticky streams. His hands dug further into my scalp and my jaw but I didn’t protest.

  He almost slumped forward when his cock stopped twitching, but he righted himself and pulled out of my mouth, letting go of my face. I swallowed, making sure it didn’t dribble out of my mouth. He was coated in my saliva and cum, so I leant forward and cleaned him up with my tongue. I sat back on my knees when I was done, staring up at him. Waiting for his next command. He smiled at me, his whole face lighting up. Some of the darkness in his expression had faded, but there was a feral undertone to the way he was looking at me.

  “Lay back on the bed, leave your legs over the edge.”

  I shifted, doing exactly as he asked. I was about to have my world blown apart by the most damn attractive man I’d ever laid eyes on. James unbuttoned his shirt and discarded the rest of his clothes. We’d gone straight to the prison after he’d finished work earlier so he was still dressed for the office. He knelt between my legs and ran his fingers up my inner thighs. Leaning down, he replaced his fingers with his lips, kissing his way up until he’d almost reached my pussy. I sucked in a breath, watching him with my hands curled up by my sides.

  “I love you, sweetheart,” he told me, his hot breath dusting over my clit and making my insides clench. “I’m going to make you come on my tongue over and over again. I love the way you taste and seeing you moaning and panting for me. You’re so fucking sexy, especially like this, spread wide open… just for me.”

  Being with James made me less self-conscious about the way I looked. About my scars. He told me every day without fail how beautiful I was. And the way he worshipped my body during sex? Well, that was something else.

  He’d kissed away my fears.

  He’d restored my confidence.

  He was the balm to my bruised and aching soul.

  The man I never knew I needed.

  He healed me and in return, I’d mended him too.

  I sat up, needing to be closer to him. He looked up at me, confusion flittering across his face as I ran my hand up the back of his neck and curled it into his hair. I leant down, brushing my nose against his.

  “You are my world,” I whispered. “I appreciate everything you do for me. I love you, James, so, so, so much.”

  The sexual tension was still there between us, potent and unyielding, but there was something else too. Love and understanding bled from our pores, permeating the air. So when he kissed me, I melted into his touch, kissing him back with as much fervour and passion.

  When we pulled apart, he put his hand on my shoulder and pressed me back down on the bed, his expression wicked. My back had barely hit the mattress when his tongue met my clit. My hips bucked and a loud moan tumbled out of my mouth.

  He made good on his promise. Within minutes, I was crying out his name and practically riding his face whilst he kept my thighs open with both hands clamped down on them. He didn’t stop there. I’d barely come down from my high when his fingers were inside me and his tongue was latched back onto my clit. The intensity almost blinded me. I gripped his hair, trying to pry him off me, but it was fruitless. His ocean blue eyes were almost pools of black as he brought me to a second and third climax in quick succession.

  Just when I thought I was utterly spent after he’d
ravaged my pussy with his tongue, he sat up on his knees and thrust inside me. I cried out, gripping the sheets as his cock filled me up to the hilt.

  “Fuck, James!”

  It didn’t hurt. He just took me by surprise. There was no let up as he slammed into me over and over again, his grip on my hips almost bruising. I wrapped both my legs around his waist, my feet digging into his back. The darkness in his eyes set my body on fire. He was hitting all the right spots, causing me to tremble and shake below him as I held on for dear life.

  He leant over me and captured a nipple in his mouth, biting down hard. My fingers tangled in his hair, arching into him because it felt so damn good. I cried out his name over and over because he was all I saw and felt. Right here. Right now. It was just me and him. Nothing else mattered.

  When he kissed me, drowning out my cries, it was bruising. He held onto my face and kept me in place whilst he continued to almost punish me with his cock. Except it wasn’t much of a punishment when it felt this amazing. I didn’t think I’d be able to come again after three blissful times on his tongue, but I was wrong. So very wrong. My fingers dug into his hair as the waves crashed over me. The intensity was unlike anything else. I turned away from his face because I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “James, oh my god, fuck, James,” I almost screamed, clenching and releasing around him.

  His ruthless pounding drew it out until I was a panting mess below him, completely unable to move. He thrust once, twice more and then he was grunting and moaning my name in my ear, his cock spurting inside me again and again.

  He leant his head against my chest when he was spent. I stroked my fingers through his hair, ignoring how sweaty we both were. That had been out of this world and I wasn’t going to ruin the moment for a second. He let out a low hum of contentment, the sound vibrating through me where his chest was pressed against me.

  “You’re perfect,” he whispered.

  “Because I let you do whatever you want to me in the bedroom?”

  He chuckled.

  “No… though I appreciate that more than you know.”

  He kissed my skin and it made me shiver.

  “Mmm, then why am I perfect to you?”

  He raised his head, resting his chin on my chest so he could look in my eyes.

  “You’re beautiful, sexy, smart, kind, strong, brave, inspiring and… well… I love you.”

  My heart felt as though it was so full it might burst. His eyes twinkled as he said those words, radiating love and affection. I could never doubt his feelings for me when he looked at me like that. Showing me just how much I meant to him without words.

  “Come here and kiss me,” I whispered.

  His smile as he shifted higher and obliged made my heart thump. When he pulled away entirely, I felt a little bereft of his presence but I shouldn’t have because he picked me up off the bed when he stood and carried me into the bathroom. He set me down on the side of the bath before flipping the taps and letting the water run.

  “Is this for me or you?”

  His eyes twinkled as he dumped in bubble bath and proceeded to start lighting the candles around the bath. He’d got them after I told him I missed having a bath in my flat and it was romantic to bathe by candlelight. The topic of my flat and whether I’d move back in hadn’t really been brought up by either of us… yet.

  “Both of us.”

  I’d had multiple showers with James, some of which involved rather vigorous sex with me shoved up against the tiles, but we’d never had a bath together. He disappeared before I could say anything else. A few minutes later, after I’d cleaned myself up, he returned with a bottle of wine, two glasses and both our phones. He set them down on the sink counter and put Spotify on, some chilled classical music spilling out of the speaker.

  When the water was high enough, he flipped off the taps and we got in. I lay back against him, revelling in his arms wrapped around me. I was right, having a candlelit bath was romantic, especially with the wine and music. As much as I didn’t want to ruin the mood, I did want to have this conversation with him.



  “I want to give notice on my flat to the landlord.”

  I ran my fingers across his forearm as I waited for him to speak. He didn’t seem to want me to leave, but then again, I didn’t know if he would be okay with me officially moving in with him either. This was fast by normal standards, but we’d been living together since the day my dad had beaten me up so I didn’t think it would be an issue.

  “Is this your way of asking me if I want you to move in?”

  “I already basically live with you.”

  He nuzzled my neck, planting a soft kiss just below my ear. His fingers trailed over my stomach, sending tingles down my spine.

  “Mmm, yes you do and I was hoping it would stay that way.”

  “Is that a yes then?”

  I wanted to be certain.

  “Yes to you officially living with me?”


  His kisses on my neck grew more insistent. I squirmed, wishing he’d stop stalling and answer my question. Apparently, James was determined to make me sweat a little.

  “Yes, sweetheart,” he whispered, his fingers dipping below the water and brushing across my thighs. “I want you here where I can touch you, taste you, kiss you and fuck you to my heart’s content.”

  I sat up and turned in his arms so I could look at him. The devious expression he wore made my heart thump, but I ignored it.

  “Are you sure? I mean I don’t have a job and I don’t want to be a burden on you or anything.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he was shaking his head and gave me a look which had me regretting my words.

  “You could never be a burden. I’ve told you I’ll take care of you no matter what. You can get a job when you’ve decided what you want to do and until then, I don’t want you to worry.”

  “But won’t your family think I’m taking advantage of you?”

  I bit my lip when his expression darkened.

  “No, they won’t. They love you, Ellie. Jen told me not to fuck it up because she likes you and Liora keeps pestering me to bring you around for dinner again. Even if they didn’t, what matters is I love you and I want you here.”

  Tears welled in my eyes. His family loved me. All I’d ever wanted was a family who cared about me. Who wanted me there. That’s exactly what I’d found in James’ family and I literally couldn’t be happier that they’d accepted me.

  “Hey, what are those tears for?” he asked, wiping away the stray one which slipped down my cheek.

  “Happy tears,” I whispered.

  He wrapped a hand around the back of my head and pulled me closer.

  “Good,” he told me before he kissed me.

  I turned around properly so I was straddling him. Our kiss became more heated and I was practically grinding on his cock, so close to moving so he could slip inside me when my phone started ringing.

  “Fuck,” James grumbled as I pulled away.

  “I should check who it is.”

  I hopped up on the side of the bath, drying my hands on a towel on the sink counter before grabbing my phone.

  “It’s the detective.”

  James’ brow furrowed. It was six at night so I wondered why he was calling me, but maybe he had news about what was happening regarding my dad who was still on the run. I turned off the music before answering.


  “Miss Kirkwood, it’s Detective Evans.”

  “Hi, yes… what can I do for you?”

  I put the phone on speaker so James could hear what the detective had to say.

  “It’s about your father. He was taken into custody this afternoon by Manchester police.”

  I didn’t even stop to think why my dad would’ve gone to Manchester. All I heard was he was in custody.

>   “Oh, that’s… great.”

  “He’ll be transferred here as soon as the paperwork goes through, but I thought you’d like to know as I’m aware you were worried about him coming after you.”

  The weight on my shoulders was suddenly lifted. I’d been tense ever since my dad had arrived at the hotel that day. The knowledge he could get to me was always in the back of my mind, but now he’d been arrested.

  “Thank you… and Mum?”

  “She was with him when the officers arrested him.”

  Just as I thought she would be. She wasn’t going to change and I’d resigned myself to that fact. Beatrice Kirkwood would always choose Richard over me. That was okay. I had James now and his family. I didn’t need her or my dad.

  “Well, thank you for letting me know. I really appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll let you know when we have further information.”

  “Thank you, Detective.”

  We said the necessary goodbyes and I dropped the phone back on the counter. I immediately slipped back into the water and wrapped myself around James, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He put his arms around me and stroked my back.

  “I can’t believe they found him,” I said after a long moment of silence.

  “Are you okay?”

  It was a strange feeling. Knowing that both of our parents couldn’t get to us any longer. James had finally broken free of his dad’s hold on him and mine was in police custody. I’d have to go through another court case if he was prosecuted for what he’d done to me, but that was okay. I could handle it. I’d handled being a witness at the court cases for my previous masters so I could deal with this.

  “Yeah, I am actually. It feels like I can close that chapter of my life. I’d known he was out there this whole time and it scared me. He can’t hurt me anymore.”

  “You’re safe now, sweetheart,” he said before kissing the top of my head.

  I pulled away and looked up at him. His smile took my breath away. I loved this man so much and he was my home.

  “I’ve always been safe with you.”


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