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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 59

by Sarah Bailey

  You’re sick, you know that, right?

  So apparently I still wasn’t above some of the fucked up behaviours I’d indulged in my entire adult life. I seriously thought I was getting my shit together. I mean, yes, my family thought I was an arsehole who didn’t care about them, but I was trying to do better. Mend fences which were well and truly destroyed.

  Now wasn’t the time for that. I wasn’t going to walk out of here without seeing if she’d take me up on my offer. Dropping my glass back on the table, I strode towards the corridor at the back which led to the toilets without glancing at the bar. Too fucking scared to check if she’d walked out or if she was still sat there looking at me.

  I leant against the wall outside the row of doors, with one foot up against it. When I heard footsteps a minute later, I looked up. There she was. This young dark haired beauty who’d proved too much of a temptation to resist. When she arrived in front of me, I noticed she’d discarded her coat and she stood there in just her blouse and skirt.

  She was right there, staring up at me with those piercing blue eyes which seemed to drill holes into mine.

  “You have a lot of nerve.”

  She had absolutely no idea.

  “And yet you’re still here.”

  Her eyes roamed across me again. I think this time she was taking me in properly and judging by the fact she took a step closer, she liked what she saw. It took everything in me not to reach out and pin her against the wall.

  Not yet. Stay fucking calm.

  “What now?”

  “Now you agree to do everything I say without talking back to me and I’ll make sure you come so hard you’ll feel like you’re about to pass out.”

  She swallowed, the muscles of her slender neck working to keep her nerves in check. I could see it in the way her bottom lip trembled. Perhaps she hadn’t been expecting me to be so blunt. I wasn’t usually in my everyday life and especially not at work, but when it came to fucking, I was very clear about what I wanted then.


  I shoved off the wall and looked down at her. Our bodies were almost touching. Holding back almost proved to be impossible.

  “Are you sure?”

  Her blue eyes flashed momentarily before her pupils dilated and her tongue ran along her bottom lip.

  “I’m sure.”

  I curled my hand around her bicep and pulled her towards the door of the ladies’ toilet. Shoving it open, I tugged her inside and flipped the lock on the door. She stood there, waiting for me to say something. Her blue eyes were dark with what I could only assume was desire. I didn’t know her and she didn’t know me, so who the fuck knew how she really felt about this. All I knew is she was brave. Brave to let a man she’d met barely ten minutes ago have his way with her in the toilet of a bar.

  “Put your hands on the counter either side of the sink.”

  She hesitated for a moment before she turned and placed her hands down. I closed the distance, pressing her into the counter as I wrapped a hand around her waist and the other travelled upwards to her throat. The little gasp which left her lips was like music to my ears.

  “You feel something you like, little one?”

  My cock was nestled against her arse, throbbing and desperate for her. Not waiting for her to respond, I gripped her neck lightly, caressing her skin with my thumb. She stared at the mirror in front of us, watching our reflection. I looked like a predator standing here behind her with my usually bright green eyes dark with arousal.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Good… you’re going to be feeling a lot more of it soon.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip. Fuck that was sexy. I released her neck so I could cup her tits through her blouse. They weren’t huge, but more than enough for me. I was more of an arse man anyway. My thumb flicked over the little hardened nub and she let out a pant.

  I was willing to bet she’d rarely been handled like this and a part of her liked it. Quite possibly why she’d followed me back here. So she could experience something her body craved. I could feel it in her, the need as she arched back against me, her head resting on my shoulder.

  My hands travelled lower until I gripped the hem of her tight skirt and tugged it upwards until it sat bunched up on her waist. I needed my cock nestled deep inside her pussy. And I needed it now. If I had more time, I’d fuck her six ways from Sunday and make her scream.

  Looking in the mirror, I saw her black lacy underwear peeking out over the top of the counter.

  “Do you want to keep these intact?” I asked, brushing my fingers over the lace and making her shiver.

  “Yes, please. They’re expensive.”

  I grinned. Hell, all of her clothes looked expensive and I wondered how she afforded them at such a young age. Not that I knew how old she was. I was merely guessing.

  I was tempted to shred them, but then she might tell me to fuck off and stop this delicious torture. So I hooked my fingers into the waistband and tugged them down her legs. They dropped to the floor and she stepped out of them. I leant down, picking them up and placing them on the counter but not before I noticed how wet with her arousal they were.

  Oh fuck.

  There was no stopping now. This little beauty was more than ready for me. My hand went to my belt, unbuckling it before I unzipped my trousers and freed my cock. Reaching into my suit jacket pocket, I tugged a condom out of my wallet which I always kept on hand for emergencies. I was getting one shot at this sweet pussy and I wasn’t going to fucking waste it.

  Ripping open the foil packet, I rolled it on my throbbing cock. I looked at her in the mirror again. Her eyes were wide and her body trembled against mine. I kissed her neck as I lined myself up with her entrance.

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded, biting her lip. Even through the condom, I felt her slick heat and I was so fucking done with the anticipation. My hand curled around her waist and I thrust my hips up. Her resulting yelp and the way her pussy clamped down on me told me she hadn’t been anticipating my size. I wasn’t one for bragging or anything, but no one had ever complained about it being too small. Quite the opposite.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered, her voice shaking on the words.

  I pushed deeper, ignoring her low whine. She’d barely taken a couple of inches, but her pussy was so hot and it felt amazing around my cock. I needed more. To feel her encasing me entirely. She kept whimpering as I fed her the rest, but not once did she say stop or tell me to slow down. I grunted when I bottomed out, feeling her beautiful arse pressed up against my groin.

  I didn’t move, allowing her to feel all of me. She struggled a little, judging by her expression. She choked out a low moan and her eyes wide and wild. Her hands had curled into fists on the counter and she pulsed around me. That alone was heavenly.

  Did I imagine I’d end up inside this girl when she walked in the bar?

  No, but fuck if she wasn’t everything I needed tonight.

  My teeth grazed along the shell of her ear as I watched her try to regain her composure.

  “I didn’t take you for a dirty girl when you first walked in here,” I told her, my voice low.

  “I’m not,” she whimpered.

  “No? We’ve barely shared a few words and here I am, balls deep in your tight pussy. I’d say that’s pretty dirty.”

  She sucked in a breath and her eyes met mine in the mirror. There was a dangerous glint to them which had me wondering what the fuck would come out of her mouth next.

  “Perhaps you underestimated me.”

  “Oh, I think I fucking did, but I won’t make that mistake again.”

  And with that, I pulled out slightly only to push my way back in. She flattened her palms against the counter and fell forward a little, a loud whimper escaping her lips. The sound spurred me on. I drove into her with short, sharp thrusts, each one making her pant and moan. I reached up and wrapped a hand around her neck, pulling her f
lush against me and stroking her delicate skin.

  “You know what I like?” I whispered in her ear. “When a woman is struggling to breathe right before she explodes all over my dick.”


  “Breath play. I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

  I didn’t give her a chance to say anything. My hand came up around her mouth covering it and her nose. My other hand slipped down and found her tight little bundle of nerves. She bucked as I stroked her. Her hands stayed on the counter, but I could tell she was scared.

  I had no fucking clue what came over me since I never did this unless I’d had a long conversation with the woman beforehand about the risks. Nothing about breath play was safe, but I knew what I was doing. Something about this girl had me tossing out my precautions because I had to have her in the way I wanted. And I couldn’t think about anything else but feeling her come all over me.

  To my surprise and delight, she didn’t struggle although her eyes were wide as she watched me press my hand tighter over her mouth and pinch her nose. She could still breathe but I’d restricted her airflow enough that it would be difficult. I felt her breath against my palm as she tried to suck air in and out.

  I could feel her getting close. Her hips ground back against me as I fucked her harder and stroked her clit.

  “That’s it,” I grunted.

  The moment she shattered under my ministrations, I let go of her mouth and nose. She pitched forward, gasping for air as her body trembled and shook. Her pussy clamped down on my cock like a vice. The sensation sending me hurtling towards the edge. Gripping both her hips, I thrust into her over and over until it hit. My balls tightened and the tingling started in the base of my spine.

  “Shit,” I muttered as my own climax took hold, the waves slamming into me like a freight train.

  I let go of her hips, only to fall forward as my hands landed on hers on the counter. We both panted, completely out of breath as the last pulses faded. It was a long moment before I moved and it was only to push her hair back and tuck it behind her shoulder so I could see her face.

  “Okay?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I think so.”

  I kissed her neck and pulled away entirely, slipping out of her deliciously tight heat. I tugged off the condom, tied it off and threw it in the bin before stuffing my cock back in my boxers and zipping up my trousers. I was still half hard, but I couldn’t think about that now. I straightened out the rest of my clothes and made sure I looked relatively presentable again.

  When I looked at her, she’d straightened and tugged down her skirt. Her eyes met mine in the mirror. There was a hint of something dark in those blue depths I couldn’t work out. I was usually very good at reading people so it disconcerted me.

  Why did I care? This was nothing but two strangers getting each other off and that’s all it could be. She was still far too young for me to even consider more with. But I had to have her once. Although I was relatively sure it wasn’t enough, I had no business falling further down the rabbit hole.

  “Um… thank you, I guess,” she said, giving me a little shrug.

  I couldn’t help smiling.

  “You’re welcome, but the pleasure was definitely all mine.”

  She shifted on her feet, looking down at her hands. Now it was over, she was embarrassed and I could hardly blame her. We were strangers and I didn’t think this was something she’d ever done before. I’d had plenty of one night stands, but none quite as memorable as this one.

  “Okay… Well, I need to…” She indicated her underwear with her hands.

  I stepped forward, capturing her chin and tilting it up towards me.

  “Stay safe, little one.”

  I dipped my head and kissed her on the cheek, narrowly missing her lips. It would be a huge fucking mistake to kiss her because I knew if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to walk away.

  I left the toilet without a backwards glance. As I strolled out of the bar, walking up the steps and out into the cool night air, I felt lighter than I had done when I’d first walked in. It was exactly what I’d needed.

  I whistled as I walked towards the tube station. I’d be able to sleep tonight. I was sure of that.

  Chapter Two


  I fidgeted in my seat. I knew I should be worrying about what would happen today, but honestly, I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened last night. My cheeks felt hot as I remembered the rough way he’d handled me and his hand over my mouth. All of it had been so unbelievably crazy.

  I’d gone to Frankie’s to see Ellie, but she’d been busy in the back so I’d decided to have a drink. Sandro had been giving me shit whilst he mixed my Gin Fizz. I’d only known him for a couple of months, but he amused me. He flirted with all the customers and had absolutely no shame whatsoever.

  What I hadn’t been expecting was him. The guy who’d paid for my drink and without so much as a by your leave propositioned me. I’d been taken aback by the whole thing, not least by the smart way he dressed. The man clearly had expensive taste and knew exactly how to show off his assets. His light brown, slightly wavy hair was neatly styled and his green eyes held a hint of danger in them. I could tell by the slight lines around his eyes, he was older than me, but I didn’t really care about that. What I did care about was the fact he had the audacity to ask me for a quickie in the toilets. And I was foolish for following him back there and letting him take me up against the sink counter.

  After I’d straightened myself out, I’d walked back out into the bar and took a seat. Sandro raised his eyebrow at me but didn’t comment. He’d been watching my stuff like I’d asked and clearly knew what I’d been up to. He’d probably overheard Mr Green Eyes telling me he wanted me. When Ellie finally came out of the back office, I acted like nothing had happened. Thankfully, Sandro didn’t say anything to her. Not sure my little brother’s girlfriend would be too impressed if she knew I’d had sex with a stranger in her bar.

  My first instinct when I got home was to tell my sister, but she was fast asleep. So I’d tiptoed into my room, stripped out of my clothes and lay in bed wondering what the hell I’d been thinking. My pussy was sore from his treatment. Mr Green Eyes wasn’t small. I’d barely been able to handle the entire thing. It might be because it’d been a while since I’d had sex. It wasn’t just that though. He’d made it almost impossible for me to breathe, which had given me the most intense orgasm of my life.

  “Fi…? Are you listening?”

  Jen’s voice pulled me out of my wayward thoughts. I looked over at her. The thing about having a twin, they always knew when you were hiding something. Jen and I were in tune with each other’s emotions. We were connected on a level not many would understand. We’d been together through the worst moments in our lives and that was part of what today was about.

  Dante had been on our case about getting therapy and we’d finally caved. So here we were, sitting in the expensive offices of the psychotherapist, Doctor Jensen Andrews. And he certainly didn’t come cheap. Dante didn’t care how much it cost provided it helped the two of us get over our issues with Dad. He’d been thorough in researching the appropriate therapist for us. Jensen Andrews was a fully qualified doctor, but he’d since undertaken further training in psychotherapy and had set up his own private practice five years ago. There was a waiting list to see him, hence it’d taken a while for us to get an appointment.

  “Sorry, what did you say?” I asked, noting Jen’s narrowed eyes.

  “I asked if you were ready.”

  I shrugged. Was anyone ready for therapy? Especially when you knew you’d have to relive the worst moment of your life. When you’d been through what Jen and I had, you might think the act itself was the worst part. As evidenced by what I’d done last night, sex itself wasn’t the problem. It was all the other shit that went with it and the fact it was our father who’d done it. I defy anyone not to have a problematic life after th

  “What’s up with you?”

  What was up with me was I had sex with a stranger in the toilets of my younger brother’s girlfriend’s bar and I liked it far more than I should have. It made me feel dirty but in a good way. I liked how he’d told me exactly what to do and pushed me out of my comfort zone.

  And that was really screwed up.

  “Nothing. I’m just nervous.”

  Her eyes told me she didn’t believe me, but she didn’t get a chance to say anything else because our names were called. Our heads whipped up towards the receptionist.

  “Doctor Andrews is ready for you.”

  Jen and I stood up. We gave each other a glance before entwining our fingers together. That physical connection grounded me enough to allow me to walk over to the office door with her and shove aside thoughts of Mr Green Eyes, his perfect cock and commanding voice which sent my pulse into overdrive.

  Jen opened the door and went first, keeping a tight hold of my hand. I turned to shut the door behind us, so didn’t catch a glance at our therapist straight away.

  “Hello, you must be Miss Benson.”

  That voice. Something about it registered with my brain. It wasn’t quite as deep and sultry as it had been last night, but it belonged to him. I was sure of it. I turned around and stood next to Jen, my eyes landing directly on Mr Green Eyes or should I say Doctor Jensen Andrews. I stiffened as our eyes met. The slight flash of his told me he most definitely recognised me.

  Holy shit. What the hell do I do?

  “It’s nice to meet you, Doctor Andrews,” Jen said, holding her hand out to him.

  He stepped forward and shook it before turning to me. I felt like a fish out of water, unable to speak or form a coherent sentence. The man I’d let screw me in the toilets last night was my therapist. I dropped Jen’s hand abruptly, knowing the extra connection would tell her more than I wanted her to know right then.

  He raised an eyebrow which had me sticking out my hand because it was the only thing I could think to do. Electricity surged across my skin the moment our hands met and I swallowed. I ripped my hand away, flexing my fingers as I dropped it back to my side. This could not be happening right now.


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