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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 63

by Sarah Bailey

  The rest of the session, Jennifer continued to speak about her father as she had done last time. She had a lot of pent up resentment and rage towards him which we would work on. She needed coping mechanisms for when she was triggered too. Both of them did, but Fiona wasn’t ready to discuss Zach quite yet.

  “I’ll see you next week,” I said before she left.

  “Sure… thank you for today. I needed that.”

  She smiled and looked visibly less harassed than she had done when she first walked in.

  Now that was over, I just needed to prepare myself for seeing her sister tomorrow.

  And fuck knows how I was going to keep myself in check.


  The moment she walked in, her misery slammed into me like a ton of bricks. I could see it in her face. Her blue eyes were dull and almost lifeless. Her hair was braided down both sides and tied up in a ponytail at the back. And today she was dressed in a floaty knee-length navy skirt with a white blouse tucked into it. She wasn’t in heels either. A pair of navy ballet flats adorned her feet.

  She set her black handbag down next to the sofa before sitting. She didn’t look at me. Her fingers bunched in her skirt.

  “Is everything okay, Fiona?” I asked, coming around my desk and seating myself in my armchair.

  “Not really,” she mumbled.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I sure as fuck want to know what’s wrong right now and not because I’m your therapist.

  “I saw Liam and his stupid leggy blonde yesterday when I was leaving the office. They were sitting in a coffee shop across the street and she had a rock the size of England on her finger. I shouldn’t care. We broke up three years ago, but when I got home, I put my PJs on, crawled into bed and cried myself to sleep.”

  My heart slammed against my ribcage at her words. Anger simmered in my veins. Fuckwit had some real fucking nerve. I picked my tablet up so I could start making notes.

  “Why would he be near your offices?”

  It was the only thing I could think to ask that didn’t give away my real feelings on the matter.

  “He works nearby. I don’t see him often, but when I do, it always hurts. And now he’s engaged to that… bitch,” she whispered the last word.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  I had a sneaking suspicion about what happened when they broke up, but I needed her to clarify.


  “Did Liam cheat on you with the… leggy blonde?”

  She bit down on her bottom lip and nodded her head. If I didn’t have to maintain my professionalism right then, I would’ve told her Fuckwit was a cunt who didn’t deserve her. I had to remain calm even though rage bubbled below the surface.

  “Her name is Samantha. The worst part is she used to work for Bensons. That’s how he met her. I had to see her stupid face every single day until we took over the company. When Dante found out what happened, he… um… may have found a way to fire her.”

  From everything the twins had told me about their older brother, it sounded as though he was overly protective of them. I could hardly blame him considering what they’d been through. They didn’t have a father figure in their life who wasn’t a piece of shit so perhaps their brother filled that role for them. At least that’s how I saw it.

  Fiona clearly needed a man who wasn’t a complete cunt.

  And that isn’t you because you know how much of a dick you can be to women.

  “Have you always worked at Bensons?”

  “Yeah, Jen and I went to work for Dad straight out of school. We all did though. Dad insisted. Probably just another way for him to control us.”

  She released her skirt, slipped off her shoes and tucked her legs up underneath her. I could see she’d relaxed a little after spilling the beans about Fuckwit and his now fiancée.

  “Did you tell Jennifer about seeing Liam?”

  “No… Honestly, if I bring him up, she’ll have a go at me. She thinks I should be over him by now. I am, it’s just what he did… hurts. He tossed me away like I was nothing to him. A piece of dirt on his shoe after two years of professing to love me. That’s not love. You don’t call someone you love a… a…”

  I leant forward, placing my tablet on the side of the armchair.

  “What did he call you?”

  “He said I was a frigid bitch and my sister was a slut who spread her legs for any man who so much as glanced her way,” she whispered, her voice so low I struggled to hear her.

  I saw red. Fucking red. Fiona wasn’t frigid at all. She needed the right person. Someone she trusted to let herself go with and clearly, Fuckwit hadn’t been that for her. From the sounds of it, he was emotionally abusive. After everything she’d been through, that was not the type of man she needed in her life.

  “Jen doesn’t sleep around so I don’t know where he got that idea from. She’s been with more people than me, but it doesn’t make her a… slut.”

  Fuckwit was a misogynistic piece of shit and everything she told me about him tainted my view of the idiot further.

  “You don’t believe what he said about you, do you?”

  She looked up at me finally, her blue eyes full of pain. I’d felt how responsive she was. How much she needed to let go and allow someone else to take control. To give her pleasure in ways she could only dream about. I didn’t want her thinking she couldn’t enjoy sex or that anyone would think she was frigid.

  “I… well… no. I’m not. He just cared about his own pleasure and not mine so mostly I lay there whilst he…”

  Her eyes widened when she realised what she’d admitted.

  “Oh god,” she whispered, putting her hand over her mouth. “I wouldn’t do that normally. I like sex, but with him, it wasn’t very… good.”

  The thought of her being subject to terrible sex made me equal parts angry and sad for her. Knowing what her father had done and then her having to put up with Fuckwit not caring about her needs had me up and out of the armchair. I strode towards her, noting the way her eyes widened and she dropped her hand into her lap.

  “Doctor Andrews…?”

  God, I fucking hated the sound of that out of her mouth.

  “Do not call me that,” I ground out as I reached her.

  My hands were on her the next moment, pushing her down on the sofa and covering her body with my own.

  “What do I call you?”

  She hadn’t pushed me away. Her hands were pinned beneath mine either side of her head. She looked so fucking beautiful, staring up at me with those damning blue eyes of hers.

  “Jensen,” I growled.

  Her lips parted and her pupils dilated.

  “What are you doing, Jensen?” she whispered.

  My name on her lips was heaven and hell at the same time.

  “I’m going to show you just how un-frigid you really are so you never associate that word with yourself again. That worthless piece of shit never deserved you.”

  Her mouth fell open. Those perfect lips covered in red lipstick made my cock throb at the thought of having them wrapped around me. I’d been hard since the moment she’d walked in. Fiona just had that effect on me.

  “Is this part of my therapy?” she asked the next moment.

  “You know very well it’s not, little one.”

  I leant towards her, desperate to taste those red lips.

  “You said we couldn’t… you’re my therapist.”

  “Shut up and let me kiss you.”

  Her mouth snapped shut. Her fingers flexed underneath mine. This was all kinds of wrong. And I really couldn’t bring myself to give two flying fucks.

  I gave her thirty seconds to protest before my mouth landed on hers. There was no resistance. Her lips moulded to mine, mouth parting for me. She tasted like bittersweet chocolate and it just happened to be my favourite kind. Her hands pressed against mine, wanting freedom so I let go. I kissed her deeper, feeling her hands wind
ing their way into my hair. Her tongue danced with mine. I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears and feel my cock throbbing restlessly where it was pressed against her.

  Fuck this shit. It was stupid to think I could ever resist the sweet temptation of Fiona Benson. So even though it was wrong, especially since we were in my office and in the middle of a session, I pulled away and stared down at her. This little beauty was mine for the taking and I was fucked if I wasn’t going to have her again. And again.

  “I’m going to peel down your knickers and stick my cock in you. Fuck you hard until you’re coming all over me. If you’re not on board with that, you need to tell me now.”

  Chapter Six


  I swear this man scrambled my brain so much I couldn’t think straight around him. The way he looked at me set my blood on fire. His kiss had been all consuming. Now he’d asked for my consent. No one had really ever asked for that before. At least not verbally. It had been implied, but Jensen wasn’t like that.

  “Please… I want you to fuck me.”

  Common sense had fled the building. I swear I was going to combust if I didn’t have him inside me. He’d already worked me up last week and hadn’t delivered on it so when I got home, I’d locked myself in the bathroom and imagined him fucking me whilst I was in the shower. I’d come twice, but even that hadn’t satisfied me.

  He didn’t hesitate, sitting up as his hands went to my skirt, shoving it up my legs. His fingers hooked into my underwear and he practically ripped them down my legs. His eyes darkened when they fell on my exposed pussy.

  “Christ,” he muttered. “You have no idea how fucking sexy you are.”

  He shrugged out of his suit jacket, discarding it on the floor and rolled up his sleeves. His tie came next as he loosened it and pulled it off his neck. My eyes fell to the distinct bulge in his trousers. The one I’d felt against me moments before. Now I was finally going to see if he really did have the perfect cock I’d been picturing in my head.

  “I can feel you staring,” he said.

  My eyes snapped up to his. He had a predatory glint in his green eyes.


  “Not content to just feel my cock, are you? No… you want to see it.”

  My face felt hot and I squirmed under his heated gaze.

  “You’re a dirty girl, little one. And I like it.”

  He watched me as his hands dropped to his belt and he undid the buckle slowly as if dragging it out to make me sweat. I couldn’t do anything but lay there and watch him. His eyes had me pinned to the sofa with my knees bent and legs open wide for him.

  “Tell me what you want to see.”

  My throat felt dry and I swallowed twice before answering him.

  “Your cock.”

  He bit his lip, pulling down his zip with care. This was taking far too long for my liking. As much as I wanted to do exactly what he told me, my need for him overwhelmed me.

  “Please stop teasing me, Jensen. I need you.”

  I didn’t think his eyes could get any darker, but when I said those words, they turned black. His hand dug into his pocket and he tossed something at me.

  “Put that on my cock, then I’ll fuck you.”

  A small foil packet sat between my breasts. I didn’t even question why he’d had that in his pocket. I sat up, taking it as I watched him tug out what I’d wanted to see all this time. My mouth watered and my insides clenched.

  Absolute perfection.

  There was no other way to describe his cock. It stood proud, thick and long. I couldn’t wait to wrap my hand around it. To feel it. Reaching out, I tentatively ran my fingers over his length. He twitched, a little grunt escaping his lips.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked, his voice strained.

  I nodded as I tore open the foil packet and proceeded to roll the condom on his cock. As soon as I was done, he grabbed both my hands and pressed me back on the sofa. It seemed his patience had run out. His fingers drifted in between my legs, stroking me as if checking to see how wet my pussy was.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  He pried my legs open further and I felt the thick head of his cock against me. I sucked in a breath when he pressed inside me, everything stretching to accommodate him. I reached up, wrapping a hand around the back of his head and tugging him closer until our breath mingled.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he told me. “If anyone found out I had my cock in you right now, I’d be in a shit load of trouble.”

  “I won’t tell anyone.”

  I couldn’t. It would land me in hot water with my sister. If she knew I was sleeping with him, it would be a betrayal of trust. Apparently, that wasn’t enough of an incentive to stop me. Causing Jen pain would destroy me and yet my need for Jensen outweighed that. Was I being selfish? I think on some level, we both were. Selfishly giving into our mutual need for each other.

  “I know, little one. I want you too much to stop now.”

  With that, he pulled back before thrusting deeper. He felt so right. So perfect. And I finally felt contentment settle into my bones having been on edge for over two weeks. It wasn’t rushed this time, he took me slow and deep like he wanted to savour these moments where our bodies were locked together.

  His mouth was right by my ear. I could feel his breath against my skin.

  “Tell me, did you like it when I deprived you of oxygen?”

  My hands in his hair tightened. It had terrified me at first, but then when I’d come, it was like nothing else.

  “Isn’t it dangerous?”

  “Very… but I’d never let you suffocate, Fi.”

  Having no real clue whether I wanted him to do it again, I didn’t answer his question about it. Instead, I asked him one of my own.

  “What else do you like?”

  He pulled back and looked at me. There were all sorts of emotions flickering in the depths of his green eyes. Up close, I found they could be dark like an evergreen forest. I think they might’ve been my favourite part of him. They told me his mood and that could only serve to help me understand him. Though I didn’t know anything about him so I might never really see what lay beneath the intense gaze of those verdant eyes.

  “Many things. I’m not gentle and I’m certainly not sweet.”

  “I don’t want either of those things.”

  As if to prove a point, I wrapped my legs around him, allowing him much deeper access and he took full advantage of it. He hit all the right places even if I was struggling to handle his size.

  “Where have you been fucked?”

  It took me a long minute to realise what he meant and when I did, I felt my face burning.

  “You want to know if I’ve done anal before, right?” I whispered.

  He gave a grunt in acknowledgement as his pace increased.

  “No… he asked, but I never said yes.”

  “Fuck, don’t mention him when I’m inside you.”

  Somehow I didn’t think he usually had conversations with women in the middle of sex and to be honest, it wasn’t particularly normal to do so either. I guess nerves had me babbling. We were actually doing this. Having sex again despite what he’d said last week.


  He leant down and kissed my jaw, trailing his lips down my neck.

  “It’s okay, little one. No more talking now.”

  My hands drifted lower, running down his shoulders and back, feeling the hard muscle flex beneath my fingers. A groan left his lips and I took that as a sign he liked what I was doing so I continued. I wanted to run my fingers over his bare skin but was too scared to ask him to take his shirt off.

  One of his hands ran up my side and curled around my neck. He didn’t squeeze his fingers, instead lightly caressed my skin with his thumb.

  “Fuck, I’ve been dreaming about your pussy and how good it feels,” he groaned. “It’ll never be enough, you hear me? Never. I won’t b
e able to fuck you out of my system.”

  Holy shit.

  Here I was thinking I had it bad for him. Turns out, the feeling was mutual. Except for him, I reckoned this was just sex. For me, I wanted all of him. Not least because talking to him didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. He had a soothing voice when he was in therapist mode and not once had I felt like he judged me.

  “Harder, please. I need it.”

  I heard a slight chuckle leave his lips.

  “Since you asked so nicely.”

  I moaned when he thrust harder. The edge was fast approaching and I wanted to feel the intensity of before. The way I’d struggled for breath when it hit. His hand was still around my neck. I needed it across my mouth. So I dropped my hand to his and peeled it off my neck. I could see his confused expression until I moved it up to my face. Then he smiled and it was wicked.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Please,” I whispered.

  He flattened it against my mouth as his fingers pinched my nose again. I didn’t panic this time even though my chest began to heave within a minute of him restricting my airway. The angle of his body brushing against mine, the lack of oxygen and the intensity of his pounding sent me into a tailspin. My fingers dug into his shoulders as my eyes rolled back.

  He let go of my mouth the moment my body clenched around him. I sucked in air, the waves of bliss washing over me. I felt like I was floating and simultaneously drowning.

  “Jensen,” I choked out as I tried to breathe normally again.

  I felt his hand against my cheek, thumb stroking my skin. The contact calmed me. Whilst I could feel him all around me, that gesture made the sensations easier to cope with.

  “Shh, I’m here.”

  When I felt like I wasn’t about to suffocate any longer, I opened my eyes and stared up at him. His eyes were still dark with desire, but he was smiling.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked, his thumb still stroking my cheek.

  I shook my head. I knew men found me attractive and girls seemed to look at me with envy and disdain, but I just saw myself as me. No one special or normal.


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