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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 65

by Sarah Bailey


  I could almost feel her squirming through the phone.


  “That’s what we’re doing, little one. Fucking. I know you want me so you need to stop worrying about Jennifer. She won’t find out.”

  I wouldn’t be telling her sister anything. Even if I’d fucked Fiona, I wouldn’t cross the line when it came to client confidentiality. So I couldn’t tell Fi I knew she’d told her sister what we’d done in Frankie’s. At first, I’d been a little peeved but I recognised it was her closeness with her sister. They told each other everything and I think the fact they weren’t talking about their therapy was putting a strain on their relationship. Not to mention this thing between me and her.

  She was silent for a long moment.

  “I do want you, but having you is wrong.”

  Hearing the first part made my cock throb. It wouldn’t get old, knowing she wanted me.

  “You think I’m unaware of that? Trust me, I know how wrong this is but you can’t deny it feels right. And you weren’t complaining when you had my cock inside you. If I’m not mistaken you asked for it so you better get on board with the fucking program, Fiona. You are going to be in my bed next week and you’re going to do what I tell you to like the dirty girl you are. For me and only for me.”

  Pushing her like this might not work in my favour, but I couldn’t have her backing out now. There was no fucking way I could treat her like a normal client when I wanted… no, needed to have her naked, spread wide and crying out my name.

  “No one has ever spoken to me the way you do.”

  “Does it make you wet, little one?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Touch yourself.”


  I strolled towards my bedroom, my hand creeping into the jogging shorts I’d put on when I’d got in earlier. I had intended to work out, but I’d sat down and drank instead after throwing together something simple for dinner. Besides, she’d given me quite the workout earlier.

  “Yes, right now.”


  “What did I just say?”

  “That I’m going to do what you tell me to.” And she’d be rewarded if she did.

  I sat on the edge of my bed and put the phone on speaker, tugging off my t-shirt.

  “I want you to fuck yourself nice and slow with your fingers and tell me how it feels.”

  She was silent as I lay back against my headboard and released my cock from the confines of my shorts. Placing the phone on my chest, I waited.

  “I’m a bit sore from earlier,” she whispered.

  Gentleness wasn’t my forte when it came to sex. Besides, she’d asked for it harder. My little one needed it rough and dirty.

  “Stroke your needy little clit for me instead.”

  As much as I wanted her to do what I said, pushing her too much would backfire on me. I’d already probably gone too far as it was.

  A moment later, she moaned softly. The sound made my cock jump in my hand. I stroked it, knowing just the sounds of her getting off were all it’d take to have me coming too. But selfishly, I wanted more.

  “I want you to imagine it’s me with my tongue between your legs.”

  “Yes… It feels so good.”

  Her words were followed by this mewling sound which had my stomach clenching. Christ, this girl. I stroked myself faster. Part of me wanted to drag it out but the need for a release outweighed those urges.

  “When you’re here, I won’t hold back. You think you’re sore now? After I’m done with you, you won’t be able to move. I’m going to fuck you in ways you’ve only dreamed about.”

  “Please,” she moaned. “Oh god, Jensen.”

  I think it was my name on her lips which undid me.

  “Fuck, come for me, little one,” I grunted.

  The first hot stream hit my stomach. Somehow I’d turned into a horny teenager for Fiona.

  “Jensen, I… oh… god.”

  A banging sound followed by a muffled voice sounded in the background.

  “Shit,” she almost squealed. “Hold on, Jen…”

  There was shuffling and movement.

  “I have to go.”

  “Don’t hang up on me,” I told her but she was already gone. “Fuck.”

  I stared down at my stomach where the evidence of my desire for Fiona had spilt all over it. All I wanted was to hear her coming and now that had gone to hell. Sighing, I set my phone down on the bedside table and grabbed a box of tissues, cleaning up the mess I’d made. Just as I’d got up, tucked my cock back away and stuffed the tissues in the bin, my phone rang.

  “I’m so sorry,” her voice came before I could get a word in. “She wanted to tell me about her date but I said I was sleeping so she left. God, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay, little one,” I said softly, hearing the distress in her voice. “It’s not your fault.”

  Honestly, I was just glad she’d called back. Her voice soothed me. I pulled back the covers and settled myself in bed, switching off the bedside table light.

  “I didn’t… finish.”

  I smiled, unable to help myself.

  “Did you want to?”

  “Yes, but isn’t the moment gone now?”

  “I still want to hear you come for me.”

  I heard her exhale sharply.

  “It’s not the same as when you make me come,” she whispered. “I don’t feel fully satisfied.”

  Did she have any idea how her words could affect a man? One fucking lucky bastard, that was me right now.

  “I’ll make sure you’re more than satisfied. Now, let me hear you crying out my name again.”

  If I wasn’t fucked before, I certainly was now. No way in hell I’d let her go.

  Fiona Benson was one thing and one thing only.


  Chapter Eight


  The only good thing about my sister going out on several dates during the week was it gave her a distraction so she didn’t notice my behaviour. I steered the conversation to her love life whenever I could since mine was off limits.

  I banged my head on my desk. Why was my therapist completely consuming all my thoughts? He hadn’t rung me since the day we’d had sex in his office. Somehow that had me more worked up than ever. And had me wondering if he’d purposely stayed out of contact to have me wanting to jump on him the moment we saw each other. There were only another couple of hours to go before my session, but every minute which ticked by felt like a lifetime.

  “What’s up with you?”

  I sat up so fast, all the blood rushed to my head. I winced and rubbed my forehead, finding my brother staring at me with a concerned expression from across the room.

  “Shit, Dante, you scared me.”

  He shut my office door and walked further in, dropping a bunch of papers down on my desk.

  “So, what’s bothering you?”

  I put my hand over my face. Mostly due to hating how well he always read me.

  “Nothing,” I muttered.

  “Hmm, I’m sure that’s what you’d like me to believe.”

  “Don’t you have work to do?”

  I peeked out through my fingers to find him seating himself in front of my desk with a ‘that isn’t going to fly with me’ expression written all over his face. Internally cursing my brother, I dropped my hand and met his eyes.

  “I have therapy today.”

  “Is it not going well?”

  Not sure sleeping with your therapist constitutes it going well.

  “It’s fine.”

  “Just fine?”

  “What do you want me to say? I’m trying like you asked.”

  He raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and looked away, unable to take the expression on his face. You wouldn’t describe Dante as a rainbows and sunshine sort of guy, but he’d lost some of his hard edge
s. It’s why Jen and I liked Liora. She’s down to earth and never allowed anything to get to her apart from when Dad beat the shit out of Dante. Then she was a mess according to Brent. The best thing about our sister in law was the effect she had on our brother if you didn’t count the fact she could cook. The shadows behind his eyes disappeared. The weight of hiding behind all those walls and barriers he erected to keep us safe from Dad was gone. Now we just had the real Dante and he could be a dog with a bone when he knew something was up.

  “I’m not telling you about therapy. I haven’t even told Jen since we agreed not to talk about it so drop it.”

  He leant forward in his seat.

  “What are you hiding?”

  “Fine, you want to know what’s wrong? Liam and Samantha are engaged.”

  His expression darkened. Dante hated Liam with a passion. They’d only met once or twice, but Liam had made a terrible impression on my brother. Especially after discovering he’d cheated on me. He could barely contain his contempt and threatened to have Brent beat the crap out of Liam until I told him all I wanted was Samantha gone from Bensons. Turned out, she’d been stealing samples from the stock room so Dante had a perfect excuse to get HR to fire her. The sweet satisfaction of seeing her do the walk of shame out of the building made having to tell my brother about it all worthwhile.

  “How do you know? Did that prick contact you again?”

  “No, I saw them last week in the coffee shop across the road.”

  He sat back and rubbed his hand across the back of his neck.

  “You don’t still care about him, do you?”

  I blinked. Where did he get that idea from?”

  “No. He’s a twat, Dante. He can go fuck himself.”

  His eyes widened.

  “And here I thought I’d come into the right office. Are you sure you’re not Jen?”

  I rolled my eyes again. It’d just come out without me meaning to say it. Perhaps Jensen was rubbing off on me more than I thought. I tried not to shiver at the thought of him.

  “I’m going to fuck you in ways you’ve only dreamed about.”

  My core immediately clenched as his words drifted through my mind. My hands curled around the arms of my chair as I tried to control my reaction. If his threat was to be believed, I’d be getting far more than I bargained for later.

  “Liam just makes me angry,” I said.

  “I can tell. Anyway, Liora wants you and Jen to come to dinner tonight.”

  “I can’t, but Jen shouldn’t be busy.”

  He looked at me closely then and I wondered if my agitation was clear on my face.

  “No? Got plans?”

  “Um… Yeah… I, uh, have a date.”

  I almost smacked my head against the desk all over again. Why had I said that? Now he’d want to know who it was.

  “A date.”

  “Yes, Dante, you know dinner and drinks with a man.”

  “Jen didn’t mention it. She seemed to think you were free tonight.”

  I saw from his expression he didn’t believe me. And why the hell hadn’t my sister told me he’d already invited us?

  “I forgot to tell her.”

  “You and Jen tell each other everything.”

  I folded my arms across my chest, trying not to squirm under my brother’s intense gaze. This is exactly why I didn’t want to have a conversation with Dante about therapy or anything else.

  “You know she thinks I have bad taste in men after Liam. I want to make sure he’s up to Jen’s standards before I tell her.”

  The lies were starting to add up. I hated it. Hated that in the space of three short weeks, a man I’d only seen four times and slept with twice had completely got under my skin. I craved Jensen, his sultry voice and verdant eyes gazing at me with heat and need.

  How could I continue with this? It felt wrong, especially not being able to tell anyone. I didn’t have many close friends, mostly because it was Jen and me against the world. After we’d withdrawn from everyone when we were fifteen, all our school friends drifted away because we were the weird twins who didn’t speak much. Nowadays I just had Liora and Ellie as female friends and they were my brothers' partners. I couldn’t tell Liora as no doubt she would blab to Dante. But Ellie… she seemed more inclined to keep secrets. Would she tell James? I guess the only way to find out was to ask her.

  “You’re acting very cagey, Fi.”

  “I don’t have to run my life by you and Jen every second of the day, you know.”

  He put his hands up.

  “Okay, fine, you don’t want to tell me what’s going on.” He stood up and brushed a piece of lint off his suit jacket. “Do me a favour and discuss whatever it is with your therapist so you stop acting like a brat.”

  He didn’t give me time to respond, walking out of my office and slamming the door shut behind him. I slumped down in my chair, rubbing my temples. I hadn’t meant to talk to him like that. My brother had only been trying to help, though it felt more like interfering in my life if I’m honest.

  I really needed to have a frank talk with Jensen later. It’d barely started between us and yet, I was already losing my shit.

  Why did he have to be my therapist? And why did I have to want him so much?

  Banging my head against my desk again, I just wanted everything to stop. Stop so I wouldn’t have to feel so bloody guilty about who I wanted to spend my time with.

  Why the hell is my life such a complete and utter mess?


  The moment I walked into his office and shut the door, my heart raced at the sight of him and my feet carried me further into the room than I wanted them to. They brought me right up to him. We stood staring at each other for the longest moment.

  “Little one,” he murmured and my legs buckled. He caught me in his arms and his mouth was on mine, kissing me with about as much restraint as a tiger mauling its prey, which translated to none whatsoever.

  His kisses feel like fireworks are going off inside me.

  I panted when he let go, my whole body trembling with an overwhelming urge to push him against the wall and tear open his shirt so I could run my fingers over his bare chest. So much for having a frank conversation with him, that thought went right out the window the moment I saw him.

  I stepped away, trying to compose myself, but finding it difficult with his proximity.

  “This… this isn’t going to work.”

  I regretted the words the moment they left my mouth. His expression darkened and his eyes narrowed.

  “What isn’t?”

  “This.” I waved between us. “This thing. I don’t even know what it is, but I can’t do it. It’s too much.”

  Instead of moving away, he only got closer and his fingers gripped my chin, tilting my face up towards his. His height gave him an advantage over me. I felt ridiculously small under his gaze.

  “What happened?”

  The softness and concern in his voice had me melting on the spot. How did he do it? I was like putty in Jensen’s hands and he knew it.

  “I had to lie to Dante earlier as Liora wanted Jen and me to come to dinner tonight. He saw through it because I’m a shit liar.”

  My handbag dropped to the floor and my fingers curled around his waist because I needed to touch him. I think he liked it since his other hand wrapped around my shoulders and he tugged me against him. His fingers brushed across my jaw in an almost soothing motion.

  “Jensen,” I whispered.

  “Yes, little one?”

  “I missed you.”

  His smile made my insides twist and turn. This man had me unravelled, feeling vulnerable and protected all at the same time. And instead of keeping all of my feelings from this week bottled up, they all came out in a rush.

  “All I can feel is this crushing guilt and it got worse the longer I went without hearing from you. I feel so selfish. I’m lying to my sister. Dante called me a brat
because I was giving him attitude about them interfering in my life and I just… I hate it. I hated every second of this week and I couldn’t deal with it.”

  What I wanted to ask him was ‘where were you?’ but I didn’t. I think the question was in my eyes anyway because his expression softened further.

  “You needed me.”

  I nodded, my eyes welling with tears because this was so ridiculous. Needing him was not part of the plan. How could you need someone you barely knew? Who’d told you next to nothing about themselves and yet you felt like you shared an intense connection with them, nonetheless?

  He leant towards me, his nose brushing against mine.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you,” he whispered. “You need to tell me when you’re feeling this way. You have my number. Use it.”

  “I didn’t know I was allowed to. I didn’t think you’d want that.”

  His lips were soft against mine, the kiss more comforting than passionate. He leant his forehead against mine when he released my mouth, staring into my eyes.

  “I’m still your therapist and this, especially this, is my responsibility. Don’t forget I’m here to help you.”

  Jensen had two very different sides to him. The first being when he was soft, kind and understanding. I liked to think of it as his therapist mode. The complete opposite to commanding and sexy as sin Jensen who dominated a space with his presence and had you wanting to get on your knees for him. He switched between them with ease and whilst it should terrify me, it didn’t. Both appealed to me in very different ways.

  “Should we really be holding each other like this in your office?”

  “No, but right now, I don’t give a shit. Did you really miss me?”

  I nodded, gazing at him and feeling my worries and guilt melting away the longer I was close to him like this. Hiding the truth of how I felt would be next to impossible when every time I looked into his verdant eyes, all I wanted to do was tell him everything.

  “You’re never far from my thoughts. I was giving you some space, but I see I was wrong to. It won’t happen again.”

  He watched me for a moment longer before releasing me and stepping back.

  “We should start your session now.”


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