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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 72

by Sarah Bailey

  I stared at her for a long moment. She knew Aiden. She grew up with his wife. The words hammered into me. It all made sense. Why she was here. Why she came to me. Even though I had no idea what to say, there was one thing I did know.

  “Come here, little one,” I said as softly as I could.

  She didn’t move straight away, but then her feet carried her towards me. When she stopped less than a foot away, I reached out and tugged her coat off her shoulders, tossing it on the sofa. Then I cupped her face with both hands and leant down, kissing her forehead. I felt her relax, her body arching towards me.

  “Jensen,” she whispered, her voice cracking on the word.

  I let go of her face and pulled her against my chest. Her hands clutched my t-shirt and a small sob wracked through her body. Her tears began to soak through the fabric within minutes, but I didn’t let go.

  “It’s too much. All of it. I can’t cope.”

  The odds weren’t exactly stacked in our favour any way you looked at it. No wonder she was overwhelmed. Hell, I was fucking overwhelmed and at a loss for words.

  “I ran away from them. I ran from my own brother’s house on Liora’s birthday because of you. Because of this. Because I can’t stay away from you. I hate it. I hate all of it so much. I can’t be this person who lies to her family and keeps secrets. But I am, because of you.”

  Her words sliced right through me. Gutting me completely. It was my fault. I’d wanted her that night, but she was as much to blame as me. She said yes. Said yes every single time and pushed for this to be more. For us to be together.

  “Make it stop. Please make the pain stop.”

  Perhaps it was the way she begged me or the fact this entire thing between us was fucked beyond repair and I was well past caring. I dragged her away from my chest, held her by the throat and backed her up until she was against the wall. Her pupils were dilated, her eyes wide and awash with tears. I held her tighter than I had before. Her pulse hammered against her skin, but she didn’t stop me. She didn’t put her hands up to mine and fight me off.

  “You want the pain gone?” I asked, my voice harsh and unforgiving.


  I squeezed, knowing I was slowly cutting off her airway. Normally I didn’t choke women during breath play since it was far more dangerous and could leave marks.

  “You’re going to do everything I say.”

  She nodded as best she could with my hand wrapped around her neck. Her breathing got steadily more erratic as she tried to drag air into her lungs. When her hands slammed against the wall in silent defeat, I released my grip, fingers caressing her neck gently as she gulped down oxygen.

  “Take your clothes off, kneel in front of my chair by the window and place your arms on it.”

  Her blue eyes met mine, the raw emotion in them almost tearing me to shreds. She needed this. A way to keep her steady. Someone to hold on to. And that someone was me. Always me. I’d never let anyone else have her.

  I let her regain her composure, waiting patiently for her to obey my command like I knew she would. Stepping back to give her space, I watched her reach up and tug off her black jumper with little silver stars on it. She took off the rest of her clothes after she slipped out of her ballet flats. My cock throbbed at the sight of her. Her slender body which I couldn’t get enough of.

  She walked over to my armchair, dropped to her knees and leant over it, placing her arms down on the soft cushion. The first time she’d been here, she sat in my lap in that chair whilst I told her about my family. The family who hated me. The people she’d now met.

  Shaking myself, I stalked from the room, gathering a couple of things from my bedroom before returning and standing behind her. She hadn’t moved which pleased me no end. I took off my glasses and set them on the side table next to her. Usually, I wore contacts and I’d planned to put some in before she came over, but it seems all my plans today were up in fucking flames. My vision might be a little shitty, but I didn’t need to see properly to fuck.

  “You’re going to give me something no one else has had.”

  I watched her body start to tremble. She knew what I was talking about. But the thing is, Fi didn’t say no. She never said no to me. And it’s what made this thing between us so dangerous. So fucking deadly. She’d give and I’d take, but what happened when there was nothing left but ashes and dust? Would I take too much of her? Would I destroy this thing between us completely?

  I tore off my t-shirt, tugged down my shorts and boxers before dropping to my knees by her feet and setting down the items I’d brought with me. My hands reached out, cupping those two soft cheeks I longed to be nestled in between.

  “Open your legs for me,” I told her, my voice soft but firm.

  She slid her knees across the carpet and spread her legs for me. I moved closer to her, the heat of her body searing into mine. Leaning down, I kissed her shoulder, pushing aside her hair.

  “Are you scared, little one?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I’ve never been scared of you.”

  She should be, but I wasn’t going to push it. Fiona hadn’t wanted to listen to my warnings before so it was unlikely she was going to pay them any mind now.

  “You won’t believe me but you’re the most beautiful and stunning girl I’ve ever had at my mercy. The moment I saw you, I had to have you.” I kissed my way down her spine. “Had to make you mine. Even if it was just for one night. Even though it would never be enough after I had one taste.”

  My hands skimmed her sides as I straightened.

  “Touch yourself. I want you nice and wet for me.”

  One of her hands slipped from the armchair and snaked between her legs. She let out a low moan when she started stroking her clit.

  “You’re my dirty girl, aren’t you, Fi?”

  “Yes, yours,” she breathed.

  Picking up the bottle next to her feet, I flipped the cap and coated my fingers. Virgin territory for my little one. I almost groaned imagining how tight she’d be. She tensed when my fingers slipped between her cheeks and brushed over the puckered skin there. I let her take a second to relax before I stroked my finger across her entrance, coaxing her into accepting what was about to happen. When I started pressing my finger inside her, she let out a little whimper, but she didn’t try and escape me. By the time I’d worked her up to the point where I felt she was ready, she was panting and bucking against me.

  “Jensen, please.”

  I withdrew my fingers after pressing more lube inside her, wiping off the excess from my fingers with a tissue.

  “What do you want?”


  I chuckled. She was going to have to do better than that. I picked up the lube and coated my cock. The anticipation had me throbbing and aching. I’d been leaking precum for the past ten minutes because I was so fucking ready to bury myself deep inside her.

  “Be a little more specific.”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  I ran my fingers across her pussy, finding her dripping.

  “You’re desperate for my cock, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, god, yes… Jensen, please, I need you so much, please.”

  I could feel the tension radiating off her. The need for a release. The escape from reality we had when we were together fucking like animals.

  “Keep relaxed for me and stroke your clit, little one.”

  Gripping her hip, I lined myself up and pressed against her tight virgin entrance. I could feel her struggling not to tense up. I let go of her hip and slapped her across one of her arse cheeks. She jolted backwards, allowing me to slip inside her. Her strangled cry told me she hadn’t been expecting either of those things.

  “It burns,” she whimpered.

  I couldn’t speak. The tightness had me struggling for breath. I couldn’t blow my load yet, not when I hadn’t even had a chance to fuck her and feel her clenching around me. I gritted my teeth,
fighting back against the overwhelming sensations just having the head of my dick inside her caused.

  “It hurts, please stop.”

  “You don’t get to stop now,” I growled.

  I don’t know where the fuck that came from. Instead of doing as she asked, I moved, making her take another inch.


  “You’re going to take my fucking cock like the dirty girl you are and say thank you when I’m buried all the way inside. Then you’re going to tell me to fuck you hard and deep and not to stop until you’re coming all over my dick. Do you understand?”

  When she didn’t answer, I pressed forward again, gripping her hip as an anchor. She let out a startled cry. I didn’t repeat myself. She would answer when she stopped fighting me. When she gave in. And she always gave in.

  Her hand curled into a fist and she lowered her forehead onto it. Her chest heaved, her breathing laboured.

  “I understand,” she whispered.

  Her whimpers were like music to my ears each time I sunk deeper. The darkness had come out to play and I wasn’t about to shove it back in the box where it belonged. I’d warned her about me. It’s not like I hadn’t told her I wasn’t a good person inside. I didn’t feel like one anyway. Years of being ostracised by the people who were meant to stand by me through thick and thin had a way of twisting a person. And the loss I felt every single time I thought about her caused far more damage than I was willing to admit.

  Fiona was so tight and hot. Having my cock buried this deep inside her was almost agony. At this rate, I really wasn’t going to last long. She’d have me coming like a fucking horny teenager without even trying.

  “That’s it, little one,” I growled, trying to keep myself in check as I made her take the last inch. “You’ve been so good.”

  She panted, her body tense under my hands.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For giving me your cock.”

  I couldn’t hold back a grin. Then she raised her head from her hand and looked back at me. Her blue eyes drilled into mine, telling me she hated and loved this at the same time. That the intensity kept her grounded. I leant towards her, capturing her chin between my fingers and brushing my lips over hers.

  “Dirty little girl.”

  “I’m your dirty little one,” she whispered, staring up at me.

  My mouth sealed over hers, taking what I wanted. The kiss was passion and fire. Nothing about it sweet, kind or caring. Her tongue danced with mine before she bit down on my bottom lip, causing me to groan. I bit her right back, showing her who was in control.

  Her eyes were wilder than they had been before when I pulled back.

  “Fuck me, Jensen,” she breathed. “Make me come all over you.”

  “With fucking pleasure.”

  I straightened and she hissed when I pulled out before thrusting back in. I started out slow because I could barely take it myself, desperately wanting to prolong this sensation. This feeling she gave me. It wasn’t long before I was taking her with deep, hard strokes. It felt so good. Too good. My dirty little one was taking it, arching back against me and begging me for it.

  “Harder, please, oh fuck, you feel so good.”

  “Damn it, Fi, come, fucking well come.”

  Both my hands were curled around her hips, my grip bruising as I fucked her little tight arse like it was the last thing I’d ever do. The intense pleasure made my eyes roll back in my head. I let out a guttural moan, knowing I was fucking done. The tingling started in the base of my spine. Everything tightened and in a moment of stillness, I felt the dam break. Not just for me, but for her too.

  “Fuck, Jensen,” she screamed.

  “Christ, fuck, fuck.”

  My cock spurted wildly as the pleasure lashed my skin, tearing me to shreds and putting me back together again. Feeling her clamping down around me, her body writhing and bucking and knowing it was me who gave her this made my heart pound harder in my chest. The experience had me free-falling into the abyss.

  “Tell me you’re mine.”

  She sucked in air.

  “I’m yours. Fuck. I’m all yours.”

  She slumped against the chair, panting wildly. There weren’t any words at that moment. I pulled away, sitting back on my knees as I tried to regain my own breath. My hands left her body and fell into my lap. We stayed like that for a long moment before I stood up, gathering up the lube and tissues and placing them on the table next to the armchair.

  I reached down, flipped her over and picked her up like a child. She wrapped her arms around my neck, placing her head on my shoulder. I carried her through the penthouse into my bathroom and set her down in the shower with me. We were both a sweaty mess. I flipped it on and held her in my arms, stroking her back as the water streamed down around us.

  After several long minutes, she pulled away and looked up at me. Her blue eyes were filled with complete adoration.

  “Thank you for taking my pain away.”

  I reached up, stroking her wet cheek.

  “Always, little one. Always.”

  She went up on her tiptoes and kissed me, showing me exactly how much she appreciated me. I’d never met anyone so kind and giving. Fi felt like a balm to my aching soul. She brought me back to life after living in the dark for so long.

  I wanted to stay in this moment, but we couldn’t.

  There was one huge giant elephant in the room.

  My family.

  And hers.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Laid out on Jensen’s huge sofa with one of his t-shirts and my underwear on, his front to my back and his arms curled around me, all of my panic and worry from before had completely subsided. We hadn’t spoken a word since we got out of the shower. My hair was still damp, but I’d put it up in a messy bun. I should’ve really brought my hairdryer with me.

  His hand drifted under my t-shirt, fingers stroking down my stomach. The simple touch had a soothing effect rather than being sexual. I wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about what we’d just done. It’d be a lie to say I didn’t enjoy it, but a part of me felt a little unnerved by the way he’d taken exactly what he wanted regardless of whether I was on board with it or not. He demanded I give that part of me to him. No wouldn’t have been an acceptable answer. I wasn’t sure no was in my vocabulary when it came to Jensen anyway.

  Even so, it’s not like I couldn’t have stopped him if I really wanted to. I’d have pressed it home to him and I know deep down, he would’ve listened. He wasn’t going to take me against my will. Not when he knew about my past. Besides, he wasn’t that type of person. I’d submitted to his dominance over me willingly. I’d given myself to him through choice. There was never coercion involved. At least, he never made me feel unsafe or that he wouldn’t take my concerns and boundaries seriously. When I told him my father had been the only person to have me without protection, he’d told me it was okay and I didn’t have to do that with him if I wasn’t ready. With Jensen, I felt freedom. So not using condoms didn’t seem like a big deal to me when it came to him. It just felt right. Everything with him felt right.

  I should be with my family right now but I wasn’t. I’d run to the one person who in reality was the cause of all of my distress even if he soothed it away too. At first, I’d believed this might just be an infatuation, but now, I knew better. The moment I saw him sitting in amongst his papers, I’d known how far I’d fallen. Willingly fallen.

  I’d never kept a secret from Jen before. And yet I’d done it for Jensen. Only for him. Because I would do anything to keep him. How had someone I’d known a month torn down all the walls of protection I’d built around myself after my father and Liam?

  I knew how. I trusted Jensen with my secrets. My truths. My past.

  Would he ever trust me with his?

  “You didn’t say anything about us to anyone, did you?”

  I st
iffened. I’d almost told Ellie, but I held back because I knew it wouldn’t be wise.

  “No, but you know my family knows I’m seeing someone.” I couldn’t keep the note of resentment out of my voice.

  He flattened his palm on my stomach and pressed me closer to him.


  Was that all he was going to say about it? Irritation burnt through me. Didn’t he care how all of this tore me up inside? How meeting his brother today made it all real? The lies. The deception. The secrets.

  “Is that it?”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t know, Jensen, how about we talk about the fact my family is somehow connected to yours? Or you know, how I ran away from my family because of this shit between us? Or how screwed up it all is? Maybe those things. Maybe you want to tell me how the hell any of this will end well because right now, I feel like I’m standing at the edge of the cliff and one wrong move will have me tumbling down into a black hole of my own making.”

  The moment the last word left my mouth, I found myself flipped over onto my back and him looming over me with a harsh edge to his expression which had me trembling.

  “Do you think you’re the only one with everything to lose? I’ve put my fucking career and reputation on the line. I gave you a choice. I warned you if you wanted this with me, you had to be all in. There are consequences to everything we do in life, little one. And this is one you’re just going to have to live with because you’re mine and I’m not fucking letting you go no matter how far you or I fall.”

  He’d never scared me before, but in that moment, I was a little afraid of him. Of his intense stare. The way he held me there with it. But mostly because what he said was right. I’d been thinking about myself and how the guilt weighed on my chest. Jensen had far more to lose than I did. I realised that as he stared down at me with those verdant eyes I adored, pent up irritation and fury burning in them. There was possession too. He owned me and I knew it.

  I reached up, letting my feelings dictate me rather than my fear and held his face. My thumb brushed across his cheek. His eyes lost some of their irritation as he searched my face.


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