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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 82

by Sarah Bailey

  I choked back a sob. Jensen took his responsibility for what happened between us and his role in Jen’s life seriously.

  “I believe you… but it doesn’t mean I forgive you for it.” She turned back to me. “Who else knows about this?”

  I shifted on my feet, reluctant to tell her.


  “Even James?”

  “He was the first one I told.”

  Her expression darkened.

  “So I’m the last fucking one to know? Well, thanks, guys, that’s real fucking nice of you.”

  She paced away from Jensen, her hands clenching and unclenching by her sides. When she finally turned back to me, her expression was hollow.

  “I love you, Fi, but I don’t want to see you right now… what you did… I just can’t. I don’t care where you stay, just don’t come back to the flat unless it’s to get your shit.”

  My heart shattered.


  “I don’t want to hear any more apologies. I get you're sorry and you didn’t mean to hurt me, but you did. You just have to fucking well live with it.” She turned to Jensen. “I hope you realise I’m not coming back to therapy. If you love my sister, you’ll take care of her for me and if you hurt her, I’ll hunt you down and rip you a new one.”

  And with that, she stormed out of the room. Liora jumped up off the sofa and ran after her, leaving me with Jensen and Dante. I stared at the open doorway for a long moment before my knees buckled and I crumpled to the floor, loud, wracking sobs erupting from my chest. It was less than a minute later when I was pulled against a solid chest.

  “Shh, little one,” he murmured in my ear. “I’ve got you.”

  Knowing what Jen’s exact reaction would be and having to go through it were two entirely different things. I’d hurt my sister and it killed me inside. But it was nothing compared to the loss I’d felt at leaving Jensen two weeks ago. Jen would come around eventually. Living without Jensen wasn’t an option for me. Even though it hurt me to admit it, I’d chosen the love of my life over my family. And I didn’t regret a single thing.

  “I love you,” I sobbed on his chest.

  “I know you do. I love you too.”

  Chapter Twenty Five


  To say the aftermath of telling Jen about us was messy would be an understatement. Fiona had cried for two hours straight on my chest on the floor of the living room. I’d just about managed to get her to eat something before putting her to bed. She was heartbroken over Jen walking out and refusing to talk to her. And it broke me to see her so upset.

  Liora and Dante had been accommodating in letting us stay the night. I knew he wasn’t exactly happy with our relationship, but Fi told me Liora’d had words with him about not getting in the way of his sister’s happiness.

  My little one had stuck to her guns. She hadn’t left me again. In fact, she’d basically moved in. Having a girlfriend and said girlfriend living with me wasn’t something I expected to happen. Ever. Yesterday we’d been over at the flat she shared with Jen and moved out all of her clothes and the things she needed. Fi could’ve gone and stayed with Dante, but I wanted her with me where she belonged. And today she was going to meet my family. Something she happened to be incredibly nervous about. As evidenced by the fact her clothes were now strewn across my bed as she tried to work out what she wanted to wear even though we weren’t due to leave for another couple of hours.

  “I have nothing to wear!” she exclaimed as she threw yet another dress into the pile as I walked in.

  She looked harassed, her hair messy and her hands were shaking at her sides. I went over to her and wrapped her up in my arms.

  “You’ve got lots of things to wear.”

  “It’s your parents. I want to make a good impression.”

  I smiled. I loved how seriously she took this. How much she wanted to prove she was good enough for me even though I was pretty sure my parents would think I wasn’t good enough for her.

  “You don’t need to fret. They’ll probably like you more than they like me.”

  She shook her head against my chest. Perhaps she needed a distraction. I knew things were tough for her what with Jen and her not being on speaking terms. Meeting my family wasn’t helping matters.

  “I know what you need, little one.”

  She looked up at me, her blue eyes full of caution. I leant down until my mouth brushed against her ear.

  “I want you to get down on your knees.”

  She bit her lip as her eyes flashed. I let her go and she sunk down onto the floor, her hands immediately going to my shorts and tugging them down. Her fingers wrapped around my cock as she pulled it out. It didn’t take much effort on her part to get me hard. The moment she touched me, it was like fireworks going off between us.

  Her tongue ran up my shaft, making me shiver. My fingers curled into her hair and I tugged her closer.

  “Don’t tease,” I all but growled.

  She loved giving me control. Letting me do what I wanted to her. Fi trusted me implicitly. It wasn’t the first time I’d told her to get on her knees for me. She’d made good on her promise to leave her red lipstick all over my cock several times over.

  “You like it when I tease,” she murmured. “You like to punish me when I’m bad.”

  Christ, my dirty little one knows me far too well.

  “Punish that dirty mouth.”


  Her hum vibrated over my cock and made me twitch. She was damn right I liked to punish her with my cock. Though I’m pretty sure Fi didn’t see any of this as a real punishment considering how much she loved it. Loved the thrill of chasing that high together.

  Her tongue circled the crown of my cock. I couldn’t stand it.

  “Damn it, Fi, put my cock in your mouth before I make you.”

  She gripped me at the base with her hand and looked up at me with those piercing blue eyes of hers. Right now she was in control and I was at her mercy. That’s what she was telling me. Didn’t she know she had all the real power? I might tell her what to do, but she owned me. Owned my fucking heart and soul. If she wanted me on my knees for her, I’d do it in an instant. I’d give her the world if I could. My young beauty deserved it all.


  I gripped her hair tighter, warning her if she continued down this path, she’d not be granted any mercy. As if I’d give her it anyway. She never expected it nor wanted it.

  Her hot, wet mouth covered me and I couldn’t help the hiss escaping through my teeth. She used her tongue to caress the underside of my cock whilst she took me deeper. Shit, Fiona really did give the best head I’d ever had. And she knew it. Putty in her hands. At the mercy of her tongue. The perfect distraction for both of us.

  I allowed her to set the pace initially. Her hand worked me as her mouth grew more demanding with each stroke. She wanted me to lose it. Her eyes burnt into mine, never once looking down at what she was doing. She captivated me on a level no other person had done before.

  Christ, I love you, Fi. You’re my everything.

  I couldn’t take it any longer. The sensations she elicited drove down my spine, making me ache to fill up her throat with my release. I gripped her head with both hands and took over. She continued to stare up at me whilst I brutally pounded her mouth, taking what I wanted from her in a moment of madness. Giving in to my need to have her do exactly as I wished. She laid her hands on my thighs in supplication as if telling me she accepted this even if she was close to choking around my length.

  Seeing her like this did me in. One final thrust had me spiralling as the first wave hit. I let out a loud grunt as my cock spurted wildly in her mouth. Her perfect lips stretched wide around it whilst she tried not to let any of my cum spill out.

  When I pulled out of her, utterly spent, she swallowed and smiled up at me. Fuck she was beautiful. Her tongue swept across her lips, catching every
last drop. She carefully tucked me back away and stood, wrapping her arms around my waist as she laid her head against my chest.

  “You always know what I need,” she whispered.

  “Mmm, I think I needed that too.”

  We stood like that for several minutes before I pulled away and looked over at the pile of clothes on the bed. There was one dress which caught my eye. I’d never seen her in it, but I knew it was the right choice. I moved over and picked it up.

  “You’ll wear this.”

  Fi came and stood next to me.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Do you want to spend another hour chucking clothes all over the room?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Then you’ll wear this.”

  Her head turned up to look at me, blue eyes radiating her appreciation.

  “Sure thing… Ol—”

  I slapped a hand over her mouth to stop her from saying the next words which were about to come out of her mouth.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  The twinkle in her eye had me dropping the dress, pulling her into me. She kissed my palm, and I let her mouth go.

  “I love you.”

  “Hmm… When you tease me I start to question just how much.”

  She yelped when I picked her up and carried her towards the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Putting you in the shower because that dirty little mouth needs washing out.”

  Her peel of laughter and the twinkle in her eye as we walked made my heart sing.

  Yeah, I really did have it bad for Fiona Benson and her infectious joy.

  I just hoped she’d help me get through the evening with my family.


  Fiona fidgeted the entire way as I drove out of the city. My parents didn’t live in London, rather Essex where they’d settled after they left the army. Ben had arranged to have the party in a small hall near where they lived. There’d be a lot of their ex-army friends who I grew up with there. Many of them knew what happened with Hailey. It was something I still hadn’t exactly finished explaining to Fi, but I found talking about why Hailey took her own life harder than the act itself. Mostly because it made me angry and it was never a good thing when I lost my temper.

  “Just so I get this right, your parents are called Bob and Valerie, right?” she said as her hands tapped on her knee.


  “And they’re both retired.”

  “Have been for a couple of years now.”

  They’d both worked in civilian jobs once they’d left the army, but the transition hadn’t been easy for them in the aftermath of Hailey’s death. They’d both been based up north when it happened. We’d moved around a lot when we were kids and both my parents had done tours of duty at separate times so one of them was always home for us.

  I pulled up outside my parents’ house. Despite our strained relationship, they always outright refused to allow me to stay in a hotel when I visited. I’d told them I was bringing someone when I’d spoken to my dad a couple of days ago. This was certainly going to be an interesting weekend.

  I knew Ben and Skye would be setting up as the party was due to start in an hour, so it would just be Mum and Dad. Fiona looked up at the house as we got out. They lived in a big four bedroomed house on the outskirts of town. Dad had talked about downsizing several times, but they appreciated the space when Skye and Ben stayed with the kids.

  “This is nice.”

  “Mmmhmm,” I mused as I got our bags out of the car.

  To say I was nervous about introducing her to my parents would be an understatement. They’d know she was a lot younger than me and I worried about their reaction. Not to mention I was thirty eight and had never brought a girl home to them. Ever.

  We both stood outside the front door as I rang the doorbell and waited. She grasped my free hand, squeezing my fingers. Thankfully it was my father who opened the door. His green eyes softened as he looked over the two of us.



  “And this is…?”

  “Fiona, my girlfriend.”

  Dad raised an eyebrow at that. I may have just said I was bringing a friend. The word girl had never come up. Fi put her hand out but was waved away by my dad who stepped forward and kissed her cheek.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr Andrews.”

  “Don’t be silly, love, please call me Bob. Now come in both of you. Your mother is messing with her hair, but she’ll be down in a bit.”

  Fi looked up at me as we stepped in, her blue eyes wide. My father had a rather broad West Country accent. I gave her a slight shrug whilst Dad shut the door. I led Fi into the living room with Dad on our heels.

  “Why don’t you put your bags upstairs and I’ll get Fiona here a drink.”

  I nodded at him and disappeared upstairs leaving her alone with my dad. She’d be okay. I hoped. When I reached the landing, Mum was coming out of her bedroom. She looked nice with her hair up and her blue dress classically understated.

  “Oh, you’re here.”

  Her tone was flat, but I didn’t really expect anything else. I gave her a cursory kiss on the cheek.

  “Hello to you too, Mum. Happy anniversary.”

  “Your father said you were bringing someone.”

  “Yes, she’s downstairs with Dad.”

  Mum’s eyes widened.


  “Yes, Mum. I know it’s shocking a woman would agree to be my girlfriend, but there we have it.”

  I stalked away to the bedroom they usually put me in when I stayed before she had a chance to say anything else. Popping the bags on the bed, I pulled out the card and present I’d got my parents and made my way back downstairs, not wanting to leave Fi alone too long.

  Fiona was shaking my mum’s hand as I entered the living room. She had a glass of what looked like a gin and tonic in the other hand. Dad arrived and handed me a beer despite the fact he knew I preferred whisky. I didn’t complain though. I popped their card and gift on the side table. Striding over to Fi, I took her hand now she’d dropped my mum’s and looked her over. She seemed okay, but I could never be sure sometimes. When she hid her emotions from me, it was like trying to pry open a locked vault working out what was going through her mind.

  We sat down on the sofa as my parents took their usual armchairs. The silence in the room was deafening. I hated the awkwardness between us.

  “So, Fiona, what do you do?” Dad asked before taking a swig of his beer.

  “Oh, I own Bensons along with my siblings.”

  That made Mum’s jaw drop. I’d forgotten to mention to Fiona my mum liked their range because it was often understated for the more mature woman. She preferred unpretentious brands.

  “Really now? Val loves your clothes.”

  Fiona smiled, running her eyes over my mum and clutching my hand tighter.

  “You do? Well, I could definitely arrange a tour of our offices when you’re in London next… I mean if that interests you at all. We’re always working on something new.”

  I think my mum appreciated the gesture because her eyes softened momentarily before she looked over at me and they hardened again.

  “Well, that’s a lovely offer, dear. Tell me, how did you meet my son?” Mum said.

  I think the moment they realised who she was, it became obvious just how much younger Fiona was than me. It definitely riled my mother up. I could see it in her eyes. Her thinking, what the hell is a girl like this doing with me? Shoving down the urge to say something, I sipped my beer and waited for Fi to respond to my mother’s question.

  “We met in a bar owned by my brother’s girlfriend a few months ago and hit it off.” She looked up at me, her blue eyes radiating affection. “As you might know, my family has been through rather a lot of controversy in recent years, but meeting Jensen has given me a new lease of life after everything I’ve be
en through.”

  I noticed Dad’s eyes get a little misty at her words, whilst Mum’s expression softened a tad. And fuck did I love Fi more for saying it. I knew she meant it, but at the same time, it gave my parents something to think about. To perhaps see I’d changed. That I was no longer the black sheep of the family. I’d tried so hard to be a better man for Fi. To be someone she could be proud to stand beside.

  I raised her hand to my lips, kissing her knuckles. She smiled at me and turned back to my parents.

  “I’ve never met anyone who’s been more understanding of my past than him. Just between us, what was reported on isn’t even a fraction of the truth behind my childhood, but I suppose that’s not a story for today. I just know your son is the best thing to happen to me in years and I can’t thank you enough for raising him.”

  If only Fiona knew how much her words would affect my parents. I should’ve told her what happened to Hailey so she’d understand. Dad put a hand on Mum’s, giving it a squeeze. Mum looked at me. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of her expression. There was a hint of confusion mixed in with pride. Like she was seeing me for the first time in years and didn’t hate the sight of me.

  Somehow this broke the ice between the four of us and soon the conversation was flowing without too much trouble. Mum was interested in Bensons and I was pretty sure she’d take up Fi’s offer of a tour of the offices. I smiled, watching her interact with my family and knowing this was only half of the battle. The real one was when I introduced her to Ben. That would test our relationship to the limit.

  The four of us got into a taxi half an hour later and it sped away to the hall. Fi and my mother were still chatting animatedly next to each other. Dad was in the front whilst I was watching my beautiful girlfriend. And she really did look stunning. The red dress I’d chosen for her highlighted all her curves but wasn’t too revealing. I’d put on her favourite Tom Ford of mine with a white shirt and black tie.

  I took her hand when we all piled out and kept her close to me. We were about to walk towards the venue when I felt Mum’s hand on my arm. I leant down to her when I noticed her expression.


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