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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 114

by Sarah Bailey

  That made tears well in my eyes. I knew he was right. I didn’t need official sessions any longer. I was better. So much better than I’d been before. And I really owed him everything.

  I pulled away slightly and stared up at him.

  “Thank you for everything. I would say you have no idea what you’ve done for me, but I think you do. For me and Fi.”

  He reached up and ruffled my hair which made me scowl. Fi grinned and smoothed it down for me.

  “He does that to me and it’s annoying.”

  “Wait, Mr Perfect isn’t so perfect?”

  “I’m right here, you know,” Jensen said, rolling his eyes.

  The two of us laughed and we all stepped away from each other. I linked arms with Fi as we walked towards the desk to collect our things.

  “What did he say?”

  “Just complained you’re still stubborn, but I think your words rattled him to be honest.”


  “Yeah, he didn’t seem like himself after that. At least not the confident, cocksure father we know. He just asked about how I was and I introduced him to Jensen. I told him I wasn’t going to come see him again and weirdly, he said he understood. I didn’t really have much to say to him. You said it all.”

  I nodded. She had a point. I’d pretty much given it to him straight and pulled no punches.

  “I feel free, Fi. Finally free from what he did. I never thought I’d say that.”

  She smiled at me and squeezed my arm, telling me without words she knew exactly how I felt because she did. Fi was my twin and my soulmate. And she’d be there for me until we faded from this world.

  After we collected our things, Jensen drove us back to Dante and Liora’s. It was mine and Brent’s home too now, which was still kind of weird, but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Not when we had a baby on the way and would need all the support we could get. I said goodbye to the both of them, knowing they wanted to get home and be alone together.

  Brent was in the hallway when I unlocked the front door and walked in. He gave me a tentative smile before grunting as I barrelled my way into his arms.

  “Well, hello to you too.”

  Everything melted away now I was right there next to him. He kissed the top of my head, holding me close.

  “You okay?”

  “I am now,” I whispered. “I’m more than okay.”

  “Did it go okay?”

  I pulled back and stared up into his beautiful gold flecked hazel eyes. Hell, I loved this man. So. Damn. Much.

  “Actually it was good. He didn’t really say much. I said what I needed to say and left without waiting for a response. According to Fi, I rattled him. And I may have told him about the baby and us getting married. You should’ve seen his face when I said Dante would be giving me away. His eyes got all dark and his lip was twitchy. But it didn’t scare me like it used to. He doesn’t scare me at all. He’s just a sad, pathetic man rotting away in prison and that’s all he deserves.”

  Brent stroked my hair and smiled.

  “I’d have paid to see the look on his face.”

  “Neither of us ever have to see his face again, so you should be happy about that.”

  “Oh trust me, I am.”

  I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and going up on my tiptoes.

  “Enough about Dad. I’m more interested in what you can do with that devastating mouth of yours.”

  He raised an eyebrow.


  So we may have had a particularly vigorous romp this morning before I’d gone to work. Instead of having my usual therapy session, Jensen, Fi and I visited the prison instead. And now all I could think about was a very delicious repeat of our performance earlier.

  “Yes, I’m your pregnant, nympho fiancée and you better get used to it.”

  He rolled his eyes before picking me up and carrying me upstairs.

  “You know, Aiden is right. You are a troublemaker.”

  I grinned.

  “I’m your troublemaker.”

  “Mmmhmm… and I’m going to be stuck with you for life. Lucky I love you so much.”

  He set me down on the bed when we got into my room and pushed me down on my back.

  “Now, troublemaker, you’re going to shut up and let me work my magic. Got it?”

  I nodded, giggling as he started to undress me.

  “Shh, firestorm. You’ll have D down here complaining again.”

  “Fuck Dante. He can complain all he wants. Now… show me what you got.”

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  I held Jen’s hand as she lay back so the sonographer could do her twelve week scan. It’d be the first time we were seeing the baby and I was nervous as hell. Jen kept telling me it’d be fine, but who really knew?

  The sonographer was talking to us and explaining what would happen, but I wasn’t really listening. I stared at the screen, waiting for the images to appear as Jen had gel squirted on her lower stomach. She looked up at me, smiling.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I nodded. I wasn’t, but she didn’t need to know that. Who’d have thought I’d ever be in this position? Of course, I’d gone through some of this when Cam was pregnant, but I’d never come to any of her scans.

  She squeezed my hand and turned back to the screen. My eyes were fixed on it. The woman was talking again, but all I could hear was a buzzing sound in my ears. And when she finally put the wand thing on Jen’s stomach and the image came up on screen, I just about died on the spot. She moved it around a little and stared at the screen for a few minutes, but it was obvious.

  “Well, I think congratulations are in order. You’re having twins.”

  It was clear as day, two babies. Two fucking babies. It was enough that I’d even got Jen pregnant in the first place, but now we were having twins. How the hell would the two of us cope with this? So many things were running through my mind and I couldn’t comprehend how this had happened.

  Jen looked up at me and I realised I was squeezing her hand. I loosened my grip.

  “You’re freaking out.”

  I was surprised she wasn’t. She’d got freaked out over the pregnancy in the first place.

  “Twins. We’re having twins.”

  I wanted to curse but decided against it given where we were. We could talk about this later when we alone and could process it properly. Right now, we needed to get through the rest of the scan. The woman pointed out more things to us, but I was barely paying attention. Two babies was a lot to cope with. Hell, one would be enough. This was not part of the plan, but when had anything ever gone to plan between me and Jen? Our relationship had been tumultuous from the beginning.

  When we were done, I drove Jen back to the office in a daze. She was staring down at the copies of the scans we’d been given. We’d barely spoken since we left the hospital, neither of us really knowing what to say. I pulled up in the carpark nearby and stared out of the window.

  “You coming in with me?” she asked, putting a hand on my arm. “We should really talk about this.”

  I sighed and got out of the car without answering. The two of us walked to Bensons hand in hand. She’d tucked the scans in her handbag and was smiling the whole way. Me, on the other hand, I was feeling like another bomb had been dropped on the two of us.

  Barely a minute after we’d stepped into her office, Fi dashed in.

  “Show me, show me, show me!”

  Jen sat down at her desk and left me pacing by the windows. Fi came around the desk looking like Christmas had come early. Jen pulled out the scan photos and handed them to her. There was a long moment of silence before a squeal erupted out of her sister’s mouth.

  “Oh my god, you’re having twins!”

  Hearing another person say it out loud made me feel queasy.

  “I knew it. I just knew it. This is so exciting, Jen. I’m going to be an
aunty to twins. Who’d have thought!”

  “All right, calm down.”

  “How are you feeling? Are you excited?”

  Jen looked over her shoulder at me with a frown on her face.

  “I’m fine… Hold on…”

  She got up and walked over to me, putting a hand on my arm.

  “Hey,” she said quietly. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “Is it?”

  I couldn’t help it. Tension coiled inside me even though she was right there and she calmed me usually.

  “Yes. We can do this. I know it’s scary, but we’ve got this.”

  She let go of my arm and reached up, stroking my face.

  “We have each other, Brent. I love you and you love me.” She placed a hand on her stomach. “And we both love our babies. Nothing else matters.”

  “How can you be so calm about it?”

  She gave me a soft smile. Shit. The sight of it made my heart thump. The way she always looked at me now as if I was her everything had taken some getting used to after she’d spent so long hating on me.

  “I have you.”

  I couldn’t help smiling.

  “Is that all it takes then?”

  She shook her head.

  “No, but I know you’ll protect me and the babies with your life. Knowing you have my back and you love me, that’s all I need.”

  If she wasn’t careful, she was going to make me get all emotional. As if I couldn’t love this woman any more than I already did. Jen had changed so much over the past few months. She’d grown and seemed so much freer. Like all of her burdens and past hurts weren’t weighing her down any longer.

  I leant down, pressing my forehead to hers as I cupped her face.

  “I do love you, so fucking much.”

  “And I love you.”

  “We’re going to be okay.”

  She nodded, the smile on her face widening.

  “We’re having twins. Shit. Two babies. They’re going to be so beautiful, just like their mother.”

  Twin spots of red appeared on her cheeks and fuck if that wasn’t adorable. Jen really was everything to me.

  “What if I want them to look like you?”

  I snorted.

  “Well, I won’t complain either way.”

  She kissed me then and in those moments of us being locked together, I felt like it would all be okay. We could get through this just like we’d gotten through everything else.

  We pulled apart when we heard a loud sob across from us. We looked over at Fi who was full on ugly crying.

  “You two are just so… perfect,” she whispered.

  Jen rolled her eyes and pulled away from me.

  “Oh shut up and stop being such a big baby.”

  She walked over to her sister and pulled her into a hug. The girls smiled at each other when they pulled apart.

  “Okay, so why is this like crying central in here?” James said as he walked in with a raised eyebrow.

  “You know what women are like,” I replied, coming over and putting an arm around Jen.

  She scowled at me before turning back to her brother.

  “Brent and I are having twins.”

  James’ face lit up and he came over to us, taking the sonogram photos out of Fi’s hand.

  “Oh well, that’s going to be a fuck ton of work, but congrats.”

  “Thank you baby bro.”

  “Now we’re just missing Dante,” Fi said with a shrug.

  James’ grin got wider.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

  The next moment, our older brother strolled in with Logan attached to his chest like this was a normal occurrence for him to bring his son into the office.

  “What are you doing here?” Jen asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Am I not allowed to check on my company and my siblings?”

  “You are, but none of us expected you here today, especially not with my nephew.”

  He shrugged, coming over and taking the scan photos from James.

  “You think I forgot you were having a scan today… Oh shit, you’re having twins? Well, good luck with that. Logan is enough work as it is.”

  He shoved me on the arm and winked before grinning.

  “Wipe that smile off your face. Don’t forget, we live in the same house,” I retorted. “And we’ve babysat Logan enough times now so you’ll have no choice but return the favour.”

  That made his expression drop immediately.

  “You expect Liora and me to look after three kids at the same time?”


  He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

  “Fine. I suppose it’s only fair. Christ, our family is getting bigger by the fucking day.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” Fi asked.

  He smiled and shook his head.

  “No, I just didn’t think I’d see the day, you know. After everything he did to try and tear us apart, we’re still all together and look at us, having families, running Bensons. Did any of you think we’d be here now?”

  “Not me,” James said.

  Fi shook her head and Jen shrugged.

  “Right, well, all of you are coming home tonight for dinner and no excuses. We need to celebrate. Don’t forget to bring Ellie and Jensen.”

  With that, he handed the scans back to Jen and strolled away. I rolled my eyes. Typical fucking Dante, but in all honesty, I was happy. We were a family now. All of us.

  “He’s never going to stop being bossy,” Jen said.

  “Yeah, well, imagine how Liora feels when he gets all demanding,” James put in.

  “I don’t know, I think she’s into it.”

  She waggled her eyebrows at her brother and he laughed.

  “You really have no idea.”

  And with that he walked out, leaving me alone with the girls who looked at each other with confusion written all over their faces. I was definitely not about to enlighten them about what James meant. They really didn’t need to know about their older brother’s proclivities. I knew far more than I’d ever wanted to.

  “I don’t even want to ask what that was about,” Fi said. “I better get back to work anyway, but seriously, we have to plan now you’re having two babies. You’ve got to get so much stuff.”

  Jen rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t remind me.”

  She gave her sister another hug before Fi gave me one and disappeared from the room. I tugged Jen over to her desk chair and sat down with her in my lap, my hand stroking across her stomach.

  “My babies are growing in there,” I whispered.

  “Our babies, you mean.”

  “Yes, our babies. Two of them. No doubt they’ll be a handful just like their mother.”

  “You love how much of a handful I am.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Do I now?”

  She stroked my jaw.

  “Mmmhmm. Don’t forget, you’ve called me a maddening woman who you still want to pin down and fuck regardless. And told me how crazy you are for me on several occasions.”

  I grinned before tucking a hand around the back of her head, my fingers tangling in her dark hair.

  “Oh, I most definitely want to hold you down and fuck you, repeatedly.”

  Jen’s sex drive was still crazy at the moment, but you’d never hear me complaining about it. Even if she occasionally fucked my cock raw with all the sex we seemed to have.

  “No one else is allowed that privilege.”

  “I should fucking well hope not. You’re mine.”

  She leant forward and nuzzled her nose against mine.

  “And you’re mine.”

  “Yes, Mistress Jennifer. Are you going to punish me for making you think otherwise?”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Shut up.”

  “I’ve always been yours. You stole my heart, remember?”

/>   “I’m keeping it safe, don’t you worry.”

  She grinned and jumped off my lap, strolling away to the door which she closed and locked, giving me a wink. She shut the blinds next. As she walked back over to me, she had a very sly smile on her face. Before she straddled me in her chair, she hitched up her skirt, exposing her lacy underwear to me. I wrapped my hands around her pert arse, pulling her down towards me.

  “You really are an insatiable little minx,” I growled as she reached between us and stroked her hand down my rapidly hardening cock.

  “Am I? Oh well, I suppose if you don’t want it, you just have to say.”

  “I never said that.”

  She grinned, her blue eyes twinkling. Making quick work of my jeans, she tugged out her prey, making me groan. She didn’t bother taking anything else off, just peeled aside her underwear and sunk down on me inch by inch.

  “Jen,” I hissed. “Fuck.”

  Her face buried in my neck, peppering kisses across my skin as I gripped her arse and encouraged her to ride me.

  “Shit, I love your cock,” she breathed against my skin.

  “Is that so?”

  Her lips trailed up my jaw until they met mine. Her breath dusted across them as she teased me with barely-there kisses.

  “If I tell you how much, you’re not allowed to let it go to your head.”

  “No promises.”

  “So annoying, but fuck it, no one has ever filled me up or fucked me the way you do. I need it, so fucking much. God, Brent, you drive me crazy.”

  The urgency in her voice and the way her hips ground against mine only made me harder. Fuck, I needed to come in her so bad. I reached in between us and stroked her clit, making her groan louder.

  “Shh, firestorm.”

  “But it feels so good,” she whimpered.

  I chuckled, wishing we were at home so she could make as much noise as she wanted. Our bedroom in the flat had been finished first so we were able to fuck in peace.

  She picked up the pace, holding onto my shoulders as her head fell back, her dark hair splaying out across her back.

  “Shit, Brent, fuck.”

  Her body started to convulse around me and I knew she’d let go. Fuck, she looked so beautiful in the throes of ecstasy. She had this glow about her, setting my whole world alight. Watching her come all over my cock had my own climax rapidly approaching. Everything stilled right before the first wave hit. I couldn’t help being in awe of the love of my life for that small moment. Then I let go, grunting out her name as bliss washed over my skin. Everything about Jen was perfect. And everything about this moment was magical.


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