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My Greek Project

Page 2

by CB Colin

  Chapter II-

  Missing Home-

  I was sitting like a fool, watching the people hugging and being happy seeing each other, while I was walking around the car park, dieing of heat. I was looking to the left and to the right, already having the intuition to return and buy me a ticket to Athens. I sat on my trolley, waiting for someone to come.

  I did not understood, where was I?

  For a second I feared that everything was a trick, and now I am alone on this bloody island. I looked around to see the Minotaur maze from where Icarus flew.

  I flinched when something vibrated in my blue jeans pocket. I took my phone out, answering emasculated:


  “My dear, are you alright? How is it? Why you didn’t call me back?”

  I had to hold the phone at a distance from my ear, fearing to be deaf for the rest of my life. My mother’s voice exploded of concern, and the questions, which tortured her mind, spilled out to me in the phone.

  “Mom, I am fine, I just arrived. I’m at the seaport.”

  “How is Greece? Do you like it?”

  “Is…” --I thought fast to a flying lie-- “hospitable.”


  “Yes, it’s nice, blue sea, shining sun, and perfect for sun-bathing.”

  “It is such a relief to hear that you are well, I hope you are well, do you have water with you? Sun lotion?”

  “Yes mother, I have. Calm yourself down.”

  At short notice, like a salvation from my mother’s mind, a honking distracted my attention and I got up to see who did it, after that I put myself back down.

  “Mom I will call you when I will get to the hotel,” I said to her and closed quickly the phone, before she would ask me if I am still breathing. From a white car, a blonde bimbo got off, tall woman, wearing high heels, dressed office, having a ponytail, came quickly to me, getting off her sunglasses.

  “I’m so sorry, was a traffic jam on my way here. You must be Damian Edward Jones, right?”

  American. Not because she was late, but because of her accent.

  “Just Damian, it’s enough,” I replayed icily, because I did not stand for a person to not be punctual, whatever is the situation.

  I got up second time from the luggage and shacked hand with her.

  “I’m Helen Bones; I’m your guide, or supervisor. Or how you want to call it”.

  I figured out that the person by her name Helen Bones was with couple of years older then me, not because of her nose earring she had, but because of her teenage horny attitude.

  I smiled false and followed her to the white car. I put my luggage in the boot, sighing again. I just wished to have at me a sort of a Scotch Tape, in case of Helen wanted to be too much friendly with me.

  We put our seatbelts and off we go. I could not resist observing that Heraklion city look alike Athens. Same streets, white buildings and agglomerated, palm trees and of course thousands of shops.

  “Do you like here?” she asked me, driving unmindful.

  “Yeah,” I said against the grain.

  “You will see how cool is here. Is like paradise. The sea is close; your project colleague will die if she will not go on the beach”.

  “Why? You Americans do not have beaches?” I replied tart.

  “Yeah we have, but let’s not forget where we are. I mean hello! We are in Greece. The tanning country. Two hours with the boat to Egypt”.

  All I heard was blah blah blah…Egypt, and when she pronounced the land with pyramids and mummies, I seemed interested, turning my face to her, where she was driving with a smile on her makeup face.

  “To Egypt? How many hours did you said?”

  “Two, from Crete”.

  “Splendid, cannot wait to go and visit it.”

  “Wow, stop right there. I’m your teacher, and in the rules book, you are forbidden to get off this island.”

  “Why not?” I became irritated.

  “Because you are under my charge, you cannot just walk away where ever you want”.

  “I have 22 years old, I think I am enough major in every single country on this Planet!”

  “True, but you’re here for the project. Sure, a night out, some fun didn’t hurt no one, but lets not forget why we are here.”

  Her voice, by the minute, irritated me insomuch as I just wanted to grab her blonde ponytail and make her meet the driving wheel. Egypt. The only place on earth I would go without fearing to leave my home and it is so near me and for all that, I am prohibit to go.

  “Chill” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. “There are many cool places you can visit on this island, like Cherssonisos or Malya, you’ll see.”

  “I am not interested at all for the parties like clubbing or to drink the hell out until you will not remember your name…Forget it!”

  She looked at me and didn’t say a word; she realized that with me is difficult to talk. She preferred to smile, a thing that infuriated me. I already hated her.

  “Here we are,” she said and parked her car randomly, in front of a grand hotel. I did not understand why she was so damn happy when I was so cheerless; making plans how to murder her. Unfortunately, I was joking.

  She opened the boot and tried to take away my luggage. I got out quickly from the car, and without saying a word, I took control on my silence travel friends and didn’t fear to show her the most sadistic look. She just smiled and I was wondering if she was somehow mentally handicapped.

  She reminded me about Legally Blonde. I shacked my head to make the image go away and I lifted alone my luggage, while she was walking into the hotel’s entrance, having glass doors which opens automatic and I already trembled with nerves and I didn’t want to talk with her, just to get the hell in my room and stay there and actually to find a credible excuse for Mr. Bines. Me being one of his favorite students. Arrived at the reception lobby, Helen stopped me to give me a key-card with the 23 number on it.

  “This is your key-card from your room. Now, what you have to do is…” she said with an enthusiasm.

  “To call for a taxi to take me to the airport?” I interrupted her ironically, and for my surprise, she started to laugh. Therefore, I did not doubt any more of her healthy mind.

  “You’re funny, really. And me who believed that British people have black humor”.

  “We really do. You are the one who didn’t get it”.

  Was incredible how idiot she could be. I rolled over my eyes, being sick and tired to stay chatting with Helen, so therefore I headed to the elevator, going in it, seeing that she waved her hand to me. In the elevator, I started to laugh and with a grain on my face, I looked around for my room. Found it, unlock it. I really liked how it was, modern type, with a huge bed, blue carpet and silk curtains waving in the sea breeze. I could see very easy the blue beautiful see from my balcony. I went straight ahead in it, closing my eyes and took a deep breath. I liked it; I was no more terrified because of this experience. Was really a good thing for me that I escaped from my sour mother, being here. I came back in my room, took my shoes off and jumped directly in bed, felt it comfortable.

  I heard short and irritating knocks at the door. Knock-knock. I was going to say, “who’s there?” but then I realized that was not a joke but real. I opened my eyes giddy and jumped over the bed to the door, outside was dark. I opened it and in front of me was standing a very beautiful girl. Thin body, with a long face and brown hair tress. She had easy almond eyes, greenish, eyebrows plucked. In addition, to continue with her thin body, wearing a short green dress until the knees with a thin blouse having the same color like her dress.

  I did not hear a word what she was talking about, just the phrase:

  “…and thought that would be nice to introduce myself.”

  “E…excuse me?” I replied still giddy.

  She started to laugh, feeling stupid that I didn’t pay attention at what she said:

  “You woke up just now? Gosh, I woke you up, sorry, someti
mes I’m so rude”.

  “No, calm down, it is fine. Please, do come in” I fumbled, letting her in and when she passed besides me, I smelled a very sweet perfume, extraordinary seductive. I turned on the lights, how I said was dark outside and only then, I realized that I felt asleep and my luggage were still unopened, a thing that even she observed, standing on the bed.

  “Seems to be that you went directly to bed.”

  “Yes, sorry…”

  She was American, but from the blonde-haired woman who brought me here, this American girl caught my attention in a good manner, me who I’m quietly and hates everyone -- lets not exaggerate--.

  “You don’t have to apologize, I came in Greece yesterday and trust me, the same thing I did.”

  “Do you want something to drink, I don’t know what I have here”, I said clumsy, realizing that I did not checked the mini-bar from my room.

  “Relax. I will go down to the reception and we will take dinner together to know each other better.”

  “Su…sure”, I was such an idiot that I fumbled.

  She giggled and waved her hand to me, exiting my room. I watched quickly the phone, and after the 20 calls and messages from my mother, the time was ten pm. Wow, I slept not half. But honestly, why an American girl came to take me out to dinner? I went to the bathroom, or better said, I ran to the bathroom and watched horrified my reflection in the mirror, seeing that my hair was ruffled, me being with black hair and brown eyes. How stupid I must looked in her eyes, therefore I returned in my room and I turned inside out my luggage and ran back to take a shower. After 20 minutes I looked fresh shaved, with a white cotton shirt, smelling of expansive perfume and with blue jeans, me who do not exaggerate with my look, but I could not appear to her like a rambler.

  I took my phone and exit the room, feeling something in my stomach and I could not tell if it was because of the hunger or because of something else.

  At the reception I saw her, dressed the same, listening to some music at her headphones, having a small and black purse. When she saw me, she smiled in a way that made me blush and felted weird.

  “I thought you’ll never come.”

  “Well…I couldn’t ignore you, I would seem rude.”

  “Shall we go?”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “You’ll see, I ate there yesterday and was delicious.”

  “But we have the permission to leave the hotel, without asking that blond bimbo?”

  I was very pleased to see her laughing at my empty jock and in that moment, we were walking down the street, she waved her hair --this time curly-- I sensed again that sweet perfume which gave me chicken skin.

  “You are meaning Miss Bones? She came with me from U.S.A; she drove me insane with her boyfriend.”

  “Please tell me that he is not a lawyer.”

  “No…A fitness instructor, she met him from his class and they fell in love at first sight” she took hers cue from Miss Bones, making me laugh.

  “Really, where you are taking me?”

  “You’ll see, is right next to us.”

  And like she said, on a big street, where everyone circulated more with scooters then cars, she showed me a Greek restaurant.


  “Ladies first” I said, being a gentleman, opening the glass door for her to enter.

  “Me who believed that British guys just pretend to be gentlemen, only to impress the women.”

  I smiled, a thing unobserved by her. Inside of the local, everything was made of white marble and the round tables adorned with flower vases.

  “Let’s go there,” she said, pointing a table right in the back.

  We went slowly towards it; I took a seat in front of her. In the local, of course, was Greek music.

  “Here they have delicious food, trust me,” she said, looking in the menu. I instead, was watching her, lost in thoughts, and I figured out that I did not know who she was.

  “Sorry but…” and when to say a phrase, a waiter thought to interrupt me.

  “Kalispera, what can give you?” she asked joyfully.

  “I would wish a portion of pastitio, please, and to drink…a flat water.”

  “And you?” she addressed to me, who was not paying attention.

  “Aaaah…what the young lady wants.”


  She took away our menus and left. The girl in front of me was looking very happy; instead, I was a little rigid.

  “You wanted to say something to me.”

  “A…yes, honestly I don’t know who you are…” I said all red.

  “We met, or at least I introduced myself, but most likely you were sleepy. Well my name is Abigail Woods, but you can call me Abby, I hate my name.”

  “Why? It is a beautiful name. My name is Damian Jones/”

  “Pleasure and how you are called?”

  “Just…Damian?” I said with an easy retention, but I smiled when I saw that she did the same.

  “Why you wanted to know me?” I asked, but after that, I regretted my question.

  “No seriously, from what planet did you came? I’m you project colleague.”


  Was logic --I was infected by Helen Bones-- that an American girl at my age wanted to know me, plus she mentioned that she came with Bones.

  “I am so sorry…I…” I start to agitated.

  “Relax. You are just being in a mess a little bit,” she said, putting her hand over my clamped fist on the table. When I felt her silky skin, my heart jumped in the air. She took away her hand fast, still smiling.

  “Yes is true, is my first experience in this way and above all that I never left England before”.

  “Really?” she said very amazed.

  “Yes, I don’t like to travel.”

  “So you are the type of shy, silence guy who prefers to be alone all the time?”

  “You will become a good psychologist” I joked, thankful that she was laughing.

  “It’s my passion to help people, or at least how much I can. But the project presume something else, you know, right?” she asked with a serious voice.

  “Yes…aaam…” I fumbled again, realizing that I did not study my brief better, and I just knew that we have to go over something, like a case.

  “The project presumes a search over a subject, human, to name it properly. Who has a mental illness and we have to write down and to observe, for a month, how it’s manifesting.”

  This short description terrified me. Mental illness?

  “But…” I grained puzzled. “We are psychologists…I mean…I am thinking that for the mental illnesses is the duty of the psychiatrists.”

  “Yes, but even we study something like that. And because we are among the best students in our colleges, they put us in our hands a very interesting human. Most precisely, one at our age.”

  “And what illness he has?”

  “Well he is…” she hesitated, looking down. “Schizophrenia.”

  In that moment, my face turned white.

  “But are we allowed to come closer to a man with schizophrenia?”

  “In his case is an easy form. He is American, and he with his family moved here for the summer vacation…plus we will make practice.”

  “And what we suppose to do?” I asked bewildered.

  And when she open her mouth to say something, the waiter came with our orders. After she left, I came back to Abby wanting to know every detail; being frustrated that I did not managed to read that bloody brief.

  “We don’t have to do much thing. We have to meet him, to become friends with him. To see how his ill will manifest at him.”

  “But Abby, a person with schizophrenia can be able to kill without being aware of it. To make…horrible acts.”

  “True, but in his case the illness is in an easy form. Well enjoy your meal!” she said sort off intentionally, ready to eat.

  Me, even if I was hungry, I could not eat, only with the thought of being frie
nd with a schizophrenic.

  Returned to the hotel, I spotted far away Miss Helen and I rushed the walk with Abby, to the elevator. She got off at the first floor wishing me good night. I watched long after her, smiling.

  Oh my God, what a girl, in the way that I felt very odd around her, I fumbled, my hands were sweating and that my stomach jumped.

  However, returned to my hotel room, I did not open the lights, and I took a seat on one of the chairs in the balcony. I sighed and called my mother.

  “Damian…God, are you alright? Why you did not called me back?”

  “Yes mother, I am ok. I want you to do something for me.”

  “Which is?”

  “I want you to make me a fly reservation from Heraklion city. I am coming home, I already miss England, and I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

  “Damian, it is your dream. You cannot give up on it.”

  “There are more dreams ahead. Please mom, do this for me.”

  “I am very sorry Damian, but I cannot do this. I don’t want later for you to hate me!”

  And when I to tell something, I woke up that I didn’t had whose to tell, because my mother hang out the phone. I could not believe it. I remained like a donkey in the rain and an urge started to cover me. Doesn’t matter, I alone will go to the airport or seaport, without any help. I did not want to deal with a psycho and someone to ban me to do what I want, so that is why I will leave next morning. I jumped over my luggage and started to charge them chaotically with things and clothes. I did not care; I have to get away from this island before I will turn myself in a schizophrenic.

  The next day, I was fresh but still angry; an irritating state does not pass me that easily. Only yesterday, I arrived and found out what was all about from Abby, and I still regretted and cursing me that I was to stupid and lazy to read the brief. If I would study more carefully, I wouldn’t end up on an island, to be disappointed or, in worst case, danger of dieing. I was not the type to risk his life for the sake of science. No sir. I preferred to be invisible and to disappear from background.

  I took the elevator with the luggage after me, and pushed the downstairs button. I walked in the reception lobby and I saw the blonde bimbo, Helen, all shiny and stuff, talking at her phone. I went to her, give her my key-card and after that I exit the hotel, only then she realized that I was leaving , I didn’t ask her to think fast, considering that her mind would not help her.

  “WAIT! Where’re you going?”

  I was already on the other side of the street, heading to a taxi.

  “Home.” I shouted to her without turning my face.

  But the poor blonde didn’t apprehend to say something, because the taxi in which I got in, started already to take me to the seaport.

  I really did not want to explain to someone why I did this, especially to her, who probably would say again how funny I am.

  The driver didn’t had much English knowledge but he even didn’t say something, driving with calm. I putted my sunglasses on and I waited in silence until the destination.

  I observed the red ship with the Crete Prince drew on it and I was happy that the ship was there, just in time. I paid 15 euros to the driver and I was heading to the booking office.

  “A ticket to Athens, please” I said to the lady from the pay box, and she gave me the ship ticket and I took nicely my luggage and when I turned back, my heart came into my neck. In front of me was no one else beside Abigail, standing with her arms crossed and with her face very serious.

  “Where you think you’re going?”

  “Abby, don’t do this.”

  “I’m not doing anything, I was just wondering if you hit your head.”

  “Look!” I flashed a little out to her. “I quit the project, it is not my place here…”

  “Damian, you can’t give up now! If you will do this, I’ve to give up too, which I don’t want to do this for the life of me.”

  “I am sorry,” I said, making my way to the ship, but seemed that she didn’t give up so easily, coming after me.

  “Please Damian. You will destroy me too. I will not let you to ruin my dream!”

  At those words, I closed my eyes feeling an easy pain in my soul, but I was too stubborn so I continued my way to the ship.

  “Damian!” she shouted, stopping.

  I turned to her, and I could not believe how beautiful she was, even upset.


  I observed that she almost burst into tears. I sighed, looking for the ship.



  The way she pronounced my name, my legs softened. She put forth towards me and I let go my stubbornness and came to her taking her hand in mines. The gesture which came next, left me with my mouth opened, she actually hugged me.

  Now…What will be next?


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