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Moon Rising (Mount Henley Trilogy Book 2)

Page 19

by Kat Zaccard

  After the palace staff unpacked my garment bag, I shooed them out of my suite to unpack the rest of my belongings. I let them handle the couture dress to keep them happy, but I didn’t need help with my undergarments or shoes. The palace had a funny way of doing things. Hello? I can dress myself. Well, I guess not all dresses, but, jeez, whose fault is that?

  As I was putting away my toiletries, a small box tumbled out of my bag. It was wrapped in silver and blue paper my mom always bought for the holidays. I’d almost forgotten the gift they mailed to me. Suddenly, I was so glad I’d brought it along. I had wanted a little piece of home. Deciding not to wait any longer, I unwrapped the gift. I smiled when I recognized Gwendolyn’s shop logo on the box. My mother knew I’d been shopping there for gifts over the summer, and must have gone back to pick out gifts for me and Shea. I opened the box and peeled back the tissue. Inside was a lovely lotus-shaped silver pendant with a rainbow moonstone in the center. I picked up the delicate chain and admired the craftsmanship. The stone was so beautiful; it picked up the fading light and glowed blue, green, and pink. I turned the piece over, yep; .925 sterling silver. I sighed. Sometimes my mom just didn’t get me. I noticed a card and read it to myself:


  I know you don’t usually wear silver, but this necklace looked like you! I hope you like it, and if not, we can return it when you’re home this summer. Give our best to Shea. I hope you’re having a good winter break and a fun ski trip. We love you lots!

  Mom and Dad

  I chuckled a little to myself. Well, at least she’d remembered I don’t usually wear silver. I kind of had a weird metal allergy. Most rings turned my fingers green. I figured it out after getting my ears pierced as a kid. The stud had been gold and didn’t bother me, but when I tried silver or cheap earrings, my ears burned. I eventually figured it out, and now I only buy gold jewelry. I think it’s more my color anyway. Regardless, I appreciated the necklace my mom gave me; it was lovely. The delicate silverwork almost reminded me of a snowflake. It would match perfectly with my dress for the ball. I decided to wear it and not worry if my collar was a little green the next day. It was nice to feel like my mom was with me while I navigated the nest of vipers.

  I spent the next day at the spa with Nadia. She reminded me of my duty to act like I actually liked Logan that evening.

  “You know everyone will be watching and there will be cameras everywhere,” she cautioned. I promised to be on my best behavior, but inwardly, I resented the charade.

  Later that evening, Holly came to do my hair. I was happy to have her back as my official lady’s maid while I was at the palace. I had requested the change, insisting that Holly had a gift as a hairstylist. What I didn’t mention was how pleasant and chatty she was. Monica had been far too stiff and formal.

  “It turns out the Queen’s daughter is also attending the ball this year. She and her mother had an all-out screaming match this morning!” Holly guffawed as she pinned up my hair.

  “Jillian’s here? And coming to the ball?” I exclaimed. As if my night couldn’t get any worse.

  “Yes,” Holly prattled on, not noticing my discomfort. “Rumor has it she will be taking the Reynolds seat on the council.”

  “Are you serious?” I spun in my chair, narrowly avoiding a bobby pin to the eye. “Jillian is taking a council seat? How do I not know that?”

  “Well, I just told you,” Holly offered hesitantly. “We’re not supposed to gossip about the guests, but you’re like almost the Queen yourself.”

  “Holly, I appreciate your support and confidence so much. I need to learn as much as I can about the inner workings of the palace. I’m afraid I’m always playing catch-up.”

  Holly blushed. “It’s my duty, and an honor, Your Majesty. I was so thrilled when I learned the Lost Luna had been found!”

  It was my turn to blush. “I hope the reality didn’t mar the fantasy.” I turned back to the mirror as Holly continued to twirl, pin, and spray my auburn locks into something more respectable than its usual rat’s nest.

  “Oh, pish! Not at all. If anything, you’re way better than I imagined. You’re young, foreign, and beautiful. But you’re still down-to-earth, the ideal mystery queen.” Holly’s laugh was contagious.

  “Foreign, huh?”

  “Forgive my frankness, Ma’am, but you were raised by American humans! It doesn’t get more foreign than that.”

  “I suppose not.”

  “Don’t worry, Ma’am, I know you’ll make a great queen.” Holly beamed at my reflection.

  I smiled back, less certain. “I wish everyone felt that way,” I replied.

  “You’d be surprised, Your Majesty. You’re the rightful heir after all. Some may fear to say it, but many call Christina the False Queen. She’s just a placeholder until you come of age.” Holly seemed to reconsider the wisdom of her words. “Please, don’t mention I said that.” Her eyes darted to the door.

  I hastily reassured Holly that she’d done nothing wrong and everything right. I made her promise to continue to fill me in on all the gossip, however inconsequential it might seem. She seemed pleased by my praise and went on to tell me that all the chamber maids were in love with Anatoly, though there were more than a few staff members admiring my security detail outside.

  “Diego?” I blushed. Holly smirked in the mirror, forgetting I could see her in the glass. She hastily readjusted her features after she caught my eye.

  “Oh, is that his name?” she inquired innocently. “He’s very serious.”

  “Yes, I suppose he is…” Not always, I wanted to add but dared not.

  My hair and makeup done, my dress zipped, I shooed Holly out of the room, assuring her I could do the rest by myself. I wanted a few moments alone before facing the crowd, and Logan. And Diego would be there too, watching me dance with Logan. This was going to be a nightmare.

  I sighed at my reflection then gave myself a stern look. Okay, time to get my game face on. I fastened the moonstone necklace my mom had given me around my neck and slipped on my coat. I was ready.

  Chapter 17

  The Winter Palace was so large that we exited out a side entrance, loaded up into classic cars, and drove around to the front entrance of the building. I found the ordeal excessive, but Nadia said that royalty loves to make an entrance. We exited a 1958 Aston Martin and made our way up the long stairs.

  The heat from the room slapped me in the face as we crossed the threshold into the entryway. We checked our wraps and got in line to have ourselves announced. Under the spotlight, I couldn’t help feeling a few butterflies in my stomach. Standing at the top of the staircase, hearing my name and titles being rattled off, watching the crowd turn in unison to stare at me was just a bit much for this Midwest girl. Yet, wearing my shimmering white ball gown and family diadem, I thought at least I looked the part.

  I stepped carefully down the stairs, mindful of my voluminous hemline. Cameras flashed and I blinked away white spots as I focused on the assembled crowd. Various dignitaries came up to greet me. I exchanged pleasantries with a few diplomats including Princess Saanvi Bassu and Lady Hanna Lewis. They were both Luna supporters, but only Princess Saanvi supported my right to annul the betrothal. We exchanged formalities. Princess Saanvi complimented my necklace.

  “I have not seen a moonstone set in platinum before. It’s quite stunning.”

  “Thank you, it’s actually silver. It’s not usually my color, but this was a gift from my mom. It seemed to suit the occasion.” I smiled at the ladies, unsure why they were giving me such astounded looks. Perhaps I should have chosen more expensive jewelry. I bid them adieu and wandered over to Nadia.

  Nadia was in conversation with Duke Aleksandr and sent me a scathing look, darting her eyes to the back corner. I glanced that way and saw Logan lurking by the punch. His grandfather, Prince Ulric, was next to him. By the look on his face and the gestures in my direction, I assumed Logan was getting much the same coaching as I. Go talk to your intended.
Gag me.

  I sighed in defeat, and made my way to the Dolph family.

  “Ah, Your Royal Highness, what a pleasure to see you again.” Ulric smiled devilishly at me, and I imagined he’d make a great wolf to go eat Grandma.

  “Prince Ulric. Logan.” I nodded at each of them. “Is it just the pair of you this evening?”

  “Yes, my daughter is out of the country, but we’re here to represent our clan. Logan, why don’t you take Alice on a spin around the dance floor, eh?”

  Logan looked up at me finally, swishing his dark-blond bangs out of his eyes. Was it my imagination or did he actually look contrite? It was an expression I’d never seen on his usually oh-so-self-assured features.

  “Would you like this dance, Your Royal Highness?” he offered his arm as his green eyes begged.

  “It would be my pleasure.” I choked out the words, and he led me onto the dance floor. We began a waltz, an accomplishment in itself for my two left feet. We both looked over the other’s shoulder, around the room, at anything but each other. He held me stiffly as we twirled around the dance floor. I noticed Weres stop and turn toward us, smiling and pointing. More camera lights flashed. I tried to smile, knowing I’d be on page six by the morning.

  Glancing around the room, I caught Diego’s eye. He nodded stiffly at me and continued to sweep the room with his gaze. I stiffened. I felt like I was betraying him somehow. I looked away and noticed Logan staring at me.

  “Are you all right?” he asked. I was startled by his concern, but maybe this was all part of the courteous prince act for his grandfather.

  “I suppose,” I answered with a shrug. “This is all so…” I trailed off at a loss for words.

  “You’ll get used to it.” He shrugged. He glanced across the room with a sudden sharp intake of breath. Spinning us in place, I looked in the same direction. Jillian was descending the stairs.

  “So she is here,” I muttered.

  Logan glowered at me. “She is the daughter of the Queen.”

  Of course he’d defend her. “I thought she usually traveled with her grandmother over the holidays?”

  “Didn’t you hear? Barbara Reynolds passed away last month.”

  “She did? But she seemed so fit and healthy!” I was shocked and genuinely saddened by the news. Of all the irony in my life, the fact that I actually liked Jillian’s grandmother was definitely at the top of the list. She’d supported the annulment, which directly contradicted her daughter’s wishes. I had to respect her for that.

  “It was unexpected,” Logan replied but offered no further detail.

  “I’m sorry to hear it.” I sincerely meant it.

  Logan raised a brow but seemed to take me at my word. “Jillian’s taking the Reynolds seat on the High Council.” A note of austerity returned to his voice.

  “So I heard.” Holly’s intel had been surprisingly accurate. I should’ve realized that the rumors about Jillian taking a council seat meant dire implications for Lady Barbara. I’d respected her and felt sorry for Jillian’s loss. The song ended, and Logan bowed. I curtsied, and we left the dance floor. Prince Anatoly was making his way toward us with Princess Fanya on his arm.

  “Hello, you two.” I smiled warmly at them both, but privately wondered, what exactly was the nature of their relationship.

  “Your Royal Highness. Prince Logan.” Anatoly greeted us formally, echoed by Fanya.

  “It’s good to see some familiar faces,” I replied once we’d dispensed with the niceties.

  “Yes, especially some in our age demographic.” Fanya laughed. She leaned closer to Anatoly.

  “These royal balls do get tedious,” teased Anatoly in his snobbiest voice.

  “If you’ll excuse me.” Logan retreated from the group.

  “Of course.” Fanya nodded coldly. She had little tolerance for Logan after learning about his affair with Jillian. I was happy for the sisterhood solidarity which was why I was so suspicious of Anatoly’s flirtatiousness. I wanted to protect her from what seemed to be a one-way track to a broken-heart.

  “Perhaps I may have this dance?” Anatoly bowed formally to me. Fanya scowled slightly but smoothed out her features before Anatoly could notice.

  I raised an eyebrow at her. She waved me away. “Of course,” I replied, taking his hand.

  Anatoly took the lead, and I could tell he was a much better dancer than I. I commented to the fact.

  “I’ve had much more practice at being a prince than you’ve had at being a princess.”

  “Hmm, was that a dig? Am I doing it wrong?” I teased.

  He laughed heartily. “Not at all, but you do seem to miss a few dancing cues.”

  My feelings weren’t hurt; what he said was true. “Such as?”

  “Such as I’ve tried to dip you three times and you take a step back instead.” He grinned. Then he pulled me in close and dipped me deeply. I came up laughing.

  “Is that what you were trying to do?”

  “Something like that.”

  I smiled and reminded Anatoly I was very much a novice dancer.

  “But not a novice patrol, I hear. Fanya has been singing your praises as a patrol leader. She’s already added several days under the moon with your tutelage. You’ll have to tell me your secret.” He raised his dark blond eyebrows in a way that suggested he knew more than he was letting on.

  “I learned from the best,” I replied, thinking of Jack and Kulani and trying not to choke up. It was getting easier to remember Kulani with fondness, but it still made me sad.

  “I think it might be more than that.”

  “Do you have something to ask me, Anatoly?”

  “You Americans are so blunt!” He laughed to show he hadn’t meant it as an insult.

  “I prefer to think of it as direct.”

  “Touché.” He smiled. “Fanya would never break your trust, but she has said a few things that make me wonder.”


  “Well, just how many days do you have under the moon?”

  “A lady never shifts and tells.” I was trying for coy.

  “Hmm, how about a deal, then? You answer my question and I’ll answer one of yours?”

  “Can I trust you to keep a secret?”

  “Of course.”

  I thought about it for a moment then agreed. I glanced around the room as if worried we might be overheard. I noticed people looking at us, some even pointing and whispering. Lady Hanna was scowling at me, while Princess Saanvi looked contemplative. I hoped that dancing with Prince Anatoly wasn’t giving too much grain to the rumor mill. The dance floor was actually one of the better places to have a private conversation.

  “Well, the truth is, I’m already a Sliver. I have been since my first shift.”

  Anatoly almost tripped over my feet. He regained his composure quickly. “Really?”


  “Do you have other alpha powers?”

  I was surprised he’d asked so boldly and knew Fanya must have hinted at my telepathy during training.

  “That’s two questions, Anatoly. It’s my turn.”

  “Do I get another turn?”

  “We’ll see. First, what are your intentions with Fanya?”

  Now Anatoly did stumble a step. “With Fanya? Why do you ask?”

  “That’s another question, Anatoly.”

  “Fair enough, I’ve known Fanya since we were little. She’s like a sister to me. Now, why do you ask?” He waggled his eyebrows at me. I sighed, hoping to avoid an international incident.

  “Does Fanya know that?”

  “Uh-uh, who’s skipping their turn now?”

  “I’m curious for Hayley’s sake.” I didn’t want to bring up Hayley, but he had to know I wasn’t asking for me.


  “Yes, Hayley. Your date to the Fall Fling, and one of my best friends.”

  “Of course I know who you mean. Hayley is”—his features softened into a grin—“fierce.”

“Yeah, I know that, but you need to know something too.”

  Anatoly wiped the grin off his face, trying his best to look serious. It was hard not to laugh. He looked like an errant schoolboy waiting for the dunce cap.

  “All I’m saying is that both Fanya and Hayley are my friends. Make a decision if you’re interested in either one of them. Please don’t toy with them.”

  Anatoly looked scandalized. “I would never dishonor Clan Barron or Clan Rhodes. They’re both my friends too,” he added less formally.

  “Well, just be careful who you flirt with,” I admonished. “I don’t want to see either one of them hurt. It would be best for you to make up your mind.”

  “And I suppose your mind is also made up?” Anatoly inquired with a raised eyebrow.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s just that it seems you’re not interested in a royal pairing.”

  “Not particularly, no.” I wasn’t sure if he was referring to Logan or himself, but I figured the answer was no either way.

  “Ah, I will let my uncle know.”

  “What does Aleksandr have to do with anything?”

  “Oh well, after your proposal this summer…”

  “I did not propose!” I swatted him. He grabbed my hand playfully.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  I turned, startled to see Diego at my side. He was glaring daggers at Anatoly’s grip on my wrist. Anatoly let go of my hand and my waist. Taking a step back, he answered, “Not at all. Would you care to cut in?” He winked roguishly at me and sauntered off the dance floor. Perhaps he was more astute than he let on?

  Diego looked adrift, standing in the middle of the dance floor, so I took his hand and placed it on my waist. “Will you dance with me?” I implored.

  He looked down at me, his warm chocolate eyes holding mine. “It would be my honor, Princess.”


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