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The Cabin: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 10

by Black, Natasha L.

  I arched my back up off the bed, crying out in pleasure, then bit down on Sean's lip as Trevor fingered me. His fingers reached my cervix – he was touching me deeper than anyone had ever touched me before. An intense wave of pleasure crashed over me and it caused me to jump slightly, and Trevor pulled back just a little, still feeling every inch of me.

  My body spasmed with the absolute bliss of it, and I cried out, “Yes, yes.”

  Sean moved to the side a bit, adjusting himself, and I could see Trevor now. He stared up at me with an intense look on his face, an almost manic light in his eyes, as he kept his fingers moving in and out of me. Lowering his face toward my thighs, he flicked his tongue against my lips. I groaned, spreading myself wider, inviting him to explore me some more. He didn't hesitate. He dove straight in, his tongue taking the place of his fingers, and almost instantly, I felt my orgasm mounting.

  Sean sucked on my neck, his body pushing against the side of me. I felt the length of his hardness through his pants, and I reached down, stroking him through his clothing. He groaned, nibbling my ear lobe. Both of our hands pulled at his belt at the same time, and even with my trembling fingers, we were able to get his pants unzipped in record time. I slipped my hand down inside of his boxers, taking hold of him for the first time. His eyes fluttered open and shut, and he gasped as his throbbing cock filled my tiny hand, and I squeezed hard.

  With my thumb, I swirled the wetness around the head of his cock, watching his face contort into a look of pure bliss. Trevor buried his tongue inside of me, drawing a gasp from me, as my legs quivered, threatening to close around him. I fought the urge to squeeze my thighs together as pleasure rippled through me. I screamed out, squeezing Sean's cock harder than I'd intended, bringing a growl to his lips as well.

  “Trevor, please,” I begged.

  Ever since we'd gotten close to fucking that night, I'd dreamt of having him inside of me. Often. It had been fuel for my masturbation fantasies for a long time – and I needed him more than ever. I stared down at him, and he knew exactly what I was asking.

  And it was clear he wanted it too.

  He moved up my body, kissing every inch as he removed his belt and slipped out of his pants. I pulled at his shirt with my free hand and helped pull it over his head. He was suddenly naked, and it was a glorious sight. His ripped abs and toned chest were accentuated by a tattoo of an eagle on his right pec. My heart raced, and I craved his skin against mine. Without even asking, Trevor lowered himself on top of me, his erection sliding between my thighs. There was so much heat and wetness down there that and my thighs were slick with it.

  With one hand on Sean's cock, and one on Trevor's, I guided Trevor toward my opening. The head of his cock pressed against me as we gazed into each other's eyes. One thrust, that was all it would take to bring us the pleasure we'd denied ourselves for so long. It would take just one thrust of his hips, and we'd both finally have what we'd always wanted all along.

  “Please,” I said one more time.

  Before the words had even passed my lips full, Trevor buried himself inside of me, filling me up slowly. My eyes widened as he stretched me open, and I felt like I was being split in two. He was thick – so very thick – and my body wasn't used to it. He groaned, falling against me, buried balls deep inside of me. There was a look of relief in his eyes, as if a thirst he'd carried for so long had suddenly been quenched. I could see by the look on his face that he'd wanted this for a very long time. Finally, we were together. Our bodies were joined, and it felt amazing.

  He rocked back and forth slowly at first, his mouth kissing every inch of my face and neck. My hand had slipped from Sean's cock, and I felt bad for not including him. I looked over and caught him staring at me, a smile on his face. I was surprised to see that there was no hint of jealousy in his eyes, which was what I feared the most about a situation like this. I reached out and stroked his face, pulling him closer to me. He pressed his lips against mine as Trevor hovered over me, moving in and out of my body with a steady precision that made me quiver and shake.

  His grunts were low and desperate as he moved. His thrusts started to grow ever more erratic, and his breathing started to grow labored. He buried himself inside of me, going impossibly deeper, and my pussy clenched around him as I cried out. A burst of pleasure took me by surprise, causing me to bite down on Sean's lip by accident. He didn't mind. He held my face in his hands and kissed me deeply, drowning out the screams stuck in my throat as I came hard around Trevor's cock. My entire body shuddered and thrashed wildly, and there was a rush of warmth between my legs I'd never felt before in my life. Trevor thrust into me one last time, going deep as he could go, and then burst inside of me.

  We came together, and when it was over, he collapsed beside me. Sean continued kissing me, and his hands moved over my body. He went lower, circling my belly button.

  “Your turn,” I whispered against his lips.

  Sean pulled back and stared at me with an incredulous look on his face.

  “You mean...?”

  “Yes, that's what I mean,” I purred. “Fuck me, Sean. Please? I need you. I want you.”

  His eyes searched my face, as if he wasn't sure if I meant it or not. I would never play such a cruel joke on a man I cared about, and the look in my eyes must have reassured him that yes, I wanted that. He glanced over at Trevor and I did too. Trevor's smile was gone, replaced with a hardened, blank mask.

  Not wanting him to feel neglected, I turned over and kissed him deeply. His cock was already growing harder against me again, with just that kiss. The two guys shared a look – they were suddenly hesitant and, and a little bit awkward. I couldn't blame them really, but that was what I wanted. I wanted to please them both, at the same time. I wanted to feel them both inside of me, and if I'd had my way, I'd have had Nolan and Chase too. Sean grabbed hold of my hips, holding me steady. I groaned as he rolled me over on my stomach, positioning himself behind me, both of us facing the edge of the bed. He teased my opening with his cock for a long time as Trevor just watched.

  “Trevor, I want you in my mouth,” I called out.

  Trevor stood up slowly, never taking his eyes off me and Sean. Sean continued to tease, pressing the tip of his cock between my lips, bringing a groan from my throat before pulling away. Trevor stood before me, and I took him into my mouth. His hands were suddenly tangled in my hair, and before long, he was pumping his hips and fucking my mouth. Sean smacked my ass before grabbing it, lifting me up by the hips, and buried himself inside of me with one deep thrust.

  My lips trembled around his member as Sean jack hammered his cock deep inside of me. He wasn't as thick as Trevor, but he was long, and went deeper with each thrust. He fucked me with so much energy and force that I was close to orgasming again within seconds. Sean was desperate for release, his breathing ragged, and when I came, my entire body flailed around on the bed. My lips pulled back from Trevor's cock and I moaned loudly, gripping the sheets of the bed, pulling them off the mattress, as Sean filled me up with his cum.

  After the last wave of pleasure washed over me, I was exhausted and collapsed face down onto the bed. Sean fell with me. Trevor joined us on the bed, curling up beside me, stroking my cheeks as he kissed my forehead.

  I was once again sandwiched between the two men, my body alight with sensation and pleasure – and strangely enough, it wasn't awkward or weird in the least. In fact, it felt like that was exactly where I belonged. All I was missing were Chase and Nolan, and my life would be complete.

  Trevor kissed my face while Sean ran his fingers through my hair, dotting kisses along the back of my neck.

  I loved these men, and it was clear they loved me too.

  * * *

  We'd fallen asleep in each other's arms, and I was the first to awake. I wasn't sure what time it was, but it was full dark in the cabin and outside as well. Sitting up, I searched for my phone in my purse on the nightstand. It was two A.M.

  Sean rolled over toward me, his
hand resting on my thigh. He was still naked and gorgeous, the colorful ink looking black in the darkness of the room. Trevor was laying on the other side, his mouth open and he was snoring softly. I smiled and watched my men sleep, remembering how good it felt to be with them only hours before.

  A sound from downstairs caught my attention. As I laid there, hair on the back of my neck stood up, and a chill ran down my spine. My first thought was Brad that was breaking in, and that we were all in danger. I listened, knowing that I was safe as long as my guys were with me, but I feared for Chase and Nolan, who were both still downstairs. The sound came again, and this time I could place it. It was footsteps in the kitchen, soft and furtive. Then the fridge door opened and closed.

  Either Chase or Nolan was still up and was moving around down there. My cheeks burned red as I realized there was no way they couldn't have heard what had happened up here. I suddenly wondered if it would cause problems between the guys. After all, there'd been an unspoken rule that none of them were allowed to touch me, let alone sleep with me, or so it seemed. I swallowed my fears and slid off of the bed. Quickly pulling my yoga pants and shirt back on, I quietly walked down the stairs. I wanted to talk to whoever it was down there to head things off and try to keep the peace between everyone. I needed to let them know that I was more than okay with everything that had happened, and that there was nothing for any of us to be ashamed about.

  Though, truth be told there was some small stab of shame and guilt. It was more of a fear inside of me though that Aaron would have been upset with me for sleeping with not just one, but two of his friends. At the same time, no less. I pushed those thoughts away for now though. Best not to dwell on it at the moment. I'd handle that later. Right now, I needed to talk to the people who were still with me.

  My footsteps felt heavy on the stairs, each one seemed to echo through the entire cabin like a gunshot, and I prayed I didn't wake anyone else up. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I caught sight of Nolan standing at the window, his back to me, just staring at the whiteness of the storm outside. He hadn't heard me, but I caught sight of his reflection in the window just as he caught sight of mine.

  He turned, a glass of water in his hand and a small smile on his face.

  “Can't sleep?” I whispered.

  “That obvious, huh?” he teased, though his smile faded a bit as I walked closer to him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I'm good,” I said.

  Truth be told, I was very good after what had happened with Trevor and Sean, but that seemed to be probably not something Nolan would want to hear.

  “Good,” he said, turning his attention back to the window.

  I sidled up beside him and stared out at the snowy landscape. Snow was still coming down, though not as heavy as before. Maybe the storm was starting to blow itself out. It made the grounds and trees shimmer with a soft, reflected light. We didn't see a lot of snow in South Carolina, nothing like that, and it amazed me.

  “What are you thinking about?” Nolan asked me.

  “Oh, just how I'd like to be outside right now building a snowman,” I said.

  He chuckled. “Really? After everything you've been through so far, you want to go outside and play in the snow?”

  I nodded. “I do, yes,” I said, as I bit my lip and turned toward him. “After everything I've been through, I really just want to have some fun, and enjoy my life. Is that so wrong?”

  Yes, my question had more to do with the sex I'd had earlier and less to do with the snow, but my point still stood. Was it wrong for me to enjoy my life? I needed some happiness. After my brother's death, I'd sunk into a depression that I'd kept hidden away from the world. Back then, I'd latched onto Trevor, desperate to find some semblance of happiness, though, I ended up finding nothing but guilt instead. Then Brad came along, and things seemed fine, for a while. I had only been deluding myself this whole time.

  In that moment, I realized I'd been looking for something --anything -- to make me feel alive and happy again.

  “No, Elise. There's nothing wrong with it,” Nolan said. “Just be careful, okay?”

  Tears welled in my eyes, and I stared at the white world outside again. Aaron had always loved the snow and had talked about how much he wanted to go skiing almost every winter. That was before he'd lost his leg. Afterward, he didn't want to do much of anything. Apparently, not even live. Even with a prosthetic it wasn't the same for him. He was never the same. He'd lost his way and his purpose in life.

  I genuinely feared I'd never be the same without my brother, because when he died, a part of me died along with him.

  Nolan put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him, and I took comfort in his presence. Resting my head on his shoulder, I let it all out. I cried, not for the end of my relationship with Brad, but for my brother. Brad had only ever been a placeholder, someone I'd hoped might bring me happiness one day. Now, however, I had to put my faith in something else.

  My period was still late. I could be a mother very soon, and that thought hit me like a ton of bricks. For the first time, I realized what it might mean, and I wasn't scared or sad at the idea anymore. In fact, I felt a sense of relief, like a part of me had been returned. A child would never fully replace Aaron – nothing would ever do that – but a baby would give me a sense of purpose that I'd been lacking for so long.

  Nolan lifted my chin, forcing me to meet his brown eyes. He wasn't wearing his glasses again, and his hair was tousled a bit. His lips spread into a slow, sweet grin, causing my heart to skip a beat.

  I'd just had sex with two of his friends, and there I stood, feeling like my heart might burst from my chest if I didn't kiss him. Guilt washed over me, but I couldn't bring myself to move. He was so gorgeous. Touching his cheek, I reveled in the soft and baby smooth feel of his skin. With eyes that glittered in the darkness, he looked down at me like I was the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes on, and it took everything in me not to kiss him.

  It hit me then. Nolan wasn't just telling me to be careful for me, but to be careful with the guys. He, along with both Trevor and Sean, probably even Chase, all had feelings for me. Just like I had feelings for them. What was I thinking getting involved with any of them, much less two out of four of them? It was wrong, and I realized the damage I could be doing.

  I pulled away from his embrace, though it took a hell of a lot more willpower than I thought I had.

  “I'm sorry, Nolan,” I said.

  “Sorry for what?”

  “For – for not realizing – ”

  I didn't know if I should say the words out loud. I couldn't figure out how to string the words together, so I continued stammering like a fool instead.

  “I mean, I see the way you look at me now,” I tried to continue. “And I'd just – well, you know what I did – ”

  “Shh,” he said, pulling me to him, and stroking my hair. There was a flash of pain in his eyes, but it passed quickly. “I just want you to be happy, Elise. If Trevor or Sean make you happy, then so be it. Just be careful, they both care about you. As do I. And all any of us want is for you to be happy.”

  “I care about you too,” I said, my voice coming out a bit thick and choked. “I care about all of you a lot, in ways I probably shouldn't.”

  Nolan cocked his head to the side and stared at me like I was some complex math equation he was trying to figure out, a problem he didn't have the answer to, which was rare for someone with his intellect.

  “Care about us how?” he asked.

  “I love you,” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper. “I love all of you, and not in a platonic way or a brotherly way, I –”

  Before I could finish my thought, Nolan swept me into his arms and pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was softer and sweeter than the other two guys, and his lean, muscular body pressed me up against the wall, though he did so with a tenderness I found endearing. His hands found mine, lifting them up and over my head and held them down. The weight of hi
s body pressed into me.

  “I love you too,” he said softly against my lips.

  His body stiffened, and he stopped moving. We'd both heard a sound. Someone else was moving about. Nolan pulled back from me and I almost crumpled to the floor, my heart racing, the adrenaline flowing, and my knees weak from the intense moment we'd shared. He grabbed hold of me, held me steady and kept me from falling, but refused to meet my gaze.

  “I'm sorry,” he said.

  “No, I'm sorry,” I said.

  “Maybe I should be the one apologizing,” Chase said, the sudden sound of his voice causing us both to jump out of our skins.

  Nolan let go of me, and thankfully, I was steady on my feet again. Chase was standing not too far away, hidden mostly in the darkness. I couldn't see the look on his face, so I couldn't tell if he was hurt or if he'd seen what had just happened. God, did he think I was just making my way through them all? Sleeping around like a whore, like Brad had insinuated? My heart sunk deep into my stomach and I felt sick.

  “Chase, I –” I couldn't find the words.

  “It's okay,” he said, walking deeper into the room. The moonlight illuminated his handsome, chiseled features. He was frowning, a look I'd rarely seen on his face before, but he didn't look at me unkindly. He simply stepped over to the window and stared outside, not looking at Nolan or myself.

  “It's not what it looks like,” I said softly.

  “It's none of my business,” Chase said.

  Nolan spoke up. “I was the one responsible,” he admitted.

  Chase shrugged, still not looking at us. “Like I said, it's none of my business.”

  “Then what is it?” I asked.

  “I'm worried about you, Elise,” Chase said.

  “I'm a big girl, Chase.”

  “I know, and that's why I didn't stop you from sleeping with Sean or Trevor,” he said. “But I can't help worrying about you given all you've gone through.”


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