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A SEAL Always Wins

Page 13

by Holly Castillo

  “Of course. I only want the best to be able to display the fine work you do with my horses.”

  Elena paused in the center of the room, unwilling to go any farther. She didn’t want to get stuck in a tight spot with Jonas. “Thank you for showing me, and thank you for giving me any credit, but your horses are very talented. It’s my pleasure to be working with them.”

  Jonas scoffed. “You’re easily the best horse trainer in south Texas. I wouldn’t want anyone else working with my horses, and I know the only reason they’re gaining notice in the industry is because of your abilities with them.”

  Elena smiled at Jonas. He hadn’t tried to invade her space and seemed to be on his best behavior. She was grateful for it. “Thank you, again. I’d best head home. I’ve got another horse show this weekend with another client’s horses, so I’ll be up early again tomorrow.”

  “Before you leave, there’s one other thing I’d like to show you. It’s in my office.” He turned and began to head down a hallway off the living room, and Elena hesitated for several moments before reluctantly following him.

  The office was large and clearly where he spent the majority of his time. Maps covered the walls, and his desk held two monitors and a docked laptop. To the side of his desk stood a large credenza with blueprints spread out on it.

  “This is a project I’ve been working on for quite some time. It’s very near completion.”

  Elena approached the credenza and looked over the blueprints with curiosity. “Is this another barn?” she asked, growing excited at the prospect of working in a new facility.

  “It is. But not just any barn. You inspired part of the design.”

  His voice was incredibly close to her and she took a step sideways, pretending to concentrate on the drawings and calm the unease building within her. “How could I inspire your design?”

  “Your love of puzzles is what got me to think creatively about it.”

  Elena looked up at him, hating that he was so close to her. “I meant to ask you this earlier, but I was drawn in by your puzzle. How do you know about my love of puzzles? I don’t remember ever telling you about it.”

  “You forget that we live in an incredibly small town. Some people have talked about your passion for puzzles, and I became interested. I did some research and found all the different kinds. I think you’ll be impressed by the way I incorporated them into the design of the new facility.”

  Elena’s level of uneasiness increased. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll save that answer for when you first get to experience the facility. I’ll just tell you it adds a lot to the beauty of the design.”

  “Puzzles can be cosmetically attractive. Many artists incorporate a puzzle in their work without it being obvious to the common eye. I’m sure your barn will be impressive.” Elena shifted to a position so that she was closer to the door than Jonas.

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  “It’s very creative, Jonas. I don’t know why you focused on my hobby to help you with the design.”

  He smiled and moved closer to her, and she forced herself not to step back. She wanted to get away from him. He had taken his interest in her much further than she had ever feared. Gathering information about her interests felt far too much like he was stalking her. “This facility will be an area where you’ll spend a majority of your work. I wanted to make it interesting for you.”

  “I-I appreciate it, Jonas. I didn’t even know you were building a new barn. Where is it on the property?”

  “I’ll show you as soon as it is finished. There will be many surprises for you.”

  “Then I have something to look forward to,” she said, forcing a smile to her numb face. “I’ll see you next week, Jonas.”

  She turned to walk away from him and gasped in surprise when his hand caught hers and pulled her back toward him. Instantly, she yanked her hand free from his grasp and took several large steps back from him. He held up his hands defensively. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, Elena. I just wanted to thank you for all your work.”

  “We’ve talked about boundaries before, Jonas. You continue to push them with me, and I don’t like having to remind you that we don’t have that kind of relationship. The only relationship I want is one where you are my client and I provide my knowledge to the training and showing of your horses. It isn’t anything other than that.”

  “It doesn’t have to be, Elena. Daniel told me what happened to you a few years ago. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt someone as beautiful and exquisite as you. I can understand your hesitation, but surely you know I’d give you anything your heart desires.”

  He did know! The bastard has been deliberately trying to put me in uncomfortable situations for his own enjoyment, just as I suspected. “If you really knew what happened to me, you would never put me in these difficult positions. You would respect me and not continue pushing a relationship on me that I clearly don’t want. I know about your wealth and influence, Jonas, but that isn’t what my heart desires. You can’t buy my love.”

  “What do you want, Elena? I’m already building a state-of-the-art training facility you’ll get to use. I’ll get you horses in your name. I’ll support all your efforts to become the best trainer in the state—hell, in the nation—if that’s what you want. I want you, Elena. I want you to be a part of my life, and not just appearing once or twice a week as my horse trainer.”

  Elena moved closer to the door. “It isn’t going to happen, Jonas.”

  “Give me time. I’ll prove to you I can make you a very happy woman.”

  “I’m already happy. Don’t attempt to touch me again. I don’t want to have this conversation with you again.” She turned and walked through the house quickly, afraid if she looked behind her she’d find him pursuing her to force her to continue the conversation.

  Once she had left the house, she broke into a run, sweat running between her shoulder blades in the late-evening heat. She jumped into her truck and quickly guided it away from the ranch and out onto the road. It wasn’t until she finally hit the main paved road that she realized she was shaking violently.

  She swallowed hard and brushed her hair away from her face. Jonas had finally gone too far. The most recent contract he’d signed expired in three weeks. When she returned the following week, she’d try to avoid Jonas completely, gather her personal tack and gear and leave. A simple email giving her two week’s notice should sever any thought he had to extend his contract.

  * * *

  They were getting close. The Congressman knew they were. It was just a matter of time before they discovered who had killed his friend. Yes, Benicio had been an ass most of his life, an arrogant ass on top of that, but that arrogance had allowed him to become one of the youngest drug lords in Mexico. Now his vibrant life had been snuffed out.

  The Congressman already knew that the navy was behind the placement of the vigilante group that had done it. Were they active duty, or something else? Civilians? Veterans? Whatever the answer, the navy had been given too much leeway to meddle in international affairs.

  Which was why getting this congressional task force nomination was critical. He could take some of the pressure off his southern connections under the guise of investigating criminal activities and use the power of his position to generate loopholes for his connections to continue their affairs, gathering the money he knew waited for them.

  But it would all be a waste if the navy’s wonder team continued to interfere in his affairs.

  By destroying Benicio and his cartel, they had essentially crippled his drug operations. Every day that he didn’t have enough manpower, thousands upon thousands of dollars slipped through his fingers. He had helped Benicio set up a system for smuggling the drugs into the United States, as well as an elaborate communication system, and the implementation of both gave him huge kickbacks.

p; Another congressman nearby droned on and on, while he sat and stewed over his own problems.

  This next transaction with his connections was critical. The operation had been in the planning stages for months. The Border Patrol would never even know what had happened.

  And if he could uncover the whereabouts and identities of the Texas team, he could get rid of all his problems at once.

  “All those in favor of passing Bill…”

  He glanced around at his fellow party members to see which way they were voting. Damn these navy men! They were costing him money and causing him to lose focus. His fellow party members raised their hands, and he joined with them. He sighed with relief when one of the older party leaders smiled at him and nodded approvingly. He’d find out later what he had voted for.

  In the meantime, south Texas needed his attention. There would have to be a total kill of his enemies for things to work out in his favor, but he wouldn’t be the one to get his hands dirty.

  He was already lining up the right people to handle the things he needed to keep at a distance. He had a new point person working for Haslett, and he knew the information he needed would come through any day.

  Yes, he just needed to bide his time. Soon he would destroy the men who had come so close to destroying his carefully crafted enterprise. He smiled to himself. Things were beginning to fall into place, just like a well-designed puzzle.

  * * *

  “We’ll take Black Out and Strawberry to the show. With the two of us, there is a chance we’ll take Grand and Reserve Champion.”

  “Or I’ll look like a total fool, fumble my way through things, and no one will ever want to bring their business to us—I mean, to the ranch.”

  To us. Almost as if they were in this endeavor together. Subconsciously, he realized he did think that way. In reality, his ranch would benefit the most from the high-profile show. Any profit made went to the ranch. It didn’t impact her.

  But it should. She had been busting her ass for a long time, and he didn’t want to let her down. He wanted her to be proud of all he had learned. He knew that the exposure of her expertise in the show ring would help further her dream of becoming a coveted trainer in Texas, and she saw that as her reward. He felt she deserved much more than that.

  “I’ll be back here tomorrow. The grooming and prep work takes a little longer, so I’ll need Thursday and Friday to get them in the best condition.”

  “Are you talking about the horses or me?” Where had that come from? It was a flirtatious remark, and he hadn’t planned to behave in such a way around her. He needed to talk to her, needed to explain why he had tried to put distance between them and find out if any chance existed for a rekindled spark between them. He had become so comfortable around her, though, and the temptation to watch her reactions to his flirting or teasing seemed natural when he let his guard down.

  A hesitant smile tipped up the corners of her mouth. “Both, I suppose,” she replied softly. “You’ll finally get to experience all the work that goes into getting ready for a horse show.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck as she walked away from him, leading Strawberry back to her stall. They were finished for the day, but he didn’t want to see her go yet. Working with her—hell, just being around her—brought him a level of excitement and pleasure he hadn’t experienced in a long time and easily classified as the highlight of his day. Even though tension still crackled between them, he always felt relieved—yes, even happy—when he saw her truck heading up their dusty road.

  It meant that at least for the time she worked with his horses, he could keep her safe from the mad world they lived in. He knew he shouldn’t feel so protective of her, but he couldn’t help it. With each day he worked with her, she made him long for more, and he wanted to make sure she never felt any discomfort, any sadness, any disappointment. Knowing he had been the source of some of her recent disappointment left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  When he saw her truck coming up their road, he knew he would have her all to himself for several hours. He hated the idea that other ranchers were enjoying time with her. He didn’t want anyone else to receive her glowing smile or see the twinkle in her eyes when a horse or the person she trained performed well. He treasured his time with her and wished she only worked at his ranch.

  “You certainly are deep in thought. Are you really that worried about the show?” Elena had left the barn and was wiping her hands on her jeans as she walked toward him, concern on her face.

  He shook his head, unable to find his voice for the moment. His experiences with women had never included thinking about what he wanted long-term. Early in his career he had experienced the frog hogs, the women who jumped from one SEAL to another, putting more pride in their lists of conquests than in the feelings of the men they were involved with. At the age of nineteen, he hadn’t turned down the opportunities for a good time.

  But he had known going in that none of those flings would last. The women hadn’t wanted anything more from him than a couple of wild nights.

  When it came to Elena, he suddenly had the desire to have her love and support wrapped around him. He wanted to have her waiting for him every time he came home from a deployment, there to take care of his bruises and aches and pains and be strong enough to let him have his time with the team before he could come for her and seek the sweet solace he knew he would find with her.

  He wanted to be there for her, to give her a strong shoulder to lean on if she ever needed it. He wanted to show her that she could trust him and rely on him, and that he would support her and help her grow with all her dreams. He wanted to put her on a pedestal where she belonged.


  She stood in front of him, and he looked down into her eyes. That warm brown seemed to hold a little bit of sparkle, but it could have been just the glint of the sunlight hitting her. “No, no. I’m not that concerned about the show.” He threw out the first answer that popped into his head and realized with surprise that he really wasn’t. Elena had trained him and the horses well. The show would be fine.

  “You’re going to do great. Well, I-I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow. I have another ranch to visit this afternoon.”

  “You’re hitting another place today? I thought we were your only stop on Wednesdays. Since when did your schedule change?” She belonged to me on Wednesdays. The possessive thought took him by surprise.

  “Just this week. I have to go see them today because I’ll be back here tomorrow. Don’t worry, Phantom. I’m not going to shortchange you.”

  Her voice seemed tense and the expression on her face veiled. Did she really think that he counted her hours to make sure he got what they’d agreed to in the client contract they’d signed?

  “Elena, we need to talk.” What am I doing? How do I fix what I broke between us? Santo is right. I won’t ever know if there’s a chance for us if I don’t try. But, damn it, how do I even approach this? An apology is weak. I have to show her I want to try to build something between us. I need to have a plan.

  Elena had already started walking to her truck when he spoke. She stopped in midstride, and her back went ramrod straight. Very slowly, she turned her head to look at him, and the apprehension on her face deeply disappointed him—in himself. His actions had created the tension between them. Only he could fix everything.

  “I thought everything for the show has been planned. What else do we need to talk about?”

  He crammed his hands down into his pockets to keep himself from reaching for her. He wanted nothing more than to cup her face in his hands and try to find that heat again. He shook his head instead. “Never mind. It can wait.” He needed to hit the gym again to take out his frustrations. And when that failed, he’d take a very long, cold shower.

  She tilted her head to look at him with curiosity, but stayed silent for a very long time. Oh, how he wanted to touch her win
d-tossed curls and bury his face against her neck, inhaling her wonderful scent.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Phantom.” She left so quickly, he didn’t get the chance to say how much he looked forward to it.

  Chapter 13

  Dripping Springs used to be a little secret, a small town outside Austin that few people knew about. The secret had been spilled, though, and Elena stared at all the changes with wonder. Now boasting tall apartment buildings, exclusive million-dollar neighborhoods, a thriving commercial sector, and its own exquisite indoor arena, Dripping Springs was an extension of the massive Austin scene.

  Elena hadn’t shown in the Austin area in a couple of years and couldn’t have been more excited to be back in the central Texas region. Known for having some of the most talented trainers and horses, the central Texas region would allow her to see how her skills and the abilities of Phantom’s horses measured. Her body hummed with both excitement and nervousness. With it being Phantom’s first time showing, she wanted him to have a great experience he would always remember with fondness.

  Dripping Springs sat west of Austin, and the drive, complete with pit stops and traffic, had taken them nearly five hours. By the time they had the horses stalled, fed, and secured, it was edging close to midnight on Friday night. Many activities were occurring that weekend in both Austin and Dripping Springs, and most all the accommodations that were remotely close were booked, except for one.

  The B and B didn’t have an updated website, but when Elena had called and talked to the owner, he’d guaranteed he would hold the last two cabins for her. He said the cabins were old homesteads they had lovingly restored and kept as authentic as possible. Elena was looking forward to the cozy comfort of the cottage and the soft mattress after the long day they’d had.

  She also looked forward to a chance to take a deep breath away from Phantom. Being around him for hours on end had her nerves wildly aware of every move he made. The sound of the steering wheel sliding through his hands as he turned into the drive of the B and B reminded her of the feeling of his palms cupping her ass. She squirmed in her seat, eager to get out of the truck and take a large gulp of fresh air.


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