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Witch Hunt

Page 20

by L R Deney

“You lie so casually to a friend, how can I even believe you?”

  “Hey, I simply don’t want anyone here to get hurt. So I told a white lie to get her leave us alone.”

  Aku no Shi scrutinized her with a look of skeptical judgment. “Let us say you are telling the truth about being innocent of assassination, where could I find this witness?”

  “In Azramoas.”

  “That is very broad, Staci.”

  “Grithnak, he’s an orc that owns a bar called the Rusty Hook in the slums. I was with him, in his bar, when the Speaker was murdered. I’m capable of a lot of things, but being in two places at once isn’t one of them.”

  The other witch actually considered this for a moment. “I will check out this ‘Rusty Hook’ and find out the truth for myself. Since you fought me with honor, I will do this for you. But if I find out that you are lying, you know that I will be back.”

  Staci nodded. “I know.”

  “Very well then, I shall leave you and your friends in peace,” Aku no Shi said as she turned and left the encampment.

  “Stay safe. There are dangerous forces at work and they will not hesitate to kill you.”

  Aku no Shi looked over her shoulder. “They may try, but they will not succeed.”

  Staci chuckled as the woman left and turned back to her tent. She nodded her thanks to the woman with the dyed hair, then crawled in through the flap. It was odd to emerge every time from an actual door on the inside of the sanctum, but that’s how she set it up. Both Melanie and Theo were waiting on the couch, eyes looking concerned and eager to hear what happened.

  “So I talked her out of a confrontation and she left,” Staci explained.

  “How did you manage to do that?” Theo asked with astonishment. “She looked pretty determined.”

  “I convinced her to look into the events involving the claims made by the Council of Magic. Rather than just blindly accepting it. She appears to value honor, so I trust that she’ll do it.”

  “Huh, well, at least one of the bounty hunters is a rational human being,” remarked Melanie with a soft chuckle.

  Staci nodded, taking Melanie into her arms; she placed a soft kiss on her lips. Melanie smiled, kissing her back. They drew close together in their embrace, holding each other tight. Lips parted and inviting tongues teased at each other. They were so involved with each other that they didn’t even notice Theo carefully and quietly leaving the room.

  They found their way back to the couch, undressing each other as they went along in their spur of the moment affection. Lips were nibbled, and bodies caressed, down the sides, along shoulders, and teasing of breasts. Moans of delight filled the living room as clothes were tossed in every possible direction, littering the floor. A giggle there and a laugh there.

  Staci laid Melanie back, her tongue and lips beginning to explore along her collar bone and around her breasts, feeling her girlfriend toy with her feminine penis. Her hands traveled in caressing movements along Melanie’s arm and thigh, raising the sensations of their sexual arousal. Sensual grinding and touches increased their mood and excitement of the moment. It was a beautiful moment of bliss.

  Melanie suddenly pressed Staci gently back, and lowered her head down to her lap, continually teasing at her dick. She eventually put the head into her mouth, trying to excite it. In time Staci’s girlhood was full and erect, and Melanie bobbed her head up and down, lips moving along its length. Staci cried out and moaned in delight, arching her head back, resting a hand on Melanie’s shoulder.

  Then Melanie released her girlcock and lay back along the couch, inviting Staci to come on top of her. The witch obliged, and carefully inserted herself into Melanie, arms wrapping back into a quick embrace before she began pumping herself into her. Their cries filled the room, possibly the entire sanctum, sweat beading along their bodies while the couch creaked a bit to their rhythm.

  The cry of climax took a while to reach from either of them, but it was well worth the buildup. They gasped together and stared into each other’s eyes briefly before Staci pulled herself out and collapsed onto the other woman, snuggling her close. Melanie smiled and kissed her on the lips.

  “That was great as always,” she said to her.

  “I’m glad to please,” Staci said back, grinning ear to ear.

  “I never want this moment to end.”

  “Well then, I hope you get your wish.”

  Melanie chuckled. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Then she kissed her.

  Chapter 23

  A lot was changing in Azramoas apparently. The guards posted at the entrance almost didn’t let her in, but once she told them she was a bounty hunter investigating Staci Drenvauder, they let her through. That was when she noticed the black and red banners hanging from everything, depicting the tradition the new Speaker followed. That was very odd and unexpected. Something was happening within the city.

  Aku no Shi found a changed Azramoas. The citizens were quiet, keeping to themselves, and there was City Watch everywhere. Same with the banners. Banners were hanging from anything that they could be hung from. It was surreal and she was beginning to wonder about Staci’s mention of Nazis.

  She had to uncover what exactly what was happening here, so she was going to look into the matter for Staci. The other witch had told her that the bar owner was in the slums in an establishment called the Rusty Hook. She would go there and uncover the truth there, just as she had promised. So she stalked off to the slums, determined on her investigation.

  The entire display was making her nervous. What was in the Council of Magic’s combined mind that would make them think that building up a Speaker like this would be a good idea? She couldn’t fathom it, but it must be out of some kind of desperation. Just by one glance around, she could see the city sliding into despotism. Perhaps Staci was telling the truth?

  She passed frightened citizens, some of them giving her worrisome looks as she walked by. Nevertheless, she paid them no mind, instead concentrating on her target. The slums were somewhere in the “southwest” of the city, so she wound through the streets in that direction.

  Then she saw the line of watchmen guarding access to the slums, blocking her way into them. Far behind, out of sight, were the cries of fighting and the sounds of explosions. She arched a brow at this, finding the scene to be chilling. What had happened to this city that it would turn into this? The only time she saw a scene like this was during a hunt through the harshest of police states.

  “Halt, this is a restricted area,” stated one of the watchmen.

  “Restricted?” Aku no Shi asked, showing obvious confusion. “This is the slums, is it not?”

  “It is, but it’s currently restricted because of the riots. No one enters, no one leaves.”

  “I am a bounty hunter, and I am investigating the Drenvauder woman.”

  “My apologies, but you’ll have to conduct your investigation another way.”

  “Fool!” And then, angrily, Aku no Shi turned and walked away.

  It was obvious that she was not going to get into the slums through the streets, but fortunate for her, she had other means. So she looked for and found an abandoned alley, and unpinned her hair, letting it fall loose. That was when it came to life and began climbing up the side of the building, the locks of hair like spider legs. She reached the roof and scanned her environment. Off in the distance, she glimpsed a little bit of the rioting in the slums.

  This city was in disarray and now her interest was piqued. She reached out to the nearest building with her hair, pulling herself across the alleyway. With so much focus on the ground, the City Watch wouldn’t even think of watching the roofs of the buildings for someone with her abilities. She’d creep across the rooftops until she was in the slums, and then climb down into the alleys. Once she was across, she could hear the riots down below and around her. It was pure chaos.

  She spidered down the side of the building she was on and re-pinned her hair. Keeping to the alleywa
ys, she did her best to avoid the rioting. She occasionally went into defensive mode whenever she heard the explosion of a Molotov cocktail. She then sought out the bar called the Rusty Hook.

  It took her a while to find it, as the alleys in this area of town were twisted and labyrinthine. The main thoroughfares were dominated by angry rioters that she continued to avoid as much as possible. Finally she found the bar and discovered it in disarray, the windows shattered and boarded up, with a notice nailed to what used to be the door. She walked quietly over to it and read the piece of paper.

  By order of the Speaker of the Council, Friedrich Fromm, all drinking establishments within the slums are henceforth closed until further notice. Refusal to comply will result in immediate imprisonment.

  Aku no Shi growled in frustration and moved to the alley, there was always a back door to these places. She found it and unpinned her hair again. Her hair obediently snaked into the lock and experimentally fiddled with it. Eventually she heard a click and the door was unlocked. She pushed it open and stepped in, finding herself in the storage room. The bar was eerily silent, and she searched every inch of it, trying to find any sort of clue that would help her find the owner. If she could verify Staci’s alibi, then she would know for certain the woman’s innocence.

  But alas, she could not find anything. It looked like there had been a brawl in here, as every piece of furniture had been shattered. There were also bloodstains and teeth occasionally decorating the floor. She wasn’t surprised by those details in the slightest. Things got very rough here, there was no doubt. What could the jukebox have been playing when it was damaged?

  Nevertheless, there was nothing for her here, the place was locked down and empty. Although, she wondered at the reason for that, why would the slums be targeted in such a way, what would the Council gain from such in action? It made no sense to her; it made no sense to rile up the citizenry in such a way that they would be driven to riots. Only fools would make such decisions.

  Fools like those who would give up their presumed liberty to a single man. The time of shoguns was over. She stepped out the back door and closed it, leaving most of everything as she had found it. There was no point to labor in her investigation here; she had to find the owner. He had to be somewhere in this city. Perhaps he was among the rioters?

  She decided to seek them out, and she didn’t have to wander far. There was a mass of non-human people clashing with the watch. It looked like the City Watch was on the losing side. Buildings and streetlamps around the scene were worse for wear and broken glass and debris littered the streets. Pandemonium and destruction ruled the area, and it was all in response to the loss of the slums’ watering holes.

  One of the goblins that was part of the struggle turned and noticed her approach. He was about to throw a brick at her when she held up a hand to signify that she came in peace. Reluctantly, he let her approach, unsure of what she could possibly be doing here if she wasn’t here to fight.

  “What do ya want?” demanded the goblin, others nearby carefully watching the exchange.

  “I need to ask questions about the bar back there,” Aku no Shi replied, thumbing in the direction of the Rusty Hook.

  “Like what?” the goblin asked with rising suspicion.

  “Where can I find the owner?”

  “Grithnak? He got arrested. He’s in the slammer now because he fought the watch trying to close the bar.”

  “So he is… inaccessible.”

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  Another exploding Molotov in the background briefly interrupted the conversation.

  “That is problematic for my purposes then,” Aku no Shi said thoughtfully.

  “And what are those ‘purposes’?”

  “To uncover the truth about Staci Drenvauder. She demands that she is innocent, so I have decided to see it for myself.”

  The goblin nodded. “She’s definitely innocent, too much funny stuff happening in this city right now.”

  “Was she with Grithnak during the assassination?”

  “I have some friends say they saw her hurry into the bar before it even happened. Rumors say she hid out in the storage room while it took place.”

  “Interesting, and why were the bars closed down?”

  “Why? Because the humans have always hated us. That, and it got out that Staci was getting help in the slums, so they decided to punish us for that.”

  “Hmm… so Staci is a favorite here.”

  “Well, yeah, she’s always stood up for our rights and frequently demanded reform. She’s a real ally.”

  “So naturally this would cause a lot of conflict with the Council.”

  “Oh a fuckton, they absolutely looooathed her over there.”

  “Hmm… so it’s possible that she’s told me the truth.”

  “Oh, I guarantee it.”

  “Well, I must still uncover more, however. This city is far different than the last time I was here. I agree that the events leading up to your riots are strange ones.”

  There was suddenly a widespread cry of triumph as the City Watch retreated from the unruly mob. Most of the rioters pursued them, determined to show the authorities every ounce of their rage. Aku no Shi considered it fair, their honor had been insulted by the Council.

  “Yeah,” the goblin agreed, “the Council went fascist quick with the new Speaker.”

  The witch nodded and turned away from the rioters. Fascism was an appropriate word for it, she figured. That had her speculating again about the Nazis that Staci had mentioned. Was there some kind of connection? Was it the state Azramoas was in that she was referring to or something else? Perhaps it was coincidence?

  Her mind rampantly wandered as she climbed back up a building with her hair. She scanned the area for the next building and crawled with her hair to that one, and then the next. She was finally outside the boundary of the slums and climbed down the way she had come. Who could she approach next for her investigation?

  She supposed, ultimately, there was only one place she could go to interview witnesses. The capitol was a rather large building, dominating the center of the city. Aside from the excess of the new Speaker’s banners, it looked just as she remembered it. Only the banners added the air of something different sitting at the core of the building. Whatever it might be, she would face it head on.

  Once again City Watch were standing guard en masse, scrutinizing her as she walked up the street. It was when she set foot on the campus and the stairs up to the main entrance that the guards became animated and called for her to stop in her tracks. She sized up the one holding up his hand and then his companions. She wasn’t too impressed, but it was certainly an irritant to her investigation.

  “Sorry ma’am, but the capitol is off-limits, the Council is no longer accepting petitioners,” the watchman said, his companions readying their staves.

  “I’m not here to petition, I’m here to ask questions about the Drenvauder woman,” Aku no Shi said, her eyes cold and glaring daggers. “I am a bounty hunter.”

  The watchmen exchanged glances, not sure how to deal with this situation now that she revealed herself. Eventually they lowered their staves and the one who had commanded her to halt stepped closer to her.

  “We are willing to let you pass for that reason,” he said, uncomfortably leaning in. “However, it is not my decision to make. Someone from the Council will have to approve it.”

  “Very well then,” she replied.

  He nodded and returned to his fellow officers and whispered something to one of them. The other officer nodded and hurried off to the front entrance and disappeared within. The officer she spoke to turned and smiled to her.

  “This will take some time,” he said.

  “I can wait,” she replied.

  The officer of the watch returned after a while and turned to look at Aku no Shi. “You are permitted to enter and discuss the bounty with the Speaker of the Council.”

  The witch nodded before she was led in by a
n armed escort. Inside, one could barely see the marks left behind by the demon attack. The repairs had been that extensive and it took very keen eyes to see them, and keen eyes she did indeed have. The capitol almost looked as though it had never even come under attack at all.

  Again there were more banners, replacing all of the tapestries that used to hang in the halls. This new Speaker seemed well on his way to declaring himself a dictator over the city. That thought made her feel somewhat unsettled. What would come next? Would bounty hunters become regulated within an inch of their lives? Would they even be allowed anymore? She didn’t want to contemplate that, but contemplate it she did.

  They led her through twisting hallways until they came upon an office. The door was inscribed with a plaque that read “Friedrich Fromm, Speaker of the Council.” She took in a deep breath, dismissing her thoughts, before she was ushered into the office. There was barely even a stop at the secretary that simply waved them through.

  She found Fromm to be a little disappointing, pale skin, long black hair that was slightly oily. His build wasn’t even that great; she could have taken him over her knee and spanked him without much of a fight. He looked up at her with dark eyes and stood briefly to shake her hand before sitting back down and offering her a seat in turn. She accepted the seat and met him squarely in the eyes with her own.

  “So I understand you have some questions about the bounty I posted,” the Speaker said, steepling his fingers.

  “Hai, I am curious about the events that involve Staci Drenvauder specifically,” Aku no Shi said, observing his mannerisms.

  The man’s thin lips formed into a smile. “Of course, what question about the bounty wouldn’t?”

  The witch nodded. “So I was curious about why she was originally in custody.”

  “Ah yes, that issue. She used her magic in broad daylight of the mundane world, interfering in their police matters. I think she even killed some, I don’t remember the small details like that.”

  “So then when you were judging her, she received aid from the demons?”


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