Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker

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Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker Page 128

by Thomas Dekker

  Shouting a cheerefull welcome: Since no clyme,

  Nor Age that has gon or’e the head of Time,

  Dide’re cast vp such Ioyes, nor the like Summe

  (But here) shall stand in the world, yeares to come,

  Dread King, our hearts make good, what words do want,

  To bid thee boldly enter Troynouant.

  Rerum certa salus, Terrarum gloria Caesar!

  Sospite quo, magnos credimus esse Deos:

  Dilexere priùs pueri, Iuvenesque senelque,

  At nunc Infantes te quoque Caesar amant.

  This should haue beene the first Offring of the Citties Loue: But his Maiestie not making his Entrance (according to expectation) It was (not vtterly throwne from the Alter) but layd by.

  Mart. Iam Crescunt media Paegmata celsa via.

  BY this time Imagine, that Poets (who drawe speaking Pictures) and Painters (who make dumbe Poesie) had their heads & hands full; the one for natiue and sweet Inuention: the other for liuely Illustration of what the former should deuise: Both of them emulously contending (but not striuing) with the proprest and brightest Colours of Wit and Art, to set out the beautie of the great Triumphant day.

  For more exact and formall managing of which Businesse, a Select number both of Aldermen and Commoners (like so many Romane AEDILES) were (Communi Consilio) chosen forth, to whose discretion, the Charge, Contriuings, Projects, and all other Dependences, owing to so troublesome a worke, was intirely, and Iudicially committed.

  Many dayes were thriftily consumed, to molde the bodies of these Tryumphes comely, and to the honour of the Place: & at last, the stuffe whereof to frame them, was beaten out. The Soule that should giue life, & a tongue to this Entertainment, being to breathe out of Writers Pens. The Limmes of it to lye at the hard-handed mercy of Mychanitiens.

  In a moment therefore of Time, are Carpenters, Ioyners, Caruers, and other Artificers sweating at their Chizzells.

  Vir. Accingunt Omnes operi.

  Not a finger but had an Office: He was held vnworthy euer after to sucke the Hony dew of Peace, that (against his comming by whom our Peace weares a triple Wreathe) would offer to play the Droane. The Streets are surueyed; heigthes, breadths, and distances taken, as it were to make Fortifications, for the Solemnities. Seauen pieces of ground, (like so many fieldes for a battaile) are plotted foorth, vppon which these Arches of Tryumph must shew themselves in their glorie: alost, in the ende doe they advance their proude fore-heads.


  — Circumpueri, Innuptaeque Puellae,

  Sacra Canunt, funem{que} manu contingere gaudent.

  Euen childre¯ (might they haue bin suffred) would gladly haue spent their little strenght, about the Engines, that mounted vp the Frames: Such a fire of loue and ioy, was kindled in euery brest.

  The day (for whose sake, these wonders of Wood, clymde thus into the clowdes) is now come; being so earely vp by reason of Artificiall Lights, which wakened it, that the Sunne ouer-slept himselfe, and rose not in many houres after, yet bringing with it into the very bosome of the Cittie, a world of people. The Streets seemde to bee paued with men: Stalles in stead of rich wares were set out with children, open Casements fild vp with women.

  All Glasse windowes taken downe, but in their places, sparkeled so many eyes, that had it not bene the day, the light which reflected from them, was sufficient to haue made one: hee that should haue compared the emptie and vntroden walkes of London, which were to be seen in that late mortally-destroying Deluge, with the thronged streetes now, might haue belieued, that vpon this day, began a new Creation, & that the Citie was the onely Workhouse wherein sundry Nations were made.

  A goodly and ciuil order was obserued, in Martialling all the Companies according to their degrees: The first beginning at the vpper end of Saint Marks Lane, and the last reaching aboue the Conduit in Fleetstreete: their Seats, being double-railde: vpon the vpper part wheron they leaned, the Streamers, Ensignes, and Bannerets, of each particular Company decently fixed: And directly against them, (euen quite through the body of the Citie, so hie as to Temple-Barre) a single Raile (in faire distance from the other) was likewise erected to put off the multitude. Amongst whose tongues (which in such Consorts neuer lye still,) tho there were no Musicke, yet as the Poet sayes:

  Mart. Voxdiuersa sonat, populorum est vox tamen vna.

  NOTHING that they speake could bee made any thing, yet all that was spoken, sounded to this purpose, that still his Maieftie was comming. They haue their longings: And behold, A farre off they spie him, richly mounted on a white Iennet, vnder a rich Canopy, sustained by eight Barons of the Cinqueports; the Tower seruing that morning but for his with-drawing Chamber, wherein hee made him ready: and from thence stept presently into his Citie of London, which for the time might worthily borrow the name of his Court Royall: His passage alongst that Court, offering it selfe for more State) through seuen Gates, of which the first was erected at Fanchurch.

  Thus presenting it selfe.

  IT was an vpright Flat-square, (for it contained fiftie foote in the perpendiculer, and fiftie foote in the Ground-lyne) the vpper roofe thereof (one distinct Grices) bore vp the true moddells of all the notable Houses, Turrets, and Steeples, within the Citie. The Gate vnder which his Maiestie did passe, was 12. foote wide, and 18. foote hie: A Posterne likewise (at one side of it) being soure foote wide, and 8. foote in heigth: On either side of the Gate, stood a great French Terme, of stone, aduanced vpon wodden Pedestalls; two half Pilasters of Rustick, standing ouer their heads. I could shoote more Arrowes at this marke, and teach you without the Carpenters Rule how to measure all the proportions belonging to this Fabrick. But an excellent hand being at this instant curiously describing all the seuen, and bestowing on them their faire prospectiue limmes, your eye shall hereafter rather be delighted in beholding those Pictures, than now be wearied in looking vpon mine.


  1 THE HIGHEST Person was The Brittayne Monarchy.

  2 At her feet, fate Diuine Wisdome.

  3 Beneath her, stood The Genius of the City, A man.

  4 At his right hand was placed a Personage, figuring, The Counsell of the City.

  5 Vnder all these lay a person representing Thamesis the Riuer.

  Sixe other persons (being daughters to Genius) were aduaunced aboue him, on a spreading Ascent of which the first was,

  1 Gladnesse.

  2 The second, Veneration.

  3 The third, Promptitude.

  4 The fourth, Vigilance.

  5 The fift, Louing affection.

  6 The sixth, Vnanimity.

  Of all which personages, Genius and Thamesis were the only Speakers: Thamesis being presented by one of the children of her Maiesties Reuels: Genius by M. Allin (seruant to the young Prince) his gratulatory speach (which was deliuered with excellent Action, and a well tun’de audible voyce) being to this effect:

  That London may be prowd to behold this day, and therefore in name of the Lord Maior and Aldermen, the Councell, Commoners and Multitude, the heartiest Welcome is tendered to his Maiesty, that euer was bestowed on any King, &c.

  Which Banquet being taken away with sound of Musicke, there, ready for the purpose, his Maiestie made his entrance into this his Court Royall: vnder this first Gate, vpon the Battlements of the worke, in great Capitalls was inscribed, thus:


  And vnder that, in a smaller (but not different) Caracter, was written,

  CAMERA REGIA: The Kings Chamber.

  Too short a time (in their opinions that were glewed there together so many houres, to behold him) did his Maiestie dwell vpon this first place: yet too long it seemed to other happy Spirits, that higher vp in these Elizian fields awaited for his presence: he sets on therefore (like the Sunne in his Zodiaque) bountifully dispersing his beames amongst particular Nations: the brightnesse and warmth of which, was now spent first vpon the Italians, & next vpon the Belgians: The space o
f ground, on which their magnificent Arches were builded, being not vnworthy to beare the name of the great Hall to this our Court Royal: wherein was to be heard & seene the sundry languages & habits of Strangers, which vnder Princes Rooses render excellent harmony.

  In a paire of Scales doe I weigh these two Nations, and finde them (neither in hearty loue to his Maiestie, in aduancement of the Cities honor, nor in forwardnesse to glorifie these Triumphes) to differ one graine.

  To dispute which haue done best, were to doubt that one had done well. Call their inuentions therefore Twynnes: or if they; themselues doe not like that name, (for happily they are emulous of one glory) yet thus may we speake of them.


  — Facies non omnibus vna,

  Nec diuersa tamen, Qualem decet esse sororum.

  Because, whosoeuer (fixis oculis) beholds their proportions,

  Expleri mentem nequit, ardescit{que} tuendo.


  The street, vpon whose breast, this Italian Iewell was worne, was neuer worthy of that name which it carries, till this houre: For here did the Kings eye meete a second Oblect, that inticed him by tarrying to giue honor to the place. And thus did the queintnesse of the Engine seeme to discouer it selfe before him.


  THE BUILDING TOOKE vp the whole bredth of the Street, of which, the lower part was a Square, garnished with foure great Columnes: In the midst of which Square, was cut out a fayre and spacious high Gate, arched, being twenty seuen foot in the perpendicular lyne, and eyghteene at the ground lyne: ouer the Gate, in golden Caracters, these verses (in a long square) were inscribed:

  Tu Regere Imperio populos Iacobe memento,

  Hae tibi erunt Artes, Paci{que} imponere morem,

  Parcere Subiectis, & debellare superbos.

  And directly aboue this, was aduanc’d the Armes of the Kingdome, the Supporters fairely cut out to the life: ouer the Lyon (some prety distance from it) was written,


  And aboue the head of the Vnicorne, at the like distance, this,


  In a large Square erected aboue all these, King Henry the seuenth was royally seated in his Imperiall Robes, to whome King Iames (mounted on horsebacke) approches, and receyues a Scepter, ouer both their heads these words being written,


  Betweene two of the Columnes, (on the right hand) was fixed vp a Square table, wherein, in liuely and excellent colours, was lim’d a woman, figuring Peace, her head securely leaning on her left hand, her body modestly bestowed (to the length) vpon the earth: In her other hand, was held an Oliue branch, the Ensigne of Peace, her word was out of Virgil, being thus,

  — Deus nobis haec otia fecit.

  Beneath that peece, was another square Table, reaching almost to the Bases of the two Columnes: In which, 2. (seeming) Sea personages, were drawne to the life, both of them lying, or rather leaning on the bosome of the earth, naked; the one a woman, her backe onely seene; the other a man, his hand stretching and fastning it selfe vpon her shoulder: the word that this dead body spake, was this,

  I Decus, I Nostrum.

  Vpon the left-hand side of the Gate, betweene the other two Columnes, were also two square Tables: In the one of which were two persons portrayed to the life, naked, and wilde in lookes, the word,

  Expectate solo Trinobanti.

  And ouer that, in another square, carying the same proportion, stoode a woman vpright, holding in her hand a Shield, beneath whom was inscribed in golden Caracters,

  — Spes fidissimarerum.

  And this was the shape and front of the first great Square, whose top being flat, was garnished with Pelasters, and vpon the roote was directed a great Padestall, on which stood a Person carued out to the life (a woman) her left hand leaning on a sword, with the poynt downeward, and her right hand reaching foorth a Diadem, which shee seemde by bowing of her knee and head, to bestow vpon his Maiestie.

  On the foure corners of this vpper part, stoode foure naked portraytures (in great) with artificiall Trumpets in their hands.

  In the Arch of the Gate, was drawne (at one side) a companie of Palme trees, young, and as it were but newly springing, ouer whose branches, two naked winged Angels, flying, held foorth a Scroll, which seem’d to speake thus,

  Spes altera.

  On the contrarie side, was a Vine, spreading it selfe into many branches, and winding about Oliue, and Palme trees: two naked winged Angels hanging likewise in the Ayre ouer them, and holding a Scrol betweene them, fild with this inscription,

  Vxor tua, sicut vitis abundans,

  Et filii tui, sicut palmites Oliuarum.

  If your imaginations (after the beholding of these obiects) will suppose, that this Maiestie is now gone to the other side of this Italian Trophee; doe but cast your eyes backe, and there you shall finde iust the same proportions, which the fore-part, or Brest of our Arch carrieth, with equall number of Columnes, Pedestals, Pilasters, Lim’d peeces, and Carued Statues. Ouer the Gate, this Disticho• presents it selfe.

  Nonne tuo Imperio satis est Iacohe potiri?

  Imperium in Musas, Aemule quaeris? Habes.

  Vnder which verses, a wreathe of Lawrell seem’d to be ready to be let fall on his Maiesties head, as hee went vnder it, being held betweene two naked Antique women, their bodies stretching (at the full length) to compasse ouer the Arch of the Gate. And aboue those verses, in a faire Azure table, this inscription was aduanc’d in golden Capitals:


  On the right hand of this backe-part, betweene two of the Columnes was a square table, in which was drawne a Woman, crown’d with beautifull and fresh flowres, a Cáducaeus in her hand: Al’the notes of a plenteous and liuely Spring being caried about her, the soule that gaue life to this speaking picture, was:

  — Omnis seret omnia Tellus.

  Aboue this peece, in another square, was portrayed a Tryton, his Trumpet at his mouth, seeming to vtter thus much,

  Dum Caelum stellas.

  Vpon the left hand of this back part, in most excellent colour, Antikely attir’d, stood the 4. kingdoms, England, Scotland, France and Ireland, holding hands together, this being the language of them all,

  Concordes stabili Fatorum Numine

  The middle great Square, that was aduaunced ouer the Freeze of the Gate, held Apollo, with all his Ensignes and properties belonging vnto him, as a Sphere, Bookes, a Caducaeus, an Octoedron, with other Geometricall Bodies, and a Harpe in his left hand: his right hand with a golden Wand in it, poynting to the battel of Lepanto fought by the Turks, (of which his Maiestie hath written a Poem) and to doe him Honour, Apollo himselfe doth here seeme to take vpon him to describe: his word,

  Fortunate Puer.

  These were the Mutes, and properties that helpt to furnish out this great Italian Theater: vpon whose Stage, the sound of no voice was appointed to be heard, but of one, (and that, in the presence of the Italians themselues) who in two little opposite galleries vnder & within the Arch of the gate, very richly and neately hung, deliuered thus much Latine to his Maiestie:


  SALUE, REX MAGNE, salue. Salutem Maiestati tuae Itali, faelicissimum Aduentum laeti, faelices sub Te futuri, precamur. Ecce hic Omnes, Exiguimunere, pauculi Numero: Sed magni erga Maiestatem tuam animi, multi obsequij. At nec Atlas, qui Coelum sustinet, nec ipsa Coeli conuexa, altitudinem attingant meritorum Regis optimi. Hoc est, eius, quem de Teipso expressisti doctissimo (Deus!) et admirabili penicillo: Beatissimos populas, vbi & Philosophus regnat, & Rex Philosophatur. Salue, Rex nobilissime, salue, viue, Rex potentissime salua, viue, Rex potentissime, faeliciter. Regna, Rex sapientissime, faeliciter, Italioptamus omnes, Itali clamamus omnes: Omnes, omnes.

  Hauing hoysted vp our Sailes, and taken leaue of this Italian shore, let our next plac
e of casting anker, be vpon the Land of the 17. Prouinces; where the Belgians, (attired in the costly habits of their own natiue Countrey, without the fantasticke mixtures of other Nations) but more richly furnished with loue, stand ready to receyue his Maiestie: who (according to their expectation) does most gratiously make himselfe & his Royall traine their Princely ghests. The house which these Strangers haue builded to entertaine him in, is thus contriu’de.


  THE FOUNDATION OF this, was (as it were by Fate) layd neere vnto a royall place; for it was a royall and magnificent labour: It was bounded in with the houses on both sides the street, so prowdly (as all the rest also did) did this extend her body in bredth. The passage of State, was a Gate, large, asc¯eding eighteene foot high, aptly proportion’d to the other lymmes, and twelue foot wyde, arched; two lesser Posternes were for common on feet, cut out and open’d on the sides of the other.

  Within a small Freeze, (and kissing the very forhead of the Gate) the Aedifice spake thus,

  Vnicus à Fato surgo non Degener Haeres.

  Whilst lifting vp your eye to an vpper larger Freeze, you may there be enriched with these golden Capitalls,


  But bestowing your sight vpon a large Azure Table, lyned quite through with Caracters of gold, likewise you may for your paynes receiue this inscription,






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