Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker

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Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker Page 129

by Thomas Dekker


  Aboue which (being the heart of the Trophee) was a spacious square roome, left open, Silke Curtaines drawne before it, which (vpon the approch of his Maiestie) being put by, 17. yong Damsels, (all of them sumptuously adorned, after their countrey fashion,) sate as it were in so many Chaires of State, and figuring in their persons, the 17. Prouinces of Belgia, of which euery one caried in a Scutchion (excellently pencilde) the Armes and Coate of one.

  Aboue the vpper edge of this large Square Roome, and ouer the first Battlement, in another front, aduanc’d for the purpose, a square Table was fastened vpright, in which was drawne the liuely picture of the King, in his Imperial Robes; a Crowne on his head, the Sword and Scepter in his handes: vpon his left side stood a woman, her face fixed vpon his, a burning hart in her right hand, her left hanging by, a Heron standing close vnto her: vpon his other side stood vpright (with her countenance directed likewise vpon him) another woman, winged, and in a Freeze beneath them, which tooke vp the full length of this Square: this inscription set out it selfe in golden wordes:

  — Viroque Satellite Tutus.

  Suffer your eyes to be wearied no longer with gazing vp so high at those Sun-beams, but turne the¯ aside to looke below through the little Posternes: whose State sweld quickly vp to a greatnes, by reason of 2. Columnes, that supported them on either side. In a Table, ouer the right-hand Portall, was in perfect colours, drawne a Serpe¯t, pursude by a Lion: betweene them, Adders and Snakes, chasing one another, the Lion scornfully casting his head backe, to behold the violence of a blacke storme, that heauen powred downe, to ouertake them: the sound that came from all this, was thus:

  — Sequitur grauis Ira feroces.

  The opposite body to this (on the other side, and directly ouer the other Portall, whose pompe did in like maner leane vpon, and vphold it selfe by two mayne Columnes) was a square peece, in which were to be seene, Sheepe browzing, Lambes nibbling, Byrds flying in the Ayre, with other arguments of a serene and vntroubled season, whose happinesse was proclaymed in this maner,

  — Venit alma Cicuribus Aura.

  Directly aboue this, in a square Table, were portrayed two Kings, reuerently and antiquely attyrde, who seem’d to walke vpon these golden lines,

  Nascitur in nostro Regum par Nobile Rege Alter lesiades, Alter Amoniades.

  From whome, leade but your eye, in a straight line, to the other side, (ouer the contrary Posteme) and there in a second vpper Picture, you may meete with two other Kings, not fully so antique, but as rich in their Ornaments; both of them, out of golden letters, composing these wordes,

  Lucius ante alios, Edwardus, & inde IACOBVS Sextus, & hic sanxit, sextus & ille fidem.

  And these were the Nerues, by which this great Triumphall Body was knit together, in the inferiour parts of it, vpon the shoulders whereof, (which were garnished with rowes of Pilasters, that supported Lions ra¯pant, bearing vp Banners) there stood another lesser Square, the head of which wore a Coronet of Pilasters also; and aboue the¯, vpon a Pedestal, curiously closed in betweene the tayles of two Dolphins, was aduanced a Women, holding in one hand, a golden Warder, and poynting with the fore-finger of the other hand vp to heauen. She figur’d Diuine Prouidence, for so at her feete was written.

  Prouida Mens Caeli.

  Somewhat beneath which, was to bee seene an Imperiall Crowne, two Scepters being fastened (crosse-wise) vnto it, and deliuering this speach,

  — Sceptra haec concredidit vni.

  At the elbowes of this vpper Square, stood vpon the foure corners of a great Pedestall, fource Pyramides, hollow, and so neately contriu’de, that in the night time (for anger that the Sunne would no longer looke vpon these earthly beauties) they gaue light to themselues, and the whole place about them: the windowes, from whence these artificiall beames were throwne, being cut out in such a fashion, that (as Ouid, describing the Palace of the Sunne, sayes)

  Clara micante Auro, Flammas{que} imitante Pyropo,

  So did they shine afarre off, like Crysolites, and sparkled like Carbuncles: Betweene those two Pyramides that were lifted vp on the right hand, stood Fortitude; her Piller resting it selfe vpon this golden line,

  Perfero curarum pondus, Discrimina temno.

  Betweene the two Pyramides on the other side, justice challenged her place, being knowne both by her habit and by her voyce, that spake thus,

  Auspice me Dextra solium Regale pere•nat.

  Wee haue held his Maiestie too long from entring this third Gate of his Court Royall; It is now hie time, that those eyes, which on the other side ake with rolling vp and downe for his gladsome presence, should inioy that happinesse. Beholde, hee is in an instance passed thorough; The Objects that there offer themselues before him, being these:

  Our Belgick Statue of Triumph, weares on her backe, as much riches, as she caried vpon her brest, being altogether as glorious in Columnes, standing on Tip-toe, on as loftie and as proude Pyramides; her walkes encompa’st with as strong and as neate Ptlasters: the colours of her garments are as bright, her adornements as many: For,

  In the square Field, next and lowen, ouer one of the Portals, were the Dutch Countrey people, toyling at their Husbandrie; women carding of their Hemp, the men beating it, such excellent Art being exprest in their faces, their stoopings, bendings, sweatings, &c. that nothing is wanting in them but life (which no colours can giue) to make them bee thought more than the workes of Paynters.

  Lift vp your eyes a little aboue them, and beholde their Exchange; the countenaunces of the Marchants there being so liuely, that bargaines seeme to come from their lippes.

  But in stead of other speach, this is onely to bee had,



  Ouer the other Portall, in a square (proportion’d, to the bignes of those other) men, women & childre¯ (in Dutch habits) are busie at other workes: the men Weauing, the women Spinning, the children at their Hand-loomes, &c. Aboue whose heads, you may with little labour, walke into the Mart, where as well the Froe, as the Burger, are buying and selling, the praise of whose industrie (being worthy of it) stands publisht in gold, thus,


  Iust in the midst of these foure Squares, and directly ouer the Gate, in a large Table, whose feete are fastned to the Freeze, is their fishing & shipping liuely and sweetely set downe: The Skipper (euen though he be hard tugging at his Net) loudly singing this:

  Quod Celeb: hoc Emporium prudenti industria fuos,

  Quouis Terrarum Negotiatores emittat, exteros

  Humaniter admittat foris famam, domi diuitias augeat.

  Let vs now clime vp to the vpper battlementes; where, at the right hand Time standes: at the left (in a direct line) his daughter Trueth; vnder her foote is written,


  And vnder his,

  Durant. Sincera Durant.

  In the midst of these two, three other persons are rancked togeather, Art, Sedulitie, and Labour: beneath whom, in a Freeze rouing along the whole breadth of that Square, you may find these wordes in gold.

  Artes, Perfecit, Sedulitate, Labor.

  As on the foreside, so on this, and equall in height to that of Diuine Prouidence, is the figure of a Woman aduaunced: beneath whom, is an imperiall Crowne, with branches of Oliue, fixed (crosse-wise) vnto it, and giues you this word.

  Sine Caede at Sanguine.

  And thus haue we bestowed vpon you, all the dead Cullours of this Picture, (wherein not withstanding, was left so much life) as can come from Art. The speaking instrument, was a Boy, attyred all in white Silke, a wreath of Lawrell about his temples: from his voyce came this sound.

  Sermo and Regem.

  Qvae tot Sceptra tenes forti, Rex maxime, dextra,

  Prouida Mens summi Numinis illa dedit,

Aspice ridentem per gaudia Plebis Olympum.

  Reddentem et plausus ad sua verba suos,

  Tantus honos paucis, primi post secula mundi

  Obtigit, et paucis, tantum vnus incubuit,

  Nam Regere imperijs populum faelicibus vnum,

  Arduares, magnis res tamen apta viris.

  At non vnanimes nutu compescere gentes,

  Non homines pensum, sed labor ille Dei,

  Ille ideò ingentes qui temperet orbis habenas,

  Adiungit longas ad tua fraena manus.

  Et menti de mente sua praelucet, et Artem

  Regnandi, regnum qui dedit illa, docet.

  Crescentes varijs Cumulat virtutibus annos,

  Quas inter pietas, culmina summa tenet.

  Hac proauos reddis patriae, qui barbara Genti•

  Flexêre inducto Namine, corda ferae.

  Hac animos tractas rigidos, subigis{que} rebelles,

  Et leue persuades quod trahis ipse iugum,

  Illi fida comes terram indignata profanam,

  Aut nunc te tanto Regereuersa Themis.

  Assidat et robusta soror, ingentibus ausis

  Pro populo carum tradere prompta caput.

  Quin et Regis amor, musae et dilectus Apollo,

  Regali gaudent subdere plectra manu.

  Aurea et vbertas solerti nata labore,

  Exhibet aggestas Ruris et vrbis opes.

  Sunt haec dona Poli, certa quae prodita fama

  Miratum vt veniat, venit vter{que} polus,

  Venimus et Belgae, patrijs Gens exul ab oris

  Quosfouit tenero matter Eliza sinu.

  Matri sacratum, Patri duplicamus amorem,

  Poscimus et simili posse fauore frui.

  Sic Deum Panthaeci tibi proferat alitis aeuum,

  Sceptra per Iunumeros qui tibi tradit Auos,

  Sic Regina tua pars altera, et altera proles,

  Spes populi longum det, capiat{que} decus.

  Whilst the tongues of the Strangers were imployed in extolling the gracious Aspect of the King, and his Princely behauiour towardes them, his Maiestie (by the quicknes of Time, and the earnestnesse of expectation, whose eyes ran a thousand wayes to finde him) had won more ground, and was gotten so far as to S. Mildreds Church in the Poulterie: close to the side of which, a Scaffold was erected; where (at the Citties cost) to delight the Queene with her owne country Musicke, nine Trumpets, and a Kettle Drum, did very sprightly & actiuely sound the Danish march: Whose cunning and quicke stops, by that time they had toucht the last Ladyes care in the traine, behold, the King was aduaunced vp so hie as to Cheapeside: into which place (If Loue himselfe had entered, and senne so many gallant Gentlemen, so many Ladyes, and beautifull creatures, in whose eyes glaunces (mixt with modest lookes) seemde to daunce courtly Measures in their motion) he could not haue chosen, to haue giuen the Roome any other name, then, The Presence Chamber.

  The stately entraunce into which, was a faire Gate in height 18. foote. In breath 12. The thicknesse of the passage vnder it, being 24. Two Posternes stoode wide open on the two sides, either of them being 4. foote wide, and 8. foote high. The two Portals that ietted out before these Posternes, had their sides open foure seuerall wayes, and serued as Pedestalles (of Rusticke) to support two Pyramides, which stoode vpon foure great Balles, and foure great Lions: the Pedestalles, Balles, and Pyramides, deuowring in their full vpright heigth, from the ground line to the top, iust 60. foote. But burying this Mechanicke Body in scilence, let vs now take note in what fashion it stood attyred. Thus then it went appareled.


  WITHIN A LARGE Compartiment, mounted aboue the forehead of the Gate, ouer the Freeze, in Capitalles was inscribed this Title:


  Vnder that shape of Arabia, this Iland being figugured: which two names of New, and Happie, the Countrey could by no merit in it selfe, challenge to be her due, but onely by meanes of the secret influence accompanying his Maiestie wheresoeuer hee goes, and working such effectes.

  The most worthy personage aduaunced in this place, was Arabia Britannica, a Woman, attyred all in White, a rich Mantle of Greene cast about her, an imperiall Crowne on her head, and a Scepter in one hand, a Mound in the other; vpon which she sadly leaned: a rich Veyle (vnder the Crowne) shadowing her eyes, by reason that her countenaunce (which till his Maiesties approach, could by no worldly obiect be drawne to looke vp) was pensiuely deiected: her ornamentes were markes of Chastetie and Youth: the Crowne, Mound, and Scepter, badges of Soueraigntie.

  Directly vnder her in a Cant by her selfe, Fame stood vpright: A Woman in a Watchet Roabe, thickly set with open Eyes, and Tongues, a payre of large golden Winges at her backe, a Trumpet in her hand, a Mantle of sundry cullours trauersing her body: all these Ensignes desplaying but the propettie of her swiftnesse, and aptnesse to disperse Rumors.

  In a Descent beneath her, being a spatious Concaue roome, were exalted fiue Mounts, swelling vp with different ascensions: vpon which sate the fiue Sences, drooping: Viz.

  1 Auditus, Hearing.

  2 Visus, Sight.

  3 Tactus, Feeling.

  4 Olfactus. Smelling.

  5 Gustus, Taste.

  Appareled in Roabes of distinct cullours, proper to their natures; and holding Scutchions in their handes: vpon which were drawne Herogliphicall bodyes, to expresse their qualities.

  Some prettie distaunce from them (and as it were in the midst before them) an artificiall Lauer or Fount was erected, called the Fount of Arate (Vertue.) Sundry Pipes (like veines) branching from the body of it: the water receiuing libertie but from one place, and that very slowly.

  At the foote of this Fount, two personages (in greater shapes then the rest) lay sleeping: vpon their brestes stucke their names, Detractio, Obliuio: The one holdes an open Cuppe; about whose brim, a wreath of curled Snakes were winding, intimating that whatsoeuer his lippes toucht, was poysoned: the other helde a blacke-Cuppe couerd, in token of an enuious desire to drowne the worth and memorie of Noble persons.

  Vpon an Ascent, on the right hand of these, stood the three Charites or Graces, hand in hand, attyred like three Sisters.

  Aglaia, Figuring Brightnesse, or Maiestie.

  Thalia, Figuring Youthfulnes, or florishing.

  Euphrosine, Figuring Chearfulnes, or gladnes.

  They were all three Virgins: their countenaunces laboring to smother an innated sweetnes and chearefulnes, that appareled their cheekes; yet hardly to be hid: their Garmentes were long Roa•es of sundry coloures, hanging loose: the one had a Chaplet of sundry Flowers on her head, clustard heere and there with the Fruites of the earth. The seconde, a Garland of eares of Corne. The third, a wreath of Vinebranches, mixt with Grapes and Oliues.

  Their haire hung downe ouer their shoulders loose, and of a bright cullour, for that Epithite is properly bestowed vpon them, by Homer in his Himne to Apollo.


  The Bright Hayrde Graces.

  They helde in their handes pensild Shieldes: vpon the first, was drawne a Rose: on the second, 3. Dyce: on the third, a branch of Mittle.





  In a direct line against them, stoode the three Howres, to whom in this place we giue the names of Loue, Iustice, and Peace: they were attyred in loose Roabes of light cullours, paynted with Flowers: for so Ouid apparrels them.

  Conueniunt pictis incinctae vestibus Horae.

  Winges, at their feete, expressing their swiftnesse, because they are Lackies to the Sunne: lungere equus Tytan velocibus imper at Horis, Ouid.

  Each of them helde two Goblets; the one full of Flowers (as Ensigne of the Spring,) the other full of rypened Figges, the Cognisance of Summer.

  Vpon the approch of his Maiestie (sad and solemne Musicke hauing beaten the Ayre all the time of his absence, and now ceasing,) Fame speakes.


  Turne into Ice mine eye-balls, whilst
the sound

  Flying through this brazen trump, may back rebound

  To stop Fames hundred tongues, leauing them mute,

  As in an vntoucht Bell, or stringlesse Lute,

  For Vertues Fount, which late ran deepe and cleare,

  Drie, and melts all her body to a teare.

  You Graces! and you houres that each day runne

  On the quicke errands of the golden Sunne,

  O say! to Vertues Fount what has befell,

  That thus her veines shrinke vp.

  Charites Horae.

  Wee cannot tell.


  Behold the fiue-folde guard of Sence which keepes

  The sacred streame, sit drooping: neere them sleepe

  Two horred Monsters: Fame! summon each Sence,

  To tell the cause of this strange accidence.

  Heereupon Fame sounding her Trumpet; Arabia Britannica, lookes cheerefully vp, the sences are startled: Detraction and Obliuion throw off their iron slumber, busily bestowing all their powers to fill their cups at the Fount with their olde malitious intention to sucke it drie; But a strange and heauenly musicke suddainly striking through their eares, which causing a wildnes and quicke motion in their lookes, drew them to light vpon the glorious presence of the King, they were suddainly thereby daunted and sunke downe; The Fount in the same moment of Tyme, flowing fresh and aboundantly through seuerall pipes, with Milke, Wine, and Balme, whilst a person (figuring Circumspection) that had watcht day and night, to giue note to the world of this blessed Tyme, which hee foresawe would happen, steps forth on a mounted Stage extended 30. foote in length from the maine building, to deliuer to his Maiestie the interpretation of this dumbe Mysterie.

  This Presenter was a Boy, one of the Choristers, belonging to Paules.

  His Speech.

  Great Monarch of the West, whose glorious Stem,

  Doth now support a triple Diadem,

  Weying more tha¯ that of thy grand Grandsire Brute,


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